What are some satisfying boss fights?
What are some satisfying boss fights?
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Hunter x Hunter shits on Mob Psycho and One Punch Man.
how you feel now that no one took the bait in 10 min?
Ah, One Joke Man, my favorite flavor of the month. That aside, the final boss of Killer is Dead is one of my favorite archetypes in games
where do i watch this fampie
>Hunter x Hunter
Childish trash, like 95% of shonen.
Seriously how have people not dropped S2 already?
Stick to the CHAD manga and webcomic.
I enjoy it and have no intention of ever reading the manga
This. I have no intention of ready ANY manga, for that matter.
>Hunter X Hunter
>100 million eons of years later to release one chapter
I mean, I know the author is sick and all, but someone else already replaced him so why the fuck is it still taking fucking forever.
How is season 2? Haven't seen it
I read the manga and watch the anime, It's cool for the voices and it works as a recap
Animation took a dive but everything else is just as enjoyable as S1
I played that game but I can't remember the boss, do you mind telling me?
It has kino at some points
I'll probably pick up back later but it's just so disappointing when compared to manga's artwork and S1's animation.
Webm related isn't even the best S1 offers yet it beats everything in S2 currently.
Can an actual OPM fan and not a shitposter give me a rundown on S2? How bad did the animation really get? Is it as bad as the trailer made it look, or just-not-Madhouse-godtier? I don’t want to ruin OPM for myself.
It's just ok looking with some occasional sakuga like.
The first season set the bar too high.
some reused frames
It's not garbage but it's not all that good either. Looks like any random seasonal anime with bursts of good animation. Episode 3 has looked the best so far.
It's just really stiff.
Scenes drag on for too long, and there's not a lot of movement going on.
>tfw JJBA was my only title before OPM so I'm physically unable to give a single fuck about the animation as long as it's not a PowerPoint presentation
If you're used to shonen animation it still looks amazing
It's actually fine. Obviously not Madhouse godtier, Metallic surfaces have this weird texture for some reason so Genos looks a little bit weird. Minor scenes take shortcuts with reused frames fast flashy squences to hide some QUALITY moments. Major fights and what not still look pretty good.
EP1 and 2 weren't anything amazing, but EP3 was pretty damn good imo. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Video games.
The true patrician choice.
Why can't Garou be the mc?
>animeonly's reeeing over typical JC Staff shit
Feels good to be a manga chad
aceptable so far, but the episode today was pretty fucking good, ill said is one of the best episodes
Genos's CG arms look fucking terrible but otherwise it's good.
For once I agree with you waifufag
It's powerpoint with shakycam and CG effects-tier. I wish it was as good as the PV.
quality-wise? eh, it's ok. It's serviceable.
JC-staff wise? fucking amazing considering what that studio is known for (hot garbage)
imagine being proud because you look at pictures
Hunter X Hunter takes a giant fat shit on Mob Psycho and One Punch Man. In every aspect.
this looks hella gay
>those designs
You realize animation is just moving pictures?
Why is the animation so shit??
looks like shit compared to S1 animation
imagine being proud that you watch cartoons
Cry more, brainlets
t-they're saving up all the animation budget for elder centipede r-right? I just saw episode 2 and the animation was god awful on some parts. It's like they just took the manga panels and used MS paint to shake them.
Mangachad? Not the webcomic?
>words words words words words
You fucking wish HxH was as good as Mob
what animation
moving pictures WITH music and voices, thank you very much
have fun making up voices with your imagination lol
Webcomic gets updated once every two years.
I finished mob psycho I don't know what to watch now
>imagine being a shounenfag in 2019
Webcomic is great too but if you use it to argue with animeonly's they just complain about the art like autists
Dororo or Kaguya-sama
How many episodes in is the anime? I thought that part you posted was a good bit passed where the first season ended, but I guess I'm misremembering.
That's the reason I'm watching it I want to see how hard JC is going to push themselves and try their best!
Fucking disappointing as fuck, they wouldn't get the chance to make another season until the next couple of year. Why would they rush the fuck out of it?
Story, characters, theme exploration, world-building, best power system in manga/anime. HxH destroys Mob and it's not even close. A boy that powers up with emotions in a bland school setting with bland villains can only appeal to entry level normalfags like you. Get better taste, oh wait I'm on Yea Forums. You're all casuals.
I love HxH to fucking death and glad I had the chance to read it and see it get a great anime adaption, but this is false.
Pic related. Saved this to show my friend that I wasn't exaggerating about the walls of text.
This is business as usual for JC Staff
The director of S1 was busy.
Reliquary of Souls in Black Temple.
My guild was in the top 20 US to kill this, about 3 hours total after the first pull.
This fight was a true guild killer on my server, but our rogue crew had played together for years before WoW released and coordinated flawlessly on this.
Had many server firsts through Vanilla/BC/Cata, but RoS remains the most satisfying, mostly because we never got stuck on it. Every other guild on the server got hung up for weeks on this fight.
>Story, characters, theme exploration
lol no
>best power system in manga/anime
To be fair mangastream translations are not as concise as the Viz translation, it is actually worth picking that one up.
hi jeremy
Speaking of soul, this page alone kills anything ONE/Murata have ever drawn.
>B-b-but generic schoolboy get mad and go super saiyan with trippy visuals11!
That's weak even by normalfag standards.
Why aren't you watching Sarazanmai instead? It has totally straight romance.
I really regret not playing Guild Wars more than I did and getting into WoW in their heyday. I would've been much better off in life if I had played those games and tried to understand PCs more in the past.
No online scans for Viz?
If you're impressed by a generic shounen protagonist powering up with emotions, beating cliche bad guys in a boring school setting you've only watched 5 anime in your lifetime. Lurk more and get better taste.
>basic flat hatch galore
that's fucking amateur trash. Even ONE can draw something better than that.
Nen is retarded asspull bullshit and you know it.
Dragon Ball Z
>the fights are the only things that matter!
I find it hilarious that HxHtards pretend to be superior to MHAfags and BCfags despite basically being the same.
>implying anything after Boros is any good
Come on now.
This was pretty bad, but the animation in the fight sequence preceding it was still pretty decent. Not as great as season one's, but that's to be expected.
As a person who hasn't watche HxH wtf is Nen and how bad does it effect the plot? I keep seeing this hit thrown around everywhere
>that one fan of Black Clover who thinks by shitting on more popular series his own shitty series will finally take off
>the HxX autist shitposter is Yea Forumsermin
Makes sense, honestly.
Look at this.
>said the hxhfag without a shred of irony
When it comes to action I prefer watching it but each of those source has its pros like the manga has really good art and the webcomic is good for the jokes. it's really conflicting. the story i don't really give a shit about it. story hypes up big bad baddie and then gets destroyed by MC rinse and repeat. MC has 0 character development, no love interest, nothing of a character. anime is superior here because we can just turn off our brain and not have to move any part of our body to click through pages.
You're missing the context of my post, which is soul. The actual thing being drawn is what matters, not how amazing it's presented. For example, if you render a turd at 8K resolution with the most amazingly realistic lighting and texture, it would still be a turd. The imagery matters more than anything else.
Blizzard(fubuki) is objectively ONE's best girl
Why do Hunterchads enrage everybody else so much?
Shouldn't you be busy getting shat on in the One Piece general on Yea Forums?
>fights are the only things that matter
>in response to a panel that has no fighting
Are you okay, user? Did you have a stroke?
hi jeremy
Most action scenes have this weird shaky cam and blurry filter to hide the shitty animation.
Nen is the general name for the powers used in HxH. It was decently explained for bit but then Togashi decided to throw that in the garbage with one of the most hilarious asspulls ever.
>the thing that they literally sat the main characters down in a fucking CLASSROOM and explained in every minor detail beforehand
You're grasping for straws and it's hilarious.
>has nothing to actually prove it wrong
lol even you know Mob is shit
hola reddit
>wtf is Nen and how bad does it effect the plot?
started out as a good and creative ability system with limits and capabilities.
But as with any other shounen story it became powerlevel and bullshit.
Nen is the lifeforce property hidden away in every living and non-living organism in the world. It's possible to weaponize it, but the knowledge of doing that is very esoteric. In fact, the start of the manga never explicitly mentions nen at all and doesn't really reveal it as a significant power until later on. But the applications and variations of nen powers are staggeringly diverse.
"OH MY RUBBER NEN" is referring to one of the better fights in the manga between two S-Class fighters, dueling each other to the death. Towards the end of the fight, the loser uses his rubbery like nen to grab onto his heart and pump it to resuscitate him after he dies. It's also very rare, but nen has the potential of increasing in power after the user dies; not something a lot of people can really use nor will themselves to put in harms way to experiment with. The character using it was considered an asspull by a lot of people, but the properties of nen after death have been mentioned sporadically in the manga. It was even briefly mentioned in the same fight, when the person who won the match used it before the loser by copying a dead man's powers.
As for how much it affects the plot, it's a significant plot device that really doesn't serve much purpose besides asspulls.
That's is as basic as you get you tryhard retard. That shit has no fucking soul.
>reading comprehension
You're the one that keeps bringing up how "great" the fights are and how Mob's are so much worse by comparison, and I replied by mocking you for your typical shounentard outlook that the fights are the most important part of a story.
Fucking HxH brainlets I swear.
>hunter"""""""""""""""""chads""""""""""""""""" threads are so dead on Yea Forums they falseflag on v
So, you guys are fighting about wich chinese cartoon is superior?
I am so glad I can interact over the internet with such mature, wise and respectful individuals like yourselves.
Truly a motive to rejoice.
Thank you anons.
Haven't watched/read OPM but Mob Psycho 100 is the DEFINITION of style over substance. Hunter x Hunter isn't perfect but still runs circles around Mob Psycho when it comes to characters, stakes, interesting fights, etc. Every single fight in Mob Psycho is "unga bunga me stronger than you". Mob's victory is guaranteed every single time. And he doesn't win because of hard work or cleverness, but because he is naturally more talented (which shits all over the message the story is supposedly trying to convey). ONE should thank his lucky stars that Bones graced his painfully mediocre storytelling with their amazing visuals.
>Wan Piss, Normie Punch Man, Mob Psycho
Once again Yea Forums proving this place is just reddit.
I'm looking!
>the thing that they literally sat the main characters down in a fucking CLASSROOM and explained in every minor detail beforehand
that's not what it is now, isn't it.
The author threw all that explanation out the window for the "i can do this now" shit.
>explain a power that can pretty much do anything to justify any asspull
>suddenly it's not an asspull
Oh and FUCK Reigen he's a piece of shit and Mob is a doormat.
Jeremy jeremy, stop being a cuck
That character's schtick is to over-explain things.
have sex
Replying on an imageboard is fighting now. Surely you have a mature brain and you're not a complete retard.
I like Hunter x Hunter, but what fascinates me about its fanbase is how garbage their taste is. The phantom troupe arc is the worst arc of the entire manga by a fucking mile, and yet for some reason it seems to be the most beloved. Chrollo is also the worst character in the manga and yet people seem to constantly masturbate over him. It's really puzzling.
>literally never seen porn of black clover on various doujin sites
lmfao what a fucking DEAD ON ARRIVAL franchise
rip that poor seiyuu's vocal cords
Is it really? I hardly notice since everyone fucking monologues now, except for the spiders and the more ruthless villains. Thank god for them.
What the fuck are you niggas talking about? Am genuinely asking here, why do the Hunterchads piss you guys off so much? I don't get it, is because they're annoying or what? I could give less of a fuck about this fucking fictional war that's going on. Tell me dammit.
>bringing up how great the fights are
I literally listed one by one all the things that make HxH great >most important part of a story
Okay, let's hear about how Mob has a better story than HxH. Let's hear how your seasonal reddit trash in a SCHOOL SETTING with EMOTION POWER UPS is better than HxH. Go ahead, take your time. Do it brainlet. Make us laugh.
>he thinks hunter"""""""""""chads"""""""""" piss people off when they get BTFO from every general on Yea Forums
More like tired amusement that quickly turns into mild annoyance. HxH fans are a pseudo intellectual smoothbrains who managed to delude themselves into thinking that the tedious, badly drawn bullshit they managed to slog through must be smart because Togashi told them it was
If the fights aren't important then why does Mob have so many? Why not cut out all that shounen crap and focus on Mob's day-to-day life exclusively?
Name one instant of nen that wasn't foreshadowed in some way beforehand. Also, tell me why Mob Psycho's zero IQ fights that contradict the show's very themes are better.
Somebody turned off anti-alias.
>get banned from Yea Forums
>run with your tail between your legs to Yea Forums
No, we'd rather call you a bald cuck, jeremy
>Not as great as season one's, but that's to be expected
>Hey the first season is a soaring success!
>Great! Now lower the budget.
Unless they are planning on a full 24 episodes +OVA that's unacceptable.
Man, Garou sounds so fucking lame, he needs a more... garish voice
> pseudo intellectual smoothbrains who managed to delude themselves into thinking that the tedious, badly drawn bullshit they managed to slog through must be smart because ONE told them it was
Wow, you managed to describe ONE's fanbase pretty accurately. Except Hunter x Hunter has Hisoka, the Phantom Troupe, the Yorknew Arc, the Chimera Ant Arc, the Nen system. ONE has nothing but normie humor and anime adaptations with sakuga animation.
>but because he is naturally more talented (which shits all over the message the story is supposedly trying to convey)
It clearly flew over your head if that's what you got out of it. Both Mob and the story itself knows that all of his power comes naturally, and that he didn't have to work for it. That's why Mob is so apathetic towards exorcism, because it (usually) is so easy that he doesn't have to think much about it. This is why all of his efforts towards self improvement are focused at things that aren't related to his powers in any way.
HxH has some great high points, but it also has long stretches of really lousy pacing which neither of ONE's works suffer from.
Imagine being this much of a shounen brainlet
The entire point of MP100 is that your capability in big dumb flashy shounen fights has no relationship whatsoever with your worth as a person. You couldn't miss the point harder if you tried.
Jeremy with the hot soi opinions
>surprise! it can actually do this!
>now here's a chapter length explanation that doesn't make sense
Show me a single more iconic and powerful panel from your favorite manga. I dare you.
>EMOTION POWER UPS is better than HxH.
There you go talking about fights again. It's almost like the most important parts of Mob's character are things like him joining the Body Improvement Club or fixing that bitch's manuscript.
Jeremy seething because he never had a group if bros to lift with
No one is saying ONE's work has 3 digit iq requirements.
HxH on the otherhand has this pretentious attitude that its bullshit make-believe is actually smart, even though the explanations is about as good as a child explaining why his favorite toy is better.
>fixing that bitch's manuscript
Now that was a true CHAD moment from Shigeo
not him but that point is kind of undermined by the fact that the great finale of s2 is mob beating the leader of a sect of villains bent on world domination, subsequently saving the city/country/world
>Madhouse could have made a season 2
>decide to spend all of S2's possible budget on a shit ton of Overlord garbage that absolutely nobody asked for
Isekais are such fucking trash, I can't wait for this awful genre to die.
>not him
>it's actually him
What did Jeremy mean by this?
Lo and behold, I and many others consider it the worst arc in the manga and anime because of that very reason.
Just so you all know I ahte you for this "Bing bing 1up meme" not ebcause it isn't funny, but because you shits are completely ruining it with no idea how the sound effects work.
>Bing bing
First off, Coins don't make bing noises. it more of a Ba-wang, theres a heavy sound in between, "Bing" is a short sound that doesn't embody or capture the sound effect of a coin, it should be "Ba-wing" "Ba-wang" or something to that effect.
Thats not even a fucking sound you fucking moron. thats a noun, you don't say "jump" or "die" when reffering to these sounds do you? The 1-up noise is more of a "Ka-win-i-wing" or "Ba-win-i-wing", its a three sound syllable. not just a one.
This one however is your biggest offense "Wahoooooooooo" STOP. For once in your goddamn life stop pretending to be retarded Yea Forums and listen to super mario 64, "Wahoo" is his long jump sound effect, and it is NOWHERE near as long and drawn out as that. FURTHERMORE, it's "Ya-hoo" not "WA-HOO" Wahoo is Klonoa, you can't even get your videogame character straight. The train goes like this.
First jump: Yah
Second jump: Wah
Third jump/spin: Ya-hoo!
And don't even start me on how stupid your "plane turns" meme is. If the plain turned with that much force of turbulence, it still wouldn't knock it flying across the plane, it would merely skid off the tray, and into the aisle, where he could easily pick it up.
If you're going to viral your meme, at least make sure you have your facts straight. Theres nothing I hate more then an ill-prepared and nonsensical meme.
Only times I hear about Monster X Monster is when it's some contrian crying about other popular animes
So ~30% of the story is just worthless? I don't see how that's a good defense.
Why couldn't Mob have fights that have good build-up and are based on cleverness and hard work? Alternatively why not cut out the fights entirely if they add nothing? Or shrink it down to one high-quality fight every so often rather than shitty out-of-nowhere shounen arcs?
Murata is a way better artist than Togashi you seething retard. While HxH goes on hiatus every 10 chapters, Murata draws 40+ pages each month with immense quality.
Not enough fubuki
I like both of them user, but I think the OPM manga has some consistently high quality stuff. I like the OPM webcomic more than the manga, but I really like some of the art.
Why the FUCK did the Manga waste 20 chapters on a shitty fight?
Yes I mean child emp vs bird
Post-mortem nen has been directly shown and explained way before that arc even started. You literally can't even speedread through it because major events in Chimera Ant displays this too.
see Mob contradicts the themes every time and the fights are zero IQ trash. You like it for the pretty colors and nothing else.
It's more like they never stay in their own threads. They always trying to start fights with every other anime and manga and try to say that their shit is not Shonen.
Doesn't Gon defeat the cat bitch by getting an emotion powerup? I remember he got crippled after that but then he was healed by someone who can make any wish come true. Though the wish would've killed Gon's gay friend but instead it didnt because reasons
It was like 3 or 4 and the fight was cool
Did the OPM manga get to the part where tatsumaki gets brutally beaten into the dirt by that other psychic ? I want to see her hurting with good art, it's bound to be super hot
Togashi's art has more soul. Yes, the shading is a lot better in Murata's work but that's about it. Like I said before, the imagery is what matters more than the quality of its presentation.
Look at Compare that to Murata's art which is just regular uncreative mundane bullshit but with better shading.
It's not exactly an emotion powerup, he basically consumed his entire potential in one fight, it was a deliberate gamble. As far as I know he lost the use of nen forever, but I haven't kept up in a while.
ONE confirmed that other psychic will be Saitama's love interest
Mob's narrative isn't some big-brain shit, I don't know why you're having problems with this.
>Why couldn't Mob have fights that have good build-up and are based on cleverness and hard work?
Because that would completely go against the theme of the story
>Alternatively why not cut out the fights entirely if they add nothing?
Just because they aren't the main focus of the story doesn't mean they aren't there for a purpose
>Or shrink it down to one high-quality fight every so often rather than shitty out-of-nowhere shounen arcs
The fact that you think that Mob arcs are "out-of-nowhere" just tells me that your brain is has mostly liquefied. The only arc that is even remotely like a standard run of the mill shounen arc in Mob is the World Domination arc and that is also the worst arc in the series.
What's your favourite fight?
Mine was injured Garou vs the dozen or so A rankers
Kengan Ashura > HxH
An actual mature person wouldn't even be here mocking others nigger
Okay first off thanks for the spoiler asshole but that wasn't really my question, I just want more panels dangerously close to revealing Tatsumaki's naughty bits
Jeremy pays for a Yea Forums pass so he can get BTFO all day across several different boards
Gon defeated the cat bitch by making a nen pact (once again explained beforehand but people don't pay attention)
>nu age dragfon ball z with retarded ass weapons and some fag midget kid is better than the classics
whats it like eating nothing but ramen youre whole life fagget?
wasn't a spoiler, don't fall for his shit
Why didn't Netero make a nen pact to beat the bug king then
>completely ignores
Why are shounentards so stupid? Why do HxHfags or MHAfags or BCfags or whatever other kind of shounenfag think that their story is some kind of secretly brilliant deconstruction of shounen tropes?
>Dragon ball Z with weapons
You can at least you pretend you know anything about HxH. You didn't even try, hipster.
just because its garbage doesn't mean its soulful user.
It tried but didn't get there, but unlike the special Olympics there isn't an award for trying.
That carp is sub-par, just accept it and move on.
>Just because they aren't the main focus of the story doesn't mean they aren't there for a purpose
...Except what is the difference between Mob easily winning one fight and easily winning a hundred? They both accomplish the same thing from a story perspective. It's redundant and masturbatory.
He might hate ONE's stuff, but Hero Academia makes his blood boil
He probably assumed the gigaton nuke was enough
based m2k fangirl
The Martial Arts Tournament.
youre as bad as that one faggot shitposter who goes full autism in cod threads
I mean, My Hero Academia is the worst shounen manga to get popular since Bleach so it's understandable
Ah yes, the Rick and Morty of shonen
How quaint
But then he would've lived
HxH characters are retarded
It wouldn't have been enough, most likely. The weapon he did use to defeat Muruem was most likely more powerful, anyways. Although it most likely wasn't his intention, he killed the others so in the end it worked out better than a non pact would have.
>Togashi's art has more soul
Both ONE and Murata have more soul per panel than Togashi can put in an entire volume.
This is of course assuming that Togashi actually puts art in his panels and not just overly long explanations of every thing because he's lazy.
1. Netero directly says on camera he enjoys the challenge of fighting someone stronger at his age. He's also confident because he's one of the top nen users.
2. In case things go wrong he already had the rose bomb, which did eventually succeed in killing Meruem.
It honestly isn't that bad. I swear people are hating on it because it's popular now, but back when it wasn't so popular, it was talked about a lot.
it's made pretty clear throughout the arc that netero wants to die during this fight
>Yeah I love the challenge of a fight
>Commits suicide
Japs lol
>he would've lived
No he wouldn't. When they actually did fight Meruem tanked all his strongest attacks and Netero had to resort to using the bomb. Pay attention, retard.
hunterniggers are the Sonyfags of Yea Forums
Always starting wars with the worst bait imaginable, they never stay in their own threads either. Think their shit is smarter than it actually is with their basic bitch themes.
He could've made a Nen pact like "I will give up my testicles for 10x power"
>no reading comprehension
Retards lol
He valued the lives of the rest of the world than his own enjoyment of fighting, user. Probably why he chose to fight Meurum in isolation to minimize casualties.
>he would have lived
When Netero decided to use his nuke, he was absolutely at zero energy and missing limbs. He thought his ultimate technique used beforehand would have killed Meruem.
When Gon made his nen pact he was at full energy and didn't do any fighting beforehand.
>make a nen pact in the middle of a fight against Meruem, the strongest character at that time
I'm done replying to you, you're brain damaged. Get you's from someone else, brainlet.
Any kind of manga is for niggers.
>if you use it to argue with animeonly's they just complain about the art like autists
I actually can't stand this. The webcomic art is hilarious, which is perfectly fine since the webcomic is more of a comedy/parody than some serious battle shounen.
Gon did a pact in the middle of a fight though, so much so that the cat said he could beat the king
>make a nen pact in the middle of a fight
Do hiatusspics read their own series? Are we forgetting O my rubber nen?
I agree but I cannot argue with more sexy tatsumaki
It seemed like the point of Season 2 was to show how people shouldn't close themselves off from others and that it's healthy to have relationships with others because you grow more as a person. If Mob was like he was in Season 1, he probably would have become a bad guy by the end of Season 2 with how emotionally and socially stunted he was initially. The final battle showed how Mob was able to overcome his enemy because he was able to control his feelings, fought for others and not for himself, and also wanted to save the guy who was fine destroying the world along with himself in order to prove he was the best. It's a culminating moment for Shigeo's character growth over the season that was driven home with a big finale that people have wanted since the blue balls finale of Season 1.
God bless Murata.
What does Mob's worth as a person have to do with the quality of the manga? It's still just a schoolboy powering up with feelings in a boring school setting. Especially since training with the club means nothing when he wins his fights using his overpowered ability. There is zero tension and the villains are just as boring as Mob is. Theme exploration means nothing when you contradict it so many times. Meruem's character alone >>>>>> all of ONE's series.
I absolutely adore the manga and webcomic equally. One's art was so simple but I remembered each and every villain and character he introduced. And Murata's art is just pure sex; I always see him posted in /ic/, and for good reason. Even when OPM became really popular and mainstream, I didn't let that stop me from enjoying the fuck out of the series.
What is HunterXHunters theme exactly?
Context. His fight with Teruki established just how much it hurts him to loose control of his powers against other humans. Fighting the 7th Division was really more about his relationship with Reigen. Mogami was about him understanding just how cruel the rest of the world can be and deciding that even if he can't feel much attachment to his own powers, he can at least decide to use them for the benefit of other people.
Mob effortlessly exorcising a spirit isn't the main draw, but the fights do facilitate the actual meat of the story which is his character development. The fact that Bones decided to animate them well is just how they operate, but in the end its still just window dressing.
>muh soul
Murata is one of the best comic artists in the world. You'd struggle to find someone with better anatomy, depth perspective, and use of black and white shades to create warmth and intensity. Togashi's art always looks like a rough sketch. Thin pencil shading and jagged lines do not constitute soul; it is called being lazy.
Also see .
hi jeremy
Post the manga comparison
Don't watch the Monogatari series then.
Both are great really. I can have ONE's original vision AND a Tatsumaki I want to lick all over.
>You'd struggle to find someone with better anatomy, depth perspective, and use of black and white shades to create warmth and intensity.
I love Murata's artwork, but I'd like to say that Yoshikazu is pretty god damn great.
S1 had an average budget.
Why does HxH have such a pretentiously faggoty fanbase?
I mean, sure, but in the end the resolution is still him completely overpowering his opponent to the point where he can afford to show kindness in the middle of the fight. It's not a very impactful character moment overall because of that. If they bothered to write in a way to solve a situation without the use of powers then it would have driven the point home better, but apparently they felt like they needed a big showy final fight more, so we ended up with this. I was pretty underwhelmed, personally.
Montgomery has plenty of sakuga, faggot. It's just dialogue heavy.
this is unironically one of my favorite manga purely for story and characters
Nobody asked
Im actually enjoying OPM S2
Because their series is the very definition of telling rather than showing so they think it makes them smart.
It's literally one bald cuck who doesn't even like it
Post something more SOULful from Murata than those 2 pages I posted then. And no, giant monsters with better shading doesn't mean it's better. The imagery matters more than anything. A piece of dog shit in 8K resolution is still dog shit.
>giant monsters with lots of shading again
You're so basic and boring.
>Murata isn't bas-
Dud HxHfags seriously get banned entirely from Yea Forums? Thank God, that board might actually be decent now.
You fight your brother in a katana battle while you're both wearing business suits on the moon as shit explodes around you. Point is the 1v1 with an equal is a great final boss
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
So you gave up huh. Good.
He already talked down one enemy right before that and attempted to do the same in the end. But not every person can be talked down. And his fights aren't about him struggling to come out on top, but about him struggling to control himself to use his powers to help people instead of hurting them, which is something that he has been trying to do since the beginning. The triumph was him not taking the bait of letting loose to beat down his enemy, but holding back to save him.
manga is shit compared to the webcomic
and the anime is following the webcomic this time around. so the comedic time is WAY better than season 1
>He's STILL trying
I'm really glad these shitposters who claim to be hxh fans are just limited to Yea Forums. At least these idiots won't be scaring too many people who may be curious away.
its a comedy anime who gives a shit about the quality of the animation?
hi jeremy, did Black Clover crack top10 yet?
SOUL is nothing more than a vague buzzword used by HxH apologists to vainly try to justify Togashi's mediocre art. You people already infest Berserk threads, don't start doing it with OPM.
>most generic design ever with some speedlines
No soul. Compare that to
Do you not know what creativity and imagery means? It's not just making something mundane and just doing good shading on it. You just don't get SOUL, user.
>Going on the internet and telling lies
Here's the only (You) you will ever get out of me. Rethink your life choices
The animation paired with the great comedy writing is why the show took off in the first place. People clearly gave a shit about the animation.
Again, that would have been more impactful if he had needed to break loose at any point, but he really didn't. There was just no weight to his triumph for me because it came at no cost. At no point during this fight did I feel like Mob was in any danger, of being beaten or of losing control / doing something he would regret. He lost himself in the moment for five seconds, pinched his cheek and turned on Jesus mode. It was really boring.
Unrelated but when is that Dorohedoro anime?
Gay pedophile manga
>people STILL getting baited by soulposting
come on guys
Your logic is that shading determines the quality of the art. Okay, so if a piece of my shit in the toilet is rendered at 16K and animated flushing it at 6million frames per second, it would still be shit. What's actually drawn matters more than how it's presented. Imagery > shading.
>SOUL buzzword
holy fuck hunterfags are gay. define soul right now or youre forfeiting your little pissing contest mate
Hopefully never, that manga deserves to be forgotten forever
>Do you not know what creativity and imagery means
I don't think you know what that means either. The only reason those panels mean anything is because of their context. The actual art is either bland in the former or a complete clusterfuck in the latter.
have you ever watched the anime? the narrator doesnt ever shut the fuck up he over explains fucking everything. hes like the dbz narrator on fucking meth
Try some steroids
No it's not, it is intellectual KINO. Why am I even arguing with seasonal bandwagonner fans who likes SCHOOL SETTINGS, SCHOOLBOY CHARACTERS THAT POWER UP WITH EMOTIONS. In a series all about self-improvement yet he contradicts that by beating all the bad guys with his superpower that is stronger than anyone else's. Just admit you like the sakuga animation. Mob Psycho has no worldbuilding, nothing as complex as nen, no characters as good as Merumen or even just as interesting as Hisoka.
But that's good shit
I fucking hate yurifags. Go back to your shitholes right now.
>The actual thing being drawn is what matters
I see a generic-as fuck old man mountain eagle triage; literally a fucking stock cookie cutter scenario
I see where you are coming from. The emotional struggle was rushed, so it lacked the full power it could have had, but what they tried to do wasn't lost on me. I think you're getting too wrapped up on the idea that he needs to physically struggle to grow when most of his growth happened because he was put under mental duress. The final battle was him showing that he had grown and was able to use his psychic powers for good instead of using them to annihilate everything like Mogami the psychic spirit told him he should do earlier on.
>he contradicts that by beating all the bad guys with his superpower that is stronger than anyone else's
Still ignoring everyone's arguments.
Typical smooth brain shounentard.
>This entire thread
I always questioned my decision to drop HxH instantly cause I thought it was unironically gay shit but with fans like this I think I made a good choice. At least you guys aren't powerlevelfags .
Also Devil Hand from God Hand is still the best boss fight in all of existence with no room for arguments.
Ones drawings are better than nu-hxh and that's just really sad
My nigga
Go castrate yourself
Yeah guys I agree, Kuze from Yakuza 0 is the most satisfying boss fight. The final encounter is my favorite one.
I mean, I understood the intent, I just thought the execution was lacking (or even contradicted the discourse in some places). You'd have to try very hard to miss the point considering they state it plainly multiple times, but I just wasn't convinced.
>holy fuck hunterfags are gay
Oh boy this gun be good.
>define soul
I already did and you're unable to post anything to counter it. Because Murata's art has no soul. It's just monsters and robots with really good shading. It's not creative, it doesn't have the great imagery like with these pages
>The actual art is either bland
You just described Murata's work. No creativity, just good shading. Togashi's is the opposite, actual nice imagery but worse shading.
And since none of you ITT managed to post a more soulful Mob panel I accept your concession.
God damn that's beautiful. I should probably watch the older anime before I continue with the newer one.
Sarazanmai is about as yuri as Yuri on Ice is.
>still doesnt define soul
literally define it right now which you havent done yet. a concrete definition
>actual nice imagery
this looks like fucking shit dude.
>joins body improvement club
>still uses his super power to solve the major obstacles
Oh wow, what a deep message. He surely subverted expectations by contradicting the theme over and over again.
I love that the only reason Hisoka survived as long as he did in that fight is because Chrollo felt the inexplicable need to explain EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF HIS POWER TO HIM.
It's almost like togashi is a total hack who realized he wrote himself into a corner and that his fanbase isn't smart enough to infer anything.
Man what the fuck happened, older anime you could fucking frame nearly all of the frames and it would be like a damn painting. Why does everything look so stock now.
>And since none of you ITT managed to post a more soulful Mob panel I accept your concession.
Retard, it had already been posted
You're not providing any actual definitions for how and why Togashi's art is better. Autistically shouting SOUL and IMAGERY is not an argument. Murata is a lot more than good shading; I listed a few reasons why he's so fantastic.
OPM is nothing more than a joke battle manga with some exceptional art. Nobody pretends otherwise. Nobody gives a fucking shit comparing it to HxH or any other manga. We simply enjoy OPM; go shit up the HxH threads instead.
>In a series all about self-improvement yet he contradicts that by beating all the bad guys with his superpower that is stronger
Maybe if you weren't underage, you'd have picked up on the fact that his efforts at improvement are focused on his social skills, emotional maturity, and physical fitness, not his ESP (because he is already good at that). Him being good at the thing he is good at is not a contradiction to what he is trying to do.
>Mob Psycho has no worldbuilding
The show is about Shigeo's growth. It's not an adventure story.
>nothing as complex as nen
DBZ shit is not the point of the story.
>no characters as good as Merumen or even just as interesting as Hisoka
Just admit that you are an assblasted fanboy who's mad that people like a show you don't want them to like.