Why does Yea Forums hate Fire Emblem?

It's a actually a really good and fun series, what gives?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Kill yourself Awakening/


It killed Advance Wars

Waifufags and Fujos that think their series is God's gift even though it hasn't been good since GBA era

I explained my stance in another thread, but to reiterate:

I just find it to be the most cut and dry and bland thematically of any of Nintendo's franchises. It looks and feels very much like what you'd expect from your average fantasy game, and there really isn't that much setting its' world and characters apart from the stereotype. It's even worse recently, where it basically seems to be one "main character gets whisked away to a magical world" shy of turning into your average isekai manga

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I like pretty much every Fire Emblem game prior to Awakening, even Shadow Dragon isn't that bad all things considered.
I just can't stand nu-Fire Emblem.
It went from a nice little SRPG with a cool aesthetic and setting to more generic waifu shit.
I don't care that Conquest is "hard", its still less fun than older games, the story is completely fucking retarded, and I hated every character.

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No, Days of Ruin killed advance wars.

So you just don't like medieval fantasy?

Unlike that other guy, I DO like medieval fantasy.
Which is why Fates and Awakening piss me off so much.
The franchise has no identity anymore, its just another waifu game for retards.

DoR sold nearly three times as much as dual strike. It's okay if you have shit taste but don't let it color your understanding of the series.


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It's popular now in the West and most of the fanbase living there enjoyed its relative obscurity. Japan hasn't really changed its tune regarding the games and there's no autistic seething hatred for the 3DS era.

Nah, just a boomer that doens't like waifushit
I don't care about it being insensitive to women or anything retarded like that, I just think its fucking stupid and I have more respect for myself than that.
Waifu shit is literal garbage for retards and its the cancer killing japanese media.

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>why does Yea Forums hate
It is in Yea Forums's nature.

What's that game above Strange Journey?

This, I don't hate Fire Emblem. I hate what it became. You're still a stupid nigger though because EO is fucking cool.

You should know there was always waifushit in anime.

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>thing bad cuz s*xy wimmin!
Nice NPC argument. I bet you emulated the GBA games and are LARPing as an oldfag

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The dark spire.

they only hate it because smash and waifu threads

>I hate what it became
You mean, a good game? Compare Fates to GAYden/ONIONSia, it's obvious Fates is better
This. They're mad that they're dirt swordsman got DABBED on

100% the entire reason is Smash Bros 4. That game is the sole reason for all the hatred directed towards the series.

Because Yea Forums hates everything

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based camillaposter

It's literally the blandest and most general fantasy games. It has no ambitions. It just wants to stew in fucking weeb gacha money while being a fucking hideous blight on Smash Bros

I didn't watch old harem shit because I wasn't a fag, the problem isn't "hurr sexy wimin", and for the record if you think the retarded writing in Awakening or Fates is sexy you might have literal autism.
The problem is that they're the focus, it doesn't even feel like there is an actual conflict or plot happening when every support convo is retarded flirting written by a literal hugless kissless virgin that has never been in a relationship in his life.

I want lore about the setting, some character development or interesting interactions between units. They've just spent the last few months marching and slaughtering hundreds, they shouldn't be acting like they just got to school in the morning, flirting with each other, and acting like faggots.
Fuck off with that retarded shit.

>I like pretty much every Fire Emblem game prior to Awakening
So you just have shit taste? Because FE is completely shit

As the dude that made that image, I really like EO's gameplay, but god damn I wish the lead artist could fuck off with his lolishit a bit.

Smasfags seething about FE having more reps than whatever franchise they like.

I completely disagree, FE7, Path of Radiance and FE12 were pretty great, I still replay them every few years.

>series with bad gameplay
>good and fun
The delusion FEtards have is incredible. You weren't be hated if you weren't so obsessed.

This. Not even the games compare to how bad the fanbase is

The annoying thing about FE in smash isn't that there are so many, its that they're all sword wielding fags from Awakening and fates.
Awakening and Fates have: Lucina, Chrom, Robin, Corrin
The rest of the franchise has: Marth, Roy, Ike.


Or it's a bad series

Supports are literally the only moments where the characters get to take a break from the war, obviously the dialogues are going to be more laid-back.

Plus you know as well as I that the sexiness is no where near the focus of theses games, They're relegated to one gameplay aspect that you can ignore, and dlc maps.

>the sexiness is no where near the focus of theses games
That is a load of fucking shit

>7 and PoR
Yeah I know FEfags love poorly written VN's but we are talking about games here

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t. seething rosternigger that never even played it. Fates had grand ambitions. It had 3 FULL campaigns with classes and factions the likes of which had never been seen before.

The problem is that they're the focus, it doesn't even feel like there is an actual conflict or plot happening when every support convo is retarded flirting written by a literal hugless kissless virgin that has never been in a relationship in his life.
Have you even read any of the supports? This only even happens in a few of them
>I want lore about the setting, some character development or interesting interactions between units.
There was all of that.
This isn't even canon, you nigger. It's DLC that you can completely ignore. You literally never even played the games, did you?

Kill yourself

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Oh yeah? How's that?

FE never had good writing

>Plus you know as well as I that the sexiness is no where near the focus of theses games
Thats literally all anyone talks about since Awakening.
Not only did the waifu pandering bullshit ruin the tone of the games, but it ruined discussion about them and the entire fanbase at large.

pre-awakening grognards aren't just mad because they don't like the new direction of the games, but because they can't talk about the games anymore without being surrounded by foot sniffing, mouth breathing, semen stained retards that don't want to talk about anything aside from jerking off with other horny autists.

I used to love FE threads on Yea Forums back in the day, but now I only go into designated "Bitch about the state of FE" threads because otherwise I'm surrounded by horny autists telling each other about how much they're jerking off.

Blatant weeb pandering with all the waifus and is massively overrepresented in Smash. Not even that great of a strategy game

It wasn't going to win any awards, but it at least had focus and did a good job of establishing the setting, plot and characters.
I used to get engaged in the story and characters and I would find myself having a hard time choosing between my available units because I liked so many of them.
Now I just skip all of the retarded writing and struggle to find enough units that I don't hate to make a team. I end up just ignoring the personality and design of characters and choosing based on their stats because I hate them all anyway.

Anyone else find Awakening boring after completing the GBA ones? Awakening feels catered toward pick up and the story relied too hard on modern anime and it never made me interested. I'll probably skip the other 3ds ones and wait for the switch game

>but it ruined discussion about them and the entire fanbase at large.
No, YOU resetera tranny niggers made it impossible to talk about the games without starting flame wars, then turn around and act like the victims.

>It had 3 FULL campaigns with classes and factions the likes of which had never been seen before.
You see in actually good games, those 3 routes are included in the disk and not sold separately. They also don't have two completely shit routes. Seek help tranny-kun

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Just because a bunch of autists talk non-stop about how they want to fuck X does not mean that that's what the games are all about.

Nigga I've literally been on Yea Forums since 2006, I've been here being grumpy about bullshit and talking about Fire Emblem since before you even knew what the franchise was

>"REEEEEE fucking Waifufags ruined my Fire Emblem series! Fuck Post-Awakening!"
>"Why yes, my waifu is Lyn. How can you tell?"

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If you got "engaged" in a FE plot maybe you should get out of your bubble and play a game with actual good writing. FE is the most bland shit imaginable.

That shows you had bad the game is when all the fans are normalfags and ironic weebs who only care about cancerous shipping shit

>You see in actually good games, those 3 routes are included in the disk and not sold separately.
Name 5 games.
My first game was FE7, you stupid faggot. I reiterate, go back to resetera
>ironic weebs
Nice buzzword, tranny

You are willfully ignoring the fact that there is discussion about "nu-fire emblem" gameplay outside of the waifushit. It's just that it's often hidden among the old vs new war that goes on every fucking thread.

All you faggots in this thread.
Fuck you, I like it.
Fates is my favorite game of all time.

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Cutest family

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Any Langrisser. And they aren't buzzwords. Tranny-kun you are literally a ironic weeb

>why does Yea Forums hate Fire Emblem?
It became popular. Almost every post in this thread either has a complete non-argument or the ones that try to have an argument clearly don't actually know anything from the franchise.

No there isn't. It's all shipping cancer. People only talk about CQ which is overrated since FEcucks don't play real trpgs and think it's hard playing casually.

>Fates is my favorite game of all time.
You're entitled to like what you like, I guess, but yeeeesh...
At the very least, I'll ask which Fates is your favourite, out of morbid curiousity.

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>they can't talk about the games anymore without being surrounded by foot sniffing, mouth breathing, semen stained retards that don't want to talk about anything aside from jerking off with other horny autists
I agree that FE is going in a bad direction by pandering to autismos but this is by no means exclusive to FE. Any nip series with prominent female characters gets their threads absolutely flooded with secondaries and Discord ERP faggots. It's more of a problem with Yea Forums and how it's yet again fulfilling its destiny of becoming Yea Forums with video games by copying its degeneration into a boring porn dump.

> I wish the lead artist could fuck off with his lolishit a bit

If you don't like them it doesn't matter because you really only see them during character creation, a 10 minute thing you do a couple times in a 100 hour game so your complaint is idiotic

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FE was bad before it was popular. Awakening was a curse. Should have died long ago

>My first game was FE7
lol newfag

How did we let it get this bad

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>Any Langrisser
>And they aren't buzzwords.
>Tranny-kun you are literally a ironic weeb
based and redpilled
Emulating the first game 10 years after it came out doesn't make you less of a newfag
Literally false, not that a Telliusoy would know

Nintendo fans are self-hating japanese game players and FE reminds them too much of stereotypical japanese games.
Hell, they side with westcucks often more than not, look at smash dlc wish threads where shit like Doomguy is more wished for than more nintendo related characters like Leon or Erdrick.

Awakening and Fates are the only FE games that sold over 1 million copies, of course they are going to be more represented.

Lucina and Chrom are just clones, so they don´t really matter, Robin and Corrin are the most unique of the bunch.

Honestly, Ike and Roy are the least important ones, but Ike got popular in Smash so he is going away. Roy and Chrom have no excuse to stay.


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>charlotte and camilla are bad
>meanwhile, there's literally a nigga with no shirt in FE6
Nice cherrypicking and hypocrisy

Yes Langrisser is better than FE. And so are many other trpgs. Yes they aren't buzzwords. Seek help tranny-kun. And he is cringe and bluepilled just like you. And it's not false

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>My first game was FE7, you stupid faggot. I reiterate, go back to resetera
I still own my childhood copy you dingus

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If thats all you see wrong with the picture I'm not surprised that you're unironically defending awakening and fates

If you didn't buy any of the games numbered 9-11 when they released over here you didn't do anything to let it get this bad.
It got to this point because the series' formula wasn't financially successful, but the new anime-fueled waifufaggotry brings in big dollars, so they're sticking with it and leaning into it.

But the fact that they talk about CQ's gameplay is proof that the threads are not exclusively waifuposting. In the end, my point still stands, FE has fan service elements for sure, but saying that it's the focus because there's waifuposting is just wrong.

see There is and always has been a line between "anime" and "weebshit"

Barely an answer to what I said.
>Why does Yea Forums hate FE
>It's popular
You barely heard any complaints about FE pre awakening, suddenly awakening happens it becomes modestly popular. And niggers can't stop seething 24/7, I can't believe a single series manage to live this rent free in the mind of so many people.

>ironic weeb doesn't know what game and character he's talking about with Hawkeye and 7

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All games past Radiant Dawn are shit, I can't blame anyone for disliking them. SoV had potential but ended up being a disappointment, and the upcoming Three Houses looks more like a Persona game than Fire Emblem.

FE always had simple but competently written and compelling narrative, interesting characters, and fun game mechanics. Pretty much all of that was thrown on the back burner in favor of waifu pandering and increasingly provocative fanservice. Older FE games tackled concepts like discrimination and classism, and often posed interesting morally gray choices with no real 'correct answer'. The only moral quandary NuFE provides is whether your super special self insert character will bang his (not blood related!) 13 year-old sister who calls him onii-chan or his big titted (also not blood related!) sister whose entire character revolves around wanting to fuck him.

FE went from "good anime"- the kind you show your normie friends to convince them you aren't some kind of degenerate, to "bad anime"- the kind you watch alone and only talk about on Yea Forums where no one knows who you are.

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FE12 is one of the best games in the series (objectively)

>but the new anime-fueled waifufaggotry brings in big dollars, so they're sticking with it and leaning into it.
Holy shit FEfags still believe this meme.

This shit is more telling of current trends in the anime and related industries than FE itself.

You don't even play EO, do you? Her personality is nothing like that.

There's a difference between a weeb and a ironic weeb. Tranny-kun is fucked in the head and needs to go to a mental ward

It is. Because Awakening and Fates are too different games

Ironic weeb isn't a buzzword, they're as horrible as Redditors

>no argument
>resorts to ad hom
Nice. This is the intelligence of grandpas. Go back to resetera.

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This. Look at every other nintendo srries. Sure you can see the inspiration from their settings, but they usually have somethijg unique to stand out.

FE is just a generic fantasy with whatever anime style is in at the moment. It wouldnt look out of place as a vita ezclusive that sold like 15,000 copies.

The issue is her design, there is no reason for the blacksmith to be an 8 year old girl.
Its not as if this isn't fetish shit, the artist literally draws his own official porn of the lolis from his games. I just think lolishit is fuckin obnoxious, I'm tired of little girls, give me an actual cool blacksmith.

Since it's in the eyes of the public you retard that means more people played the terrible games and now it's trash.

Whats your argument?

Seek help tranny-kun

I don't get your point?


Gameplay is stale as fuck. If you have played two games, you've pretty much played all of them. You'd think it was a bigger money maker considering that they go to the ends of the earth of shill this franchise. It was supposed to be THE big game of the last Nintendo Direct, and Three Houses got completely overshadowed by fucking Tetris and a remake of a Goddamn Game Boy game. It's washed up gatchashit.

>there is no reason for the blacksmith to be an 8 year old girl.
So yes, you don't play the games at all. She's not an 8 year old, I don't think any character has a canon age at all.

>Whats your argument?

If a market exists it will be served, there's nothing wrong the things on the right simply existing.
What's the point of crusading online about things you don't like, just ignore it. Subcultures will always exist and trying to get rid of them because you don't personally like it is wrong.

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Are you mentally disabled? Nevermind you pretend FE is good so yes. Awakening being a bad game means no one talks about the shitty story and bad gameplay. It's just shipping cancer. Yet people talk about CQ since it has decent gameplay

I don't give a fuck about your gay retard market, there will always be stupid retards that like gay shit.
I'm mad because you absolute faggots are taking over something that used to appeal to MY demographic.
Nu-FE didn't just come out of nowhere, its wearing the corpse of something I used to love.

>and know it's trash.
Evidently not, because it kept getting more popular afer Awakening. I said it at the begining and I'll say it again, it's insanely easy to spot when someone has never touched FE in it's life. The hate comes from it being popular and you NPCs just can't help yourselves.


I mean, yeah you see a lot of nuFE hate, but practically all of that is from oldFEfags like myself. FE as a whole is fairly niche enough that if you hate it, you don't really have to be exposed to it at all (other than Smash related shit, which again is where most of the hate comes from).

Waifufagging for FE characters can be pretty obnoxious, but I don't really see how you can hate a series too much for that. Practically every series posted about on Yea Forums has that shit. Just jerk off to Camilla's tits instead of getting mad.

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Camilla is for paizuri
Hinoka is for thighjobs

Don't try to argue with tranny-kun. He literally has brain damage

That's the wrong game.
Hawkeye is a tribal man who lives in the desert, his shirtless aesthetic fits perfectly with what he is. He's also got shit-tier defense but high HP, fitting of his naked but RIPPED bod.
Charlotte lives in a snowy region but dresses in a bikini.
Camilla is the royal princess of the massive and prestigious Nohrian Kingdom. Nevermind how the fuck Garon could possibly have ever allowed her to dress like a stripper, but how is she supposed to fulfill any of her diplomatic roles when anyone she talks to should laugh in her face? Oh right, Fates doesn't operate on anything resembling reality or common sense, so the crown princess would truly be able to just waltz around the royal palace in her underwear 24/7. Fates is nothing if not consistently nonsensical.
She's also supposed to be pretty involved in the military so the thigh gap and boob window just stick out like a sore thumb. Flying through the sky on a wyvern would also involve a lot of windchill. I'm just saying, Beruka for example will not catch a cold and/or frostbite on her chest everytime she sorties.

The gameplay is average at best and every single character is one dimensional.

>Practically every series posted about on Yea Forums has that shit
its amazing how many people are unaware of that

Evidently yes. Sales =/= quality. FE is trash for being some of the worst trpgs on the market

How is it innacurate? It is an extremely likely and extremely plausible explanation of why they shoehorned things like the avatar system, marriage, and children into Fates, and all of the waifu/husbando bullshittery that inherently comes along with those systems.

If smashfags played this series they would hate it even more.

Old FE seems kinda boring.

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user I don't think you understood what I said. I'm not arguing whether Awakening is a good game or not. I'm simply telling you that the focus of the game is not the fanservice, and the waifuposting on Yea Forums does not change that.

>Cheerypicking to the max.
Now post Fae wanting to fuck Elphin, Ephr "I guess little sisters are my weakness" aim, "Can I call you onii-chan".
2 of Hector and Eliwood's supports are about Hector not wanting Eliwood's non existent son to fuck his non existent daughter.

I wasn't talking about FE, my reply was to the picture condemning the "extra weeby" market. I personally am on your side with FE, it's a shame that it was turned into what it is today. They honestly should have just made a spinoff series instead if they wanted to carry the name.

Too anime is completely missing Nomura shit.

And that shows you how bad the modern state of FE is

Daily reminder that if you don't like FE5, 6, or 12, you don't know shit about video games.

Commodore Ensign user, I hereby place you under house arrest for this ironic shitpost.

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I'd say that tells us more about the state of Yea Forums than anything else.

It wasn't ironic...

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Would the anger of nu-FE be as bad if Fates wasn't an absolute dumpster fire? If Awakening was as "bad" as it got would everyone have mostly accepted it?

Smash/normalfags, or just retarded oldfags that can't accept that the games are different now.
The latter is especially annoying because they apparently don't know how to ignore shit they don't like.

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I'll like FE5 when the translation patch comes out.

How can you post LoGH and say that oldFE looks boring? LoGH is like the poster child for "looks boring".

The anger comes from FE having 7 reps in Smash. You actually think the shitposters have ever played any FE game?


It all went downhill when the GBA games came out and made the games easier for casuals. Those GBA games were the first games that the West got to play. Then awakening came out which was even easier and that made gangbusters with normies and ironic weeb waifufags. So there's a three way battle between Japanese fans, western oldFE fans and western nuFE fans. It doesn't help that a good chunk of nuFEfags are gachababies and will gladly pay IS money for them to sit on their asses and give them png after png of Camilla.
It also doesn't help that IS are just plain retarded. After Awakening, they're too scared to try anything else which is why we keep seeing Fates and Awakening characters in so many other games, leaving the oldfags dissatisfied.

For real.

>the same fag: Ahh yes, the 20th Marie Rose thread of the day. Finally, I've been looking forward to this one. :)

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>company turns a series you like into something you hate
>meaning no new things that you like ever again
>durrr just ignore it
This isn't a solution. Ever. Fuck off.

You are a literal retard. Awakening sold well for being in the right place at the right time. Awakening came out in the perfect window after the price drop where people who bought Mario Kart 7 were in the mood for a new game. It had a demo that played well and made you want to buy the game, and the 3ds had like basically 0 rpgs at the time. It was also advertised well including a very clever cross promotion with SMT IV, numerous ads and commercial spots and word of mouth

It was the first time Nintendo actually tried to sell a fire emblem game instead of just sending them out to die in the shadow of bigger releases.

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>they're too scared to try anything else
Shit of Valentia came right after Fates. Also do you even know what 3H is?

That's the whole point though. The gameplay isn't something to complain about in nu-FE, mostly, it's the superficial stuff like character designs and support conversations that oldfags seem to be really mad about.

but the writing for characters, art direction, and changes to the gameplay all sucked too
Music wasn't great either

Funny. If you actually think FE5 is good you have no understanding of game design. But what can you expect form FEfags who don't have a single firing neutron in their brains.

Conquest has some really good maps, a bunch of good maps, and a few shit maps. The lack of weapon durability was an interesting direction to take but the absolute mountain of stat buffs/debuffs on every unit at any one time because of it, coupled with the busywork of checking enemy skills constantly, makes playing the game an absolute strain to play most of the time.
Birthright is less-than-mediocre, but sure I can understand why some people would want to play it just to turn their brains off and play dating simulator.
Revelations is indefensible from a gameplay perspective.

They are all horrendously, offensively, stupendously retarded in the writing department.

I'm mostly referring to threads about the more recent games where half of it is always gonna be some tards shitposting about how "FE DIED AT AWAKENING" "FUCKING GATCHANIGGERS" etc and dumbasses thinking posts like that warrant a response.

Also find new things you like holy shit

Not really. Plenty of highly Japanese games like SMT isn't filled with that. It shows just how bad Awakening is

I agree, Awakening was a pretty perfect storm, and its longevity was assured by the appeal of the goofy-and-zany cast of characters, and the attachment one gets to them via marriage systems.
Fates leaned into those aspects to the point of shoehorning them in where they didn't belong.

You literally jsut got a faithful remake of the second game. It's not like they forgot about their roots and tossed aside old fans like SOME series did.

Awakening is a complete fucking trainwreck. Get real you shit eating retard.

>Hawkeye is a tribal man who lives in the desert, his shirtless aesthetic fits perfectly with what he is
>He's also got shit-tier defense but high HP
You mean...like charlotte?
>>>>>>>>>>>Charlotte lives in a snowy region
This isn't even remotely true. She's stationed at a border wall of cheve, which is not snowy at all
>Camilla is the royal princess of the massive and prestigious Nohrian Kingdom. Nevermind how the fuck Garon could possibly have ever allowed her to dress like a stripper, but how is she supposed to fulfill any of her diplomatic roles when anyone she talks to should laugh in her face?
What "diplomatic duties"? This is Nohr, they literally don't use diplomacy
>so the crown princess would truly be able to just waltz around the royal palace in her underwear 24/7
>crown princess
She isn't the crown princess. She's in line after Xander. Did you even play the game?
Now show the one with Alm and Claire (a potential love interest) where Alm goes "lol rich people talk funny XD". Bet you won't.

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Kagacucks are mentally ill, they legit think Jugdral's spend 7 turns just trying to reach the enemy and 1 turn of fights is amazing gameplay. Almost as bad as Gaiden.

I'm fine with the waifu stuff, my problem with the dating sim shit is that it's just so fucking shallow. Really, if it had genuine effort it probably wouldn't get the shit it does.

Kill yourself. Awakening is objectively bad


SMT threads are an exception, they're great. However, regardless of the actual quality of the games, if the girls are cute, waifuposting has some great chances of happening..

The supports are far from great but there's some decent ones in there and honestly there's a couple that are my faves in the series. Art direction is purely subjective and almost all the gameplay changes are at the very least an improvement on awakening.

Also eat a fucking dick fates has the best ost in the fucking series.

There's a difference. DOA isn't dogshit like FE where even FEfags don't like their own shit series. DOA doesn't have obesssed fan making the same thread everyday that reaches 500+ constantly

It has nothing to do with the quailty of the game you fucking retard

This. Awakening was the first time I actually noticed Nintendo making an effort to market the series. I had no idea Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon were even released until I happened to notice them at stores.

You're objectively a faggot.

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The issue is they are balancing self-insert protagonist dating sim with "shipping" mechanics. If they just focused on only allowing romance between a few main characters and leaving brown haired knight #4 out of the romance parts of the game it would be much better.

>DOA isn't dogshit
Not even worth a (You)

We've had plenty of FE threads with no more than 2 shitposters stirring shit up.
But honestly, name 1 (one) series that doesn't get ANY hate from this place.
If you're talking about smashfags I don't give a single fuck about those sub-humans and their kid's game so whatever.

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Yes, objectively.
Awakening is bad because the gameplay is bad. It's a simple fact.
>reliant on a large amount of random chance. Dual guard, dual attack, random enemy skills, all on top of already unreliable hit/evade/crit and many skills that have a random activation chance
>second seals resetting your level allowing infinite levels, even worse is your internal level can get high enough to only get 8 exp per kill on higher difficulties, meaning it isn't a good grind game either
>Weapon durability is negligible like usual due to the plethora of gold and weapons dropped
>children units either end up broken or worthless due to no scaling
>removed all the good kinds of staves from the series. no sleep, berserk, warp, etc
>many open maps with minimal terrain/choke points. once your units have gotten enough experience under their belts for them to overwhelm the enemies with pure stats and the very powerful pair up mechanic even on luantic and L+
>there's a major skill imbalance problem in the game, most are dogshit outside of OP ones like galeforce since it focuses on the most important element of gameplay and and shit like Vantage + Vengeance + Wrath
>no tactical skill, game is EP focused and all about tanking since 1-2 range is supreme
>only has two objectives, Rout the Enemy and Kill Commander, leading to repetitive gameplay. there's No defend, No Seize, No Arrive, nothing. And it's not like there's that many side objectives as well. Villages are few and far in between, there aren't too many meaningful drops or chests and recruitment is limited to run Chrom up and Talk
>on the rare occasion you'll get an indoor map, but which is also very open with enemies crammed into every nook and cranny
This isn't even the extent of Awakenings problems like no weight so higher tier weapons is outright superior to each other with no downsides at all

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ITT: Seething Fatescucks and Awakeningbabs

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Yes I know you like to pretend Awakening is good but you will never be able to challenge objectivity.

>FE7 support
Hector: There was this man—a giant with a great beard—carrying a girl on his shoulders. The girl called to him “Father”, and she was smiling, happy. Then the father said to her, “Yes, my beloved daughter?” That’s all, really. But it felt as though... It felt like a long-past memory. The man looked a bit like my own father, I suppose. But who is the little girl? Aye, she was a cute one.
Eliwood: What color was her hair?
Hector: Huh. Blue.
Eliwood: And the man’s hair? His moustache?
Hector: His were bluish, too.
Eliwood: Then it is a vision of your own future! A great moustache, eh? Ah hah hah!
Hector: Grr... You laughed! Hm. If that is my future I’m not sure I like it.
Eliwood: Why not?
Hector: The girl that would be my daughter... She gets taken away by this boy that appears later. ...A boy with red hair! Yes, it was red, I’m sure of it.
Eliwood: Don’t get ahead of yourself! There are plenty of people with red hair...
Hector: Quiet! Now I’m sure—the boy was a Pheraen. No matter how close we may be, I’ll not—I’ll not give up my daughter!
Eliwood: Hector! Let’s hope your dream doesn’t come true, eh? For my sake.
>FE13 support
Eliwood: Hey Hector how's it goi- woah!
Why are you swinging your axe at me like that Hector!?
Hector: Sorry, my emotions got the best of me there, but I don't even really know why.
But I do know that I just woke up from a dream in which a little girl who I thought was my daughter, was getting awfully chummy with some red-hair pheraen boy.
You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you Eliwood?
Eliwood: You had a dream about our future children?
But Hector, that has nothing to do with me right now.
...Hector? Stop glaring at me like that, Hector!
Put the axe down!
>A Support Get

I was kinda hoping someone would come and prove me wrong. Hell, I'm kind of deliberately making a point by posting good anime while defending nu-fire emblem, because I don't think there is that much of a difference between the two. The appeal is basically the same thing for both.

Fire emblem basically only has 4 reps with 3 of the seven being Marth clones. It looks high on the character count and since they're all unlocked individually but it's basically just alt skins.

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You cant "shitpost" about FE saying it's bad is a fact

This is what a post fateswakening FE looks like. Let us never forget.

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Smelly smashfags

Okay, I didn't say it did, but either way that's subjective and irrelevant.


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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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Anyone with a brain knows that there's only technically 4 characters. It's just an excuse people use to shit on things they don't like because they insist the "basically a skin" characters are using up precious developer resources.

It was generic animeshit back then it is generic animeshit now, only thing that changed is what's popular right now.

Yes, everyone that likes the games past twelve shits on pictures of the girls from the games and records it now I hate the new games thanks user.

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>but the absolute mountain of stat buffs/debuffs on every unit at any one time because of it, coupled with the busywork of checking enemy skills constantly, makes playing the game an absolute strain to play most of the time.
If you are a fucking brainlet who smashes his head against a brick all day. This is a good thing. The amount of depth and variety it comes from enemies actually being a threat is necessary for trpg. You manage not only the level design but your unit capabilities as well in addition to the enemy composition and achieve position results. It's a tactics game, the whole point is having to think. Checking enemy skills is no different from checking a weapon you stupid fuck. And weapon durability is a bad mechanic.

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Both in character and body.

Talking about the "zany cast" is talking about the quality

Imagine if instead of being an indirect clash of conflicting ideologies and political systems by way of showing these two extraordinary men on both sides of the conflict deal with their own unique, nuanced, and morally grey quests through a war-torn galaxy, Legend of the Galactic Heroes was instead simplified to the extreme in terms of its setting and political landscape, and the main focus of the story was the Terran Cultists trying to raise some deep-space-horror-dragon from the depths of a black hole, and the main character is actually Reinhard and Mariendorf's child from the future who is raised Yang, a literal magician who left the FPA because nobody could challenge his intellect there so he became bored.
That's nuFE.

Why haven't you just played the older FE games? They're all very easily emulatable.

Thats still a problem, since anime used to be cool and now its fucking gay

Yea you pretend. Awakeningfags love doing that. they love pretending a bad game that shits all over the originals and actually think it's better than CQ or any game below it.

Then blame the industry as a whole not the generic anime JRPG following the trends.

There's still cool anime and still gay anime, nothing has fucking changed, retard.

Not under any imaginable circumstance is that true.

That sounds fucking awesome.
Give me some recs for older FEs after I finish Fates.

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Fucking delusional cuck

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6, 11, and 12 then drop this shitty series

Who the fuck used to watch anime about girls when there was actual cool shit to watch.
Waifu shit has always been for giant retarded faggots

Cope, faggot. There's nothing to pretend about me enjoying Awakening. Also, what originals are you talking about? Shadow Dragon?

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all of them except 1 and 2.

>longevity was assured by the appeal of the goofy-and-zany cast of characters, and the attachment one gets to them via marriage systems
That's the quality content in the game. They could have sold a piece of dogshit and it would have sold well. Actually they did its called Awakening.

Half those series aren't SoL

I wouldn't know, I don't watch harem shit either cause I'm not a huge fag

>>reliant on a large amount of random chance
Oh, you mean like literally every game in the series?
>>second seals resetting your level allowing infinite levels
You know that characters have hard level caps and can't gain stats after a certain point, right?
>Vantage + Vengeance + Wrath
Two of those skills were in older FE games, but I guess it was okay when THEY had them
>>Weapon durability is negligible like usual due to the plethora of gold and weapons dropped
This isn't even true
>>many open maps with minimal terrain/choke points.
Gayden/S*ylentia had far worse maps
>>no tactical skill,
More than 2, 7, 8, and 15 COMBINED
>>on the rare occasion you'll get an indoor map, but which is also very open with enemies crammed into every nook and cranny
Completely false
> so higher tier weapons is outright superior to each other with no downsides at all
Lower accuracy and durability

"moeshit" and what you call "gay" always existed and was always popular in japan.
Imagine being in a hypothetical opposite position where the only western media you get in Japan are hollywood action movies like The Terminator and Jaws and all of a sudden you find out about Friends and Sex and the City.

Cope about what? There's nothing to cope about. Awakening is simply bad and you pretend it's good.
>infinite reclassing
>broken pair up
>dogshit maps, only one good map in the game
>major skill imbalance, most are dogshit outside of OP ones like galeforce
>no tactical skill, game is EP focused and all about tanking
>rout and defeat is the only is the only objective
>guts all the original games lore
>children are broken as fuck
>Robin is broken as fuck
>L+ is artificial difficulty until Robin starts snowballing and you get Morgan
>terrible armor design
>bat-shit retarded story with tons of plot holes and random unexplained shit, the game can't decide who the main character is, or what it wants to do, and takes an absurd detour to deal with an unrelated secondary antagonist at the halfway point for no reason
>shit tier characters, even more so then usual for FE
>3D models lack fucking feet

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Oh, you're just new to the series in general. Why are you trying to participate in this shit-flinging debate then?
7, 8, and 9 are generally considered the best starting points. They're pretty simple and straightforward, as well as being easy enough to be a stress-free ride.
6 is closest to those but can be pretty sluggish on a first playthrough due to how reinforcements are handled, among other things. 6, as well as 11 and 12, become better when you come at them with a strong, experienced knowledge base and are trying to tackle their higher difficulties. 11 and 12 take this a lot further than 6.
FE4 is a wierd mess of a game that sacrifices things such as "game balance" and "level design" in favour of telling and reinforcing this grand, epic narrative of a continent embroiled in a holy war, centered around people with holy bloodlines who are (statistically) giants among men. Has shit like a legendary tome that grants +20 speed to a unit with a speed cap of like 23. Some units are just completely fucking busted because it's fun that way and establishes the setting, fuck balance.
FE5 is set within a timeskip period that happens during FE4, and although I haven't played it, I know it's the jankiest, wierdest, most "fuck you" game in the series. Dearly beloved by a small group of people and I can't wait to play it, seems like a real gauntlet. Heal staves can miss, your units have a chance to increase their movement stats on level-up, shit like that.
FE2 was remade as FE15 (Echoes) and is also a black sheep, but worth playing once, only if you can afford it. Dunno how feasible emulation is here.

Nice cherrypick

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I don't even know what you're saying anymore, nor what you're arguing in favour of.

Boobies are scary.

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Hey now, Setsuna's design if fucking great, I love that midsection robe thing she and Takumi have.

You don't know what the word cherrypicking means, and that's sad.

>Who would watch Buff the Vampire Slayer when cool shit like Twin Peaks exists or we could go out and see The Matrix?
There are sub-markets within every industry.

Shut up, that's literally what you did, nigger

What makes you think she's a Disney princess? Or a princess at all for that matter?

>ironic weeb

Honestly, what would it take for this site to finally stop abusing this word so?

Does it have a name? At first I assumed it was just an obi but it actually looks quite different, as well as of course being made of fur probably means it's a different kind of clothing piece entirely.

A filter most likely. It at least slowed down the baka desu senpai spam.

The one points I agree with you are broken characters, armor design and the time travel part of the story. Everything else is just par for the course for the average FE game. Besides in my opinon, fuck you I like Awakening.

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>*Coffee machine brewing sound effects*
>*Pouring black coffee into mug sounds*

>"*SLUUURRP* Ah, yep. I remember a time when Intelligent Systems had any other game asides from Fire Emblem and waifu and husbando eugenics simulator."

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You underestimate how much impact the original Fire Emblems did on JRPG's, they helped define the original average fantasy game.

>choose and take only (the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc.) from what is available.
Explain how this applies to me? I was illustrating how I believed that Hector/Eliwood support would be written in Fateswakening in response to how someone earlier in the thread brought it up as an example of oldFE having similar supports as nuFE.

>Oh, you mean like literally every game in the series?
Didn't know offensive skills and pair up existed in something like 6 tranny-kun. Maybe read next.
>You know that characters have hard level caps and can't gain stats after a certain point, right?
You know that doesn't have anything to do with this right?
>Two of those skills were in older FE games, but I guess it was okay when THEY had them
PoR isn't a good game. It's better than Awakening but not by much. Nice deflection though tranny-kun.
>This isn't even true
Yes it is. Heroes even get a skill that bypass durability
>Gayden/S*ylentia had far worse maps
Nice deflection tranny-kun
>More than 2, 7, 8, and 15 COMBINED
No actually. 15 yes, due to Alm but Robin can solo start to finish and you can rescue skip the entire game
>Completely false
No it's right. Have you seen Foreseer? Its literally a open map.
>Lower accuracy and durability
Maybe check weapon stats some time. durability is worthless and accuracy rates are 5 to 10%. Sliver to a brave is a -3 MT difference DAMN

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>I was illustrating how I believed that Hector/Eliwood support would be written in Fateswakening
Yes, and you used the supports that benefit your """"""""argument""""""" as a base.

Are you dumb?

FEfags are the definition of ironic weebs

>PoR isn't a good game. It's better than Awakening but not by much.

Objectively wrong. It's piss easy but easily one of the best written FE games

Because we live in a society...

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Fire emblem is for people who want to play an ero vn but are afraid of getting caught doing it. The strategy (propped up by insane amounts of rng) is a far distant second than the relationship building aspect. Series was done for good when they released fucking dlc leveling and gold maps proving one and for all who they think plays the games.

Such an underrated game

No, as I just told you, I used a support brought up by someone else originally.

The story of Ike the mary sue isn't a good one. Nevermind you are ignoring bad gameplay and shitty music with garbage animations to praise a plot in a series with bad plots

>Ike in PoR
>mary sue


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Yes I'm a big dumb retarded poo-poo baby man, please use english to communicate your social intentions to me like an adult so I can understand with my tiny, underdeveloped non-psychic mind.

>I agree
When will FEtards stop hiding behind subjectivity? Just accept it's a bad game.

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Yes. He's the definition of a mary sue

>character succeeds
Shit, there's no winning. Why do authors even bother writing anymore?

If he enjoyed it, it definitively cannot be a bad game for him.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a mary sue.

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>The story of Ike the mary sue

Not a mary sue in the slightest, what are you talking about?

>bad gameplay

The combat animations are slow, but otherwise it's fun. Mages got shafted which sucks, but what can you do

>shitty music

also objectively wrong

>a plot in a series with bad plots

Again, wrong. It's not War and Peace or anything but PoR has an extremely compelling narrative.

>character succeeds with no faults and no flaws, no consequences
>this is consider good writing
The state of FEtards

>fails numerous times
>people literally leave his army because they don't think he can lead them

Yes that's subjective. In a world where we don't have bias, It's objectively bad

>no faults and no flaws
Did you even play the game?

This is not a world in which we don't have bias, but even if such a world could be viewed by us, it would be sufficiently alien so as to invalidate every claim you're making on the matter.
Name one bad thing about it that's free of bias.

>Didn't know offensive skills and pair up existed in something like 6 tranny-kun.
You dishonest tranny nigger, you LITERALLY said it was reliant on RNG. THAT'S what I responded to.
>You know that doesn't have anything to do with this right?
Yes it does.
>PoR isn't a good game
Too bad they first appeared in Geneology and Thracia!
> Heroes even get a skill that bypass durability
You mean the one that guarunteed to activate and is dependent on luck, assuming you even have it to begin with?
> tranny-kun
Nice ad hom
>Robin can solo start to finish
On easy mode, maybe.
>Have you seen Foreseer? Its literally a open map.
Now you're just lying.
>Maybe check weapon stats some time
Why don't you? You can literally see that durabilty and accuracy is lower
> durability is worthless
Why because you say so? Because of a skill most units can't even access?
You got caught lying, tranny nigger.

>no faults and no flaws, no consequences
We've effectively played different games, since you pressed start to skip the non-gameplay segments, while I actually read the story. Thus, there's no point in talking further.

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FUCK YEAH i forgot about Dart, what an absolute unit

When will spergs like you realize that objectively Awakening is an average game for it's series, and that you're just mad that others can enjoy it regardless of it flaws.

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>Not a mary sue in the slightest, what are you talking about?
Bait. Ike is the son of a legendary mercenary Greil with an equally legendary fighting style. Greil/Gawain before leaving Daein was essentially in a position that was essentially 2nd to the king and married a noble from that country. So renown as both Gawain and Greil even after changing his identity he's has friends and is well known by various Kings of Tellius. So much so far that immediately after Greil's death the King of Gallia personally shows up to protect Ike.

Ike's he gets handed down such strong allies from the get-go that he has it easier than most of the royal Fire Emblem protagonists. he is placed in charge of a band of mercenaries at age 17 despite no experience because of nepotism (but he's not a noble, we promise!) and the game expecting us to take his side instead of that of Shinon and Gatrie, the former of whom is painted with a large brush of negative traits (racist, drunk, money-grubber) so that we have no doubt. Or the fact that pretty much every major player in the world befriends/admires him, or how the ending to RD is all about what a perfect person he was (or the Geoffrey rescue chapter, Lucia and Bastian are awfully quick to abandon Geoffrey for no super logical reason. Oh no a surprise Daein army, when Ike and co. have already kicked Daein out of their own country. Lucia and Bastian are completely wrong, Ike is completely correct and saves the day.
>but otherwise it's fun
Nice try Reddit. Bad gameplay can't be "fun"
>also objectively wrong
No it's truth. Sterile, bland, and completely awful
>Again, wrong
No it's true

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>fails numerous times
Wrong. He never actually fails and if he makes a "mistake" he is cleared of all charges with no consequences
>people literally leave his army because they don't think he can lead them
You mean two people who were already planning to leave.

Yes sadly and it was a piece of shit. Not that FEfags have braincells to realize this

Anyone human can separate subjectivity and objectivity

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How much to pound that ass?

>any TRUE scotsman would see that what I'm saying is self-evident and doesn't need to be logically supported or proven

>You mean two people who were already planning to leave.
What are you talking about? Their sole reason for leaving was that they don't respect Ike enough as a leader to follow him. They had absolutely no plans of leaving until Greil died.


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>You dishonest tranny nigger, you LITERALLY said it was reliant on RNG. THAT'S what I responded to.
Yea because it is. Dual guard, dual attack, random enemy skills, all on top of already unreliable hit/evade/crit and many skills that have a random activation chance. Where is that in 6? Also at least you admit it's a bad series tranny-kun.
>Yes it does
It literally doesn't you fucking retard. Stat caps mean nothing. What other FE game can you infinite level you fucking retard?
>Too bad they first appeared in Geneology and Thracia!
>You mean the one that guarunteed to activate and is dependent on luck, assuming you even have it to begin with?
Imagine not knowing about the hero class. Have you actually played the game tranny-kun?
>On easy mode, maybe.
No, even L+ with the water trick
>Now you're just lying
Its right in your link.
>Why don't you? You can literally see that durabilty and accuracy is lower
Go ahead because the difference between sliver and brave is -3 MT. You realize this doesn't make up for the lost of weight correct? Weight also have the same exact thing
>Why because you say so? Because of a skill most units can't even access?
Because it's true. The durability system is the preservation of the weapons means little in Awakening. They're frequent enough for it to be meaningless, have a lot of uses before they break, and you always end up being able to buy plenty of them with the huge amount of gold you're given in lump sums. The effects of melee weapons in Awakening are largely "it hits harder but has slightly reduced hit rate" since it doesnt habe weight. You can use your weapons without worry because they aren't balanced at all and offer literally no tactical thought since you just burn right through that shit. It's fucking garbage. Also hero isn't a uncommon class.

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We didn't. You just don't know writing

>Terribly balanced difficulty
>Mechanical bumfuckery over the years instead of major additions and improvements to the formula
>Campaigns are linear narratives with some of the worst writing in the history of language as a means of storytelling
>Player involvement is fucking nonexistent, RNG has next to no layers to manipulate, and the aforementioned "war" narrative that revolves around a dozen donut steels fighting an opposition of about 300 units before it devolves into fucking dragons plays out the same because the writers can't into branching pathways and multiple endings/outcomes
It's just a lazy as fuck, creatively bankrupt franchise. It's fringing on even being a strategy game.
It's overpriced for what it is, and that's not even explicitly in the case of Fates' horseshit. Awakening itself was overpriced for how fucking terrible it was.
As always, the market was absolutely correct in letting IntSys die, and then a pack of retards came along and anime became mainstream, so now dogshit companies like these thrive again.
Thanks for nothing, standard-less niggerfaggots.

When you realize it's a very bad game in a terrible series?

It is logically supported and proven. If you can't separate Subjective and Objective that's your fault

>When you realize it's a very bad game in a terrible series?
Nice double negative, retard. By that logic, Awakening is an average game like user mentioned.

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Both Shinon and Gatrie were alresdy planning on leaving if Greil wasn't going to do better paying jobs. Nevermind that Ike has no reason to doubted in leadership skills when Mist and Rolf for captured nothing bad happens and he passes all his tests with flying colors.

So average, then. Glad we sorted that out.

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Its not a double negative. FE is bad. Awakening is bad. What complies you to think it's good despite objective evidence showing otherwise as seen and

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You can stop shitposting whenever you want, user. Just be sure to take your daily blood pressure medication

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It's not average. Games with bad gameplay can't be average. I know you are trying to save face but it's not working.

Posting facts isn't shitposting

>waifurng faggots don't even get what the fuck a double negative is

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Based and truthpilled. Even worse is that FEcucks are obsessed with this shit series

It's still shitposting even if you are being ironic

>Where is that in 6?
Are you saying that 6 doesn't have hit/evade/crit?
>It literally doesn't you fucking retard. Stat caps mean nothing
There is literally no point to leveling if you don't gain stats, you dumb nigger
What do you mean, "Okay?"
>Imagine not knowing about the hero class.
How was literally anything I said wrong?
>No, even L+ with the water trick
Oh wow. You know that lots of games have exploits and glitches, right? Doesn't mean they aren't skill-based
>Its right in your link.
Yeah, and you can LITERALLY see walls all over the place
>Go ahead because the difference between sliver and brave is -3 MT
And 5% accuracy, which proves that I am right
>Because it's true. The durability system is the preservation of the weapons means little in Awakening. They're frequent enough for it to be meaningless, have a lot of uses before they break, and you always end up being able to buy plenty of them with the huge amount of gold you're given in lump sums. The effects of melee weapons in Awakening are largely "it hits harder but has slightly reduced hit rate" since it doesnt habe weight. You can use your weapons without worry because they aren't balanced at all and offer literally no tactical thought since you just burn right through that shit. It's fucking garbage. Also hero isn't a uncommon class.
Literally nothing you posted is even remotely true. I only have ONE hero in my COMPLETED save file of awakening

Posting facts isn't shitposting. Why is it so hard to accept it's a bad game? You cant even counter

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Way to reply to yourself, DKuck

He's talking about Dieck you absolute retard
kill yourself

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At least modern FE has a thing for Chuunis

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>So renown as both Gawain and Greil even after changing his identity he's has friends and is well known by various Kings of Tellius.

He was only close with Caineghis, but so was Titania. Of course he was known (by his old name), he was a famous general.

>So much so far that immediately after Greil's death the King of Gallia personally shows up to protect Ike.

The Greil mercs were traveling with Elincia, the orphan of a foreign king his nation was trying to better ties with. Caineghis originally was trying to protect Greil/confront BK, but was too late.

>Ike's he gets handed down such strong allies from the get-go that he has it easier than most of the royal Fire Emblem protagonists. he is placed in charge of a band of mercenaries at age 17 despite no experience because of nepotism (but he's not a noble, we promise!)

Which strong allies? He has the members of a backwater mercenary group, a traveling mage, and a few laguz. Being handed control of a small mercenary group is nothing like being given control of a country, what are you on about?

>and the game expecting us to take his side instead of that of Shinon and Gatrie, the former of whom is painted with a large brush of negative traits (racist, drunk, money-grubber) so that we have no doubt.

Plenty of "asshole" characters are still given redeemable traits or shown to be correct in their thinking. The game isn't completely black and white, moral ambiguity exists (like Soren being right about not giving rations away to the Talregans). Sorry there wasn't enough screeching about bonds or the power of friendship for you.

> Or the fact that pretty much every major player in the world befriends/admires him,

He has amicable relationships with Caineghis, Tibarn, and obviously Elincia, but Sanaki actively looks down on him and uses him to her own ends. His hotheadedness and lack of manners gets chastised constantly, and almost fucks up Elincia's chances of gaining Begnion forces among other things.

Smashtoddlers are cancer, that's why.

Having to screech it multiple times means you aren't being serious in your responses. You're shitposting, and you aren't even trying to hide it

>there's going to be no titty monsters in three houses
>the bustiest woman in 3h is going to be YOURSELF

If FE is apparently turning into hyper weebshit then why am I not being pandered to

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>Games with bad gameplay can't be average.
Awakening's gameplay is not as bad as you made it out to be. Pairing mechanics be broken, but they offer fun interaction and battle senarios. Map designs are inoffensive, though some are bullshit. Routing is simple and servicable to the plot. Overall, the gameplay isn't stellar, but to me, it's fun. So, fuck you I like it.

>Are you saying that 6 doesn't have hit/evade/crit?
Are you really ignoring the entire statement? Seriously tranny-kun? Yes the games have rng but they aren't totally dependent on them.
>There is literally no point to leveling if you don't gain stats, you dumb nigger
And stat caps mean nothing. What other FE game can you infinite level you fucking retard? Do you even understand how second seals work?
>How was literally anything I said wrong?
You realize that the activation rate is like a base 50% and it goes higher with luck, to the point where need 10 points befor the cap and it always works? In addition to Awakening having higher growth rates for luck and everything else
>Oh wow. You know that lots of games have exploits and glitches, right? Doesn't mean they aren't skill-based
At least you agree the game is shit and Robin can solo. Nice
>Yeah, and you can LITERALLY see walls all over the place
How does walls change the fact open spaces?
>And 5% accuracy, which proves that I am right
It doesn't becasue it affects nothing. You haven't countered a single point. What is wrong with you tranny-kun? Nothing about anything but deflection
>Literally nothing you posted is even remotely true
Is it is. How is is wrong
>I only have ONE hero in my COMPLETED save file of awakening
So? That's you. Not the game.

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Dieck not wearing a shirt makes sense. It fits into his backstory. Why does Camilla wear panites out in the open? Imagine being this retarded.

Calm down buddy. Maybe FE will be good one day

t. newfag

That's not the point I was making
What I was getting at was that HE didn't know what character the other guy was referring to and then acted like he knew more

Not a single argument, only ad hom. I;m done wasitng my time go back to retardarre you dumb reddit faggot nigger tranny

See you in a few hours

Someone give me a rundown on this thread and the giant wall of text arguments

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advance wars has tanks and guns
fire emblem has swords
it's obvious advance wars is cooler

You better not be here in a few hours. Don't make me start Gamergate 2.0
>Onions guzzling trannies worked into a seethe
>us chads are utterly dabbing on them

okay so what are you chads vs trannies arguing about, I don't care about your dab

>He was only close with Caineghis, but so was Titania. Of course he was known (by his old name), he was a famous general.
And that shows how much of a special snowflake Ike is
>The Greil mercs were traveling with Elincia, the orphan of a foreign king his nation was trying to better ties with. Caineghis originally was trying to protect Greil/confront BK, but was too late.
This changes? Pretty big setup to Ike being OP from the start for having so many powerful allies around him. Unlike people like Marth and Roy who only have themselves. Because they aren't mary sue.
>Which strong allies?
Having the entire merc squad of a brilliant tactician and powerful laguz members is pretty good start compared to others
>Plenty of "asshole" characters are still given redeemable traits or shown to be correct in their thinking. The game isn't completely black and white, moral ambiguity exists (like Soren being right about not giving rations away to the Talregans). Sorry there wasn't enough screeching about bonds or the power of friendship for you.
Nothing what you said has anything to do with shit. Shinon is portrayed in a bad light to prop up Ike the mary sue the man with no flaws. Funny you sad its not not black and white, because that's literally PoR. I know you are a FEfag so you hate good writing but keep up.
>He has amicable relationships with Caineghis, Tibarn, and obviously Elincia
Yes OP powerful allies
>but Sanaki actively looks down on him and uses him to her own ends.
So? It doesn't stop him from being a mary sue.
>His hotheadedness and lack of manners gets chastised constantly
No consequences and not portrayed as a bad thing
>almost fucks up Elincia's chances of gaining Begnion forces among other things
You mean the worst scene in the entire game where Ike is completely right and gets off scot free? You see in a good game this moment would show major flaws in a character and dealing with bad decisions. Not suck his cock and praise him.

Trannies got mad, claiming that the based and redpilled games """"""""""ruined the series"""""" and want us to kill ourselves for liking fun vidya

Typing, not screech. You not being able to accept Awakening being bad is on you

Half of the replies in this thread come from one autist alone. He does this in every FE thread, and has been doing it for months. Its fucking hilarious to see someone waste so much of their time bitching about a series they don’t give a fuck about. He’ll probably never stop too, it’s not like he has anything better to do in his free time.

>Awakening's gameplay is not as bad as you made it out to be
Yes it is. Fun is a buzzword and not a real argument

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Calm down tranny-kun

>le thundercuck reddithart
>le fun is a buzzwurd meem
Checks out. Now go back and take @459707370 with you

FEfags need to stop being so obsessed making the same threads over and over ago

Seek help tranny-kun

>Make this thread hoping for some light discussion about the series
>Come back to screeching and long winded arguments
You really can't win when it comes to this series can you?

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Don't you have a dilation appointment in the morning?

No because it's utter dogshit made for the mentally disabled

There's this one gachacuck secondary obsessed with pedobait Tiki that literally can't stop seething at awakening, always regurgitates the same non-arguments while posting smug anime girls and "n-no u!" sentences and pretends to be an oldfag while being a wikiwarrior.

You really need to seek help tranny-kun. Can't you say anything that isn't related to trans or resetera?

Okay user. Can I at least discuss my dogshit in peace and you go to a thread about a game you actually like?

>Can't you say anything that isn't related to trans
I could ask you the same question

>literally making up boogeymans
Fucking sad

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Aren't you supposed to be working on the DLC, Sakurai?

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You see this thread OP, this is the only discussion that ever happens in this shitty fanbase
The only time there's ever a "good" discussion is when we have a waifu thread

Just play Sacred Stones lol

No. FEfags need to stop being so obsessed

>too anime

Good job outing yourself as a shiteating retarded niggerfaggot, fuckface

Can't make it up when it's so fucking evident.

>Fun is buzzword
To faggots like you that need to justify hating something to someone who otherwise don't care. The reason why I think Awakening's fun is because I enjoy the character supports, teambuilding, customizatiion and the story. Even if there flaws in those areas I've mentioned, it doesn't take away the fact that I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Oh no no no no

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Most people don't like lolis

You couldnt because tranny-kun is the perfect name for you.

Nah it is made up. You need to create a scapegoat

>Playing anything related to Fire Emblem after FE12

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>I like X
See. Fun is a buzzword word. You have nothing to say about it because even deep down you know it's bad.
>the character supports, teambuilding, customizatiion and the story
All of which are garbage, non-existent or down better in actual good games.

>"le epic memebait xddd"

>playing anything related to Fire Emblem

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Imagine boiling to such a degree as to feel compelled to make this image.
Also, there is no "criticizing" anything, only ad hom and sperging out like retards
Yes, I still have my copies of 13-14 (took 15 back to GameStop for Torna/octo expansion).
Ya mad?
Ya seethe?
Ya boil?

Imagine being so delusional you can't accept facts being thrown in you face
>took 15 back to GameStop for Torna/octo expansion
Faggot but good taste

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>implying it’s the same person who makes these threads every time
Unless it’s you who makes them, but that would be even more sad. Anyways, they aren’t the exact same people replying to every single post, in every single thread are they? You could easily filter all FE threads too, then you wouldn’t have to waste any time, and could even talk about games you actually like in other threads instead. Rationalize your autism as much as you want though, keep on replying to everyone. You can spent your free time doing whatever the hell you want, but it’s not gonna make you look any less pathetic. Feel free to reply to me again too, I’m just here to watch the hilarity ensue. It’s not like you’re trying to manually hit the post limit on a thread that would’ve died hours ago anyway, right?

>no you cant talk about your series that you like when im around
>you guys are the obsessed ones

i sometimes make threads talking about how people suck balls for reseting on deaths

You can make a party of 5 homo manly men if you want; the game offers them as well.

It doesn't matter if it's the same person or not. FEfags are just fucking obsessed and don't know how to stop. I wish this thread died a long time ago, but it won't since they keep replying and bumping.

It's Japanese and popular, of course Yea Forums would hate it.

And your options are very limited because of all the loli shit

>they keep replying and bumping.
You mean like this :^)

If you weren't obesssed why are the same exact shitty threads not only constantly being made, FEfags bump on page 10 to keep the shit thread alive

Imagine being this retarded enough to think this

You know, 5 eased up on the lolis

>people bump threads they enjoy discussing
>people discuss topics more than one time
>i personally hate the series and participate in all these threads but fe fags are the obsessed ones

Yeah. Exactly. Fucking Obsessed. Fe isn't even good

Would you hate advanced wars if it killed fire emblem?

just started fire emblem awakening after a friend recommended it. what am i in for? i havent played any other strategy games other than the banner saga which is one of my favorites

>You have nothing to say about it because even deep down you know it's bad.
Nope. I've explained why I think Awakening is fun, so how is it a buzzword still? Your entire argument is that I should just accept what I like is bad because YOU said so, regardless of my experience with the game. Fuck off.
>All of which are garbage, non-existent or down better in actual good games.
And you'll never elaborate beyond that statement, even though you don't like FE as a whole anyway.

Ya seethe? Ya boil? Ya mad? Also, see

theres a lot of rng and a lot of bland maps in awakening. regardless its a pretty fun experience and a good starting point for the series as it references a lot of material in previous games. its like a love letter to the franchise basically.

So you define a mary sue as someone who... exists and accomplishes things?

>Nah it is made up
See this format:
Always the same buzzwords, style and argument, and it always starts with this kind of post: You can check any FE-related Yea Forums thread in the archive were "people" actively shit on Awakening and you'll always fin "him". I won't do your work for you.

Not really? Nevermind that it doesn't even matter, they are just portraits. Who cares

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rout the enemy and time travel, its an ok introduction to FE

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You'll at least buy Lilina's game when it gets a remake next year, right?

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I would have liked it more if it had more options that appealed to me,

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>people bump threads they enjoy discussing
Already off to a bad start. Stop pretending a shitty series is good
>people discuss topics more than one time
So? No reason to be obsessed.
> personally hate the series and participate in all these threads but fe fags are the obsessed one
Yes exactly right. One should correct misinformation.

A very bad game that fails at being a trpg and even sucks as a VN which is it.

>I've explained why I think Awakening is fun,
I like X isn't a argument
>And you'll never elaborate beyond that statement, even though you don't like FE as a whole anyway
Have. Read the thread

And before you try to defend "him":
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Kill yourself Awakening/
Look at every post with a picture there. It's pretty much always the same dude.

>regardless its a pretty fun experience
Yeah, real fun. I too love bad gameplay

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As someone who is perfect.

Seems pretty based. Are you sure you can't handle the fact Awakening is bad?

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It won't

Based ironic weeb.

Seek help tranny-kun

But there is though

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Awakeningfags are the ironic weebs. Not people who know truth.

"s-shut up you have one pity option per class, if you don't like them just use a loli jeez"

Call them obsessed all you want, but don’t act like you’re any better than them. You’re the one whos keeping this thread alive in the first place, but keep convincing yourself otherwise.
Alright I’m done rambling, enjoy the free bumps. Good luck with however you decide to waste your life in the future.

That's such a fake reason to dislike anything. Rick and Morty is still enjoyable. You don't have to label yourself as "part of the fanbase" if you like something.

There is an equal number of male and female portraits for every class.

There ar 4 lolis in the first EO and the same lil' cunts appear in EO2, just to give an example. You're just overreacting, Himukai has a chibilike style but pic-related is canonically on her early 20s.

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>I like X isn't a argument
X is shit isn't an argument either
>Have. Read the thread
Many of the arguments you bring up were already countered and picked apart.
But from what I can tell is that you are an obsessed anti-awakeningfag. Goodbye.

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I am better, by default I don't have brain abnormalities like FEtards. And you are wrong, FEfags are fucking obsessed and would have kept this thread alive regardless

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Go back to play your kusoges, tranny.

They are just portraits

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Calm down tranny-kun and go to a mental ward already


>X is shit isn't an argument either
You're right, explaining it is when was done.
>Many of the arguments you bring up were already countered and picked apart
No they weren't. Not a single person can match up and explain why and are wrong

>Rick and Morty is still enjoyable

(greentext)buzzword/bad/hyperbole+game mechanic/trait is not an actual argument

Here is the full set of male and female portraits for 4 so you can see for yourself how wrong you are.

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Good thing it doesn't do that. Why are you in denial?

>Why are you in denial?
Ironic coming from someone denying what he just posted.

Delete this. It ruins the narrative

Denying what? Those are objective flaws you can't counter

Read a book.

Reading a stack of rectangular pages slapped together doesn't change anything

Funnily enough you're right for once. A proper education wouldn't be able to salvage a braindamaged retard of your caliber.

I'm always right. And I'm not a FEcuck so I can't be a braindamaged retard. Nice try though. Watch and see how obsessed you are

>random chance
while the game had more chance activation things we have had random activation skills for a while. the only one worth complaining about was dual guard since its so low and unreliable. dual strikes were supposed to compliment the pair up system and i will admit it did fail to make a good system but rng wasnt really the reason. the reason was the low activation chances and the fact that you had to boost it through grindy means or skills. dual strikes was still a good system.
>second seals resetting your level allowing for infinite levels
debunked already and doesnt really matter unless you actively abuse the system which most players probably didnt care about enough to do. its just nice for min maxing
>child units either end up broken or worthless
and? FE has had plenty of broken and worthless units.
>removed all good staves
i completely agree with this one. on top of that the magic was amazingly boring unless it was dark magic. makes me miss stuff like fe12 magic. staves were pretty god damn boring in the game but atleast they let you stockpile rescue staves for cool movement tricks.
>open maps
yeah the map design really sucked in awakening. reminded me of gaiden or genealogy with all the low quality enemy units and retarded amount of open space. i think maps were more designed around concepts and geography than they were good points of encounter or good objectives.
>skill imbalance
i fail to see why this is a problem. this was never a problem in any other fire emblem game with skills.
>game is enemy phase focused
this one is true but its mostly because of the low quality enemies, large quantity of enemies + reinforcements, and the lack of objectives in the game. i prefer player phase games like fe6 and fe12 personally but i didnt mind the pacing in enemy phase games. this also implies the whole game is about bait and destroying while there are maps focused on not being overwhelmed like the walhart chapter.
>too few objectives

>the story of ike the mary sue
not a mary sue first of all

second of all the story is mainly that of the world, not ike's exploits.
>the legend of the medallion
>the goddess of chaos sleeping until a war is perpetuated that engulfs the continent
>the galdr of release being essentially a failsafe
>serenes forest massacre
>begnions corrupt relgion/politics
>constant theme that you're fighting people with their own feelings and causes, some don't want to fight you but are obligated to.
>torture, forced subjugation, forced transformation, mind dominance
>laguz integration in society being a struggle even in the main protagonist country which is considered accepting

like PoR is one of the best written FEs there is
you can't even compare awakening to it, and awakening is in my top 3.
Chrom is more of a mary sue than ike is, ike is just more popular.

meant for

I don't hate it. I'm just disillusioned with it. After the past few years, I find myself asking myself - why was I ever so invested in this series? Did I change? Did it change? I remember being crazy into FE6 when I played it in high school, while I still haven't fully beaten Awakening.

I wish I were Sakurai so I could put that dank battle music in along with a fifth Lost in Thoughts All Alone.
Also I just got elite smash with Corrin fuck yeah lads.

>while the game had more chance...
And they aren't a good thing. RNG bullshit isn't good game design since it turns from a test of tactical skill to a test of how lucky you are that even risk management can't fix. Random stats and skills add nothing but the game being completely rng dependent from enemy to skills. There's a reason the passive damage skills in Fates are a actual good system.
>the only one worth complaining about was dual guard...
The problem with dual guard is it being pure rng at the beginning than at lategame has fucking 70%+ chance of activation chance which is a free block every round of combat making the game even more easier then need be.
>dual strikes were supposed to...
No RNG is the reason. It's supposed to be reliable and it isn't, that's what the whole series is about. Fates "fixes" the problem with the shitty pair up system (sorta)
>the reason was the low activation chances...
You don't need any of that and it wasn't a good system. You just need support ranks
No? Second seals are fucking trash and shit game design. Resetting your level allowing infinite levels from one class to another, units at maximum level can "reclass" into the current class that the unit is already in with no stat gain/loss essentially "resetting" their level twice over, switch to fucking three other classes free of charge, and in base classes you get put into E rank hell. Doesn't help your internal level can get high enough to only get 8 exp per kill on higher difficulties which makes the grind to cap stats for post game fucking take a massive amount of time for no reason. You also need to demote to get tier 1 classes. Now Parallel seals in Fates fixes all of this and adds only one base class to your arsenal, and to get other classes you need other seals which add decision-making and resource management.
>doesn't really matter unless you actively abuse...
It does matter as it allows Robin and Morgan to steam roll so fucking hard twice over

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>and? FE has had plenty of broken and worthless units.
>It's okay for Awakening to have bad balance because others do
>i fail to see why this is a problem. this was never a problem in any other fire emblem game with skills.
It's always a problem as challenge is the core of video games, being balance so you don't use one system/skill/equipment/etc to breeze through the whole game is fucking terrible as players always have a easy way out of a situation. Just because other FE games are unbalanced doesn't mean Awakening is allowed to be
>personally but i didnt mind the pacing in enemy phase games. this also implies the whole game is about bait and destroying while there are maps focused on not being overwhelmed like the walhart chapter.
Enemy phase games are fucking shit and in Wallhart's chapter you can just plant Robin and watch everything die. Turtling shit is pure garbage as most of the action take place in a phase you can’t control simply watching animations play out. You either want a hybrid like CQ or pure PP like 6 and 12.

>completely rng dependent
but its not, you can easily beat the game without rigging dual strikes or dual guards. the skill thing i will agree with but thats once again a function of the game being bad at designing maps. random stats has been a function of the game since gaiden btw. i like everything about fates more than awakening too but thats not what the discussion was about.
>it allows robin to steamroll
dont use it then. it doesnt make the game any worse that you can choose to minimax. i dont get the argument that its a bad feature desu. i never abused it personally because it seemed like a huge waste of time to constantly second seal and grind. i also want to point out that arena abuse has existed forever and so resource scarcity or exp scarcity being absent in the game doesnt matter. you could always just arena abuse for money and get stat boosters from secret shops

So is dream daddy and that's why it should be in this years top 10. I mean it is really good and fun!

>but its not
It literally is. You don't "need" it, but the game is designed with you to abuse pair up on Lunatic and L+. Unlike other games where you can control hit rates/dodge/evade with weapons and different units with trading you can't change the RNG dependent systems without going into the world map. It's as bad as FE5 being completely rng dependent too
>random stats has been a function of the game since gaiden btw
and they were never good.
>dont use it then
Not an argument. Don't use X doesn't change system is flawed and brings down the quality. And only a braindead retard defends arena shit just like Bexp. But at least Arenas aren't worthwhile in efficiency runs all the time while second seal abuse.

>and they were never good
but you use them as an argument against awakening. this is a function of the series so to pin it to awakening is just arguing in bad faith hoping that i would accept this as a specific problem for that game.
>brings down the quality
once again that really only matters for min maxers or efficiency players. i like playing pretty fast in my games but i didnt feel the game seriously dip in quality because of second seals. no one defends arena abusing but to act like it ruins the quality of your games when its really doesnt even affect your gameplay is kinda pathetic. do you use these things? if you do then good for you, you found a nice way to abuse game mechanics. if you dont then it has no impact on the quality of the game.

does anyone have that power of money gif

>but you use them as an argument against awakening
Awakening does it the worse with both stats and skills. Fixed is always better than random. Enemy composition is there for a reason with set weapons and classes. It's a problem for the series as a whole because the series isn't very good.
>once again that really only matters for min maxers or efficiency players.
Efficiency is the only thing that matters. Rushing requires more thought than turtling. FE games very much want you to play like this as they show turn counts for a reason. Second seals beyond are still bad regardless of infinite leveling as you don't have a limit on what classes you get. You want a team of flyers by midgame go ahead. It's absolutely busted.
>no one defends arena abusing but to act like it ruins the quality of your games when its really doesnt even affect your gameplay is kinda pathetic
There is no reason to ignore a feature because it's "optional". You might as well ignore everything the game does wrong. For a series prevalent on resrouce management and it's distribution between the characters you control it doesn't do a good job at this.

PoR, Radiant Dawn, Conquest and Echoes want to know your location

You only listed one "good" game there

isn't Dragon Quest the one that did that?

>"Can i call you oniichan"
thanks for reminding me of that Ross and Amelia support

Yes. He probably meant jap trpgs but FE wasn't even the main cause

>Liking weeb shit

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Because I don't like it anymore, awakening and fates cater to a new crowd. However, i'd rather see more of that than TMS and 3 houses, I can't believe it gets worse with the settings every time. Let's hope the gameplay is good, which I doubt since there's one version this time. May be the first FE I don't touch, not even a pirate.

>90% of FE4 encounters past chapter 1 are a dozen+ mooks with 1-2 range weapons clumped together, half the time with canto
There are very few good combat encounters in FE4, that game is just dire in a lot of ways

Too much focus on cringy anime waifu bullshit.

Not enough focus on well thought out and balanced maps that encourage thoughtful tactics to win.

Yea Forums is a bunch of neckbreathers for the most part. Fire emblem is great as a whole and I’m glad they’re getting more attention but I hope they don’t go Pokémon’s route of destroying their franchise due to popularity. I wish Lucina had this alt in smash

>Fire emblem is great as a whole

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No they weren't you stupid piece of shit.

Yes they were. Stay obesssed

I don't know about others, but I hate it because IS don't know hot sell it unless they pander to waifufags. This is the reason they killed advance wars, they don't know how add a marriage system and shit there

>Literally half the portraits are lolis
>Urr this is not too anime you can play as a male durr