what mental gymnastics do buycucks use to justify buying a single player game full priced when its already cracked?
What mental gymnastics do buycucks use to justify buying a single player game full priced when its already cracked?
I'm not a third-world gibsmedat freeloader.
easy updates, can uninstall and reinstall whenever
Why would I pirate stripped down dark souls? I've played the game 4 different times now.
i'm not poor
This. Outside of a few major releases, most cracked games never get updates, which usually means you're stuck with whatever performance issues were present before the day 1 patches. And besides, between Steam sales and the multitude of sites selling discount keys, it's piss easy to get cheap copies of games these days.
I still pirate stuff from time to time, but at this point I barely buy or pirate, since I've got a backlog long enough to last me decades.
I know you are shitposting but aside from some sound effects, interface and a shitty running animations, Sekiro literally has nothing in common with Souls
why would you need to update a single player game? Only relevant updates are those with dlc and those get cracked right away. If game is broken that patch also gets reintroduced in cracked version right away. I agree its a bit more convenient but its not like its some huge hustle.
>If game is broken that patch also gets reintroduced in cracked version right away
Only if it's a major AAA release. Most AA or lower stuff gets one cracked release and that's yer lot, any updates are essentially left behind. Also, piracy relies on either playing the latest stuff constantly or getting lucky with private tracker invites so you can actually download older titles in a reasonable time frame. Comparatively, if I go to install something through Steam, I don't have to worry that there's only 1 seeder or that what I'm downloading might contain malware.
I will admit piracy is not a huge hassle, but the older I get the more I enjoy the convenience of having stuff on-demand, and I'm willing to pay a little more for that convenience.
Good devs deserve my money and since I’m not a poorfag I have no trouble supporting people who are going to make more good games.
I miss cheats. Why aren't cheats much of a thing anymore? I like getting cracked games with MTX and unlimited cash shop.
Couple reasons:
1. Most games are easy to beat without them
2. Most games are online multiplayer stuff where cheating is frowned upon
3. Trainers more or less replaced them on PC
4. They take away valuable dev time from making more stuff to sell as extra DLC that should have been in the base game
>most games goes for the price of a hamburger on sale eventually
>acquire a large amount of cheap games on sale and play through them until the next sale
Games are so cheap now that I value the benefits you get when you buy it more than I value saving a buck, it's not a large expense unless you're really poor
Products cost money to acquire
I really don't get it. Honestly there aren't enough good games in a year that buying them would make an noticeable dent in my economy, so it's not about money. I just hate feeling like a chump. For instance, right now I'd like to play Anno and I'd buy if not for knowing that in a week or so every fucktard on Yea Forums will be playing it for free and that will, if I were to buy it before that, annoy me. I think that idea fairness is innately human, and if it's not going to be fair I'm not about to be on short end of it.
it's convenient desu.
pay 10$, get the game on steam, easily download it on every computer, don't have to worry about crypto miners in repacks, no unzipping and copying cracks and modifying .ini files and not having to worry if a problem in the game is because the game is bugged, the crack is bugged, the installation is bugged, or all 3. updates fix bugs, especially on indie games. (like the freegoggames version of broken reality has so many progress halting bugs, but they've all been patched out in the steam version), etc.
meanwhile the only thing pirate fags get is a feeling of superiority because they stole some chips from a gas station instead of paying a dollar for them
pretty much this.
this. even if games are 60$ and you buy them day one, anyone who has a job that isn't a part time McDonald's patty flipper can afford that. I'd give my right pinky in a bet that most pirates are either third worlders where a months paycheck is 60 dollars, or teens with entry level jobs
I doubt point 4 matters all that much overall depending on the implementation. GTA style cheats have no ui and just modify a single variable in the game or just spawn something. Goldeneye's cheats added a lot of value to the game and gave you real rewards for your achievements although they have a ui as well as required the dev to come up with goals for each.
Piracy is mainly for 30+ year old NEETs. I can't even blame them, if getting free games and the troubleshooting adds some spice to their life then good for them.
I'm not poor