1990's: LGBT people just want to exist, is not like they will try to turn kids gay

>1990's: LGBT people just want to exist, is not like they will try to turn kids gay
>2010's: ....

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video juegos

>a walking masquerade violation

The prince is gonna freak!

Attached: masquerade violation.jpg (242x141, 14K)

I really don't know what to say anymore, I guess nuke cali for a start

Where are the vidya?

>tfw no bear bf

I was unaware sexuality could rub off on others. Do you refrain from touching other people out of fear that you'll turn them into a gigantic faggot as well?

cali and new york gotta go for sure to neutralize the fag menace

Encourage that they all dress this way.
The less they blend in the easier they'll be to kill.

do you just rub on other men with the feeling that you will be safe from being gay no matter how much dick you suck?

>tfw bear and no bf

Young minds are easily manipulated user, theres a reason age of consent is a thing, but apparently you're allowed to go full retard about wether you want your penis or not long before you're allowed to put it in anything

He's one of those fags who watch gay porn because lol it won't turn you gay bro!

Children are impressionable and normalizing degeneracy at a young age will make them curious enough to make the same mistakes as you

>nuke cali
That kid is from Montreal.


Post you're belly

You are highly overestimating commitment. Never wondered were the idiom "coming out of the closet" means? Homosexuals not only hid their preference from others but actively tried to be hetero because they were told to all their life long.
Sure the kids will someday question their upbringing and might realize they are not flaming faggots like their parents, but they can be emotionally crippled like all those closet fags were decades ago.

2010's was the experimental stages OP.
You're talking 2020.
Not video games by the way.

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Meant "underestimating"

mama mia

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>The "Mom"
Is this Road Dahl's The Witches Movie Adaptation?


If people can turn sexist by playing super mario
If people can turn into mass murders by browsing 4channel
If people can turn into psychos by playing FPSs
If catcalling make another guy rape a woman
Then people can turn into cocksucking for reading your posts.
You can't pick choose, either culture changes behavior, or it doesn't


2010 was unmemingly 20 years ago

>1990s: Catholics just want boys in their churches for religious reasons, it's not like they're attracted to them

I'm a hardcore lgbt person but I don't approve of child drag shows or any sort of child beauty pageant.

Explain to me how this is videogame related.

>Gay boy acts like straight his whole life because society pushes him to be straight, until he realizes he was lying to himself
Why do you think the exact opposite can't and won't happen?

I remember in the 90's there were many sitcoms about gay people just wanting to be normal and act that way.

This flew in the face of cultural marxism though, there was too much harmony in the idea that it was another facet of a person and not their whole identity.

Not the "mom", that's a famous drag queen. The kid probably looks up to Sasha for some strange reason. It's just a celebrity meeting a fan.

haha what are you talking about fellow human, vampires don't actually exist that would be nuts get out of here hahaha

Canada legally fucks animals. Children are obviously going to be next on the list.
Nuke Canada, too.

This, so much this, you can't just be a gay, you have to make your sexuality your entire fucking identity, fuck this gay earth

There's nothing wrong with sexualizing little boys.

Sexualizing little girls however is just plain immoral and disgusting.

>It's a /pol/ gets triggered by literally anything episode
>it's followed up by a projection episode

Literally fake news you dumb Soros shill faggot

won't be long they're flooding their countries with muslims. This is what schools look like in Ontario, Canada.

Attached: canadian_school_Dufferin-Peel.jpg (1200x900, 283K)

t. Tzimisce

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I'm op and I'm atheist.
I don't want mentally sick people close to my kids, I don't care if they believe in skydaddy or that they are a woman in a man's body. Go be deranged somewhere else.

It can, but I see it being unlikely. Despite the crying about clownworld, nobody is in danger of losing their job or family or whatever for being straight, hence no need to hide their sexuality in that direction

you are right on what you say but , im not american (argie) and is a mixture of disgusting , anger , and the most extreme revulsion when i see one "abomination" like pic related , thanks tehre are fags here but they are discrminated enoguh to not dress like the one on this pic otherwise at least here the dude will end up straight dead

I'm looking on their site and see a lot of whites and Asians. plus this is a Catholic School

Hello Nosbro. How goes Shreknet?

homosexuality =/= public debauchery. Of course then comes the discussion of that being repression.

Sasha is based tho.

Except it can impact children in a manner in which they act on on impulses they normally wouldn’t you stupid fuck. Why do you think so many children who were molested end up being overtly sexual and inappropriate in their mannerisms? Fucking Christ, do you know how many gay men were actually molested in their early teens? God damn you’re retarded.

what kind of insane nihilism have today's teenagers embraced that this is how they spend their time
I'm so glad I didn't grow up on this boring activist version of the internet

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>video games

Drop yer redpills niggas.

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That's not what is happening in the OP. The childs parents took him to a drag convention, and he met a famous drag queen. Kids aren't supposed to be taken to events like that, but if the kids they're saying "you're my favorite" what do you expect the queen to do? He just smiled and took a photo with the kid. Blame the parents, not Drag Queens.

Gayness is everywhere, even vidya games

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cute kid

>I'm atheist
>OP image talks about "objective metaphysical evil"

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activists go outside to try to influence others and make their statements on a soapbox
posting online is slacktivism, even more inane and even less worthwhile

Philosophy and religion are different things, uneducated american.

Do go on then, post the infographic that will BTFO gays forever