So mods, please explain to me. Is e-celeb allowed or not?

So mods, please explain to me. Is e-celeb allowed or not?

I made a Spoony thread yesterday and it was deleted while game grumps and sbfp threads were left to naturally 404. We need to fucking fix this stupid fucking bias.

Either allow them or don't, but don't fucking nitpick.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Everything that isn't Giant Bomb should be deleted.

Literally just reported that thread for being off topic and I see this thread at the top of the catalog others must have reported too, it's ridiculous and the threads seem to stay up if the mods like them

giant bomb is Yea Forums culture
all other e-celebs are against Yea Forums culture

off-topic threads are fine if the mods like them
on-topic threads are not fine if the mods don't like them

welcome to Yea Forums

I reported it several hours ago. It's annoying that they allow ""culture"", but never fucking define it.

What we need is to shut your stupid fucking mouth.

threads about that dude have been deleted before. It's not bias, just some jannies don't like it when others do. Simple as that.

user, that's bias. Bias doesnt have to be systemic.

>Be janny that deletes eceleb theads
>Not online when an eceleb thread is up

No, youre supposed to post that on /eceleb/.
Oh wait that doesnt exist. Yeah nevermind then, just post it here. The mods are too fucking braindead to make such a simple solution to this problem.

That worked so well with /pol/

let's not forget about this fucking gem
I swear Yea Forums has the worst mods on the site

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All nannies should adhere to the same rules. Allow it or don't. Make another board for this trash.

>user clarifies semantics
Fuck off.

All jannies should do that. The rules are way too loose about culture.

t. mod

yeah I agree, but it isn't because of "bias" you retards

Care to explain why my spoony thread was deleted while the other two were up and outlasted it by 2 hours?


You should just kys and get deleted instead of making threads

bullshit it isn't

I have yet to hear from anyone how this came to suddenly be the thing to post one day. I had literally never seen it before everyone was posting it on Yea Forums and can't think of anything it could stand for.

fuck off zoomer cunt



/vg/'s mods are way worse

illiterate retard

can you post proof of this happening?

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Really? You don't believe it? It happens all the fucking time.

clearly you haven't been to Yea Forums

imagine Yea Forums's moderation but combined with the fact that you're only permitted to talk about 3 (three) game franchises, with threads about literally anything else having a 90% chance of falling off the catalog with less than ten replies

look in the fucking archives

I don't mind e-celeb threads, just don't pick and choose which ones stay and which go. Leave them all or delete them all.

>no they're not
>can you give proof
>it happens all of the time how do you not know
>just go look in the archives for my specific eceleb and some other one and compare the times they were deleted

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>unironically defending jannies
>thinking e-celeb bias isn't real

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Wow, is that really what you took from all this? You're a fucking idiot.

e-celeb bias is definitely real and you're in denial if you don't think so

That isn;t moderation but the board being full of idiots who only want to talk about certain things, like how most video game threads on Yea Forums just fall off if they aren't started with bullshit.

>the thread is autosaging
>page 6
uhh bros?

meme magic

Spotted the zoomer

I love how mods reluctantly auto-saged the thread in question. It took this thread for something to be done about it. Pathetic.

how original

presumably if they're about games they're allowed and if they're not about games they're not allowed
maybe hot pockets were in a food coma when those other threads came up too, who knows

They're never about games.

Why do I see you guys complaining more about the obscure once a month eceleb threads and not the GameGrumps, Vinesauce, OneyPlays, DSP, SBFP, and GiantBomb threads made every goddamned day? Those things clog up the catalog like nothing else but Chuggaaconroy threads are the shit that you need to scream for the jannies to fix.

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there is complaining about game grumps ITT

do people make counter threads screaming at the jannies for them to get taken down? No, but these obscure ecelebs that no one talks about require immediate action.

Well I made I don't give a fuck who it is. Either allow them all or allow none at all.

I agree with you completely, but targeting the nobodys that actually put effort into their content like the guy this thread's about sends a bad message. Why haven't you made a thread complaining about ? Why haven't you made threads complaining about the Quatering? Or Yong? Or Totalbiscuit? There was a TB thread with over double the amount of posts in it, threads that are made weekly mind you, but instead you target the dude that no one ever talks about. What's wrong with you?

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Maybe because that thread was literally just made. The other one was up for double-digit hours. Are you just a butthurt chugga fan?

there are threads complaining about e-celeb in general and the one I made targeted game grumps
I was going to make one pointing out Pat from Sbfp having a thread with 400+ posts, but it hit the limited and died before I did.
I'm sorry this particular was targeted your favorite e-celeb and you're upset about it

There are Spoony threads every damn week. The dude isn't even vidya related anymore. You were just upset that your thread was deleted when another one wasn't. You don't give a fuck about what the jannies should and shouldn't delete, you just want to talk about some guy you found funny in high school that recently went off his rocker. At least chugga makes gaming videos, why the hell should mods let Spoony threads even stay up?

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>You were just upset that your thread was deleted when another one wasn't

Not for the reason you think. I'm saying there shouldn't be a bias, just like you thinking one should be allowed over another. I'm sorry you're upset your chugga thread got deleted. Fuck all e-celebs.

>this chuggabutthurt


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>Fuck all e-celebs.
>I made a Spoony thread and got mad that it got deleted

Can twitter screencap/social media threads be immediately deleted too?

holy fuck you imbecile
I was pissed the thread I made after the grumps thread to point it out was deleted, and the grumps thread was left to naturally 404.

Now you're upset this thread is up while your chugga thread is gone. Deal with it you e-celeb worshipping faggot.

>I made a Chugga thread and got mad that it got deleted


literally who are any of these people

He's actually making threads crying about this one right now. It's unreal. He's really upset.

Here's what we do, make me janny so I can clean this place up, free of charge of course.

I volunteer guys, no need to thank me.

That thread was autosaged you dumbass.

you made a spoony thread, it got deleted. The GameGrumps thread also deserved to be deleted, as the did the chugga one, but the Spoony one deserved to be deleted along side them. You can't claim superiority from other ecelebfags when you are one yourself. I was posting in that thread, but I accept that it deserved to be deleted.

I didn't make that thread, I think it's pathetic from both sides. Instead I made a thread making fun of that thread.

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Spoony is cancer and his fags are worse. You deserved a ban, OP.

He's really mad.

And it only took 20 hours!

I'm not saying it didn't deserve deletion you fucking dense retard. I'm saying it got deleted before the grumps thread, and the grumps thread was allowed to go on to 404 normally. It's the timing to dense fuck. I didn't make a Spoony thread for the sake of it, I made it to point out the hypocrisy. I linked the grumps thread in the OP for a reason.

I don't think you understand.

The whole point is the bias.
Why should one e-celeb be allowed but not another?

>mod deletes an e-celeb
>leaves the other one up
>wew why are you mad

You're just repeating it.