Are these VR virtual girls good substitutes for real girlfriends/companions?

Are these VR virtual girls good substitutes for real girlfriends/companions?

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No,you fucking virgin.
I can be your girlfriend

Have sex

with me please.

yeah if you're a pussy

Unless your only other option is this guy

It's like visiting a petting zoo instead of owning a horse
Horses fucking suck btw
VR girls are only good if you can quickly get your fix and move on with your life as an otherwise functional human being

>too grounded in reality to fall for delusions
>yet real women devour your freedom
what the fuck even is happiness

Don't play coy

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No and you can't force me to.


Once we get haptic feedback they will

Do women fear becoming irrelevant as VR waifu technology advances?

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VR girls and waifus are made to please.
You won't know what it's like having disagreements with real women.
IDK if you want that, but I would have to say that all the disappointments and fruatrations and acceptance that both partners get and give are part of life and I won't ever want a life without it.
Watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The holy grail of VR

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Attached: VR is too real 2.webm (700x392, 2.6M)

Attached: FF 15 VR.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

They're already banning sex robots

Attached: illusion riser.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

Attached: Virtamate.webm (960x586, 1.2M)

>tfw a girl likes you

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How much does it cost to be able to fulfill my childhood dream of naruto-running through a Japanese high school

No, I can't say I relate to this feel.

[citation needed]
And no, some screeching vagina crying and ranting about her fee-fees is not a ban.

It does look pretty comfy...

Depends user. The ultimate experience in outfitting a place and having absolutely everything for it would probably run you around $100'000. But if you're on a budget you can probably scrunch by spending anywhere between $2000 to $3000.

or one of those nice japanese dolls

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Attached: VR AR Girl.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)


No because they're all ugly gooks

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>The ban prohibits the use of a sex robot at a business, but does not prevent the sales of the robots.
Wow it is fucking nothing. Except for cucks that want used robo goods, but those aren't actually people.

>tfw it never happened to you

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why not just fuck the doll

Attached: immersive.webm (1920x1080, 2.39M)

>girl likes you
>date her and sperg out
>she doesn't like you anymore

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This is the future of strip clubs and I wholeheartedly support it

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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Did he died?

Are Yanderes real?


Insult my wife like that again and I'll slit your goddamn throat you mouthbreathing chink loving piece of filth

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Recorded sometime in 1996 maybe 1997, I forget

>David Foster Wallace : I'm not saying watching t.v. is bad, or a waste of your time anymore than - like - masturbation is bad or a waste of your time; it's pleasant little way to spend a few minutes - but if you're doing it 20 times day; if your primary sexual relationship is with your hand - something is wrong...

>David Lipsky : Yeah, except with masturbation at least some action is being performed, right; isn't it that, that's better?

>David Foster Wallace : Ok; you can make me look like a real dick if you print this...

>David Lipsky : [laughs] No, I'm not going to - but if you can, speak into the mike...

>David Foster Wallace : Yes, you're performing muscular movements with your hand as you're jerking off. But what you're really doing, I think, is you're running a movie in your head. You're having a fantasy relationship with somebody who is not real... strictly to stimulate a neurological response. So as the Internet grows in the next 10, 15 years... and virtual reality pornography becomes a reality, we're gonna have to develop some real machinery inside our guts... to turn off pure, unalloyed pleasure. Or, I don't know about you, I'm gonna have to leave the planet. 'Cause the technology is just gonna get better and better. And it's gonna get easier and easier... and more and more convenient and more and more pleasurable... to sit alone with images on a screen... given to us by people who do not love us but want our money. And that's fine in low doses, but if it's the basic main staple of your diet, you're gonna die.

>David Lipsky : Well, come on.

>David Foster Wallace : In a meaningful way, you're going to die.

do you agree anons? are we dying alone in a room by playing vidya so much? is anyone addicted to VR?

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>goes for her hand
lewd! lewd!

Yeah, but here in burgerland they're usually just trashy methheads with bipolar disorder.

Listen to this guy OP: It depends on what your purpose is. If you are lonely and just want short-term companion, then the answer is yes, you can consider VR girls.
If you want more commitment or can't be satisfied with characters who will not have the "human-like" traits like what he said, then the answer is no.
If you just want to have sex, just pay some hookers instead.

Your wife after I'm done blacking her.

Attached: chopchopchop.webm (1280x800, 2.49M)

Yeah and I welcome its sweet embrace

If I play this, will I fall in love?

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Either that or you'll start feeling like a dipshit the third of fourth time the game makes you whisper sweet nothings into your microphone at your tamagatchi girlfriend and go back to chronic masturbation to keep your hormones down.

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ASMR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over so it's pretty cringe she's doing that seriously.

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Attached: WeLiveInASociety.webm (714x890, 2.35M)

>actually afraid of playing dating games because of this
>good game or anime gets you walking around the house thinking about it with a hollow feeling

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Attached: misogyny.webm (638x360, 1.85M)

Yeah, I'm thinking they are.

Once virtual waifus start making use of tech like AR, tactile feedback and neural networks, things are going to get very strange very fast
I will be there every step of the way

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Attached: big mommy.webm (1000x563, 2.08M)

First we need 3D anime models that don't look like shit.

t. roastarito

Not really, but i bet it's a neat tool for enhancing real relationships.
You choose a girl by her personality, not looks, then VR her into anime, and she VR you into anime as you're probably not very good looking either and bob's your uncle.
Pretty anime girl that is more advanced than any AI.

Attached: you fell for the VR meme.webm (960x720, 2.87M)

Attached: Win10 VR.webm (720x1266, 1.4M)

Attached: virtamate defaultfu bed carry.webm (960x586, 2.86M)


At some point they're going to need to slap in a sturdy platform with a ring around it so you can't fall due to being a newbie with VR.

Oh wow. This guy's project is really coming along.

that shit is fucking creepy

Fuck. Imagine what a Triple A budget could achieve with a VR waifu sim.

Probably not much since 80% of the time requirement would just be R&D on realistic interactions. You can't do canned-animations for the majority of that like all the shitty VR waifu sims from Japan.

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Attached: thicc ma.webm (580x692, 2.89M)

>he can't get asmr

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Damn, VR boxing games will be cool.

That movement is due to third party plugin (which 90% of the time makes her stumble around like a drunk, which is also fun)
But yes it's coming along, clothing import soon

Never gonna happen, at best Illusion craps out something that manages to be slightly innovative rather than mostly regressive


Attached: purin chan boxing gym 2.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

Budgets aren't worth shit. The only important things are dedication, passion and talent. You should see the kinds of things truly creative people make with $0. If you've ever seen the PC modding scene, you've probably seen some of this.

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Attached: virtamate defaultfu bed carry2.webm (960x586, 844K)

I am fucking ready for the future.

That’s it, im going 2D for the rest pf my life sooner or later they will become good subsitutes

Guys i really don’t get the thicc meme, i just fucked a petite thicc girl and sure, her ass was great and she looked great with clothes on, the blowjobs were really good but as soon as i saw her belly i almost lost my boner, it was all saggy and not the cute kindnof saggy belly

Just why? It almost ruined it , i had to turn her around and really focus on the ass, if there is even a next time i want a skinny girl that i can actually grab by the waist

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Attached: SC5.webm (640x358, 1.75M)

>i just fucked a petite thicc girl

Someone released midna mods for HS not long ago I think
I'm not into impshit so w/e

That's kinda hot

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>this fucking sameface

lmao. get some taste.

You can manipulate them into any situation you want and can't judge you

Attached: dom sim.webm (1240x700, 1.54M)

Fine she was a womanlet with a big ass but i really wasn’t expecting that, they really know how to hide shit

Attached: equilibrium VR.webm (852x480, 2.68M)


Yea probably, but for some people there just is no better alternative, especially with today's society.

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>tfw a girl joked about maybe it'd be best if we just started screwing when we were assembling a piece of furniture she'd asked me to build but had only just met and erred on the side of caution that it wasn't intended that way since no girl had ever liked before you and only realized later that it probably was but now it will never ever happen again
death won't come soon enough

yes but the alternatives also suck in their own ways and I'm too autistic for them, so whatever, I'll turn into a husk if I can at least feel an echo of a joy I'll never know

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Attached: VR Tenga Demo 2 Oculus + Novint Falcon.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

he's lucky he didn't hit the stand, with all these idiots doing shit like this I feel they maybe shouldn't let noobs anywhere near a headset without some form of instructions or guidance, only a matter of time before people start dropping like flies to VR

it's been a long time since I've seen any signs of that

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Bend over

does having sex with a virtual girl, made possible through the use of various apparatuses, count as having sex?

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This is a really weird version of Wii Fit

It's a simulation of the act, but not actual physical carnal copulation.


yeah but

It is only sex if you give sexual pleasure to another person as well.

Which means that fucking a dude while using a VR to pretend is an anime girl does count.

But,'re not "fucking". You're making love, and not to a "dude" per se, but their sexual spirit they are channeling through their transmission of device. So're making love literally with another's soul as they are to you. Genderless, pure spirituality, pure sensuality.

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>8th grade
>autistic, school pariah
>yet a qt girl I have a crush on drops hints she likes me
>and stronger hints
>and outright says it
>and tells an underclassmen I'm her boyfriend
>"ok the fuck are you planning"
>what if she's legit?
>"well I'm not geared for a relationship, so I probably shouldn't"
>pretend it all goes over my head because too autistic to talk it out
>even think about admitting I like her too but too autistic to go through with it
>last chance at the graduation party
>gives me a big goodbye hug and say she'll miss me
>autism blue screen, stand at attention, don't reciprocate, don't even respond verbally or make eye contact, walk off awkwardly
>never see her again
>never get serious female attention again
>still kissless/handholdless
It still hurts like 10 years later, I'd prefer it if no one ever looked my way, Al Tenny is full of shit with that loved and lost crap

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everyone dies user

based and redpilled

gay and homopilled