Where were you when MK11 had a horrible launch?

Where were you when MK11 had a horrible launch?

I was in my gaming room


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Balls deep inside your mother

It's a good thing they made the girls unattactive so they can dismiss all criticism as incel sexism

I was probably taking a dump


I was playing Persona 5 Dancing

>implying a low test autist like you can even get it up

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>can't even beat sekiro

like i give a fuck what this retard thinks

Is it true that this game literally has microtransactions up the ass?
I’ve heard that it feels a lot like a mobileshit-tier game.

your mum can't get up either so what difference does it make

No it doesn't it's part of the problem.

Example TIME!

Let's say you want Scorpion X skin

>It's not for sale on the 8 hour store with ONLY 4 OPTIONS
>It's not available as an unlock for challenges
>It's in the Krypt which is a giant arena of RNG boxes

So you'll never find it

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I was having sex, unlike you.

Have sex.

>mum can't get it up
Dude you seriously need to stop fucking trannies

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*says nigger*
*cries like a baby, is forgiven*

is that all it takes?

>even Max is giving it shit
damn it must be bad, max is the chillest fighting game streamer i have ever watched

Wait they seriously made the Krypt random?

It really is that bad.

You're the one added the word
Check your subconscious.

What an embarrassment that was. Literally said nigger by accident while trying to spout gibberish. Could've easily said "my bad" and just let it be quietly forgotten. But no, he took whatever bait was in the chat, and he wept.

Wait really?

I will admit it to not have played that shit yet. But is it not meant to be borderline bullshit tier on purpose? Cause from what i have seen its like arcadey in the sense of the old school difficulty of being possible but still doing its fucking darnedest to take as many coins, or in this case tries, as possible. So they throw hard silly shitty for sake of it and to force people to learn to react to tough shit and possibly get better or else use that supposed consumables to force their way through.

I was playing an actually good game.

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Damn, mk11 was supposed to be the woke game that proved how wrong /v is. Fucking trannies must be on suicide watch right now.

naw not really it just stems from how little of an influenceer/channel/whatever the fuck to the point of not many gave a fuck...cause really all things considered he is a tiny lame as fish that no one cares about so no one even managed to notice

Yeah. Was a while ago. Slipped out, he apologized, it blew over.

Lucky him, that word has sank careers.

>leave in game store out of review copies so it doesn't affect review score
>don't even bother to make grind reasonable for review copies before patching it later
Jesus Christ even Bethesda understood this

This. It really is a good tactic.

He was getting death threats from extreme lefties from neogaf

The fact that he always includes black guys in all of his recent group streams nowadays makes more sense.

Where can I see this?

He was always friends with few black guys.
They don't stream with him as often as you think