So Epic is saving PC gaming?
So Epic is saving PC gaming?
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Is that a picture of Belgian Congo?
Sounds like a regular work week in China.
Based Tim for killing the gold egg laying goose
They are just working them like the Chinese. Thanks Tencent.
No, you don't use a pickaxe to collect rubber.
>used to joke about shit like this
>now this shit is me
Fuck office life
these are news exaggerations
managers cant just replace their devs like fry cooks. It takes months for them to get up-to-speed and fully productive on the codebase.
Any other job, replaceable like a McDonalds employee
Based save owner devs!
Based chinese ambassador
and yet there are people who still support capitalism...
Why hire more people to get more man hours, when you can just make people work 100 hours a week?
haha you have no food haha
im glad that epic exists so we can have wild headlines like this
training them would deviate time away from productivity.
Welcome to the real world, kid. Work isn't all fun and games. It's time these zoomers realize what being an adult actually is.
>work isn't all fun and games
Work is no fun or games at all
I like and support the Epic Games Store because it makes Reddit fume
i support them because they make good games
Lazy fucks need to stop sleeping on the job so they can put in 168 hour work weeks.
This is not sustainable, for someone who once in his life worked 100 hours for the odd week it's life draining and the amount of sleep you get will probably give you a heart attack and you will feel like shit on the first day, more-so on the next.
They call it Fortnite because you work two weeks worth of work per week
this. If you're gonna work for a chinese employer you best be ready to work chink hours.
Yes but stressed, miserable and resentful people don't make good employees.
So them saying they treat devs better than valve was a huge lie? Holy fuck Epic shills are never coming back from this. Looking at you, Randy.
>waah, i have to work so much
This is fucking standard job practices. Get used to it.
based epic supporting developers
0/10 bait
This but unironically "oh boo hoo i only get paid 120k per year this is unfair"
>get 2 hours a day of free time including getting ready for work and eating dinner
wow, 120k really makes up for the fact you have 30 minutes a day to do what you want
>Muh weekends
Lol faggots. At least they get to sit down. They're not on their feet all fucking day running around and dealing with people
Money loses it's meaning when you have so little free time that your entire life is just going to work, eating, and going to sleep early so you can get enough sleep to handle another day at work
if they dont work, whos gonna pay for medical bills
yeah except Fornite is raking in the dough so tons of people probably want to work for them. Just saying"I worked on Fortnite" is going to be good on a resume in the future. Likewise most probably don't know about the work schedule until its too late. Long hours during Crunchtime is nothing new to the industry but Fortnite seems to be stuck in endless crunchtime for the time being so its burning people out.
Guess they better install some suicide nets on top of the building.
>muh feet
>muh dealing with people
found the food/retail worker
Aren't there like 120 hours in the week? How the fuck do you even survive with just 20 hours of personal time?
It means you have a really nice house for your wife and her bull.
Fuck them for cancelling UT4 because of their shitty zoomer game
If your work offers you "cool place to work" perks like free laptop to take home or snacks/game rooms/gym is because they expect you to work overtime and work from home.
I get a laptop at work I can take home and fucking NEVER take it with me even though it's beastly and way better than my current laptop I use every day.
Don't forget that time includes sleep!
I spend 11 hours outside my house for work and I already want to kill myself.
I can't imagine living with even less hours. I feel like I just got home and I have to sleep now even though I got home three and a half hours ago and have to sleep in an hour.
The life of a wagecuck sucks. I plan to work there for 10 more months and look for something with better hours. If I can't find it I'll probably kill myself
dimishing returns desu. at this rate the employees will have burnout like 2 weeks in
I'm a supervisor. Game devs have it easy. We're not even allowed drinks outside of the break room
so move your desk into the break room stupid
>crunch happens in every other game company
>it's just a normal part of making video games!
>crunch happens in Fortnite
I wouldn't trust a work laptop to not have spyware on it
Imagine being one of the devs who got moved from the cancelled UT4 to neverending 100 hour Fortnite crunch so kid's attentions can be held with weekly patches
That would have to fucking suck
If they work saturday and sunday then 100h/week is about 15 hours/day. After commuting, eating and sleep you have literally no free time.
Unless they fucked with something in the BIOS I doubt it. It's an off-the-shelf generic consumer model HP laptop I reformatted and installed Windows on it myself.
>in a game that's complete and relies on cheap rolling cosmetic content for money
fucking brainlet
worked for china, china numah one
How hasn't there been a mass shooting at a game dev yet. Mentally how do you do it. It makes me doubt it's true sometimes
The difference is that crunch at companies like Rockstar and CDPR at least have ends in sight - the game is going to come out, and people will move on. Fortnite crunch has no end in sight for the teams, that must be a fucking nightmare and I don't blame the devs who quit
>crunch has any implications of quality and isn't just a description of work hours per week
If it involves re-inventing slavery it is a good thing.
lmao just try for a month and you'll see hell on earth. Stupid people can BREAK ages of work made by others by doing stupid shit. And then everything for the next weeks shifts into solving the crashes and everyone wants to die.
Being on a chair for 12h a day kills your fucking legs, back, knees and neck so fucking bad. I'd rather have a healthy job standing up on my feet.
>set up somewhere with obscenely high cost of living
>don't pay enough
>employees can't afford guns
>checkmate nerds
I wanna go to Japan, so at least my wife's bull will be my son.
You can choose to sit or stand. You have it easy
Why do they need to work 100 hours a week on such a shit video game?
you can also choose to sit or stand, you're just not powerful enough to take control
Hey faggot
I'd just be paranoid about it. Not to mention I have a good enough of a desktop that taking a laptop home would be basically pointless
You're not wrong, user. But I'm mad
>it only matters when epic does it
No one except literal chink robots (ie their programmed populace) says this
Fuck China and fuck their robot bugman population
>Side with the chinese.
>People are upset you start working your employees like they're chinese.
I loved that when i worked at a call center
>We have all these sodas, teas, coffees and snacks!
>You just cant take them to your desk
>and you have to pay for them
>and you can't leave your desk unless its lunch time (30 minutes)
These companies are all staffed by noodle armed left wing nerds and they're based in places with strict gun laws.
I thought Epic was for the devs, but they treat their own devs like shit? Who would stay with them?
They probably are willing to fire them anyway.
So if this is what a RTW state is allowing, imagine how fucked they'd be if EGS was in Commiefornia where the workforce behind Sausage Party got the chinese sweatshop treatment under the stars and stripes
Are you retarded? Name one company that has crunch time post-release.
>Left winged animation majors
>Having any form of a spine
They'll take this abuse and probably watch their business majored Boss bang the one hot girlfriend an animator has
They have 0 fucking safety net, so many see this job as their only lifeline
I'd rather flip burgers than work at a call center.
Actually the standard is 40 hours a week. That is unless you live in some industrial shithole of a country with no concept of human rights.
If you don't want to work 100 hours a week then find another job where you don't have to.
I don't feel bad for retards because they always have a choice.
>Not cited: The 2 month introductory sessions people are currently undergoing for the eventual replacements needed in 2 months
started me off at 17/hr guaranteed 40 hours and all i had to do was get yelled at by old people over a phone
Was exhausting but i played chess, read books, and flirted with all the girlfriends and wives who "wanted a job too"
What's the justification for having the entire job based around talking, but now allowing you to have water at your desk?
Yeah, no. Crunch is specifically that period prior to gold phase where they finish the peoduct.
Because dumb fucks were spilling their drinks all over the desk, keyboard, PC, phone, etc. That equipment ain't cheap.
How will epic shilling commies ever recover?
Hotel Employee here, love my job except for the pay and standing on your feet. I don't know why hotels have such sporadic standards, what the fuck do you gain by having us stand in one spot all day.
Tranny types that are shilling Epic and are vocal against steam are also very vocal against crunch , but only about companies they don't like.
Lets see how they feel about this
Hate to say it but its not just office life. I'm a Millwright and we regularly work 70-80 weeks. Seems like its more and more common these days wherever you go.
This is the thing that people who are more right leaning and more staunch defenders of capitalism(see late stage capitalism and their stupid view that social democracies are somehow not capitalism) don't understand. Most people don't care that they can buy a flat screen for $300 they're pissed because most jobs unofficially require you to live at work. People would be more happy with less shit and more time with loved ones. But people are dumb and jobs won't let you work less even if you want to. Unless you want part time in which case goodbye any decent pay, stability or benefits. The 40 hour work week is dead.
Have you seen what the average dev looks like? The closest mass shooting you'll ever see is that lady who shot up YouTube, didn't hit a single person, then killed herself.
The amount of times I've spilled drinks on my own keyboard and shit is like less than 10 in my entire life. They should at least allow bottled water
What user said
as the cover story, but realistically there was always a manager in the lounge watching free TV, and if you stuck around too long they'd approach you and try to casually ask you what the fuck you're doing
But according to my old manager, before the company got absorbed, it was a huge lounge area where people got to kick back for about an hour if you were an 5-8 or 2 hours if you were 4-10, and they had a ton more stuff that new management sold off, kept for closed doors, or scrapped
free tibet
I don't get why it's hard for people to understand that paid exclusivity hurts the average gamer. It takes away choice and competition, and unless you pirate the game it's not going to go on sale fucking ever
Have fun finding a decent career that doesn't expect you to live at work. Anything that pays well pretty much expects more than the 40 hour work week. Anything that is ok with 40 or less pays so shit you have to work more than 40 to stay afloat. This is why people are getting angry in today's society.
I basically gave up on buying Metro Exodus. First I wanted to get one of the physical special editions, turns out that's no longer a thing. Then I just wanted digital copy, but I have to get it with their bloatware.
>work 100 hour weeks
>gunplay is still fucking trash
No sympathy for them.
>Have fun finding a decent career that doesn't expect you to live at work.
I already have because I'm not underage.
id rather kill myself than have to work that much
this is just pr spin, it's total croc. If you are told to work and you're salary tough shit bitch. If you're hourly and you don't get paid, you can sue, and good luck if you tried.
Also who the fuck cares, video game development is code monkey level of work. This translates to nothing tangible except for this decade's faddest fad.
>work for company making hottest game for kids and teens
>get upset when the success of the company is really just how hard the employees slave away at their assignments, other than the facade of making a fun game for kiddies alike.
It's literally the same thing: Everyone wants to win, but some people just practice harder in the pre-season.
This, working as a teacher is a double edged sword
Getting close to 60k next year (cuckwage i know), but you have to show up an hour before class, and leave AT Least an hour after. Have to be "imaginative" with your content despite having a gov site that has every lesson already formatted, and you have to spend your off period calling pissy parents explaining why their ball of joy can't comprehend shit
At least as an animation dev your higher ups have no clue what the fuck you're doing between the lines, so as long as your Maya, 3DMax or whatever main window is up, you get to dick around
this doesn't matter if they are consistently cycling people in through training programs
I'm a 28 year old Millwright. I work a job that pays more than yours and requires me to be less of a bitch than you. But it also requires me to work, a lot. I'm quite well off but I can see the flaws our current society has and know many people, good hard working people, who aren't as lucky as me. But go ahead being a self centered little bitch who thinks just because they were fortunate there's no problem with the system.
if you're going to work your ass off might as well work at Amazon for way more pay
fortnite is a game as a service, dipshit
60k a year sounds pretty good if you get the summer off. Or do you have to teach summer school as well?
How can a population of people be so cucked that they think this is normal and vehemently argue FOR working insane hours? This is literally battered housewife syndrome shit
Nah they offer you 2 months + a stipend for summertime
So for me it'd be ~9 gross, ~7.5k realistically
Americans love working themselves to death though.
Same as the chinks, the koreans and the japs.
Feel your pain cuz I got a friend who's a teacher and I know the struggle. However I have another friend who's a game dev and although he's now a project lead he still works 70-80 weeks most of the time. You really don't get to dick around. You're so expendable in game dev and its such a revolving door, their tolerance for dickery is very low, unless you work at one of the very very very few decent companies out there. Though those are usually small and don't hire much.
Reddit is owned by China
It really depends on the code quality and how managers distribute tasks.
You can task a rookie dev into developing a small isolated module without him knowing what it is for.
The company I work at does that all the time with interns.
>I work a job that pays more than yours and requires me to be less of a bitch than you.
>No one spoke up about crunch time before epi
Speak for yourself. I work as a private contractor on a base managing the security of comms. Straight 40 hour work week for me, super lenient time off. Can ask any time off I want, I have not been rejected the request yet. Even same day requests to just leave early. Shit's great.
They pay you a fuck ton because your general population gets maimed or dies left and right
I work close with OSHA, your people and my people are not friends
>network associate
>getting paid more than that already
>cap for associate is over 40/Hr
>still two more promotion positions.
>can always transfer to a different company for more money.
feels good to be in IT.
Why aren't they working 160 hours a week? Lazy fucking zoomers not respecting their jobs like the based generation did. So what if you get fired? Go to another job, go inside there and give the manager a firm handshake while giving a smile. It's that fucking easy. Stop being so obsessed with social media and internet because its the reason you become sad and work less harder.
Those spoiled fucks......
Isn't it already public knowledge that the more you make, the less you work? CEO of my company literally sits in his office every day just eating and sending emails.
Where do you guys work that they are forcing these ridiculous hours on you? I work Security in Washington State and they're super anal if you get even a few minutes over 40 hrs or if you show up to work with a sniffle. Also they have to let us know within a certain amount of time if they need us to cover. Only jobs I heard that are rough on your time are Amazon dude and truck driver.
Just reading the hours you guys work though is bumming me out. 4 10s with 3 weekends and enough time to lift is pretty nice.
only battle royale game to actually double down on their success and create lots of content while the game is hot, sucks for devs but if they don't have revenue share/incentives they are suckers anyway.
Why is this even happening?
I understand why it happened in RDR 2's case because it was a massive game with a lot of content, but fortnite doesn't really have that much
And isn't new content only released every month or so?
You ever work in a steel mill? You ever work an 18 hour shift swinging a sledge hammer while straddling an I beam 60 feet in the air while your friend holds a pin with a diameter of about 3" that you have to hit? Or crawl on your back underneath thousands of pounds of machinery in sweltering heat to torch off bolts, not being able to move when one falls on your leg and starts burning through your clothes?
Its a hard fucking job but we make about 100K doing it at least.
There's a guy at my work who has a second job at mcdonalds and between both jobs he pulls 80 or more hours. I don't know how the fuck he does it, and why he sounds happy with the amount of hours too
When can we expect the suicide nets to be installed outside the building?
Another hypocrisy of /v.
When it's japan , it's ok.
Stop whining and get a better job, bitchtits.
name one japanese game that is constantly on crunchtime even after being "released" that Yea Forums defends
Fortnite updates every fucking week m8
The enormous seasonal patches are every 2 months, I think. It's easy to see why their entire Fortnite developer team is on permanent crunch.
>CEO and upper management doesn't actually do anything
No shit.
A highly paid worker still has to work all day though.
I mean you're not wrong. That's what I meant by it requiring me to be less of a bitch. You gotta be on the ball all the time.
My problem with the work isn't the actual work, its the unspoken law that they want us to work overtime constantly. I love my job, I just wish they would let me do it 40 hours a week and go home. But in so many industries today you get blackballed and seen as lazy or get un-offical punishments for doing that. Either they make you quit or they start looking for reasons to get rid of you. Whether you work in an office or a mill or most industries these days this is the new norm.
I have too many friends in webhosting and networking
They tell me it's okay, but the few times i visit them they have a chad manager telling them to do their work, or the actual CEO is dumping all the blame on them and stealing their glory
>A better job
Manual trade jobs are top kino jobs with top kino pay, you just have to pay the fuck attention to when your GC or Manager wants you to do a risky task, and then you snitch on him or get a green bitch to do it
Sounds good to me.
Capitalism, bitches.
Find me a job that pays more than 100K a year then. This is the problem. You either work 60 plus hours a week and make bank. Or you work 40 hours a week and struggle to survive. Yeah sure some people get lucky, but by in large this is what happens to most people. Just fucking look around you and listen to the talk that goes on. People aren't happy about it, the 40 hour work week is dead and faggots like you just say "bootstraps" and ignore the glaringly obvious problems in front of their faces.
nobody defends fortnite
Fuck devs and fuck all waggies
Such is the life of manual labor. That's always been a fact of manual labor. Should get a more comfy job and pull your head out of your ass, user.
>he's proud of being a slave
Can't wait until all boomers are dead
I work 40 hours a week and just bought my own house with the pay left over after 35% of my checks get distributed into various savings accounts and retirement funds. Stop whining.
>their bloatware
it's a wrapper for a web page bro
>game devs have it easy
Leave it to a retail worker to be illiterate. A 100 hour work week means they are either sleeping, working, getting ready/driving to work, or fulfilling the most basic human needs such as eating. Your 20 hour work week is not magically harder just because your autism makes talking to people difficult.
40 hours is considered part time. You would know this if you had an actual job
wow wtf
Yes but your point was that Yea Forums would defend a japanese game that did this, or that they already have
I asked you to name one.
>"Muh Bootstraps"
Just keep telling yourself that as people grow more and more discontent.
White collar jobs are fucking dead, every millennial thought they would be a white collar worker and the market is flooded as fuck and the only jobs available require you to live at work.
>anything less than 100k is "struggling to survive"
You either live in an overpriced urban shithole or you're one of those millenial retards that bitch about how they can't afford health insurance while they buy the new iphone every year and two starbucks coffees every day.
I work from home and supposedly work 40 hrs a week but it's more like 50 also I sometimes have to answer calls and do shit after hours. I save >50% of my income, maxed my IRA 401k and have a taxable investment account I throw $24k a year into. It's shitty that this is life now that the internet is a thing. I doubt the US is going to restrict workplace overreach any time soon but I guess the bright side is my company pays for my internet and phone service bad news is I can tether and use my laptop even if my power is out and they know it and if I whine they tell me to drive to the other side of town and set up camp in a coffee shop that has power or something. Is that enough whining for you? Fuck work.
Its making an example. If you see someone stand up to this shit and then just get fired, you're not likely to do it yourself. Really simple shit.
>work in information assurance
>maintain comsec material, standard compliance, and accountability
>work static 40 hours with optional, pressure-free overtime
>not a real job
>less than 13k/yr in living expenses
Man someone is real delusional about their job. I mean I guess I would be too if I had to convince myself I don't have it so bad compared to other people but this is another level of mental gymnastics.
>I know what's best for people
the OP is about white collar workers having to work OT and shit why did you go right to manual labor? it happens in the office just as bad with manual labor you actually leave work when you're no longer there.
>White collar jobs are fucking dead
Factually incorrect statement.
i can't but thinking there is no games would be pretentious.
Japan don't have service game except gatcha shit.
>Manual trade jobs aren't as important as my job
He's a millwright, user. Weren't you following the conversation?
Because these are the same people that used the MUH DEVS excuse to defend their shitty platform
The issue lie with the US generally not having extensive worker rights fullstop, not game devs lacking unions.
I said nothing about manual jobs you fucking retard.
>be american
>work 48 hour work weeks for gov job
>move to Aus for same job (still usa imployed)
>make the same money, same benifits and ilk
>but now I work 30 hours a week
Somthing is wrong with the U.S. I'll tell you what
1989 Tienanmen Square Massacre
11-12 weeks for big patches cause they do 10 full weeks of Challenge bullshit and then tack on an extra 6-12 days to the end so people can "finish up" and such.
Just get a job somewhere else, punk. You are not entitled to have someone else building up a successful company to hand you a job, kiddo.
What? Oh gee, you fell for the communist propaganda that you have "rights" to something? Positive rights might I call them. No you don't. You don't have a right to make other people own you something. Those are not called rights, those are called terms of a contract. And contracts are binding to the parties of the agreement only. What is that, "social contract"? Sure, the civil society exists so people that have share interests can create an environment to pursue those goals, social contract is not about bums like you to get free stuff, got it?
The only real rights are negative rights, which it is the right to not suffer the will or action of other people, even a majority.
That's why you have that beautiful piece of paper called the Fucking Constitution. It exists to protect your real rights from the tyranny of a majority.
Oh, you live in a third world shithole, or a maybe a phony European socialist country that doesn't have to spend on defense because American workers pay for it with their tax money? Well, maybe that's why you can't understand the concept of liberty, because you probably don't even live under a Republic.
But yeah, you want guaranteed jobs? Guaranteed pay? Do you want that for every worker that produces every stuff you want to buy? Well that means you gonna have a lot less of what you need dumbass, because price control creates only poverty. Why do you think Canadians can barely buy meat these days? Yeah, socialism rules. LOL.
You missed the part where you have 10x more purchasing power in the US
Why do you desire to be a slave?
>Employees who are displeased with 996 should not be labeled slackers. Their needs should be considered.
Jesus fuck Chinese government really going after these evil predatory corporations! I'm sure now they've said what should happen it'll happen, right?
>it's the gamer's job to care about the devs
If he is still under US employ he'd still be earning USD.
Why is twitter so degenerate?
Pro tip, you also think you know what's best for people. That whole right wing idea about not making choices for people is a lie. When you vote you're saying "the people I support know whats best and should make the choices that affect everyone". What you're really saying is "I'm fine and I don't care about anyone else so let them figure it out for themselves." ignoring everything in your life that put you into the situation you are in and instead taking credit for all of it as though 80% of it wasn't circumstance or birth and community.
Now before you make any assumption, I'm not actually very left leaning at all. I'm fairly center if not slightly right of the center. I'm voting conservative in the upcoming Canadian election because Trudeau is a fucking retard. But I work with enough retards like you. Cookie cutter conservatives who completely lack any ability to be self reflective and honest.
nigger. I will shit on koei tecmo and konami 24/7 for free
No one works 100 hour weeks. This is sensationalist nonsense.
based on co workers in sydney and the damn rent I have my doubts on that.
Do it once a month every month. Shit is miserable. Gotta swing twelve whole hours in the middle of it too, so it's basically a 7 straight but you've got one day where you're braindead as fuck from sleep deprivation. As a trade-off you get 7 days off but 2-3 are mostly just recovering from the assfucking you took, and getting ready for the next one. And I'm anal about sleep, some of my co-workers go out and mingle doing this shit. Probably why it's one of the more dangerous fields. Worst part is the OT is based on the 7-off so you make 8x1.5 every two weeks instead of 8/32/8 or however you could work it out to benefit the worker.
Companies only get away with this because lemmings like you agree to it. If workers had any brains they would say no when asked to be a slave. Mommy government shouldn't need to step in and hold aim your dingaling for you. You should be a man and stand up for yourself.
>or you're one of those millenial retards that bitch about how they can't afford health insurance while they buy the new iphone every year
>if you didnt spend a few hundred dollars a year you would have the thousands necessary for proper healthcare, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps
If we're talking about living standards then it's irrelevant. I'm sure there are Aussies doing the same job over there getting payed in AUS, in which case the fewer hours directly translates to less purchasing power.
yeah let's all talk about our 100 hour work weeks while we spend tuesday night on Yea Forums. are you that stupid?
14+ hours a day, 7 days a week?
Yeah. Some people do. I don't know about the Fortnite developers explicitly, but the way they can shit out major bug-fix patches within a day's time if something bad crops up, I'm inclined to believe it.
America is unrivaled in purchasing power, no other Western country comes close.
lol look at this fucking faggot, holy shit.
oh that explains everything, nvm.
And then...
Nobody hires you.
I can't be a slave if I get to have a saying on the price of my labor, and the value of my wealth. I can only have that in a free market. Otherwise I would delegate that to politicians and oligarchs.
Do you want politicians to decide the price of your work? How much you can buy and sell?
You can only be a slave if you stop making those decision by yourself.
So let me mirror your question. Why do you desire to be a slave?
>refuse to work weekends
>claim to still be working 100 hour work weeks
Game devs have absolutely garbage conditions. Even a lot of great games had absolutely trash working conditions. At Westwood, the management was harmful to the company. The only reason the older C&C games made it out and made it out in high quality is because everybody involved as a team was very dedicated to it and had a passion. Pretty much all the cool new shit you see was developed off the clock, and playtesting was off the clock too. If you were caught playtesting on company time you were shit on and disciplined. The only reason they came out well were because the team developed off company time and playtested off company time.
Game devs have it really fucking bad. Which is why I'll never work as a game dev unless it's my own project or it's something I have a burning passion for. Which effectively mean I'll never work as a game dev.
I mean sure the living expenses might be more, but the USD is still pretty strong vs the AUD so you'll only really see the difference in the long run.
You can always build your own company and hire people to work 25 hours a week.
Nothing is stopping you.
The US is 19th in per capita PPP
3rd in GDP PPP
im willing to bet money that you are under 20.
They get overtime right? Why not tough it out until you've earned an extra year's worth of salary and then quit and look for another job?
Damn, nice counter-point
Reading comprehension doesn't exist where you're from, does it?
I'm not addressing the OP.
You have no say in the price of your labor, stop deluding yourself
So make your own way. Why do you need to be a part of someone else's business. Start your own business. Invent something, invest, become an e-thot, whatever. There are so many ways to make money all it takes is some balls.
Maybe they should quit
If you aren't working 60+ hours a week then I am sorry but you're a part timer. dems the breaks
And I was. Fuck off, cunt.
Why hire the person who knows their worth when they can get lemmings like you who will so passively take it anyway because they're conditioned to? Of course they won't. They won't because you enable it.
I know what's best for people: people making as many decisions for their own lives as possible.
Do you agree with me or do you believe their should some decisions only an elected elitist cabal should be allowed to make for everyone? If yes, who, and which decisions?
I don't actually care, go to /pol/ and spew your BS there.
when ever someone points it out they get called a commie or someone wants a handout.
it really blows my mind that people are so easily manipulated by propaganda.
That's how you get results. Do you think the roman legions at Alesia were like: "we won't be building the defenses on sunday because that's our free day"?. No, they got the job done
Implying that giant corporate lobbyist cock doesn't crush anyone who wants to start their own business. Being a small business owner is hell. 80% of businesses will fail and of the 20% that don't, most will be pulling absolutely insane hours for years until the thing finally becomes stable.
My dad ran his own business his whole life. You sound like some 20 year old business major who hasn't actually had to live in the real world yet.
>just go a few years without healthcare or any income
great advice
you are a troll, a child, or you were born into wealth. There is no other reasonable explanation for someone saying something so intensely retarded.
The american dream is a hell of a drug.
>you can be ANYTHING!
>*you can't actually be anything
people dont get that this used to be industry standart forever.
People at Rare report similar worktimes, weekends included in interviews.
But they did it because they loved what they were doing, had comfy team sizes and a great workplace culture.
They way teams and gamemaking in general is handled now is the actual problem. Not the ungodly work hours. Ask any first year doctor
when i worked at amazon you were not even allowed to work more than 60 hours or some really bad shit went down yet people say amazon is shit to work for.
he's konda right you know. with the right idea, drive and some intelligence you can achieve quite a lot if you're willing to take risks
Workers rights isn't like some super socialist thing like free healthcare, its pretty basic shit.
Of course I do, all the time. And so do you. When you got buy food, can you choose the one you like the most? Because it's cheaper, or better, or leaner, or for whatever the reason? Of course you do, because you have options.
That's you deciding the price of your labor my ignoramus young friend. The more stuff you buy, the more the wealth generated by your labor has value.
When you choose what to learn, what to be trained at, your trade, your university degree, where you will get your first job, when you apply for different companies, that's you deciding the value of your labor.
Of course, you don't get to decide alone. If it was the case you would just be the richest person in the world right. But if you didn't get to make any decision, you would just work for free. The options you have, more you get to decide the value of your labor, that's why you want to live in a free market, and the more free it is, the better the deal you'll get.
I never once argued for people to be having choices made for them. I argued that the 40 hour work week was dead and that among many other factors corporate lobbying has made fewer and fewer jobs that pay living wages and only require 40 hours a week. I believe that a government without lobbyist dick shoved up their ass should do more to protect workers and the middle class. That as well as create social programs that support those either down on their luck or the bottom rungs of society as any decent modern democratic country should do. As the west did in the golden era of capitalism.
goes hand in hand with
Rome got destroyed by hordes of barbarians who raped more than built things
Go on patreon, gofundme, youtube, etc. See all of the people make insane amount of money doing lack diddly squat. You just need to find a niche and exploit it. If you need some start up capital, Gofundme. If that doesn't work, try again. I'm not saying everyone will succeed, but if you never try, why should anyone feel bad that you wound up a slave?
>Sign up for at-will employment
>Be shocked when you're let go at-will
It's not a company's job to focus on your well being. Don't get me wrong, a lot of places -should- focus on their employee's well being in order to maintain better productivity, but if you're not willing to play ball with what they need, they're within their rights to drop you and find someone who will.
They don't owe you shit, the bottom line is to make money, not babysit your ass when you don't feel like doing your job.
because you don't code produced by someone who's mentally drained
>capitalism waa waa waa.
Cringe, get a job high schooler
What's what he said.
Both useless measurements. Go to a grocery store in Washington then go to a grocery store in BC. Video games cost $100 in Australia.
Yeah, 500 years later
At-will employment is exactly why USA IS NUMBER 1
Yeah, but fucking Banjo Kazooie didn't get weekly content updates. Devs could at least look at that release date as a sign that the crunch would eventually end. The fact that Epic has crunch isn't really newsworthy, it's the fact that their crunch NEVER ENDS. This is like AAA crunch weeks before going gold, but infinite to make more skins and whacky overpowered weapons each week.
"all the people" you do know for every single person on patreon or youtube who is making money there are 10,000 people who tried and failed. Its the modern equivalent of thinking your band is gonna make it big. That's how you sound, telling someone that if they want to make money they should go be a rock star.
t. literally never participated in the job market
>drive and some intelligence you can achieve quite a lot if you're willing to take risks
that is the key word here. Of course it can lead to amazing results, but that isnt the standard and its certainly unreasonable to expect of the average person. Its nonsense to tell more than 3/4'ths of the population to become successful entrepreneurs in order to lead a decent life. I hope i dont need to explain why thats insane on almost every conceivable level
user the government should force companies to hire and keep me employed and provide me benefits. They have billions of dollars, they can afford it.
You know you could have wrote all of that without the double spaces right? You would have sufficiently separated all ideas for readability but kept them together as they are all directly related to each other but without taking up unnecessary space and making it less intuitive to read, right? Just making sure you understand what you're doing and what you could have done.
>people think spending 100 hours a week on a computer is hard labor
Lol, i'm sure they'll live if they have to spend less time on facebook and more time working on a game.
God I hate chinks
Dumb Roman wagies were so tired from being overworked they made their water pipes out of lead, real nice civilization you got there
wait.. I thought china was communist. shouldn't it be all about your workers and not punishing them?
>t. dumb blue collar worker who never tried in high school and will be replaced by a robot
Of course it is hell when you have politicians with enormous amount of legislative power being bought by giant corporations and interests, who in return get protected by thpse politicians via legislation and regulations.
The solution to this problem can't be giving more power to the government to meddle in the economy. This will simply result in those corporations that buy politicians today to just buy more politicians tomorrow.
You shouldn't have to be bill gates to live comfortably on 40 hours. 20 years ago this was completely standard and there's no reason we can't go back to that. The only reason we can't is because those who profit off the backs of others are doing better than they were then and they spend money to insure we don't.
China is "communist".
Not him but with choice comes risk. That's the cost of having choice. You either don't have the confidence in having the privilege of having that choice, or you have no skills worth shit. Either way it's your fault.
Not an argument.
Couldn't expect more for an obvious brain-washed ignoramus.
Hope you learned something, tool.
You're right. And when your hand gets smashed to a million pieces at work they should just be able to let you go. Not their problem, the world doesn't owe you anything.
You know our ancestors fought against this shit for a reason right?
So your message is to just give up? Don't make any attempt to be exceptional. Just hang your head in shame as you spend 80% of your god given life in a corporate slave box. Just be happy you can go back to that closet you call an apartment and fall asleep watching the latest Marvel shit flick. You don't have to think this way. You are a human being, and you are the only one who gets to decide your future.
This is why facebook and twitter are going nuts with the censorship shit. They know their businesses are volatile and in a few years something completely new will come up and they will go the myspace way. They are basically begging, baiting for strong regulation to social media so it will be harder for future and ongoing smaller businesses to comply.
I wonder (((who))) told them to do that
I get what you're saying but people at Rare were working like this all the time. Just look at how many games they produced in the n64 lifespan alone. They had different teams yes, but every team was working all the time.
Also at rare, the teams werent allowed to interfere with each other in work time or share software. They all wrote their own engines.
this was to promote healthy competition between teams and pushing eachother to make great products
you dont know anything about roman culture or practices. It would take paragraphs to properly explain how comically retarded what you said was and you arent worth it. Stop talking about history if you dont know any faggot.
This. Regulations are bought and paid for my the corporations they pretend to regulate. They are competition killers. If you want true freedom, a free market is essential.
I's just a dumb example, chill virgin
I assume he either buys a whole lot of shit he probably doesn't need, or is shackled to a wife and a bunch of kids
>dude just start a successful business, its not like thats hard
go fuck yourself you fucking retard
Anyone who plays fortnite think this is embarrassing? I think they suck as developers after reading this. Game is basically the same except emotes and skins. And StW is in shambles and other projects got cancelled. Mangers should be ashamed that this is all they got done in 1.5 years of crunch
Fucking this
People listen to Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson once and think that by telling everyone to start their own business they've solved everything, ignoring the fact that yes, most people are average and you can't expect that of the general population, its naive as fuck. Unless you actually think that the middle class shouldn't exist and the average person should work more than 40 hours a week(the amount our badass war fighting ancestors you love to suck off when its convenient for your narrative, fought for) then you're a retard because that's how you get angry mobs. Its in capitalism's best interest to ensure that wealth is at least somewhat distributed amongst its working class so that everything runs smoothly.
>that's why you want to live in a free market, and the more free it is, the better the deal you'll get.
Gee... No wonder USA is truly the scum of the earth.
>A religion that didn't even exist yet told romans to be retarded
Sorry dumbass, learn some history
Sure they do, it's called worker/job insecurity. Most people are (rightly) under the impression that their employers can decide to a great extent their success, internally and externally. It's technically illegal to tell a prospective employer that an ex-employee was X, Y, Z - they're only allowed to tell them that you worked there and that you were terminated or quit. But how can you enforce that as a government entity, and more importantly how can you prove your employer stepped beyond those boundaries?
So now your company has you by the balls and if you fuck up you lose your job and they can fuck with your future prospects, right? Do you think they're going to perform well to insure their future isn't compromised both immediately and in the future? Fucking right they will. They won't do great work, and they won't be happy, but they will go out of their way to make quotas and deadlines to avoid anything actionable. At that point you just need to integrate rules that act as umbrella conditions and turn everything into an actionable feat.
>cost 800k for a commercial lot with a shop on it in BFE
>god knows how much into escrow
>30-40k for fleet vehicles
>2k/y for commercial fleet insurance
>20k/y for each FT employee at the minimum
Unless you're hyper-successful as an artisanal soap maker, working from home, you're as good as fucked. And your pretty necklace business will probably never even come close to living income.
Those delusions of grandeur are going to leave you stripped down and burnt out homie. That ship you're talking about, that manifest destiny shit, that sailed about a hundred years ago. I'm even going to go ahead and guess you're one of the millennials that think they'll be millionaires on day, but that's plainly wrong.
He's really dumb and smokes constantly and gets a massage with a happy ending at least once a week
Your all so stupid
>I don't know what you said at all so I'm going to baselessly extrapolate to invalidate your position
But who's the retard here really? You don't have to answer to me, user, you only have yourself to answer to. I just hope, for your sake, you're honest.
Moar like State Regulated Capitalism, my fren.
Anti monopoly regulations and other things like breaking up banks that are too big are what they had to do to fix shit after the great depression. Have you ever seen any experiment when people really try out full libertarianism shit falls apart horribly. There need to be some state enforced regulations. Building code and most trade required laws were written in fucking blood and if you want to see what happens when you get rid of them all your have to do is look at 3rd world shit holes. Its not some free market utopia. Its some dumb fuck hiring the lowest bidder who makes a shit building that collapses in and kills a bunch of kids. But the guy who hired them doesn't care because they weren't his kids and he made a quick buck.
>A religion that didn't even exist
dude they don't even let me breath unless told to, you got it easy
i dont think its reasonable to ask every person who is struggling to become a successful entrepreneur. If that is your superscription fr poverty then i stand by my assessment that you are a fucking retard
Holy shit can you read?
it would still be a bad game
Why would you start a brick and mortar store these days? Just because you can't come up with a good idea doesn't mean nobody else can. You are demoralized my friend. You don't need to be a millionaire to be happy and free. There are people living in the garbage dumps of Tijuana that are more fulfilled than you.
They're authoritarian capitalists who use their legions of bug people to flood the world with chinkshit.
They interviewed like 10 QA/CS people, nearly all of which are contracters and not full-time employees, not to mention the positions that they're writing about have literally no skill or education requirements. The one FTE that they quote in the article says he has no crunch and Epic is an ideal employer.
Epic employees do work on average more than 40 hours but most of it is because people want to keep being #1 and getting huge bonuses.
what kind of mindset do you have to be in to think commnism will eliminate crunch, like they think they will get just as much work done without crunch, or I guess it's that they won't have crunch and things will work out mostly okay just by extended the work to later dates, cause you just have to imagine the people who thought this could work out just live in some magical fairy dream land where dreams and good hopes are all you need to get stuff done
It's not about literally every single person becoming and entrepreneur. It's about thinking for yourself for fucks sake.
You better start reading a bit more
your complaints are all over the place and don't really address anything immediately poignant
It's almost like they're mentally ill.
I completely agree. I work in a warehouse and we have to work until we are done.
I never said to give up at all. How about instead of accepting the horrible fucking society you live in you work to change it instead of succeed despite it? I work my job and I spend what free time I have volunteering. Because I know there I will meet other people who actually give a fuck about other people who are hard working and dedicated and organized. I talk with those people about these issues and we all talk about what to do about it and we try to raise awareness in our communities. From here you try to vote in someone locally who isn't terrible. And so on and so forth. The same way our ancestors did shit when they wanted change. But most people don't want to do that, they want to sit at home on twitter and yell at eachother. Most super left people are just lazy "artists" who want free money for drawing fan fiction. But on the flip side most super right wing guys are insecure chodes who wan't to feel better than other people. But I don't give up hope that there's enough sane people out there, you just can't look on the internet.
That seems much more sane to me than praying your fucking streaming channel is gonna be the one to get big. Not only that but hoping it also won't go tits up in 3 years leaving you with no skills or work to fall back on.
>>cost 800k for a commercial lot with a shop on it in BFE
Just produce and sell stuff people want through amazon, or ebay.
Think what do the people that you know, relatives, neighbors, etc, want or need.
Knock on every door on your street, say hello with a smile and tell them you are willing to start a businesses, and wanted to know if there is something they need they can't get, or it too expensive, or not good enough. Maybe they need someone to do some menial thing, but even menial job can be lucrative if there is high demand and low offer.
See if you can deliver that to them.
That's how you make money in a free society, that's the only way to make money without stealing from others. You enrich yourself while enriching others. The other way is stealing, by being a criminal or a politician.
Not really. More like it is killing Fortnite.
Then Epic game store will be collapsed. Chinks, get fucked.
>I spend what free time I have volunteering. Because I know there I will meet other people who actually give a fuck about other people who are hard working and dedicated and organized.
kek. I've volunteered, most people are retired or unemployed and doing it cos theyre bored
I refuse to believe that for this many people working 60+ hours a week is normal. Your country is truly fucked.
you got a degree or something, I haven't been able to find a 40 hour week job for a couple years now, not since Amazon fired me like 6-7 years ago, the only people who'd want you to stick to your job all day are skilled jobs I'd assume, I've never gotten any opportunity for anything like that though, it's funny to see people complain that's all that exists now, I take these nightmare jobs of yours in a hearbeat
But they didn't lay the golden egg. They simply stole it and made one of their own. Tim steals anything he can.
This desu.
Worked at Rockstar North for 5 years, was on 70+ hour weeks for all but a few months. During crunch, we hired in night-shift testers who'd use your desk while you slept, then you'd take over from them in the morning. The computers and consoles would be on 24/7 for months.
My desk buddy told me all the air con would go off at 1am and within about an hour everybody was drowsy from the heat. Literal sweat shop lmao
I loved it though, some laugh.
worse of all they can't Union
If you could think for yourself then maybe you would realize any society that wants to function and not burn to the ground needs to be able to adequately take care of and keep the masses content. As that is clearly not happening that is a problem so a solution to that needs to be found. So as a solution being an entreprenure isn't a good one for most people. And sure even if you "think for yourself" and succeed this is still going to be a problem and at that point you will be one of the people getting the Ire of the working class and you will need to think of a better solution then. So you might want to be able to tell them something better than "go be an entrepreneur"
You could learn to code in a couple of months and find a junior job? That's what I did at least. It's getting really crowded though, so start sooner, rather than later.
I wish we'd get together as a collective and purge these motherfuckers from existence. Strangle those motherfuckers by their bootstraps, the lot of them.
I should have had a family and a house by now, I can't get this time back that I've wasted on this wageslave treadmill and it's their fault.
>source: my ass
I work for Epic, does anyone have questions about why this article is dumb?
This is it lads.
This is the start of the gaming crash. Once the higher ups can't make easy money anymore they'll move on to something else.
Gaming will go back to an enthusiast hobby.
Fucking finally.
If you vote for change you are doing it wrong. The government can't do anything right by definition, so you shouldn't delegate to it the progress of society.
Do you know why leftists hate successful people and businesses? Not the crony ones or oligarchs, the billionaire sport professionals, or the media giants, oh no they love these ones. I mean the real people that build a fortune from scratch and revolutionized society. They hate them because they are proof that the civil society can work, change and get better by itself. And it doesn't need parasitic professional politicians telling people how to live their lives.
No, you vote for the people that will keep the government as it is as much as you can. Society evolves, not government.
You're right, most are. But over a few years of doing it consistently you will every so often meet someone who isn't. And you slowly build up contacts. Anything worth doing in life is hard and requires constant slow and steady dedication. I never said it was something that happens overnight. Again, this to me is still a more sane solution than naively thinking you'll be the one to make it big amongst millions, you've got the next amazon tucked away in your head. And at least if I don't succeed my way I'll have a strong community behind me, people who I know care about others. Ever spend time with the super snarky "self made man" crowd? They're usually cunts who only care about themselves.
I want to change it as well. But the only way to change a society, is to change it's people. Government laws and regulations do not help anyone. They are made to help the corporations not the people. People need to be educated about their power as workers and also as consumers. I don't want every single person to be an entrepreneur, I want them to have respect for themselves. If you are getting screwed over, don't stand for it. None of these things that are oppressing you can function without your permission.
It's an example. What the fuck business ideas do you have that aren't nothing but supermassive risks spotted with money pits? Gonna start a new online retail chain? A new auction site? You gonna start up a commercial freeze-dry business without a warehouse? You can't do shit without a lawyer these days. You'll be taking out huge loans unless you're peddling Python scripts to 12 year olds trying to get a Victory Royale, and by god you could get sued doing that shit these days. You're not going to move merchandise without having somewhere to put it. You won't start a restaurant without jumping through a dozen different hoops to get certified. Might as well go make some soap, but don't forget to have your attorney pen up a disclaimer for you.
Certainly you've heard of cops shutting down (children's) lemonade stands, right? And why the fuck would someone hire me to trench out a sprinkler system when they can get a bonded and insured business to do it quicker, better, and probably cheaper? You think I'm going to outpace the Chinese or the pre-established market literally anywhere on Amazon?
Ya'll can keep your pie in the sky bullshit, I won't have any of it.
Educate yourself. The systematic changes they've made are what killed prosperity in the west. Namely, the lowering of international trade barriers, lowering of taxes and lowering of market regulation. All these moves increased economic efficiency but absolutely destroyed any semblence of income equality. Did you know that when America transitioned to a service economy, analysts predicted that service jobs (i.e. being a fucking waiter or barista) would experience wage increases and become comparable to manufacturing jobs? They were full of shit and they got away with it
It sounds like you were overwhelmed by tickets requesting to change obsidion to shadowshard
>that icon
at least he's shilling best boy
why do i care about chinese developers?
I always hear about contractors in these discussion.
Are there really a lot of contractors working as game devs in these companies? Because that’s a more immediate issue than unionizing.
You don’t have to worry about worker rights if you never actually hire people.
These edits keep getting better and better.
I hope fortnite dies soon, even apex is better.
No one really cares about contracted QA employees desu. Epic does employ QA but it's actual engineering-based QA, not the generic "run into this wall 100 times" that this article is talking about. Most of these people probably work for third-party companies that Epic pays to do work for them.
It's definitely true that those people have shitty jobs though.
>more than 8 hours per day if you don't take a single day off
and yet people wonder why someone would rather kill themselves...
Eventually more people will choose to work in smaller gaming companies, or create their own. Not too hard nowadays concerning the gaming industry. Big companies will have to create better conditions or go out of employees.
But if they try to "fix" it with, or Unions, all they will do is control the price of the workers, which means the quality of the games will go down. But since the developers will have their money and working conditions "protected" they will have no incentive to break away, start new companies, try new stuff, evolve and push the boundaries.
This is what price protection and state intervention in the labor creates: low quality and stagnation. Just google American car companies Ronald Reagan.
>there are people sitting naked in their recliner with shredded taco cheese all over them while people are starving all over the world
>devs think anyone will give 2 shits they got fired
welcome to life bitch
Fornite is fucking shit but
>dude gets shot at
>immediately erects a 100ft skyscraper in defense
Makes me giggle my shit every time
>I'd rather have a healthy job standing up on my feet.
The problem here is the part about it being healthy
>You don’t have to worry about worker rights if you never actually hire people.
Normally there are strict rules about how long/often you can use contract workers to prevent abuse. So you have to give them the same things as actual employees if you try to abuse the system. But employers are constantly finding loopholes in this shit.
American corporate culture is a cancer that spread across the whole world. That shit where 7/11 were underpaying employees? Every big chain in the world is doing that shit now mark my words. Your culture is as bad as the third world honestly.
>parasitic professional politicians telling people how to live their lives.
You sound like a libertarian retard. A governing body that can enforce certain standards and rules is required for certain industries like agriculture, food service and any form of construction. There's plenty of examples all over the world that show when you don't have these things people fucking die and no the market doesn't magically fix it.
And of course you don't vote for the current era of politicians expecting change. You look for grass roots organizations springing up. Smaller city roles. These are the people who want to change things but they have to start somewhere. You look for them. People don't get into politics unless things are bad. Things have been good so long we got left with horrible politicians, but now that things are getting bad again we're getting some actual decent people who understand that something needs to change and want to do it for that and not the power. Be apart of that. But most importantly is do it right and do it peacefully. None of this hyper partisan bullshit. Good faith and trying to honestly discuss solutions to the problems we face.
>1989 Tienanmen Square Massacre
1989 Tienanmen Square Massacre
Epic is the same way. Any contractors directly employed by Epic usually are hired or let go after one or two contracts. The company has high standards for its full-time employees though and so not all the contractors make the cut, obviously leaving some disgruntled to quote in articles like this. They'll make up reasons about how it was revenge from their managers when they talked about crunch, but the truth is they just weren't talented enough to warrant the transition.
>UT 2004 + UT 3 + TF2 mod comunity
It could have been good
kinda hate that google and microsoft panders to chinks and is anti 9am to 9pm work hours
guess they do it for money
Pick a side & the games will be masterpieces & release this year, everything on the other side is cancelled forever
Standing up for 12h a day kills your fucking legs, back, knees and neck as well
Its common to have QA and artists taken on as contractors, since the need for manpower fluctuates over the year. At Rockstar we had rolling 3 month contracts, always with the implication that if you refused to work overtime and weekends, you wouldn't get your contract extended.
When it came time to let go contractors, about 60% of the department would be shown the door the day before contracts were up. You'd sit and wait on an email, if you got one you'd go to HR, then when you got back there'd be security by your desk, they watch you pack your stuff then escort you out the building. Those days were crazy, just silence except for tskatakataka of keyboards every time somebody was marched out, people telling others that if they're let go, they'll stay in touch and how great it was to work together.
I don't know their exact criteria for who stays and who goes, worked hours, ticket count, but there were always those let go for political reasons, like the girl who cheated on her dev bf
Fucking this.
>Being on a chair for 12h a day kills your fucking legs, back, knees and neck so fucking bad.
Why the fuck are you on Yea Forums, you're clearly not a gamer.
Now imagine if 1 millions illegal immigrant game developers were coming to America each year. They could just hire two for the price of one and everyone could work 50 h/week, lol.
I'd give up everything else there just for Butterlord.
Left, but missing Chrono Break would be hard
We have adjustable desks so you can sit or stand whenever you please. If you really want you can get those weird exercise balls to sit on. Companies will pretty much buy you anything you want if you say it's for ergonomics.
Would you be surprised if this man was caught molesting children?
Tim "Fortnite and chill with the kids" Sweeney
more a matter that I don't care about anything on the right, it's either stuff that isn't needed as the series is completed or stuff that sounds awful and I hated the previous games. Left just for MML3.
>implying they even have enough brain power to code
>So now your company has you by the balls and if you fuck up you lose your job and they can fuck with your future prospects, right? Do you think they're going to perform well to insure their future isn't compromised both immediately and in the future? Fucking right they will. They won't do great work, and they won't be happy, but they will go out of their way to make quotas and deadlines to avoid anything actionable. At that point you just need to integrate rules that act as umbrella conditions and turn everything into an actionable feat.
I work at a warehouse. We have attendance quotas because the place is a shithole nobody wants to go to. Late last year my Uncle died, and I was asked to be his pallbearer. But I was at my maximum quota, so I had a choice, go to the funeral and let a supervisor rape my ass for the next year, or go to work. I went to work.
>Companies will pretty much buy you anything you want if you say it's for ergonomics.
literally because of frivolous lawsuits. The only thing more parasitic than opportunistic businessmen are fucking lawyers.
I can assure you 100% that no one quoted in the article writes code or creates art.
I wish I were a woman so I could sell my piss online for hundreds of dollars and do whatever they fuck I want.
depends a lot on where you work (which company and country)
>company hires a bunch of poos and/or chink contractors to do some coding for them because its slightly cheaper
>they totally fuck it up, miss deadlines and output shit product and the company ends up having to pay even more for actual domestic coders to fix up the mess
It feels like justice every time this shit happens honestly. I fucking love it
I meant Epic, but it's true for nearly all tech companies in the US at least.
Chinese work conditions, Tencent holds the reins
chinas 996
How is that a bad thing, though? An investment of a hundred dollarydoos or two can save a lot more since the employee doesn't have to be on sick leave every other week due to their messed up back, so everyone wins. If lawyers can enforce this even a little, isn't it just better for every party?
left just for Bully 2
It's so weird paying for chinese to code anything, they can't code for shit and even if you take their work to someone that can actually fix their mess, the code quality is so terrible that it's better to start from scratch
There are 3 boxes and only 1 of them has 2 golden balls.
>some devs decide to make more money
Fucking steamcuck commie shills arent even trying.
>How is that a bad thing, though?
When it's enforcing something like good ergonomics, its fine and the law is working as intended.
It becomes a bad thing in my view when the lawyers get verdicts that completely defy logic and reality. See: Bodine v. Enterprise High School, where a school can't have a skylight because a fucking burglar fell through it and then have to pay him off. Or when companies are so afraid of discrimination lawsuits that employees waste tons of time having to listen to retarded loons lecture them about the LGBTBBQHIV movement
>You sound like a libertarian retard.
Culture went so far to the left that being pro free-market and pro individual liberty is now being a extreme right winger, lol.
Of you course a society need standards and regulations. And these are so important that the idea of concentrating them in the hands of political parasites is surreal. They end up doing what they do, they sell it for votes, putting in basic terms.
Oh, you can elect "nice" and honest people that want "change". Very romantic, but after these special people fix society, what then? The problem of central planning and elitism is that you never know who's gonna hold that power tomorrow.
I honestly thought that Trump would teach the statist leftists why we should not have a all powerful centralized government, what if if falls in the hand of Hitler 2.0? lol.
Imagine working yourself into an early grave for fucking fortnite of all games, everyday is a reason to hate epic more
You could probably just hop on Fecesbook and steal some photos of a qt3.14 and post it on ebay. Like a business catfish.
the lgbtq stuff was solved easily around here: get some cooworkers to "pressure" them out of their position with some "motivation" outside of work
>stinking furfag on twitter reveals himself to be a mentally ill retard
I'm completely surprised. How could this have happened?
Then who the fuck should handle regulation? The industries themselves?
organising that is also actionable, and probably even more risky lawsuit-wise.
Crunch is what happens when they are nearing a deadline and need to finish everything quickly before release.
It makes no sense to have crunch time for a game like Fortnite that is already released and all they do is release updates for it.
Hell, it doesn't even really make sense to do crunch for releases anymore since you can easily release updates these days.
Crunch was invented in the days of physical disks that had to contain the whole game. You had to be done before the deadline because they had to start burning the disks and shipping them to stores and you could never release updates after the launch.
>Steam doesn't care for people while Epic does
amazon is the closest thing to a modern sweat shop 1st world countries have
Fortnite has very large content updates every week. It's the reason why it's the biggest game in the world and Apex dropped off after 2 weeks.
I hope it stays around to keep the children away from the other games.
>very large
Outside of events the updates are usually just a couple of new skins added to the constantly rotating shop
You already pulled out a gold ball. So the same box either has a silver ball or another gold ball. The third box with two silver balls doesn't even factor in here because you've already pulled gold.
There's a new item added every week, limited-time modes constantly being developed and changed, large sweeping changes like arena mode happening in the background, balance changes, tens of smaller map changes every patch, major map changes every now and then, constant preparation for the next battle pass/season. This stuff happens every 3-6 months for most games, not several times a month. It's really unprecedented.
As things are structured now, mandate unions for every industry and have them control it. They know the limitations and expectations of businesses, but it's also best for them to cater to customers as well. It'd be no different than politicians eventually, power tends to rot.
As things should be: coops can internally self-regulate since their workers are their own management, owners, and consumers. People don't want their factory trickling electrolytes into their babbling brook and ruining their lawn while potentially costing their company money to clean up or loss of product.
>Sounds like a regular work week in China.
Not really, the effective work week in China is actually quite low and they even have nap time (I'm not joking here, this is real).
So hire more people and develop the content concurrently. And hold back some of it so you have a back inventory of updates you can release.
The Fortnite team is like 10x what it was a year ago and still growing, but also
yeah my dad said when he was 18 it was completely normal for the average person to support themself fresh outta high school like in the 70s and early 80s but then at my age we got fucked since more and more people are still being dependent on their parents to survive and leaving the house later (on average). shit i work 50 hours a week and I still cant support myself although minimum wage hasn't increased at all since I joined the workforce 10 years ago. shit i was making "more" money 10 years ago than I am now, the income is the same but the prices of things are raising but raising income will just make things worse
Except the only reason they have nap time is because their work week is so crazy they have to mix personal time with work time.
Most careers I've had involved me working just as long if not longer. You kids are spoiled if you think it's that big of a deal.
>be finland
>americans come here to work
>they're absolutely baffled as to how we have sunday and nightshift bonuses and also 5 week vacations a year
I'd never go to america based on this information along with the apparently horrible job security.
>Fortnite devs forced to work the same hours the average Fortnite player spends playing the game
>They're not on their feet all fucking day running around
Only an issue if you have shit shoes with no support.
>tfw 35h work week
Damn it feels good to be french
>Claim to be "pro-developer"
>make your developers work 70 hour work weeks non-stop
Fucking wew lad.
I knew Timmy licked Chinese balls on the daily, I didn't know he was implementing Chinese work ethics as well.
Yet given all that overtime and they can't even MAKE A FUCKING SHOPPING CART!
America is also the biggest economy in the world for a reason. I'm not sure them relaxing things would lead to a favourable state of world politics
>at work for so long they have to sleep there
>playing this off as a good thing
Fucking incredibly
Brook's law doesn't apply to 3d modeling skins.
Brook's law is based on the idea that when you bring in new people you have to teach them about the product they'll be working on. But if they're just modeling skins then they don't have to teach them anything. It's always the same.
Crunching for 4 months in the lead up to a game's release VS Crunching forever.
You sure are fucking stupid.
>Except the only reason they have nap time is because their work week is so crazy they have to mix personal time with work time.
No, it's literally just a culture thing, their average work days are extremely mild. When I was a network admin I was expected to be on call almost 24/7 since we couldn't afford our bars and restaurants having a POS unit go down. I do HVAC now and spend my days doing hard labor in hot fucking attics and only one shop I worked for had me work less than 80 hours a week and 6 days a week is expected, that kind of a schedule is unheard of in China.
>Video games cost $100 in Australia.
no they dont, faggot
Imagine being a cog in the economic machine instead of a human being.
It's unthinkable to me someone would work over 40 hours a week.
>dat feel when minimum three-four week vacation time each year in Europe
Imagine switching off the machine and letting China take over the world.
No they just do it because Chinese culture involves napping, a lot of them get paid for it too. The only bad part about their work culture is being forced to attend outside of work events which to be fair is common for a lot of western companies.
Why don't you just nuke china and take a day off?
The reason is winning the world wars, and coasting along since then into the abyss
>being forced to attend outside of work events
You should be always always doing this if you have any drive to succeed at all.
Epic owns a studio in Finland and they have pretty much all the same benefits and work schedules as everyone else.
People making random skins are not a bottleneck anywhere. The issues Fortnite is facing is 50 different projects going on at once and no way to reasonably test them all working together before the next release is due. It's more about integration issues than developing new things.
Better get off the internet Zhang, you might encounter the forbidden words. Wouldn't want anything to affect your social score
im not american
i don't think you really participated. to be fucking honest. you made a shitton of money sitting out then swept in on the winning side both times.
but that did set you up as a superpower to begin with yes.
Well I read the tl;dr comic, so I'm not going to bother with your tl;dr post.
And to the comic, I would say that if the man selling the product, is doing a poor job, if he needs to rely on the craftsman to work harder, in order to solve his overhead problem. Clearly, the craftsman is doing a good job, because the business is selling more than he's capable of producing. Meaning, his work is good and desirable. However, the seller is failing to properly market and price the product.
Maybe, instead of forcing the craftsman to work harder, he should instead work on a better strategy. Because the current one isn't working.
To be fair I wonder if that's the same shitty San Francisco IT "work culture". People spend basically 15 hours at work because a chunk of it is socializing, commuting, etc. Flipside is they basically have no life outside of their work.
>can't afford health insurance
that doesn't happen in normal countries (read: not Murica)
>the government should regul...
The regulation should be made by the people who can enforce it better and can't be bought by the industry.
Guess who?
Yeah I'm working a 40 hour week right now, and I can barely stand it.
Feels like I have just enough personal time to take care of chores and shit before I'm back in bed again.
I think this is why most people don't sleep enough. Everyone is trying to squeeze in an extra few hours of personal time by cutting into their sleep time.
why is it that the people who go on moral crusades are usually guilty of the thing they're fighting against
What's to save? Pc has no games just like Xbox, theres' no point in owning a gaming PC
>I think this is why most people don't sleep enough. Everyone is trying to squeeze in an extra few hours of personal time by cutting into their sleep time.
Which is a horrible mistake. You need your sleep more than anything else. Or you just catch it all up on the weekend and waste more than half a day sleeping.
Yeah, "being on the correct side twice" would have been more correct.
All the real benefits America ever had came just after WW2, when the industrial power was still high and the wealth was still shared. Ever since then, the oligarchy has tightened its grip further, squeezing every single cent seeking unlimited growth.
I'm not falling for your tricks, shill.
the people who care the most are usually guilty of what they're crusading against, its human nature
>Better get off the internet Zhang, you might encounter the forbidden words. Wouldn't want anything to affect your social score
Is it really that hard to believe that Chinese are lazy because they are. They do not work the same way Americans do.
Are armchair libertarians the worst people on the internet?
Crunch does occur naturally. People need deadlines. Because deadlines motivate people to put out work at a reasonable rate. If you give people a larger window of time, then they will find a way to fill it. Lacking deadlines allows for procrastination.
That being said, there is a balance. You can greatly reduce crunch by setting more realistic deadlines.
Literally ridiculous. Average work hours per week globally is sub 40.
>Fortnite devs
>working that much
There's 168 hours in a 7 day week, and 100 hours a week divided among the 7 days is 14-15 hours of work a day
How is that possible?
Video games are famous for only having a select handful of people doing the actual programming. The large team sizes come from the creative workers: writers, artists, designers, etc but news articles still call these people developers.
What's hard to believe is that you're here seriously claiming that 996 isn't prevalent in China
That's an entirely pathetic and childish reason to support something.
Have sex.
>Average work hours per week globally is sub 40.
For the average joe who contributes almost nothing to the economy. Anyone with a real job that does something important and isn't instantly replaceable works at least 60 hours a week not including all the work they do from home.
>American companies want to introduce their shitmeat to the UK via trade deals that do not allow stickers to tell you where it is from
Fuck America.
>to flood the world with chinkshit.
Globalists from the West are the ones doing that.
They're constantly adding new skins and dance animations for children to buy.
Just sleep at your job otherwise you're fired!
>they have nap time
yes, here in the west we call that going home for the night.
Honestly 80% of these cases just boil down to management incompetence. Just retards who don't know anything about games doing market testing and sending in notes to make stupid, often sweeping changes to development every month.
I don't think its unfair to use that label. The art direction and music direction is pretty fucking important in most types of game.
Fortnite is a little different because these aren't long-planned schedules with calculated deadlines. Fortnite is a reactive game in that what is being worked on for that week can change based on community feedback, a new deal with a third-party, someone coming up with a new idea, or (most often) a major bug being found that needs to be fixed immediately. No one knows what the next major issue will be, but once the issue is discovered it's usually something that needs to go in ASAP.
In They Live they presented the 40 hour work week as alien propaganda. Work 8 hours. Play 8 hours. Sleep 8 hours.
It's even worse than that. It's more like Work 10 hours. Chores 4 hours. Play 4 hours. Sleep 6 hours.
Please don’t fucking unionize the game industry nothing will get done
How do you think indie games get made? For the people who aren't lucky enough to get third-party funding, they work at their job for 8 hours and then come home and work on their game for 8 hours.
Yeah, I'm thinking you guys need to grow a spine.
When you are an artist and your work is used in other products you don't get to take credit for being skilled in that field. Contributing art to video games is no different.
The better question is why you useless plebs aren't all doing it. It's the only way to be successful
>man who has never worked a blue collar job in his life
Gets me every time
It absolutely isn't, very few people in China work those kind of hours and usually the ones that do would be working the same schedules over here anyways because they're related to the industry. It's not even a big deal, get a fucking job.
They literally just sleep during the middle of the day.
>The Wagecuck Pledge
"Hard work" is a meme invented by the wealthy to placate the enslaved.
>be grateful for your job, prole
It's the UN
California wanted to tag everything from Brazil, but that violated the trade laws or some shit from the UN and CA would have had to pay a fine.
>catch up
Not possible, damage is done the day of. Even interrupting sleep requires like twice the amount lost, just because of the way sleep cycles. Lose two hours, sleep 4. Toss and turn all night, sleep an extra 6. Can't? It's baffling why US's life expectancy isn't great.
It's US companies who are lobbying for it though.
Glad to see Epic cares about ther employees just as much as they care about their consumers.
>work for Epic, who say they love developers
>they make me week a 100 hour work week
>collapse after 98 hours due to exhaustion
>Tim Sweeney gives my job to Wong Long Rong instead
Why the FUCK do American suck the cocks of these corporations that don't give a single fuck about them? Americans will defend their right to work 60+ hour weeks or be fired. What the fuck?
Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
Zero breaks will make you crazy?
I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.
Need to get those new iPhones,
Gotta pay those student loans.
Work your fingers to the bone,
Bosses need vacation homes.
Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
By all of boss's consumer wares.
We'll stay seated in our chairs,
And make our bosses millionaires.
Love your work! Love the pain!
Feel the life drain from your brain.
Think of all you have to gain,
As your dreams go down the drain.
Come on wagie, join the crew,
Don't you want your wages too?
And if the bossman makes you blue,
You deserve it. You're a tool.
Weekend comes round after ages,
You can come collect your wages.
Throw your parties! Have your rages!
Then get back into your cages.
Epic cares about it's employees, but it doesn't care about what third-party companies they contract do to their employees in order to fulfill the contracts, which is what this article is about.
>know that when you go to bed, five subjective minutes will pass before you have to get out of fucking bed and go back to work
>also know that you're only making it harder to get out of bed at that point by staying up later
We're living in hell.
Depends on the pipeline, right? You don't just bust in day 1 and get a perfect retopo with all the right face loops for the animators. Maybe your joints are okay for them, but maybe they're all wrong. Your tricount is way off, trim it down to 700. Your angles are too sharp, it doesn't fit with the design language we're going for. That unwrap has a seam we can't use, redo it.
Probably because the average person doesn't work 60 hours a week. But yea keep believing incel shit.
>get home from work and barely have enough energy to stay up and watch some anime or play a couple hours of a game
>constantly eating junk food because it's faster than cooking
I really should do some meal prep, I'm eating out constantly
You should work for Epic, we get catering from 5 different local restaurants every day and you can take home leftovers for dinner.
>"Hard work" is a meme invented by the wealthy to placate the enslaved.
Most wealthy people eat, sleep, and breath work.
In case anyone is unaware. This isn't just a meme. It's literally a patent owned by Amazon.
Coders are abundant in places like San Jose (I don't know where Epic is, but it's probably the same). Companies like Netflix will fire you even if you do a great job just to get someone younger, cheaper, and with new ideas after you've finished your assignment. Companies believe newer people work harder and are more innovative.
>company brings food so that you can't get out from under their grip for lunch and so they can prevent you from leaving for dinner
>try to spin this into a good thing
Being in jail is great! Free rent, and all this free food right in the building, haha
They really don't. Their idea of work is socializing.
I mean you can go out and pay for food or bring your own if you want. You can also take as long of a lunch break as you want. The catering thing only started in November, it's still fairly new.
Commuting is the real issue. Yeah, let's say you work eight hours each day, but you're also probably commuting for one hour or more. That's cutting into your free time.
God bless chin-chongs and their culture.
I hope soon ALL americans feel their influence
I like how people use this concept as a supposed bad thing. My workspace is a cage inside a warehouse. It's awesome only improvement would be having an actual office with solid walls. The rest of people who work in the warehouse don't get shit except for a breakroom they need to share with everybody.
>actually falling for the bullshit
>work in gaming events
>one event followed by another event followed by another event followed by a fuckhuge event like gamescom where there's even more work
>not only office job but have to work on-site as well
>constantly undermanned so have to work our asses off
>if we make it, management thinks it's the correct number of people for an event, so we never get additional people
>people literally had 1 day off in a month lately
gaming industry fucking blows
No, they're just always on call for their work. They hardly actually do any. It's like how Donald Trump spends 90% of his "executive time" watching fox and friends and shoveling cheeseburgers into his mouth.
>take long lunch break or refuse overtime which you're "allowed to do"
>get fired in the next review for some random trivial thing that they're legally allowed to fire you for
wow, what a coincidence!
Who cares? Devs are usually nerds who hate their customers, let them suffer for my entertainment.
I don't care about steam, and I have origin and uplay installed.
Fuck epic specifically.
>Dude what do you mean you don't want to be treated like a slave? You don't need to be paid for overtime because we have beanie bag chairs and free pizza and pop on fridays!
It does. It's a shame how people get caught up in the whole "be passionate, guys!" nonsense. That passion will just be used against you.
I didn't read the article, the 3 lines say fortinte devs, not fortnite 3rd party contracted content creators. If that's true, yes technically they are not their own employees, but they still are working for them indirectly, so it's not exactly incorrect. You know what I meant.
Lmaoing when Epig workpigs unionize
>Nobody mentioned communism
>This must be about communism!
Why are Americans willing to work such insane hours?
I'm a webdev, working overtime is considered a sign of incompetence of either you or the management, aside from rare cases when something really needs to get done ASAP and those happen once a in few months.
And even if you technically work 8 hours a day they expect you to be in the office for 9 hours if you have the audacity to eat lunch. Combine that with commute and you're looking at 10-11 hours a day.
>neets talking about jobs
Also everybody who refused to do overtime got fired for unrelated reasons. Strange huh? Every single one that didn't do overtime gets laid off... really makes you think.
So, shall I put you down for the "optional" overtime every day this week?
but we don't
we're like below argentina or some shit
Americans tend to scoff at unions, but really they're LONG overdue in the gaming industry. It will have an impact on games, but you have to hope it will uproot the slaving mentality that seems to be prevalent.
>work is delegating your responsibilities to subordinates
happy retards
>please use our service rather than Steam, we treat developers better
>literally treat developers like Chinese sweatshop workers
Isn't unionizing a swearword in America? I heard if the managers even suspect that the workers are thinking about unionizing, they can just fire the workers and they can't do anything about it.
This isn't even a good shitpost because in this hypothetical scenario you wouldn't get fired for taking a lunch break (like you would at a call center) because "lunch break" as a concept doesn't exist at the company. You work 8 hours a day and you can work those 8 hours whenever you choose to. You could work from 6am to 10am and then break until 6pm to 10pm if you wanted to.
This is what the full-time employees (not contrators) said, quoted in the article:
>Some employees said that working for the company offered many positives, including good wages, an excellent bonus system, career progression, and a lively social scene. One source said that they had never personally experienced crunch, despite working on Fortnite, and described Epic as an ideal employer
There's no way China and India are putting out real statistics.
>I was born in a society where all my needs are easily satisfied and I get to shit on a better toilet than a goddamn KING from 5 centuries ago
>waaaah I have to work a desk job waaaah
there was a load of passionate guys here, me included, but after all this time i'd rather be a fucking blacksmith, no joke.
one event was so bad, two people got nerve infections and a few collapsed during work. i went to bed at something like 2am once and got an angry email from one of the managers at the audacity of me going to sleep when there was still work to do.
there are tons of companies designated for unionizing
it's not illegal. It's mainly for construction and labor workers. Not for mcdonalds employees, though.
Suffer nerds. You're responsible for dhit like Google and Microshit, you all deserve your corporate slavery.
Tim knows what needs to be done to create the most successful game on the world.
People like Ben Shapiro, who regularly take days off and spends most of his work time gossipping about the news (something normal people do on their time off), claim you need to work hard to get rich and help America prosper. It's funny how it's always the people with tons of downtime which say you need to work harder. You never hear overworked doctors with ER shifts talking about this bullshit even though they're loaded.
It's not that simple
I work with Lockheed engineers and we constantly talk about how much free time we have. I even work for the government and rarely pull more than 40.
>if we make it, management thinks it's the correct number of people for an event, so we never get additional people
I fucking hate this shit so fucking much. My slimey fuck of a boss understaffs us, and when things work out he makes sure to make some comment about "guess I don't need that many people here!"
Being better off than somebody else doesn't mean it's okay for somebody who is even MORE better off than you to screw you over. Why are you shilling for rich people? Your analogy would only make sense if modern people were forcing kings from five centuries to work in toilet factories.
it's not when they can't prove (+ they're more afraid of being hit... because they'll be hit)
I know it's not illegal, but what I meant is that the employer can fire workers who plan to unionize and there is no law for effectively stopping the employers from doing so. So it's one thing that it isn't illegal, but it's not going to happen regardless.
>average defined as total number of hours actually worked per year dividing by the average number of people in employment
Holy shit what an absolutely garbage statistic
>Not for mcdonalds employees, though.
Why, exactly?
No, it's just shitty management or systems that cause overtime. Most of the time I'm in OT is because management made a mistake which they do 4 times a week.
>You are not allowed to be dissatisfied because toilets have improved in the last 500 years.
even if there was a law that said you couldn't fire someone for that. there is no law that says you have to recognize a union.
A very large percentage of Americans work 80-90 hour weeks. They're lazy, though, hence why they're poor.
If somebody's labor is worth a pathetically small amount, then the cost of the union will outweigh the benefits they get from their negotiations. It's like paying somebody a dollar to pick up 5 pennies. It's not profitable for the employees.
>people shit on Rockstar and Bioware for crunching their games near the release window
>Fornite Epic crunch is a permanent neverending crunch
>Why, exactly?
because they have the lowest form of work. Even janitors have better conditions.
I don't fucking know because it's an expendable job.
as long as the money is good, this honestly sounds fun as fuck for someone with no family/gf/obligations
I barely have a life as a college student already; the transition doesn't sound that traumatic
>we must be happy because we're better off than 500 years ago
What about just FIFTY years ago you fucking retard? Our society is declining so fast its practically in freefall. You're fucking retarded
Not necessarily. If it's not that common it's usually way cheaper to just have existing people do overtime than hire more people to get the job done faster. People tend to forget that employer has more costs for each each employee than what said employee gets paid each week/month.
No, fuck you. All humans are born as equal and i don't see any reasons why man should rule the other man and take all results of his job.
This thing "Private property" is a sin that ruining humans lives
Fortune 500 companies don't have to worry about a quarter of that shit. Advertising being the most obvious. Some of these companies are so engraved into international culture that advertising is something they rarely need to do. I'm no communist, but you're a fucking mongoloid if you don't thing there needs to be a reform to the system.
>All humans are born as equal
I used to work for dominos and expected to be off by 10 pm, they told me I was closing so I got off at 4:10 am. They still expected me in the same time the next day.
They literally skirt investigations. Chinese workers can work up to 20 hour days sometimes.
>This thing "Private property" is a sin that ruining humans lives
I hope you get put up against the wall and shot you scumbag thief degenerate lowlife. Get a fucking job
Don't perpetuate the cycle, user. This shit keeps going because no-lifers just accept it.
The biggest cause of OT at Epic isn't really mistakes, it's that the pipeline is basically: Upper-level people say something is important, middle-level tells upper-level "sure no problem that's easy" even when it's not, and then middle-level forces low-level to do the work. Realistically, low-level manager (a technical lead) ends up doing 80% of the work himself to shield his team from having to do OT, at his own expense.
This whole situation could probably be avoided if the middle-level guy wasn't a shithead and told the upper-level guy "actually that's kind of hard, it's going to require 3 people to work this weekend, are you sure it's important?" The upper-level guy most times doesn't know what the actual cost of his asks are and middle-level is failing to properly explain what the cost is.
You know, im a 40 year old liberal Dev and there's some truth to it. Took me forever to find my backbone. Took probably 15 years to figure out that I could manipulate the idiot bro bosses.
>All humans are born as equal
Definitely not LMFAO
>i don't see any reasons why man should rule the other man and take all results of his job.
Does not happen in the first world
>This thing "Private property" is a sin that ruining humans lives
Private property is what protects the fruits of my labour from lazy fucks like you. You want what we're producing. Kill yourself
>No, it's just shitty management or systems that cause overtime.
For me it's just demand, not enough people know HVAC to make up for the demand.
Unless things have changed dramatically in the last 5 years, you are a complete idiot. They don't even allow cameras into many factories. And to do any investigations into work hours, you need to schedule it way in advance so they can prepare for a day they pretend to treat their workers well. There is a reason they have suicide nets in China. Working 16-20 hours a day for 6 days is common.
yeah that's a good point. It's honestly a little worrying to myself that I'd be so willing to throw the majority of my life away like that.
Yeah, keep protecting your chains, friend. Your masters surely will give you an extra bone from their table. Or not, that's their right to decide what you get from your work)
>get a retard job
>work retard hours
Lmaoing at your life
It's almost like the schooling system discouraged high paying blue collar work. Unis rejected getting paid to add farm, plumbing, etc. classes to their course list for degrees in exchange for women's studies electives.
>>i don't see any reasons why man should rule the other man and take all results of his job.
>Does not happen in the first world
That's literally how capitalism works in America. The guys at the top take a cut of all the hard work of the workers below them. It's a fucking pyramid scheme and nobody cares. Or do you think Jeff Bezos single handedly does the work of a million men?
>have to 100k for 4 years of college to get treated like a slave for the rest of your life
What the FUCK is Americas problem?
Good thing I don't live in America lol. Stay poor
> Does not happen in the first world
Yeah? It' happens right now everywhere.
People work hard as fuck, their bosses take all the results and become SUPER rich, but the workers starving to death and overwork even more.
It's right there, in America, big bosses force people to pledge their lives on the altar of Man's success. Just look at all these news about overworking, low payment and zero social security.
I only had $40k in debt and make over $200k now thanks to the Fortnite bonuses.
>they don't work 12 hour shifts with a 1.5h commute both ways
Pathetic. Get on my level. I'm behind seven attempted suicides.
Maybe in some "Right to Work" states. Non-federal unions (Railroad & Post Office) can't force people to join their ranks, whereas in wrong to work states you can be forced to join a union. But they can't fire you for attempting a "concerted action" to form a union, but they can fire you for anything that they find you doing wrong, say Timmy cut the lettuce slightly above spec, and portioned the ham wrong, and dropped a quarter during the rush and forgot about it so his till counted short, they could fire Timmy now and it wouldn't necessarily be "retaliatory."
Our biology is wired against all this shit.
It's evident in the rising suicide rates, depression, general unhappiness and so on. Straight up people in general were probably happier 500 years ago even as a serf that would die in a plowing accident or of a minor infection because it was more consistent. These days you could be impacted by a speeding car or live to 100 and you have to balance your checkbook for both while juggling your real estate considerations and Bobby's college fund while worrying about getting to work 15 minutes early unpaid so your soup isn't crawling up your ass at quarterlies, but you were exhausted last night so you forgot to put gas in the tank and you might not make it home if you skip filling up.
Could've should've would've. But our ancestors sold us down the drain. As much as I'd like to have more "rights" as a worker, I realize that'd fucking bamboozle the economy and give China power. So, until we finally get the CCP to collapse, we'll just have to put up with this shit.
But what's more likely is that we'll get these "rights", our economy will collapse, the Chinese will become world hegemons and then they'll roll back all these "rights" that people in Europe and Australia enjoy, and EVERYONE will be working 60 hour weeks, without even having the luxury to watch Winnie the Pooh or play video games with blood or skeletons.
>americans can't cover medical emergencies
they can't when an ambulance ride is a thousand bucks
>americans can't cover auto repair
they can't when they earn 3k a month but buy a 2yo 3 liter petrol car with retarded financing, instead of a reliable tdi banger, because they need to have a new large car no matter what
>QA tester
fucking what? that's lliterally an entry level job, what the fuck do you expect?
Easily, most of them are NEETs too
it's also entirely who polygon interviewed for the article in the OP
>dude we pay the devs more than steam lmao
>in reality not a single cent of that is going to the devs but the ceo of the company
Fair pay, social rights, social justice and strict contract following without overworking.
>zoomers don't know how the industry works
>Being in jail is great! Free rent, and all this free food right in the building, haha
You say that but people are starting to see the appeal.
>100-hour weeks
>more than 14 hours per day, including weekend
This has to be bullshit, why the flying fuck would anyone capable of software development agree to work in such conditions? It's not like there's lack of demand for their skills, they should be able to find a job in some sane company. What kind of bugman slave mentality do you need to have to waste 100% of your time for some corporation?
I just sit at home and play video games and shitpost after work anyway, and my work PC is better than my home PC.
>In a dozen interviews conducted by Polygon over a period of several months
>Contract staff in Epic’s quality assurance and customer service departments
no software developers are doing 100 hours a week
> why the flying fuck would anyone capable of software development agree to work in such conditions?
Because they don't have any chose. For now Epic Boss can ruin your life with one word in your resume
Australian minimum wage is $18. That's twice the minimum wage of the US. Your currency is weaker and for good reason
Americans are like trained dogs, infinitely loyal to their masters of the ownership class. They'll actually bite and snarl at you if you try to take off their collars. They've been trained from birth to legitimately believe that they live in a meritocracy and it makes it so fucking unbelievably easy to exploit them. If any of them even manage to notice how badly they are abused they just get immediately silenced by their compeers for denying the religious-level belief that everyone gets what they deserve.
Yes they do you fucking mutt. For new releases it's 100 dollars after 3-6 moths it goes down to 80-70 dollars.
You americans have a fair as fuck price for videogames
I know about you people, don't you fabricate issues with products so you have to recert them even when they're well within tolerance so you can double dip on components and pull hours out of your asses? Or did the MIC finally pay the government enough to stop auditing you fucks?
How's your Article 13 going, europleb? You like your 50% tax going to migrants while your own starve in the streets?
But our average and median wages are lower, you daft cunt.
defense industry jobs are pretty nice, I had one about 10 years ago. you stay for 40 hours a week but you only actually work for about 5-10 hours, and everyone says what a good job you're doing
Australia doesn't have tipping.
>You like your 50% tax going to migrants while your own starve in the streets?
The /pol/tardation is strong in this one.
>There is a reason they have suicide nets in China. Working 16-20 hours a day for 6 days is common.
That's a huge meme, actually go to China or talk to a Chinese person.
How much of the Fortnite profits go to the Fortnite game devs?