What is Game Freak's problem?

What is Game Freak's problem?

Why don't we have a strong line of console Pokemon games that break away from the traditional formula in order to do something new?

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pokepark, pokemon ranger, mystery dungeon.

Pokemon XD

Also Gamefreak is a below-average game developer that happened to strike gold and create a pop culture fad. They're good at worldbuilding and character design, but as far as making actual games goes they're not too great

>Pokemon games that break away from the traditional formula in order to do something new?
that is LITERALLY what let's go pikachu was


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Because they specialize in maximizing profits and minimizing efforts. Pokémon games will always sell 10+ million copies no matter what so what's the point in trying?

Let's Go is LITERALLY the opposite of progressive innovative experiments

that happens but they're all outsourced, and the one rpg spinoff they've ever greenlit, they told the studio to fuck off after because they were afraid they'd do better
let's go was a soulless cashgrab but mostly just an engine test

Gamefreak are fucking awful developers, wouldn't trust them to write a "Hello World"

How can Phantom Hourglass not be considered an experiment? Just because it's top down? The entire game is controlled with the touchscreen for crying out loud.

But the best Pokemon game was a non conventional Pokemon game (Explorers of sky)

It's an innovation of the classic style rather than a complete formula overhaul


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>No Pokémon Snap 2 to take advantage of the Wii U gamepad
>There probably won't be one either to take advantage of Labo VR
Curse Game Freak and their utter lack of ambition

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The fans are Pokemon's biggest hurdle

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No one has bought the experimental titles worth a damn so...

You're right, it's not gamefreak making the same exact game and plot once a year for the past two decades with minor adjustments and new gimmicks striped out every time. The disillusioned fanbase making their own content to fill the void is to blame.

Maybe the experimental games should have been less shit

Yes, the fans buying those lazy games is what enables them to continue never improving. You'd see Pokemon: BotW really quickly if sales started tanking.

with the exception of removing the random encounters LGPE did nothing new

snap is extremely overrated