Vidya general thread

Talk about whatever so long as it is game related. Talk about shit you like, ask for recommendations, whatever. No /pol/ posting or tranny shit.

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What the FUCK am I supposed to do here?

Into the trash your thread goes iNigger

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Kingdom Hearts III is a fantastic game. Excited for critical mode.

Stay awhile and chat with your fellow anons

Except the ending was trash

>muh baby game good
kill yourself

La Mulana 2 is not nearly as good as the first game and is riddled with questionable design choices.

Why would anyone listen to soundcloud rappers? Or rap in general

Fuck off

All smiles here.

isn't this whole board vidya general? fucking stupid thread saged

Some whites do it alright, but Soundcloud is a meme site for Twitterfags who go viral.

No it’s not, it’s circlejerk threads about ecelebs and twitter

Idiot. Enjoy your ban.

Metal is much better than rap only niggers and ironic hipsters listen to rap

Nice job breaking the rules dumbfucks

Is Baldur’s Gate good?

yeah and your genius doomer bullshit "general" is the last haven for good conversation.
absolutely summerfaggotry

ban me

same but being sad got my a goth chick so eh just sitting here thinking about playing megadrive with her wanting to die

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>On a board about fun things

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The content of the post has nothing to do with doomers, it’s about discussing vidya, something your chimp brain can’t seem to comprehend.

i have nothing to play so im going to pick up persona 3/4 and try to work through them

are they any good?

lol if u dont have friends maybe