Is there any mmo's that capture the feeling of a journey as well as Classic?

Is there any mmo's that capture the feeling of a journey as well as Classic?
Like I know I could just play classic, but i've been thinking about what I really like in classic and it's the feeling of progression it's the exploraiton across huge lands, its the systems that actively encourages social communication.

Can this be found in any other mmo's or are they all koreanshit that simply is a grind?

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Just let it die bro...

Not any recent ones.

we're going home bros

>all that excessive, meaningless clutter

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He literally only has a ToT frame and a healbot one. Those are his only addons.

Get a job.

have sex

You mean all the things Blizzard damaged when they released wow?
UO ancients rise from your graves

you're all idiots
you keep spamming this shit over and over again
i live to drink your tears and watch your disappointment
just a few months left.

So you can watch?

I'd say FFXI but it's dead

No. You will never recapture that feeling no matter how hard you try.

retail tranny detected

You're both giving money to blizzard, none of you have a cock and balls faggot.

Nope, your best bet these days is EVE Online, that game doesn't hold your hand and you will die a lot, mostly from other player's bullshit,

Most MMOs these days come out of korea, and all they care about is selling skins and angel wings to whales, and most western MMOs are preorder scams, abusing the MMO fans out there by selling their games as $100 early access shit that gets abandoned and released as soon as the preorders die out.

No worse then the mandatory mods for modern WOW's raiding.

Don't let people's clean UI's screenshots fool you, hiding in them is a billion popup icons and raid alerts

Old WoW was about meeting people and being in a social group. As anti-social faggots who didn't have friends it was something we needed.

New WoW is anti-social. Everything can be solo'ed and all dungeons require zero investment to the people you're surrounded with. Actually it's encouraged to stfu if you even talk to people in an instance.

WoW isn't a game, it's a people.

>being this overly autistic and self-grandiose over a multi-billion dollar games company
Wow fuck you asshole, literally the only decent game Blizzard releases in years is a re-release of their best one and you still reeeeee over it, if you want to be mad for some reason go ahead, most sane rational well-adjusted individuals will just be having fun playing this great title

Thing is, blizzard both prefected the technology to make MMOs great, but at the same time damaged them beyond repair with instancing.

Let Blizzard sink, quit being a cuck.

No, because even if there was a classicaly-designed large MMO, you'd sit glued to a wiki or using a quest-finder mod.

Warhammer online
Play return to reckoning with me!

Have sex Incel

Does Yea Forums have an eve corp?

Asura still has a shit ton of players on all the time. Every area in jueno, sandoria, and bastok is jam fucking packed at all hours. Windurst has a lot of characters cluttered in windurst woods. I frequently saw players in every zone i went through in ffxi just a few months ago, while there were multiple zones in wow that i literally never saw anyone in even with crossrealm active. It aint dead.

These days there aren't many, but in Classic's own era it was one of the very worst at it, and is often looked to as the primary contributor to that sort of experience being taken away from video games.

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Guys. Will old WoW run like Oldschool Runescape?
I mean will they update with new content, new quests and maybe instances in the old WoW game later on or will it be stuck in a constant state of 1 patch forever?

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>he thinks classic captures a feeling of a journey
Runescape literally throws you in the world and leave you to grow on your own. Not a single quest or combat is done with the game holding your hand: you get to the end of the journey on your own merits

> excessive, meaningless clutter
Like what?
It only looks cluttered because it was taken on a tiny 4:3 monitor.

Is it as is, has anything been added? Because it really needs end game content or some kind.

I couldn’t tell you to be honest, i never actually played it a lot. But hey it’s free now!

Is this Questionable Content fanart or something

EQ before 2001
FFXI before 2010
GW1 2005-2008
runescape 2004-2006
PWI in 2008
aion in 2009
FFXIV in 2012 before ARR
Ragnarok Online
Lineage 2 before 2008
Ultima Online

No, and anyone saying otherwise is going to get you into a very bad place in EVE where you're playing it like a job to make other people rich.


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LOTRO, play free mode as long as you can if you want some extra difficulty.

>FFXIV in 2012 before ARR
1.0 was pretty fucking terrible for a journey due to lack of environment variety and landmarks.

>Lineage 2
>Ragnarok Online

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FPBP. I had my fun, but I've realized it's time to move on.

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