This is the Citizen Kane of rpgs
Yiik the post modern rpg
Other urls found in this thread:
>I want a Persona game but instead of a highschool setting, I want it in a college.
>Say no more.
What's with this fucking shitty OST
And why are the frames so choppy. It doesn't make the game look retro, makes it look like it's stuttering
>tip: video games are not a waste of time
I dunno guy I think Nier Automata made this point a bit more effectively
for me it is the profound acting
Sounds pretty standard as far as anime dubs go
that's a shame
I like the low poly artstyle but hate just about everything else
why you keep talking about this game?
it's an interesting case study of what not to do with your video game
Wait a second. The text is mirrored on the second pic. Oh my god, were they that lazy that they couldn't fix that?
It’s part of the quirkiness and was intentional.
>Why are frames so choppy
Recording is laggy or uploader locked FPS, doesn't actually look like that.
more like YIIKes
The music is actually pretty good.
Would you rather eat chocolate pudding that tastes like shit or actual shit that tastes like chocolate pudding?
Jesus fuck the music is terrible
wtf is that music
music reminds me of shibuya kei except really really shit
God the bird going mental is fucking hilarious.
>Cutscene before THAT boss
>Japanese animes
>A """""""joke""""""" that overstays its welcome
>Holy shit
Not even the weeb game deserves to be compared to this.
>doesn't actually look like that.
Yeah it does. The dev said he deliberately wanted to movement to look somewhat stop motiony bc some irish filmmaker he adores makes stop motion shit.
Game actually looks like this, it doesn't run THAT choppy, though the choppy animation is intentional it isn't a 10 fps game.
i actually think if the dev kept at it and applied himself he could make good games.
sounds like troy baker as james sunderland
Based SUDA did a better job then this hack
I think they need to cut their scope to about 1/10th of what they had for yiik. It's crazy ambitious what they did but I also feel a lot of problems could have been avoided with more time to polish and test.
What the fuck is this dumpster fire of a game
>that music
>the choppy animations
>Random mini game in the middle of a rpg battle
Who thought this was a good idea
tobyfox actually did a song for it, the only good one in the entire game
give it a persona skin and retards here would be clamoring GOTY
Knowing Toby, being to kind for his own good, he probably recorded it years ago and forgot it was in the game until it was coming out, or forgot he said yes to it years ago and did it a year or two ago of course still forgotten that he was asked about and reminded.
someone should make a version of this comparing Yiik with Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, a better rpg despite being made as a shitpost and released for free
Keep debating in my mind if Yikes would be better off as an RPG Maker game, but then it would just be another Always Sometimes Monsters and forgotten just the same.
Barkley isn't even an rpg maker game
It's not? Yikes.
why did Dick Masterson shill this shit?
ive never understood why hipsters love that retarded highschool band music. Its infantile.
yeah the project started in rpg maker but they moved it over to game maker because they wanted to do more ambitious stuff like timed hits and in-battle cutscenes
it's true kino
Dick is a gamer and he loves weird games.
Dang this is REALLY fucking bad. Hopefully the devs get HIV.
Western college is basically high school though.
It truely is.
>post yfw Chaos Dunk
Wow that is shit
The part where the main character gets raped by Proto woman came out if nowhwere.
Listened to the full interview Dick did with Yikesdev. Cracked the fuck up when he talked about woke up release day and was walking on sunshine being a hit right out the gate because the first review he saw was IGN Greece gave it GOTY score. If there were a term to sum him up as not being part of the indie clique, but equally as pretentious and just as edgy it would be Alt-Indie. Or the Scott Adams of gamedevs wherein he doesn't have any particularly interesting insight or takes on anything but finds himself craving and loving any and whatever spotlight he can get.
Fucking christ, why was this designed that way? Only the actual characters appear to move at 10 FPS, it's so nauseating to look at when the background elements are smooth but the characters are choppy.
Yiikes doesn't have a college setting though.
I want Persona to have a high school setting but where your party is the teachers and staff next time.
You fell for a fucking meme, you low IQ pile of shit. The real reason the game looks like shit is because they were too stupid to be able to optimize it.
dick just likes weird arty games he said that talking to the Earthworm Jim creator
I forget which interview it was but he said he took influence from some guy who made stop motion who might've also been the template for the main character.
>Black weeb's minigame is 17 seconds long and does less damage to a single enemy than the photo guy does to both enemies in 4 seconds
>Always Sometimes Monsters
Why did you remind me of this? Fuck you
Stop motion in a viewable animation is one thing. But when you make it part of your battle system that has to be repeated multiple times over, it just becomes obnoxious. This game is shit, and you are a low IQ nigger for even pretending to defend it.
Wait, Citizen Kane is bad? I heard so much about it I assumed it was good.
Never defended it to begin with. Pointed out the source of why it's choppy and why it didn't translate well.
I'm a fan of a little known indie game called Yiik you probably have never heard of it.
The very fact that they chose 'stop motion' in a medium that most people demand FPS in is fucking retarded. I hope you understand how fucking retarded that choice was.
Alright you sold me, this game is great
this is every bit as shitty and embarrassing as the average jrpg's dialogue
I'm actually impressed
I don't know what this game is, but it looks like a big self-insert. Get fucked glasses-kun.
>damage two enemies at once
>hurt sound plays echoed and twice as loud
I don't know what you guys are bitching about this is shitty game kino
>I hope you understand how fucking retarded that choice was.
You're really processing this well. I already linked said interviews where he made said retarded stop motion influence and why Yikedev wanted in his game. And no one has argued it's not retarded.
>Dev releases 'Two Brothers'
>Game which is boring as hell
>Various reviewers tell you to 'not bother with it'.
Meanwhile in YIIK
>Protag wears a t-shirt for it
>Characters talking about videogames "OH HEY HAVE YOU PLAYED TWO BROTHERS?"
Not only did the dev get shat on for this game, but his other game got completely ignored.
Charles Barkley was about a basketball player in space and this is about an unshaved basedboi fighting internet memes
Jesus christ dude
Where's the porn?
>Dick fucked up his visa so bad he couldn't even make it into this shitty game in time
black weebs being insufferable is really accurate though
>using parenthesis in a fucking dialogue
That sword attack looks absolutely awful. I would rather skip his turn completely or make him the designated item user.
Did you have an argument? Or just some effeminate "oh my god I can't even" moment?
>Characters need to get into a lock
>Alex asks if anyone can pick a lock
>The black guy makes it into a race issue instead of just answering the question
Alex did nothing wrong.
>Yea Forums shits on the game for the basedboy protag
>ResetEra shits on the game for not being WOKE enough
>Normalfags shit on the game for looking like ass
I honestly feel bad for it.
>Did you have an argument?
Did you?
All weebs are insufferable, you just don't realize it.
I think you meant pre school.
It's an interesting case study of how the dev managed to piss off both people who play games and people who don't play games (aka game journalists).
Why are you being so pointlessly edgy and argumentative? The dude never stated he supported the decision and yet you are foaming at the mouth. settle down before you give yourself an ulcer.
Stop motion animation can work, they just fucked it up. Stop motion doesn't just look like stuttering.
This shit writes itself
Yes. YIIKES is a fucking meme game that fell for nigger loving and other such commie memes. You are a retarded commie for even attempting to advertise it here.
black weebs are the worst a combination of we wuzing japanese culture and having to out weeb whites or something,
all the most insuferable weebs in chan history were black.
I know, right? It's adorable to see redditers like them leave the nest for Yea Forums university and try and impress everyone first day.
>hey can any of us pick a lock
>black guy walks in front of protagonist
>okay actually I can
Reminds me of that pretentious Sunset game where you play as a maid and read dialogue entries as a national revolution happens outside the apartment. Because heaven forbid you be allowed to partake in said revolution. Nah, gotta sit on the sidelines and read text. 20 DOLLARS PLEASE!
Then why does their battle system run at 20 FPS? You can't just say that was a stylistic choice. And even if you could, that is the single fucking dumbest stylistic choice in the history of gaming.
>The we wuz samurai black weeb
can't believe it's really named yiik
like, how not aware can you be, it's too easy
fucking yiiiiiiiikes
Because the lead dev recently blamed the game's failure on consumers and their reaction to the main character, even though the game itself has a host of other problems
'Come on Token, you're black, you can play bass.'
'I fucking hate you guys'
The lockpicking thing was actually funny though.
that yikes thing is like mainstream libshit crap.
I got a fuckin ad that said "yikes"
The bad reviews for Two Brothers are mostly concerned with it being buggy and broken.
Alex getting mad at Rory for lying to him while he's talking about his dead sister is actually a good bit of character development for someone you're clearly not supposed to like, its too bad its so fucking terribly written and you get the option to apologize for it like 10 minutes later is such a waste of potential for the whole "Alex needs to grow up" stuff.
game has more tits than modest kombat 11
The first line is okay, it should have been short and quick like But it goes on for too long and forces that racist bit too much
You better not be talking about Mad Thad, faggot
>Blamed failure on reaction to the main character
>Main character is a self-insert of the lead dev
Someone's insecure
you know all the major pedos vanned on here were black.
Really makes you think.
Could someone fucking answer this, or are you literally all YIIKES shills?
Yeah it's a trainwreck that everyone loves to dump on. Who would think people would be fascinated with awful games. Cry more. Maybe the game will vanish altogether.
Here's the thing though:
This approach can work
The problem is that they wrote him like shit
r34 when
oh shit. He is out of prison isn't he?
No, the problem is that the game isn't fun so there's no reason to put up with the MC being unlikeable.
>that OST
Is it possible to make a worse sounding track without it just being noise?
Is this a Danganronpa reference?
god i want a lemonade.
Was it Kino?
Has anyone bothered unlocking the Dick Masterson ending yet?
Because it seemed like your typical woke SJW game, but the dev is actually based and redpilled.
I want little girl lemonade!
sure is
Holy shit, this voice acting.
No, he's a faggot. and I hope you fucking die. Until your "based and redpilled" developer admits the reality of the USS Liberty, you can go fuck yourself. This game is shit for cocksuckers.
how is comercial lemonade lemonade qhen its just a clear sugary liquid?
Its not really a yellow lemony fruity drink both sweet and sour and refreshing
Mc being unlikable is supposed be a mirror, and you're looking at it
He only became based and redpilled because Yea Forums were the only ones who played his game out of le irony so now he's in full FUCK SJWs mode.
Was it Kino?
He's gay as fuck now from taking and receiving in jail and wants to go back in
>Let me make the main character an unlikeable shit
>Let me make the character you're stuck as both your audience surrogate and player vehicle for multiple hours an unlikeable shit
B-But it's okay guys, he'll get redeemed
>Expecting players to care after their first impression has locked in their opinion of the character
Seems like Andrew just doesn't know how to write a character to be unlikeable but also tolerable or how games work as a framing device.
I get the feeling you’re a falseflagging faggot but you’re dropping redpills so I’ll let it slide
he is ours now. He should make a waifu romance game.
Because it's one of those mesmerizingly bad products that's hard to believe actually got made and sold to consumers, even after seeing it it's hard to believe that such a thing got made. It's the video game equivalent to something like Troll 2 or Battlefield Earth.
I'm not, and you're literally too stupid to understand what I'm saying.
It's amazing how the mic quality varies so fucking much. Rory especially has a shitty fucking mic and his voice just sounds like it's coming through an xbox live party chat, on top of his voice just being annoying
>every random battle takes ten minutes because every single attack is a minigame
>minigames break frequently, locking the game
>every random battle is preceded by a solid 15 seconds of loading
Why is anyone discussing the awful writing when this game is nearly unplayable to begin with
This game is like /pol/ TRIED to make a modern Earthbound and failed
Nintendo approved this. Let that sink in.
>virtually no qt ginger bearded protagonists
>finally get one and it's in this piece of shit 2deep4u indie trash
I hate this timeline.
>/pol/ reeeeeeeee
>/pol/ TRIED
>has niggers
I don't think so
I keep seeing this game everywhere on Yea Forums and I want to know what the fuck it is before it gets on my nerves
this is the /pol/ game
You pay the publishing distribution license, they don't give a fuck how bad your game is. Game's already tanked where the dev said it's barely broke even.
lol wrong. They approve everything on their product, they dont let just anyome pit their shit on it that would hurt their brand.
Thats how it works.
I thought the pol game was the Columbine RPG maker game.
Kill yourself, idiot. You just admitted that you don't belong here.
>Two Brothers
Shit isn't even available on steam anymore. You can't get it.
>I don't know what that Columbine thing he mentioned was
>It's /pol/ because it's edgy
This is just sad.
I'm watching the boss fight and it's like the baseball from the future that Fry can't understand.
I'm talking about the fact that you didn't render it as '/pol/' you unimaginably stupid pile of shit. I hope you get raped by a nigger.
>dev trying to peddle his old buggy ass game which isn't even on steam anymore.
>in game comparing it to the likes of Chrono Trigger and other SNES classics.
i never played this game or ever will. whats the reason for saying lemonade?
thats a lot of jrpg or any rpgs with random battles. The player soon gets bogged down in tedious repetitive battles. They try to find ways to avoid combat.
Dev sperged out. Said gamers are babies who just want to self-identify with an MC and doesn't want to see any flaws with that character. Is painfully oblivious to the fact that:
A) His MC has absolutely no character growth.
B) Nobody wants to spend time with an unlikable cunt, regardless of whether they'll eventually change or not.
To be fair, The World Ends With You has a protagonist that is unlikeable for the first few acts of the game. I personally know two people that dropped the game early on, assuming he was a shitty character that wouldn't develop
So, how does the YIIkes protagonist 'transform'?
watch the first 30 seconds of the op video.
That game is so much better than it has any right to be. Who thought that some ironic game about Charles Barkley in a post-apocalyptic, post-basketball wasteland could actually have extremely good writing and also be pretty fun along the way?
One guy said this game felt like a deliberate attack on his senses.
I think that's the best description because the animations combined with the music makes me feel like I'm going to stroke out at any moment.
>I wanted to make a game
Well it sucked. Get over it. This developer looking like the ultimate basedcuckboy didnt help.
Jussie Smollett a free man, just ya boi Trump. Did no wrong, bitch baby. Cry more.
Does this really happen?
this game gets more based
Literally what?
Is that just a generic enemy
Because that's a fucking long fight just to deal with a generic mob
That feels like a weird way for things to work out.
love or hate toby but he can make some good music
>Soul Nomad
>World Ends with You
>No More Heroes
Please, this game screamed cringe and bluepilled right until he showed up on that podcast. It looks like the pretentious trash the western indie devs churn out on the regular.
>when Portland makes a game
But in TWEWY, Neku has a perfect reason do be a dick: He's stuck in a death game with people that mostly don't get that they need to cooperate to not die"
I'd be fucking pissed too if I were naturally anti-social and had to deal with neurotic people to not die.
its actually secretly making fun of liberal game design. Even the creators meltdown was a satirical act
He goes from an annoying pretentious douche to somebody who is just annoying and pretentious but trying to better himself.
Devs of that game had a gigantic Twitter meltdown lashing out at both industry and consumers after Sunset flopped and they stopped making games.
One guy from the studio then tried havijg brief career as activist trying "change medium" of video gaming but I guess he gave up already.
You weren't playing as Gig in Soul Nomad, and the protag is only an edgelord in the route that can only be unlocked after finishing the game.
OFF also doesn't really count because it's unclear if he's really in the right or wrong, even after the big twist.
The rest are fair.
People love the edgelord route of Soul Nomad more than the rest of the game though. It's pretty much the only thing that gets brought up regularly.
>Soul sacrifice
>Ghost trick
>Final Fantasy 7
>Final Fantasy 8
>Nier Automata
The creator is the same as Dick remember how Dick went on tv and acted like a douchebag.
Just to mess with people?
Samething with the yiik guy.
Well, at a least he got people to talk about the game again. Nobody even realized the game had come out.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
You guys are listing a bunch of cool characters that sometimes act dickish, not actually unlikable characters.
because it's art
art makes you feel things, those things don't have to be postive
No shit SUDA is better. That man shits excellence.
For OFF you're literally told at the beginning that you as the player is the one to guide the Batter. Unless the English translation went to shit on that
Mite be kino
Kill yourself.
I'm a digital artist and a composer and this game is making me physically ill with how aesthetically wrong it is on every level, this isn't hyperbole. It's weapons grade garbage.
that was way funnier than this though
The Batter was literally in the right though, the game was a metaphor of letting go of the past.
Go away moarpheus.
People are trying but it's hidden in some super bullshit way nobody can figure out. From what we've been told the quest involves talking to 3 brothers named Dick, Dax, and Chad. Dev spoonfed how to find Chad, but each character has multiple steps that need to be done to finish their questline, all 3 of which need to be done for the ending. Today he said somebody has gotten up to Dax, but whoever it is hasn't shared with the rest of the class. (Order is Chad Dax Dick).
Caim gleefully murders child soldiers, physically abuses his party members, isn't a hero for anyone and only does good things to kill more Imperials, throws Seere off his dragon in the final ending path, willingly keeps a cannibal psychopath in his party to help in the war effort and that's not even getting into the stuff he does in the sequel when you don't play as him. I highly doubt Alex did anything worse than murdering a child with a big smile on his face.
Moarpheus is literally a jew, so that flies in the face of your assertion. I repeat: kill yourself, jew, because your people are responsible for the murder of JFK, the bombing of the USS Liberty, and the bombing of the Twin Towers.
is this game
dare I say
so bad it's good?
I actually enjoyed The Path, never tried their other stuff though.
Nintendo just approves shit for "content". They barely care about the quality of games beyond their own, the thing they worry about with 3rd party devs is their brand image. As long as Nintendo games are quality, then they can point consumers at those and say "this is Nintendo quality" but if a 3rd party puts out something they find offensive, then it may hurt their image, and that is way more important to them than bad gameplay.
I mean hell, the Wii U version of Mighty Number 9 could literally brick the console. Did shit still get approved? Hell yes.
But he's fucking COOL. Being a badass evil dude that gets away with everything and takes shit from nobody is cathartic for some people. Nobody is going to fantasize about being Alex, 25 year old college grad with no work experience, a worthless degree, and a growing potbelly.
I agree that the need to self-insert is a disgusting vice that costs a lot of potential direction in video games. Anyone who has this need is denying themselves huge avenues of storytelling because they're the spastic equivalent of someone who couldn't read anything but a CYOA book. They will never know the joy of seeing an alien perspective, they will never enjoy the joys of experiencing a new horizon because they're broken shells that must be fellated in every fucking game where at best they play a vanilla slate that they can self-impose or at worst a self-congratulatory tabularasa.
Unfortunately this valid argument doesn't preclude the pathetic "I wrote a bad character and its your fault" statement that this is. I'll let you in on a little secret, Yea Forums, I was ignoring the lot of you and wanted to see if this was any good. I actually don't mind a lot of terrible features in this game because what I'm in for is the story.
The story is shit, the main character isn't unlikeable for understandable reasons. He doesn't actually develop as go through one 100x gravity narrative training event and apparently "change". The other characters are not great.
The sad thing is I wouldn't mind, I'd be happy I sunk a little money into something that was ultimately a failure if the creator was trying something new, or if it was part of some learning experience that drives them further. But this wasn't new, and the creator clearly commits the cardinal sin he is crying about: Self-inserting.
This is a man upset that the world is holding up a mirror and going "wow you are shit", and unfortunately god isn't going to give him a spot of deus ex to grow from it. It's fucking sad. I'm sad.
Haha, the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
>the creator clearly commits the cardinal sin he is crying about: Self-inserting
Confirmed bait, the MC has very little in common with the dev besides liking old games.
Got a link to where he said how to find Chad?
This picture disturbs me
This game looks like a dumpster fire, but even if the maker is a douche it still makes me a bit sad. I mean he clearly poured a lot of work into it regardless, but it sucks and no one likes it. What a waste desu. He should really use the opportunity to grow up though
Holy shit are you bad at shitposting, fuck off
You know this Drakengard talk reminds me, YIIK's musics is so bad that even Drakengard whose music was designed to be odd and disconcerting has a better soundtrack
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
What the fuck?
the walking dead did it first.
Remember Lee is urban.
Take your pills user, you know it's embarassing when you get like this.
>When /pol/ triggers you so badly that you start falseflagging desperately
This never fools anyone so I don't know why you even bother.
Prove me wrong.
>the virgin post-modern RPG
>the chad absurdist RPG
>he thinks murdering children is cool and badass
user, that says more about you than about how likable Caim is.
so hyped for this
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
It's a video game, they aren't real children and killing defenseless children is almost impossible to take seriously.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
they keep running over my papers, too
Which papers?
They aren't defenseless though they're child soldiers. He does this while one of his companions is begging for him to stop. Multiple times. Dude's a psycho.
More like
>I want an RPG made by the type of people who think college is a better setting for a Persona game than High School
>muh psycho
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Your desperate attempts at falseflagging are only making me like /pol/ more. Keep seething.
There's also Tales of the Abyss, although that's mitigated a bit by Luke mentally being a literal child
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
It's some of the only okay moments in the game and it's undercut by the actual dialogue.
It kind of summarizes a lot of the issues with this game in general: lots of high minded concepts undercut by the actual attempt to make a story about them since nothing about the overarching story is 'post modern' and very little in the dialogue actually focuses on those ideas outside of throwing in some buzz words
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers. You are literally too stupid to understand how the world works.
>tfw I can't even tell if this is a falseflag or not
I've been here too long.
they didn't "bomb" them, they crashed a plane into them retard, get your shitpost straight
It's a Resetera tard trying to shut it down.
its some autist intentionally derailing the thread because seethe
I'll just tell you, go to the top right corner of south town and see if hidden item is there. If it's not leave town and come back. 10% chance. Then he's in the middle of town. If you leave town need to get item again.
Oh also only works on most recent PC version forgot that.
>all posts deleted
More like HIIV
>it's an interesting case study of what not to do with your video game
Which is?
>and people who don't play games (aka game journalists).
Wait, I thought the journos loved it? What did he do to piss them off?
The main character is a loser hipster with a worthless degree and the game rags on him for it a lot, and Alex rather than being an sjw type is low key racist in the innocent way. Also the cops in the game only shoot your black party members.
>My mistake was thinking video games were art.
This is so arrogant it is beyond belief. The guys literally says that the reason his game failed was because he produced "art" while video games are really toys for kids. People were just "too dumb to get it".
>it's a "you are your id/ego/superego" episode
wow how original
How is Travis unlikable? He's intentionally goofy as hell to make the player laugh. Being an antihero isn't the same thing as a character being unlikable.
>Never played TWEWY confirmed
Neku is the one that doesn't think he needs to cooperate.
It was published by the same people that published VA-11 HALL-A, holy shit.
Am I autistic if I don't think the voice acting is bad here?
Grand Theft Autos 3, Vice City, 5
The Witchers 1 2 and 3 (Just in general, but also if you choose to play him that way)
Planescape Torment's entire fucking story is literally about whether bad men can become good
Not at all. They've got some good talent in the cast and they do their best with the lines they're given.
Dunno why, but I feel like this might be a quick crash course in what can make a game unique stand out about it's awfulness, yet still oddly appealing.
>Planescape Torment's entire fucking story is literally about whether bad men can become good
Nameless doesn't start off as a cunt when you first meet him. He wanders around shanking zombies and broing it up with a skull for a long time before you get introduced to how naughty he was.
Also this
>vibrating with motion
What the fuck does that mean? Is there vibrating without motion?
>summon pan-dimensional space babies (which exist)
The single best sentence ever written in the english language
The thing people get is, you *can* make the main character an unlikable shit.
You don't have to directly relate to your main character. You don't even have to like him. You just have to sympathize with him.
Neku from The World Ends With You is a perfect example.
He is an unlikable, antisocial cunt at the beginning of that game. The trick is, he's then thrown into a world that's directly at odds with the exact nature of his unlikability (an antisocial in a world where he's forced to cooperate with other people to survive).
We as the audience may or may not relate with being an antisocial dick, but we absolutely *do* sympathize with being thrown in a position far outside your comfort zone and being forced to act. This is what compels us to see Neku through the end of his journey.
That's how you write an unlikable protagonist.
It's referencing a stupid meme
If you've heard the interview you can feel the seething in his voice
Fucking retard can't accept his game failed because he sucks at writing and defaults to "I-it was the gamers' fault, not mine"
I watched the first video but I can't handle any more of this shit. I both pity and admire anyone who was able to play YIIK from beginning to end.
Don't watch it out of order!!! Start from the beginning of this condensed and magical journey:
It's like the room, or Ctrl+Alt+Delete. It's so bad that the only entertainment comes from trying to figure out why the author is so broken
>It's like the room, or Ctrl+Alt+Delete
Definitely CAD, calling it The Room or even so bad it's good is extremely generous.
Makes about as much sense as a painter doing a self portrait, then telling me it's supposed to look like dogshit because it's a portrait of me.
Honestly that doesnt look so bad.
The one thing that puts me off this game is the visuals. I know they were going for some style but it really looks like crap.
I played it for like 5 minutes and I just couldnt look at the game anymore.
Now I just realized, it look like a really crappy N64 game, which is really bad considering its a 2018 PC game...
Unironically still looks better than Furrybaittale.
>Wait, I thought the journos loved it? What did he do to piss them off?
The quote in refers to journos. He made the crucial mistake of forgetting that lefties don't want you to show someone being problematic at all, even if it's portrayed as bad and they learn to stop being bad. So he was totally right in regards to them being triggered by it and not getting that far.
Of course this is putting aside how it's a really shitty game in general.
hylics seems cool but the main thing preventing me is that it seems like all style and no substance, gettin' real tire of DUDE MUH WHACKY ART that means nothing other than to be aesthetically present. I want to play a game like this where shit looks insane but it also has a cleverly written, engaging story and world instead of just some lazy non-story like a From game because DUDE IT'S SO DEEP AND UP TO YOUR INTERPRETATION BRO. fuck that, it was cool but now it's old, where is my autistic simulation with insane novel tier storylines and escapist fantasy environments with actual dialogue and writing and plot everywhere
It's CAD more than The Room. The Room is unintentionally really funny. This is more unintentionally really bland despite how hard it's not trying to be. The game equivalent of The Room is probably Limbo of The Lost.
The writers capable of that are writing novels.
if multiple people are capable of autistically writing million-word web serials, why can't one of them autistically make a game?
I would say it's less about Caim being cool and more about the fact that he's just in general an interesting character. He's a monster in a world full of monsters, and following a man descend further and further towards outright damnation, becoming that gleeful child murderer, is like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. You want to see what awful thing he'll do next.
Unlike Alex who's just has nothing gripping about him to begin with. He's a pretentious brat in a paint by numbers attempt at a redemption story without the writing chops to make it work. Even once any redemption occurs he's still a milquetoast motherfucker so why should anyone bother following through?
Because the dev is rage-baiting you retards and you fall for it every thread he makes. Constant 400+ replies. You guys really are gullible. This is the perfect viral.
>This is the perfect viral.
If his goal is to be remembered as a talentless hack, then he sure is doing a great job
>Claudio's Bushido has 3 second countdown
>17 seconds to input
>then 3 more seconds to deal damage
>Takes ~20% of one enemies HP
Only a special kind of idiot would make weak attacks take as long as a Final Fantasy summon.