He isn't playing Battleborn

>He isn't playing Battleborn
What's your excuse this time?

Attached: Chaddikus.jpg (1024x381, 78K)

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the servers are dead

I bought it on launch but my computer was a potato and could not run it at all. A shame because I was kinda interested in it.

>want to save Benny from Battleborn hell but can't

Don't let the memes fool you, It may have a layer of ugly and obnoxious but once you get past it the gameplay fucking shines.
Rocket Hawk is my favorite Aerial Character and he's trapped in the infinite nightmare with the rest of the roster.
>TFW playing full dish it out Montana
Everything is on fire, including me.

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it is certainly a historic title
>ugliest art in history
>ugliest and most buggy UI in history
>most annoying sound design in history
>worst balance in history
>attempted to tie in single player items with online play
>an online shooter with not even a shred of anti-cheat on release
The meltdown game mode was surprisingly okay but it takes a lot more than that for a game to be playable
Personally I'm surprised more people aren't bringing it up in discussions about Borderlands 3, considering it's the last game Gearbox made and it was a laughably incompetent load of shit.
It's a very good reason to be pessimistic.

>Thought he was pretty terrible at first
>Got some reload speed gear and chose some different helix upgrades
>Become King of the Skies
> youtu.be/9Gc4QTqslN4 starts playing

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just draw lots of porn of him

What would you have done differently if you were in charge of Battleborn Yea Forums?

F2p on release, that's all.

>Extremely little Battleporn
I still want to fuck Orendi and Alani

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I would've fired all of the artists, UI and sound guys and then actually finish the game before releasing it

>worst balance in history
Please explain. Were there a couple of characters who were leagues ahead of everyone else? Was it unbalanced skill trees? What was the issue?

Maybe if Yea Forums held a few lobbies at some point in the vein of RoR I'd be down to play, but otherwise the game has too few people playing for me.

Not him but from what I remember, the gear system made it pretty unfair for new players to fight against others who got optimized loot from farming and playing longer.
Also characters are definitely not balanced for lean, many of the supports are extremely squishy and much better suited for the PVE coop mode while others absolutely dominate the tiers with their damage, abilities or stats.

Not only that but there weren't that many updates to nerf or buff characters so it kinda stayed the same
Pre Nerf attikus was an absolute beast of a character being able to slap the shit out of just about anything that's not another tank or a character with a pocket Miko behind them, his juggles and raw DPS was a nightmare to fight before he got nerfed into the ground.
I think more updates to the game would have improved it's health. Or maybe even changing character and Gear stats between Coop and PvP

Any other questions?

You guys clearly didn't play on release. You're imagining the usual shitty dev incompetence, but this is battleborn we're talking about. Galilea. Fucking Galilea.
She could 1v5 an entire team of other champs, or 1v4 the entire team while fighting the enemy Galilea.
She was so powerful she could reliably kill people using spinbot hacks on Marquis. Let that sink in. She was so imbalanced she could beat people who were hacking.

does Benedict count

benedict is the only good battleborn character
I'd eat his ass while jerking him off

I'm playing Borderlands Enhanced instead.

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since he's western does this mean he has human dick/balls than cloaca?

To this day she is still broken as all hell.

He's a weird birdman alien, he could have either.

>muh "unique silhouettes"


I wish I could go back in time and use reverse psychology on Randy to fix the game in the present.