Objective: Conquer the Enemy

>Objective: Conquer the Enemy

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He's Jewish
She's Jewish

is this asian chad?

MOOOOOOODS, /gif/ is having an overload again!

>white woman + something
>sex sex sex an degeneration

>white man and a asian woman
>healthy relationship with a happy smile in their faces

I hope they have a happy relationship.

no one seems to want to conquer me :c


Attached: future of america.jpg (1090x1090, 356K)

>elliot roger 2.0

That only happens when the parent is Jew. Prove me wrong.


only with a white father.
elliots grow up hating themselves because of their father's racism towards asians (but ironic fetish for asian women)

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Tenda Spencer are you in this thread?


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Not /pol/ but his dad was unironically a Hollywood Jew

Ya white genetics usually creates school shooters, a damn shame

thats a hooker

Jews have some hardcore neuroticism in their genes, mixing it with Asian genes have disastrous results

both are degenerate. White "men" who date chinks only do so because their the most beta of the white race and are cucked by black men. Chink "men" who dare break the norm and date white women dont care about them they only like the feeling of dating "up".

based. bet he's a sony+PC fan too

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They're trying to collect every ethnicity

I can't. The jewish gene has evolved from giving people the urge to poison wells, to giving people the urge to shoot people

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>>Objective: Save the damsel in distress

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>Objective: steal

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The absolute state of the American gene pool

wow nice

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Nice upvote redditfriend!

/r/AsianMasculinity thread?

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>objective: troll the enemy

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How much interracial porn brain rot do you need to watch to make a connection between black men and white guys being attracted to Asian chicks


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hi r/asianmasculinity
taking a break from posting blacked cuck porn?

Attached: eurasiantiger.png (963x908, 981K)

i got the video for you bro. i'm asian and i only date white girls :)

Attached: what asian girls want.webm (1280x720, 628K)

Why do the women of the world want the pink dick so bad?

>their child will be mostly white mathematically

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I dunno I'm just posting some bs I saw on /pol/ its not like this thread is any good anyway
and to be fair
>to make a connection between black men and white guys being attracted to Asian chicks

If you're a good looking white guy you don't even have to pay for sex with random bucktooth jap women.

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>someone actually took the time to make this image

she's cute and he's so plain, lucky him


The insecure dude with the folder full of gook women is back. Legit happens every single day.

those asians are ugly as fuck tho

man i remember this guy. the reason why /r/asianmasculinity turned political. used to be just some asian dudes shooting the shit and was a spinoff of the seduction boards/trp and only had a few hundred members but then he showed up and had to make everything political instead of talking about fucking white girls >:(

Attached: festival.jpg (1080x1080, 317K)

White men are 1-2% less intelligent than asians and 2-5% lower testosterone content than blacks. "white male" is literally the quality build: not minmaxed in any particular area, but great in everything.

Attached: DARIOED.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

>actually visiting and browsing reddit
As expected from a racebaiting faggot like you.

amwf is far more triggering than bmwf

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most women aren't anything special


What's your point?

>someone actually compiled that
Nothing wrong with liking asian women, but this reeks of teen/early 20s with absent jawline.

>damsel in distress

She's a hog.


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>only 6 examples

>kids are psychopathic
>males are straight up murderers
>and females are the biggest whores and thots

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why do yellow fever fags hate asian men so much?

>knowing that r/"" denotes a reddit
you have to go back

No wonder why he keeps coming back! He is seething so hard!

this triggers the /pol/cel

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I actually like Japanese men, at least the classical masculine kind.

Asian westerners are a different breed. They are super insecure.

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based, lets create Nietzsche's Overman and have our hafu Chad sons dominate the Earth, free of historic guilt that is cucking the white race

that man resembles chris evans haha

They have something in common with their slant women. Gook women literally encourage and play into that shit. It's why no one respects the race.

i-is that Bosman?

>decent face
>looks tall
>nice chest
>does porn

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The Chinese government overinflates IQ reporting by not handing the tests out to all the millions of rural Chinks
The idea that jungle gooks are smarter than fucking Europeans is hilarious

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during past winter i went to las vegas (not from US) and i saw an unhealthy amount of hot asian girls that it gave me yellow fever
dump some asian girls me love

Really hoping to god this shit is fake.

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>If you disagree with me you are ugly and a virgin and you can't have my holes!

every time

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I don’t get this Asians love white guys meme. Barely get any attention from them. Then again, my area of nj doesn’t have much Asians. But I do well with latinas.

There's a lot of projection in this pic libtard.

This kills the /pol/

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White+Asian (except chinks) is best race combo for woman, debate me.

On behalf of all whites, I'd like to invites Koreans into the Asian-White compact. Especially the ones with those big fake breasts.

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Cope, they look happy.

american asians don't care about white guys that much unless they have strict fathers or your giga chad

dios mio

>bl*cks think they can compete

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Yeah if you want them to become porn stars.

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Phase 3 of THE PLAN