Which is your "must-pick" fantasy race in vidya?
Which is your "must-pick" fantasy race in vidya?
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I like Lizards
if i can be a dark elf, i'll be a dark elf
demon people
In order of priority/availability
1. Golem/magical robot equivalent
2. Undead, usually skeletal or mummified
3. Warrior Cat/Wolf/predatory mammal furry race
4. The moogle/diminutive furry race
this guy gets it
The nightkin in Fallout are my favorite
>The nightkin were an elite warrior caste in the Master's super mutant army and the apex of his creation of super mutants.
>They are superior to their fellow super mutants in terms of both intellect and skill, as the FEV-II dipping has not damaged their intelligence. While in the Master's Army, they had access to superior weapons and armor, including the use of Stealth Boys. Prolonged use of these devices led to a permanent alteration of the pigment in their skin. Instead of the usual dull green, their skin is pale blue in color.
>The nightkin often use their equipped Stealth Boys to sneak-attack those who cross their path, remaining invisible until they come out and fight, sometimes even remaining invisible then. However, prolonged use of Stealth Boys has damaged their sanity, with them becoming incredibly aggressive, paranoid, and in some cases severely delusional. As Marcus explains, they "hate to be seen." The cause of their paranoia is schizophrenia developed from constant use of the Stealth Boys, because of this they can become angered when stared at for a long period of time.
>tfw no monster gf
I like fox people.
Human. Because fuck that furry shit.
That art looks cool.
How tolerable is this comic and is it good enough for me to forgive the author for being tranny chasing abortion loving drumpf hating artschool major?
Damn right, hmofa is the right choice to fuck that furry shit
Humans, why would I not pick the superior race?
avians always
fuck you you fuckin skinfag quit being racist against skeletons
I prefer goblins.
I will always pick dwarf if available, otherwise I will go with generic human
because fuck elves
If picking male, I go with human or some sort of artificial construct if possible (though that's generally very rare to see at all)
If I pick female I'll go for whichever race makes the cutest witch girl.
I came here to post this, thank you like minded user
but they must be barefoot
Would you, Yea Forums?
who wouldn't?
But the spikes and teeth though
>Playable bird races in games
Nice joke
Dark elfs
Minotaur if available but only seen those on dungeon crawlers and wow
Also, what the fuck is that cringy OC
> tfw no big titty rat ninja gf
It's from Pandemonium: Wizard Village.
the spikes are soft and fleshy
Looks like Tumblr shit
Anything with a snout and a nice tongue.
I personally enjoyed the manga, but opinions differ.
I like you (no homo)
I don't need to look further than myself for a species that's extinct in fantasy.
Well, non-japanese fantasy.