In case you needed a reminder as to why Gaming Journalism is a joke in 2015+4

>Mortal Kombat : When first released back in 1992 it was considered so gory that it literally started the age restriction system for video games, gore has been it's staple ever since.
>2019 Games Journalist : The thing this game is famous for needs an "off" button.


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I'm still mad that shaggy didn't make it in

the fatalities have gotten boring since everyone's become desensitized to gore, so yes, at a certain point it stops having that "WOW" factor, it's like how DOA's sex appeal has gotten more boring as time's gone on since they'll never actually show us official nudes of the characters, so after a while, the same sexy girls just got boring, so the game ended up flopping.

That's a legit complaint though. MK11 gore is especially tryhard and any long winded cinematic moves in any fighting game absolutely kill the flow.

Ironic you weebs were making 1000 threads complaining MK gore bad, tits good

Yet when journalist say MK gore bad too you tards flip your script

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>fatalities ruin the flow of fights
That's after the fight though...
That's like saying the end flag in Mario Brothers ruins the flow of platforming.

So what? Dont like it dont buy it. Dont force people to change their game because you dont like it.

>Yea Forums is one person
spotted the room temperature IQ retard

no reason to have softcore t&a when I can load up thousands of 3d videos with actual character models getting pounded into oblivion

you thought they would stop at tits?

They might mean the x-ray attacks or whatever. They’re like little fatalities between rounds that seemed pretty annoying to me from the initial footage.

>edgy was 3 decades ago awesome and unique
>now edgy is just for immature wannabes

>In case you needed a reminder as to why Gaming Journalism is a joke in 2015+4
does anyone here actually read these articles?
how do they even make money? would someone actually waste their time reading a review made by some noname gaming journalist? If I want an opinion on the game, I'll check out the videos and opinions on Yea Forums.

every MK thread has been that shit since the reveal and you know it

having to watch the fucking fatal blow cutscenes every match is terrible because they are safe and if you miss you just get it back after a few seconds so there's no reason to not use them, every match you have time to put down your controller and take a fat bong rip while the cutscenes play out

Mortal Kombat will always be a soulless knockoff of Street Fighter that uses gore as a substitute for character development.

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The gore and long winded cinematic moves are literally the only thing interesting about these games. MK was fun to play as a kid but once I got old enough to realize they had trash tier gameplay even among their own genre, all they've been good for it watching the whacky special attack and fatality animations on youtube.

Journalism itself is a joke.

What character development has any character had in Street Fighter? Ryu is still the same soul searching, inner demon battling karate guy from the first game. None of the Mortal Kombat characters resemble their debut selves, they've all changed.

Mortal Kombat has always been a shit fighting series. You only have fond memories of it because you thought the gore was "cool" as a kid.

Prove me wrong

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what a fucking dumbass, you saw all those threads and you still dont get it? kys retard

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DoA's sexualised content had gotten better and better before 6

Noone ever said this. The arguement was how can boobs be bad yet gore good? That doesn't mean they hated gore, they were calling out the hypocrisy of censorship I'm the west.
Imagine being so fucking dumb that you need that explained to you

>fun story
>meaningful kontent
>gameplay that rarely gets old
this can't be a review for MK11

it's one option for the people who don't like it.

Unintentionally based journalists

i dont think people liked the gore more than the cool looking characters and setting.
hence why people are mad.

What if a game is famous for being shit

Following shenanigans of idiotic woke game journos is kinda game at this point. Greatest f2p open world ever with lots of wacky NPC's but like Warframe has no real endgame and you'd be an total idiot to pay for more content.

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SJWism is the new form of Puritanism.

It's a fucking review you imbecile. Nowhere in OP's pic does the dude preach that it must change, christ. Absolute retard and shit taste, what a combo.

That at least would be a justifiable opinion if you couldn't JUST NOT DO THEM FOR FUCKS SAKE.

It might have been groundbreaking at the time but excessive video game violence is not novel, exciting or impressive nowadays. It's just kinda cringy.

Into Skyrim you mean

nah, fuck off, I liked colored ninjas and martial artists
now we have power rangers and special forces tryhards, with like liu kang and kung lao being the only guys that sill look like martial artists

You clearly didn't read the threads, the weebs were legit offended and crying about the gore.

He isn’t dumb just dishonest, well I guess it’s still dumb because he thinks people won’t see through it


>Just look up hardcore porn!
You are damaged and this solidifies that.

It's 2011+N you fucking newfag.

why lie when anyone can read the archive?
Show a single "crying and offended weeb".

Retarded newfag.

Read the archives yourself, retard.

I did, and there's not a single one, faggot. The argument was always "boobs vs gore". Seriously why even bother with lies when anyone can read the archive.

>because you totally got epic trolled, I got my (You)s haha XD
fuck off nigger

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oh so you're just jealous chinks make better fighting games. I bet you think smash bros, RE2 and sekiro are weeb games too, fucking retard.

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