What did u play today

What did u play today

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>Playing video games
Nigga thats gay

BF1 for like 5 hours

Kinda feel bad about it but that shit is addictive, even if its not a very good game

Like 20 minutes of Silent Hill 1

Messing around with cheats in San Andreas

Nibba please

>u play
That reminds me, I've got to buy Anno 1800.

DMC5, finally got that sweet taunt

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I spent all day looking at horse cock like always hehe

My dick.

I want to play many games by pc is a piece of shit and it's depressing playing at low framerates

Played a little Shadow of War

Black Ops 4.
Also been replaying Vice City Stories recently.

I went round my friends house and we played some co-op smash. We also made Goku/Itachi in character creator and fought it out. We’re both 32

Megaman X5 and Yakuza Kiwami

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Nothing, too busy with Uni.
>tfw all of my friends built PCs this year and all they play are Fortnite and Apex

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Nothing yet, it's dinner time on a weekday.

Will play Oxygen not Included later. The new balance patch makes management much more enjoyable.

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I played the game of real life nerd.

Wid ur dik uwu

I played with my penis

I've been watching scary videos and I'm too scared to leave my blanky to play anything.

did you win?

Sounds comfy.

Played with my dick.

Ur the nerd

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I could have, and should have been playing and enjoying MK 11. But I didn't buy it. Because the light of a benevolent God has ceased to shine down upon the game industry. He has forsaken us as swiftly as the leftist demagogues have taken over the industry. Where were you on the day the video games died?

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Yeah, it's a really short game.

With ALLLLLL of my friends on Yea Forums :)

fucking kill me

Thought about continuing the witcher 1, but didn't.

Just play smash lol

Sorry, I don't enjoy paying for online and/or being around smelly teenagers who don't even socialize with each other while they're playing together.

Risk of Rain 2, Closers (new character Bai released), Brown Dust, Honkai Impact 3

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you also play the skin flute?

Yeah all those three games weren't some virtual singling games that replaced actual historical events with WAMEN

I've played Star Ocean 3, Diablo 2 LoD, now doing NV playthrough.

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Finished Yakuza 0
Two hours of Hylics
and got Switzerlake chivo in EU4.

Is it possible to git gud at splatoon 2 WITHOUT using motion controls? My brain refuses to understand them

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Republic Commando

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I still cant figure out how to get lunar coins. I've played for about 5 hours and haven't found a single one

witcher 3 finished hearts of stone earlier today and making my way though the final parts of the main story, going to get the sun stone now
last time i played a game rivaling this in length was persona 4 golden and i didn't even get the golden ending

vesemir's death hit me fucking hard
play it tomorrow then

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mostly random, if you get the alter portal you can get 5 coins for obliterating yourself and ending your run and unlocking mercenary

ion maiden
i hope it comes out next month its good

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>virtual singling

Satellite Reign
Pathfinding is atrocious, Infiltrator has a habit of falling into nothingness and dying whenever sprinting, but goddamn I still get the urge to play and finish this game. It just scratches this itch.

Fortnite save the world, no clue how everything works so i'm just following the story line

Flinthook. The game has almost no content, it has a giant spike difficulty and makes you grind for hours to get shitty upgrades but I'm having fun.

It's a shame the dev just abandoned the game.

Jak 2, hating every other minute of it.
Difficulty is so schizophrenic its giving me whiplash.

Riworld, up to 150 mods, also browsed the steam store for 3 hours and didn't buy anything.

send help.

Nothing yet but I'm trying to decide on something. I pirated Tropico 6 yesterday so probably that.

pls I am phone poster forgive my sins

csgo i fucking hate myself

>"false narratives"
Enjoying all that Iraqi oil are you?

tf2 again because I have nothing else to play

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I played myself

smash ultimate with a full fucking second of delay. we all met up at the guys house and got pizza, it was great

i wouldnt mind playing wanna play?

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I played fighters megamix and also tempest 2000

>being stupid enough to voluntarily go to the concentration camp run by jews
>they even got you to pay for it


I played sonic riders on my gamecube emulator

Treasure hunter claire and Hitman for about 7 hrs

Tetris Effect. I can't put it down. Marathon mode on turtle dreams is my jam

legend of heroes: trails in the sky.

silent hill 1

you beat mission mode and unlocked the guest characters, didn't you user?

boring shit

I played KSP and made a plane that goes mach 12

Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai for three hours on coop with my friend. We're the last two diaymos for the Emperor and have been fighting the rest of Japan for 70 turns.

shit's cash

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No, i literally downloaded it today. My older bro owned the game years ago, and i missed playing it, then i remembered i could pirate it.

lol@ 1.1 grams c cells can only carry .9 when filled to the brim and there's a fat bubble in there

there is literally nothing i feel like playing these days

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>open game
>it crashes
>too unmotivated to restart it
>remain bored


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>4000 m/s
literally how

Nioh and Senran Kagura Estival. Nioh is getting pretty frustrating. I'm around level 70 and it's chucking me into ass clenching situations every turn

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New Vegas

i might play 15 minutes of Space Ranger HD but that might be it.

GTA V Online. I want that Nightclub and I'm broke as a hood nigger so I'm taking advantage of that double Cash and RP.
Also a little bit of Forza too.

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Crusader kings and MK11
I limit myself on CK2 because it get a massive fucking boner thinking about taking a kingdom and their king's daughter or wife

Magic: The Gathering

Your picture is labeled "unknown 5" that's a sword art online picture from the girl on the right. Idk left tho.

Battlefront 2 (2017). They're adding a new map to CS and giving Maul and Yoda a block. Also adding Leia's outfit from ANH

Played some FFXIV. Almost done with the dragonsong patches

The Division 2, I regret every second because I could have been playing Stronghold

Last day of my sub in XIV. I'm free until July

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All the time you spend playing video games, you could be making money with instead, or spending time with your girlfriend, or studying how to eliminate childhood cancers.

Beat Sekiro today. Kinda sad.

Zodiac Age and Spyro.

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STALKER Clear Sky, I'm getting really frustrated that bandits can snipe me with grenades and head shot me from 100 meters with their shitty sawed off shotguns.

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>tfw work with decent pay
>tfw have gf
>tfw still play video games

still generally unhappy with life

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Both of those are sao user

99.8% of the global population can't meaningfully contribute to that last one.

>to eliminate childhood cancers
what does this mean?

Vampire bloodlines
Playing Ventrue independent ending

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saturday morning cartoons reruns

I haven't played video games in 10 days. Pretty sure I am burned out.

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I tried that RIOT: Civil Unrest game that I saw a few years ago and though it looked cool.

The game was novel, but pretty shitty. The game gives you all kinds of tools like 3 different kinds of molotovs and rockets to use on the police, but if you use it you will pretty much automatically lose because the game scores you on completing your objective and looking good for the cameras, so most of the time you just make your rioters sit around phoning in help hoping the police decides to beat the shit out of your guys so you have a better chance at winning.

Also it doesn't help that the game handles like ass. If some of the guys in your squad get stuck behind someone all your dudes will go back to be with them, so movement is usually you pushing up against other dudes. and for whatever reason tools, the things you will be using 90% of the time, don't have their own hotkey and are switched with the fucking arrow keys of all things and none of this is rebindable. Also playing as the rioters is way too easy.

The game does look pretty good though. The lighting looks cool.

It feels like the dev was really passionate for the game during the first half of development, then got burned out half way through and just wanted to make something playable.

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i played big man swing big sword game

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Play stalker so you can suffer with me.

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Crash Bandiccot N. Sane Trilogy and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

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can you don du nuffin in this game?

>finally get out of the swamps
>get to duty and go fuck with freedom for an exoskeleton and pkm

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That's basically how you play the game. There is even a tool, the firecracker, that is specifically designed to piss off the cops without giving you any violence points yourself.

There was one mission where I had to move the cops off a spot, so I threw a bunch of molotovs at them to clear them away while mitigating the violance penalty by taking photos of us getting the shit beaten out of with batons.

I'm at garbage looking for the stalker that was asking about weird parts, it's my first time playing it so I don't know how to brake the game yet. I must purge the zone of every bandit and renegade, they all must die.

>post-911 allegory
Someone never fucking played halo. All of those are just bullshit spouted by someone who played too many vidyas and just finished a Pol. Sci. Course

Played some cooperative Day of Infamy, rage quit it like I always do because the bots are cheating cunts that are worse than real players. Today I chased a bot into a room that I saw a glimpse of and got one shot dropped by it with its back facing me. What I REALLY want to play is some Killzone but I guess I don't have it or any of my PS3 games, must've donated them by accident while dropping PS2 games at goodwill.

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The division 2- just now starting specialization after reaching lvl 30 and clearing the map

Dark souls - just started a playthrough until i died at the taurus demon. Any tips?

Division 2
Anno 1800

Thinking about buying Skirmish Line.

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I'm doing the challenges in the long dark. I wish they'd hurry and finish their shit campaign already, it's a comfy game but I'm out of content already

Play Total War Warhammer II

I had fun making leather hats

A bit of mechwarrior online.
Now debating if I want to go back to practice speedruns since no one is around to play anything with me

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Fallout New Vegas for like 10 minutes. I got bored and modded in a pulse pistol that has 30 spread and fires 100 shots at once, all of them with the tesla cannon AoE electricity effect set to an area of 15, and 100% critical chance. I got bored and stopped playing though. After that I've just been reading manga all day.

Video games are starting to get boring. I've been trying to mod Fallout 3 more recently. Every time I open the geck and start changing shit I just lose motivation and stop.

Runescape and Sunset Overdrive maybe swbf2 or kf2 later.

>no sonic riders 3

>taurus demon
Most bosses in Dark Souls are weak if you hit his ass because they don't target you very well after attacking. And obviously kill the two archers if you haven't already.

Stealth is viable at first then when you get the heavier armors and sniper rifles/machine guns then its optional

played some MCC and Risk of rain 2

I played some osrs. I finally got enough creating so l to make this fag leather armor he been bitching me about. Then I found a mind talisman from an imp, tracked down where the altar was, and made a bunch of mind runes. Had enough of both air and mind to start leveling up magic skill, but holy shit am I gonna need to grind so many fucking runes, jesus fuck

Taurus demon? just telegraph the swings or if you want more room just go up the ladder to the right of the fog gate you entered

Some of the Team Fortress 2

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playan rocksmith and trying to learn gene's rock-a-bye from god hand

Nothing. I stared at a draft for ten hours and it was still the same draft ten hours later. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
I would have been playing monster hunter though

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VTMB. I'm having fun so far. But how the fuck do I further the Lily quest. I got the bail bond.

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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.

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I'm at job hunt, so I have a lot of time. Some binding of isaac, deus ex MD and Mario Odyssey. Also currently replaying mgs2.

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A whole lotta Rimworld.

Go to the bail bond dude in Santa Monica and look through his computer. It's on the same street as the nosferatu dude that's hiding from Therese, two or three buildings to the right.

Did you check her car in the parking garage? its the red one near the dock

Aaaahhh makes sense. Thanks.

Last night I finished Valkyria Chronicles 4. I think I'll play .hack/G.U.

Gta v
Fallout new vegas

SMT 1, shit game but I can't stop playing

Oh I forgot about the car. Thanks also

mtg arena
AA5: Dual Destinies

No problem. Some of the entries of his computer are really funny plus there's more info on other missions like the corpse in the morgue

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Fate extella link

Grim dawn, god i wish PoE had a FUCKING offline mode.

A little bit of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning with that cheat engine table that makes the game actually kind of difficult. I did modify the mana settings as they were a little ridiculous, though. 200% mana cost and 33% regen rate meant that non-sorcerers could use at most one ability every ten minutes. I made it 125% and 50%.

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finished Katana ZERO

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Tales of Vesperia
Wish I could have played MK 11 but it arrived right before I had to go to work

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>turns on Xbox 360 to play Fallout 3 since my laptop sucks shit
>plays for ten minutes
>”okay this has happened before no worries. Just turn console off and turn it on again
>turn on Xbox
>start up screen
>solid red light on power button
>call Microsoft to find a fix
>of fucking course the best they can do is “ask GameStop to fix”

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what clan you playin?

Some guy is doing a hellmoo revival, it's pretty good fun. It's at pissdrinkers.co.uk 1488. Sadly he apparently can't into automated sign up so you need to email him for an account.

I should try this. I hate that they kept zombie mmo brainlet difficulties.

I spent all day watching anime

I played some persona, then a little bit of both MH3U and MH4U

Victoria ii for 11 hours

This game is super weird. I'd rather play space station 13

It's legitimately fun. Enemies attack all at once instead of waiting their turn, and you can't one-shot everything with meteor anymore.

F, you fuck

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You're looking for recommendations?

Nothing I built gunpla.

finished tremere and wondering what to try next so yes

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MH World and ffxiv

I played ligma.

you played it?

ligma balls.

If you want to go shooty, toreador with celerity turns the game into the matrix, it's pretty cool, ventrue too, bruja and gengrel for close range combat, malkavian for the cheeky humor and nosferatu if you're a masochist or looking for something completely different, both malk and nos can use fire arms or go melee but they're more like stealth characters because both have obfuscate.

Nosferatu wouldn't hurt to try. thanks for the recommendations

Be my konata bf

Cool, me too

Armored Core 3

I know what you mean. Firing single action infantry rifles are like crack to me.

Is Armored Core Nexus worth pushing through? I'm just not feeling it, I've played every previous game except AA


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Metro Exodus, im up to the desert

Also Smash, FUCK Donkey Kong and Lady, that battle is fucking horseshit

>didnt realize Tali was true waifu material until the very end
>not enough time left to get the romance

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