
OH MY GOD IT'S SOOO UGLY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously why can't they make a cool looking original character design anymore? They stopped looking cool after the original cast with few exceptions. Answer: Their 2-3 obvious sjw templates. Diversity/homo/something generic.

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Other urls found in this thread:



I wonder how many white people contributed to this shit show

>Blizzard got sick of people jerking off to their characters so they've resorted to pumping out uggos
but why

That black skin color is what I would kind legit racist. That't not even brown, that's straight up pitch black.

what took them so long


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nose not wide enough

Attached: download.jpg (637x358, 8K)

You know there are legitimately very dark/black skinned Africans right? Most African Americans are mixed so they have lighter skin.

Attached: Black_2.jpg (446x604, 66K)

Didn't they have that one Black character with the banana earrings a few years ago?

>Overwatch has been around for 4 years

What the fuck where did the time go?

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Can you imagine if a nigger complain why only the only black character look so terrible compare to other character?
I wonder how big the shitstorm going to be?

Attached: 72C483A8-F0AC-4039-AC65-AD48C247215D.jpg (247x248, 9K)

>black character
>Caucasoid features
why do they keep doing this? Isn't it kind of racist?

>U no are racist leftist LOL!!!

why do poltards always try to accuse others of racism



She's really dark, i like it.

Does Orisa not count? Pretty sure she was manufactured in Africa

She's at least a double amputee desu

Attached: index.png (283x603, 221K)

I've seen black guys in spain that are literally black

You're not wrong but what you posted isn't an African that's an Indian woman.

Have sex

Attached: 1556056233975.webm (854x480, 2.65M)

False. Also, the picture you posted isn’t a real black woman. Look at the features, hair color, and jaw line. That’s makeup.

They already added black characters, but SJWs always find new things to bitch about even in a game that panders to them
>here's a game filled with diverse PoCs of color, cause we know you kids love that
>here's an old asian woman and a hispanic woman
>here's two black characters
>here's a black woman

>they spent 4 years making THAT


Attached: 1554406589225.jpg (1080x1080, 245K)

When devs give black women typical groid features (big nose/lips/maxilla) people bitch about it being racist as well. If you'll be labelled racist no matter what you do, might as well use a design that at least generates porn

>STILL caring about OW after the launch
Are you some kind of masochist?

That image is from a short from like 2016, why are you surprised?

Does someone have the full leak lmao

Yes, but she has robot arms, which implies that being differently abled is a negative that needs fixing.

That's literally what Yea Forums did with white characters
>Why can't I masturbate to this one
>Why isn't this one a white man
>Why does this one wear armor and not a bikini


Attached: 79667548569654563543.png (1250x1300, 1.18M)

This, here's what she looks like now

Attached: Sojourn_-_Storm_Rising.png (300x221, 106K)

>I literally need to post about horseshoe theory 24/7
Have sex

>it's literally ok when we do it
have a threesome

Imagine if they actually add ANOTHER nigger next time.

better but come on, that hair is ugly as fuck....

She's not even the next character and even if they add a white guy the shitposting wouldn't stop

They're just being realistic.

You're right, but that's a poo in loo.

Go to africa

>another black character in jail not getting released


Attached: 13AE3DEE-D87B-4952-833B-61CB6CC5350A.jpg (916x749, 113K)

4 years to make a character that have 3 abilities and almost no lore...


Mama Hong when?

Attached: Mama_Hong.jpg (226x242, 19K)

IF they made her a sort of Adam Jensen or Commander character that buffs other characters by giving commands, that might be cool


Is she gay tho?

Because people play video games to face reality.

Oh shit I didn't know Winston had a little sister. I mean he had a brother Lucio but a little sister too? That's peetty based.

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Imagine actually playing this nigger trash

What about asexual

Who are these people?

Does she use the Lion's Roar?

The current versions of the heroes from the comics. They gender swapped them all pretty much over at Marvel. It is going to be so fucking bad jesus christ.

i prefer the darker skin

>blue eyes

Tony Stark dies. Steve Rogers fucks his niece.

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i amliterally clapping right now

I thought both of these things were not longer allowed to be acknowledged? "Black" is racist and "female" is sexist, ableist and transist.

Attached: big_think.png (499x450, 261K)

>That black skin color is what I would kind legit racist. That't not even brown, that's straight up pitch black.
"Black" Americans are so fucking dumb jesus christ.

>more niggers

Attached: 0140.jpg (388x402, 61K)

>I thought both of these things were not longer allowed to be acknowledged?
Only white people think this and try to enforce this on both political sides

Is that Gwyneth Paltrow in Iron Man suit? lolwut?

>YAS QUEEN moment
>Peter is in there too
What did they mean by this?

>Still more whites and Asians
stut up up and give source

give me the name of this crossdressing japanese cartoon

They can't just do a genderbent version of Junkrat and call it a day, how lazy can devs get??

overwatch fucking sucks why do you keep making threads

Black peoples are black because they evolved to blend into the mud puddles caused by rain in the rainforest

Attached: black and white filters.jpg (611x545, 229K)


he is going to be the jobber so the queens can shine

She doesn't look that bad.

Evolution is a Jewish hoax, libtard

>lets just keep sticking ugly niggers in our media, that's definitely going to attract people to our product!

Different levels of black.

>Overwatch is 4 years old

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haha get cucked whiteboi

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When I was a kid I had a nanny who was SO black I called her "the blue lady"

Nah, it's turning 3 next month I think

Then why would they try to prevent it from being taught in our schools


Attached: there are no females in this picture.jpg (1280x853, 199K)

They couldnt at least make her attractive? I mean, what the fuck is Overwatch without the porn?

According to the stats women now have near 80% of the global purchasing power, the stats also shows that more than half of them are using someone else's money to buy their stuff. Big corporations don't care where the money comes from but who is making the purchases, so they are just pandering to them.

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Poor little white boy being saved by strong independent womyn


they cant stop adding nigroes to their game.

There are black people that are almost entirely black, you just don't see it that often cause studio's usually go with black people "acceptable" skin tone, aka the lighter the better, even to this day dark chocolate has a hard time being sold over milk chocolate.

Black-ish taught me that.

You got the source on those stats?

Is Beter going to get blacked by a strong independent queen

Yup. Another genderflip straight from the comics. Pepper gets her own set of Stark Armor for part of a run. Can't remember which one though, or how it played out. Nu-Marvel has been a dumpster fire of this kinda pandering shit for well over a decade now.

Why you guys are surprised it leaked it's way into the MCU is what's actually funny.

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Bro wtf

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>Fat old man
Nah nigga I'm good

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"we ask for a single token"

Attached: we ask for a single token.jpg (640x742, 67K)

Team Fortress, but with no good maps or cosmetics.

Why is that most non-white character are made in a way that they look super self-serious?
Except for Lucio, because is he Brazilian, every other diversity character is a "badass". And this is the same for most other games with SWJ seal of approval.
Don't they realize how this is patronizing and condescending? Why not make a funny looking sheboon, like Mai, but instead of ice she shoots chocolate sauce that instantly crystallizes?

The average modern Marvel comics fan

>all of them have asses flatter than spiderboy

God I hope this scene inspires a porn comic where all the women get sexually aggressive with Peter

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because that sounds like a gender inequality that should be corrected.

Oh god they gave her that shitty haircut in the end...

Stop posting this nonvirgin whore

Ironman has been a woman before

Attached: Natasha_Stark_(Earth-3490).jpg (345x438, 40K)

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down the toilet... because you didn't stop the sjws.

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What's really sad about the Wrecking Ball backlash is that he's actually a legitimately new addition to the formula and attempted to change up the flow of the game. None of the people whining about him actually played the game though, so he's just considered 'that hamster they added for little kids.'

What is going on here?
Why are they females?

I don’t care until they add in She-Hulk
I need my green goddess

This is what women who are into nerdy shit actually look like though. I mean the ones who are genuinely into it, as in they watch it in their spare time and don't just do it to keep up appearances and appear fashionably nerdy. They are fat and smelly.


>People are crying racism when it's clear by not only the smoothness of that reflection, but by the bionics all over the face, and the pores out of the head that this is either an Omnic or some kind of a cybernetic mask
>/pol/tards crying NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER when this person is barely human

Why oh why is everybody so fucking retarded 24/7

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>2019 Year of our Lord and Savior
>still caring about OW
shiggy diggy doo

that character actually looks bad ass as fuck. too bad they wasted time shitting out bland orisa and baptiste instead of their good hero designs

This is my wife, Sojourn. I love her very much!

Attached: Sojourn.jpg (1516x801, 121K)

Oh shit. Women? That's it, this franchise is over.

Guys don't worry Paladins already has a black woman AND a brown woman

Attached: thunder-brush-imanifire.jpg (1920x1080, 524K)

Black Woman, annoying animal that makes too much noise and costs too much money to take care of, what’s the difference?

She's rather smug about losing her arms.

Have you ever had sex with a virgin?
Its awkward, they have no idea what to do and want to stop way too soon.
Having sex with experienced people is great. Would you rather have someone with practice do a job for you, or a complete amateur?

Attached: korra bunny.jpg (500x713, 126K)

>when this person is barely human
We already knew that

>hey our game is dying, people are tired of bland gameplay and shit balance
>ok execute plan B: make one character gay and tease a new minority character
Overwatch is literally a game made by the soulless corporate executives just to stir up the controversy and pander to the minorities and radical liberals
SJW boogyman is real

Attached: 1555347846538.jpg (240x250, 4K)

It was going to happen eventually, why are people so upset?

>light hair
>blue eyes
oh no no no no no no

nice! she's named after sojourner truth, whom feminists love to parade around as the first strong black woman in western history

Nigga I got married to a lebanese girl when she was 17 and a pure khh virgin. She learned how to fuck from me. You faggots will never learn what pure love is.

Are you lightskin by any chance because that's the type of dumb shit a lightskin would say

Based oreo grill

>make the first black female
>make the first overwatch girl that no one wants porn of

Is the MCU done for? The original actors are so ingrained with the characters now.

>Make characters so I can self insert and write fan fictions.
Ok lol

Attached: 1551136013109.png (876x785, 330K)

>Who is Moira

Once every video game character is a brown tranny, we will have achieves maximum diversity.

Female Jax
Real original

That looks so much better than those fucking manish nigresses everyone loves to make.

At least it has femenine features

>OW team is so uninspired now that they just got demoman from TF2 and made a gay healer with his design
blizzard has fallen low

Yes, Captain Obvious. That was the point of me including that picture. To illustrate Marvel's currently preferred demographic.

And I suppose it makes sense in the end. After all, guys like pic related BOTH stopped spending their money on comics years ago and instead started pouring it into vidya gaems by and large.

In a roundabout way, Yea Forums is responsible for the current state of SJW-comics.

Attached: nerdandjock.jpg (700x360, 71K)

>no one wants porn of
I already do.

>first black female
But Ana and Fareeha and Symmetra exist??

You don't actually jack off to Zarya do you?

You're so fucking lucky, any tips bro?

The only good characters in this game are the white ones.

I do, you fag
Miss me with that futa shit tho

We should just ban women from purchasing anything entertainment related. Fuck this shiet.

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>the only niggers in this world are the ones who are already 20% white because their slave owners didn't castrate them

I don't give a shit about the design, just give me another tank that can actually tank damn it

I want to marry and impregnate Korra

isn't a recent paladins champion a black time-power space marine?
god it's been a while i played that game, is he a good pick?

>Paladinsfags consider this GOOD design

God that game started out with so much potential and it's managed to out-do OW with it's descent into mediocrity. Hi-Rez really does need to be shut down for the good of the industry.

>make a white girl
>paint her skin black

lol, I love this shit. Black faces are aesthetically displeasing so that when you accurately represent them you're called a racist and when you dont you are accused of white washing


Hahaha capeshitters btfo

Ana is Egyptian and Symmetra is Indian. They aren't black. I'm not sure who Fareeha is, I haven't played overwatch in so long.

Nothing is a good pick in that game other than the uninstall button.

Oh shit you're right im retarded


>make the first black female
Efi already has porn

>being so racist you think those characters are black


It’s all the same to me

they're all niggers user. now kindly go back to twitter or at least your game of thrones containment thread

Very funny

what the fuck does that do?

I don’t care, their skin will all be white when I cover them in my cum, just as my ancestors did to theirs
My ancestors are smiling at me SJw, can you say the same

Isn't there a black loli in this game? Couldn't they make her playable instead?

who even wants to see this shit

if the KKK ever happens again, i hope they will kill all journo cucks first, and only then deal with the nigger problem

Attached: macaco.jpg (274x184, 10K)

today, I will remind them

>Is the MCU done for?
Marvel in general deserves to die. They've been doing retarded shit no one ACTUALLY likes for years.

>That black skin color is what I would kind legit racist
Excuse me what the fuck did you just said?

>Lucio and Winston weren't enough for them
>Orisa and Efi weren't enough for them
>DF and Braptiste weren't obviously enough for them
Will it be enough this time?

Attached: smug efi.jpg (786x756, 145K)

if you only cared about skin color, why does that matter to you?
I'm certain you don't care about culture, nationality or anything that defines ethnicity

Attached: gpyfSdc.png (640x464, 273K)

Choose the next hero.

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They are never happy.

Reminder that Pharah and Symmetra canonically love white cock more than anything else in the world

That's a Dravidian, not an African.

looks good to me

If Winston is black then Hammod is the first white male in Overwatch. I wonder why anons still complain

amazing that 4 years and millions of dollars and they can't manage to make a single interesting character

Gimme based Madam Hong

>Gammorah is back.
Why even kill characters off? Why even have deaths in general. Nothing should have consequences, I must always feel good.

Mama Hong

Mama Hong all the way

ESPECIALLY if she gets a fucking rolling pin

everything but mama hong

Mama hong


Attached: 03E4AB24-A7B8-420C-8FE1-C4BD9CAFDCE7.jpg (676x307, 139K)

shit taste

mama hong
she looks like that lady from kungfu hustle

Are there any documents or first hand accounts from the people that were working on Titan? I love train wrecks like that, like the behind the scenes footage of the phantom menace, and I feel that something happened during the development of Titan that fucked blizz up for good.

I'm genuinely interested in how their next big mmo project devolved into a mediocre FPS with such uninteresting lore.

Attached: ohjpzh6v9gg21.jpg (1006x1024, 84K)

Seems white to me

glad i stopped playing this fucking woke game. Fuckin moron game devs more worried about adding persons of color in game over trying to fix the actual problems. Go right ahead add more niggers yay!

They’re Eurasian

Congrats i guess

This. The more partners a woman has, the better partner she will make.


>choosing anything but mama hong

What the fuck is this thread?

And as we all know Asians are honorary whites, especially the Chinese. That makes Hammond White

/pol/ is right though, and Overwatch is a shit game anyway


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The Chinese are not honorary whites, it’s the Japanese who are honorary aryans and cuddled up to America after they got mindbroke by a Fat Man like in their doujins

mama hong is reddit's answer.

patrician choice is recluse.

>we all know Asians are honorary whites, especially the Chinese
yeah no, not the chinese nuh uh, especially not the chinese, everyone but the chinese,

>The Chinese are not honorary whites
Yes they are, member the Opium wars?


Attached: fix.jpg (881x816, 110K)

Recluse is 9gag’s answer because she looks like she was designed by a horny 12 year old

She actually looks kinda cool.

As long as it looks good. Baptiste is a fucking horrid design.

>fighting wars over drugs
Sounds more like honorary Mexicans lol

and the Mexicans have white blood in them which means even REAPER is white!


that's cool and all but how does that improve the gameplay

lucio got a sex change

How do you fucking have Warcraft character designers make all this shit and pick the most bland designs possible?

No, they have Spanish and Incan/Aztec blood in them
They’re a race of conquistador rape babies

she looks great.

Spaniards wished they were white long ago and since I say they're white they're white

>barest hint of chest or skin
>lmao u must be a horny 12 year old, have sex virgin incel

White is a flawed term steeped in multiculti bullshit in and of itself. European would be more accurate.

That's 12 midnight black right there. Darkness Brothers-tier blackness

So...will they ever add a hetero white guy who isn't a grandpa?

Attached: 1508373__safe_oc_oc-colon-newsie_brony_bronycon_chris+chan_clothes_cosplay_costume_human_irl_irl+hum (1024x576, 117K)

No it’s because of the pink skrillex hair that only children and lesbians find hot

You can't even tell if it's a girl


it's the opposite

Attached: 1555960559354.png (1500x1000, 3.15M)

i liked this design better when i thought it was a poor pitch black african boy from war torn nation

What was it? Jannies got mad and deleted the image.

I think person of milky decent sounds better

Here's your now Overwatch character bro....

Attached: Trans disabled black teen model is the future you bigot.jpg (812x774, 99K)

Tank controls always suck, no matter what

What if we started calling white people “elves”, middle easterners “dark elves”, black people “orcs”, chinese people “goblins”, and Japanese people “gnomes”,

I want to marry and impregnate Tracer, Widowmaker, Pharah, Mercy, D.Va, Mei, Young Ana, Sombra, Brigitte, or Ashe.

10 out of 15 females being extremely fuckable isn't bad.

looked like avengers endgame spoilers
with every member replaced with women

posting avengers spoilers might bring the wrath of the king-god mousejew in his cryonic statis chamber, so that's probably a huge no-no

oh I wasn't implying Paladins had good art design, almost all of the champs look like shit and some of the skins are even worse
some of the newer skins actually aren't terrible though
the gameplay is still much better than Overwatch though
it has taken a turn for the clusterfucky because they're giving every new champion every mechanic and trying to accommodate consoles, but it's still largely better than it used to be
>no essence or grinding for cards, they are all unlocked by default
>balance is solid except for Lian and Makoa who they will never fucking nerf, but you can just ban them in comp
>they're actually fixing bugs now

user this is 2019 no one cares about men
As with all new champions he's pretty good and extremely annoying to play against

Attached: 1024px-Imani_Omega.png (1024x1024, 1.03M)

Pharah, Anna, Symmetra, and Orisa are mine
You can keep the rest

I thought the jews fear the samurai? I can't believe hiroshima would betray his race

>this isn't satire


Attached: goku_ronald_x20.jpg (430x358, 74K)

he's lying to you, faggot

I wanna see the color of her nipples.

chinese are bugmen, so whatever insect race would work

le 56% face

>we wuz kangz
>pharah and ana aren't black though

what do they mean by this

It's vantablack

I don't know about that, Middle Eastern people are more Orc like since they love destroying buildings and culture

Based Mama

Attached: inkarat-mittongtare-mamahong-artstaion.jpg (1920x1152, 404K)

>tfw no Efi model
>no black loli Blender animation goodness

Why even live

>no essence or grinding for cards, they are all unlocked by default
What about all the Battlepass shit tho
I guess you think Americans are Hispanic because Reaper right?

This question has fascinated me too. In fact that whole post-Starcraft 2 era at Blizz has to be a fucking treasure trove of hilarious stories.

Like, why the fuck didn't they just make a Starcraft MMO? That shit would've been a guaranteed success and if WoW would've had to die to make it happen, then so be it.

But naw. Let's piss away our entire legacy on a card game and some tranny baiting.

Attached: 1539577373295.gif (240x176, 912K)

I think she looks really cool. Probably the coolest black female I've seen, and definitely better than the boring guy they recently released. Or would you prefer she just have an afro like every other black female character in existence?

I made them Dark Elves since they’re the first “dark” race to create an advanced civilization
Orcs are usually black-coded

Based Betty

Attached: 1529883865912.gif (247x338, 2.34M)


Sure but Dark Elves usually want to be left alone and really only hate Light Elves. Orcs attack everyone that isn't Orc.

nice work triggering all the niggers lmao

Is that game a FPS or a politics game?

>Blizzard inevitably fucks up again

>Tactical negro deployed

Battlepass is nothing but cosmetics user

They have to remove those fucking handlebars. Seriously what the fuck

even the samurai fear the legal power of jewish clan of the mouse, you did hear about some of the stories right?

The only good cosmetics mind you

Attached: Fox_Guy.png (558x823, 1.77M)

>white hair

Well they'll get the weeb audience.

Blizz knows.

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you know what overwatch lacks? a good shotgun

Attached: towe.gif (320x200, 172K)

Yes, and blacks do gang violence that hurts everyone, while Arabs do terrorist attacks on white countries and Catholic Churches

i still dont understand the clown meme

4 years in the kitchen and when she comes out she will look like aunt jemima or some shit. Fuck blizzard.

Card grinding was fine and gave the player an incentive to learn and practice their preferred champs. Changing them just illustrates how much Hi-Rez wants to make them game more like OW.

Also, the mechanic changes, new champ design philosophies, and FUCKING CONSOLE PORTING, continues to illustrate how badly the devs are trying to ape OW. It's fucking pathetic.

I'm sure Hi-Rez would even try to court the porn market to further imitate OW, if they'd had the foresight to not make such horrible character designs.

Attached: 1547549993211.png (680x524, 299K)

>look up some paladins champions
>find out about Pepper

Attached: ring a ding ding.jpg (480x480, 33K)

Basically the world is going to shit and everyone keeps acting like everything is OK. Eventually, /pol/ went crazy because they can't affect any real change so now they just laugh at the stupidity and irony of it all while saying "i told you so".

Mama Hong

The IT girl at my job wears all sorts of Marvel and GOT shit. Shes not too bad, but most of the women yeah , not super attractive

DCfags rise up!

Attached: 1554311656212-first-joker-trailer-joaquin-phoenix-cover.jpg (1600x645, 67K)

The only shift towards making it more "overwatchy" over the years has been to lower the TTK a bit
Just because Overwatch is the most accessible and shallow game ever made doesn't mean Blizzard has a trademark on accessibility.
I'm completely with you that the new design philosophy is absolutely retarded, but if anything it's straying even further from OW's approach.
Overwatch's balance and design is a rock-paper-scissors counter shit where each champ is extremely specialized within it's niche, thus encouraging you to change depending on the situation / enemies choices.
Champions in Paladins are just playstyle choices, they're all balanced to 1v1 each other (in theory) and fulfill within their role. You get some specialization from cards (which are for your personal strengths/weaknesses) and items (which are for your enemies strengths/weaknesses) but even those are still pretty general.
The current trend of design is to make champions more generalized, not more specialized. They're giving every new champion every available mechanic, crutch, and gimmick to spam at all times and do everything.

All race talk aside, I legit think their best character is that rando kid from the first trailer, mostly by default.

>Puts himself in harm's way despite being given the chance to run in order to stop terrorists
>While unarmed and a full foot shorter than either of them
>Saves Winston's life and exterminates a thot at the same time
>Is the most effective character in the scene as he's to only one that landed a solid hit
>Is the reason there was any hype for Doomfist
>Proves the moral of the game(?) that anyone can be a hero without needing to beat anyone over the head

I'm genuinely more interested in whatever he's doing right now than anything thing Blizzard's been doing with the lore. So good job there writers, a background character is more interesting then your actual cast.

Attached: Brian.png (474x401, 437K)

I've had this 5 in development for 5 years

Also he starred in that really long series of comics where he’s tracer’s boy toy

>This is how they plan on keeping the MCU going

>instead of just making movies about other Marvel heroes thats not about being politically correct

Attached: banghead.gif (200x200, 29K)

>IN 20 fucking 19

Overwatch? Sorry grandpa, we're playing Fortnite now

/me dabs on your corpse

What the fuck is tf2? Titanfall 2?

/me flossdance

Attached: 31b4a998d30ffb26a7c0de6211b451ae.jpg (1595x2362, 655K)

Funny how OP never mentioned black.

I'm not into pedo shit, but that still sounds like better character development than whatever Blizz is doing


Goof thing the next chracter is Omnic edgelord

>black skin
>the most awful blue color for the eyes
But why?
Are they seriously shitting their character design this bad? Bautispteite was already a fucking nightmare, but this one is awful.

You know what I want for overwatch, a actual good plot line that go somewhere, but I know that will never happen.

read a book then

mods all across Yea Forums are literally deleting avengers spoilers
fucking lmao
the shilling is in your fucking face

not even Hiroshitmoot is safe from the mousejews

reminder that the fbi literally moderates Yea Forums

Fuck, that actually looks like a fun character so it won't be implemented

What. That looks fine to me and is a much more interesting kind of black than Mr. Fortnite skin.

IT's a Zarya situation where she would look at least 2x better if ti wasn't for the retarded hair

What was this?
I've read the replies for context but I am brainlet and still dunno

Helio, he cute

A lunatic who scream about the world coming to end isn't a prophet that saw it coming, they're just a persistent retard

I recognize you as a fellow gentleman of exquisite taste and class.

>no shota model for sfm
>you'll never be the shota yourself

Attached: ANGUISH.gif (245x188, 490K)

>ultra nigger
>blue eyes

>Zoomers playing Titanfall 2

Do you have the link?

not that bad. the SFM porn dudes will find a way with her and thats all that matters. every new female character added to overwatch is a good thing

They should've just made baptise into a black woman. I would've liked the character more

Attached: 1507631947303.jpg (1018x1920, 319K)

friendly reminder that 95% of tumblrwhores that keep drawing black people also forget that their palms are white
just a pro tip so you can point it out for free everytime you see it

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With the phrasing of the headline you'd think overwatch didn't have any black characters. What reality do these fags live in because it feels like i'm in some parallel reality.

I hate this motherfucker so much
it's really annoying when this fuckers swings around the objective
or when you're playing a low mobility character and his ground pound sucks you in from a mile away
or when he just jumps on the point and drops ult on top of you and you just die

Why is every not-onions opinion /pol/?

Stock Imami is just fine

Attached: imommy.webm (882x1158, 2.85M)

spotted the mutt

i disagree. although gameplay wise briggitte is terrible she is very well designed

Look up The Girly Watch

This, the design in OP's pic probably would've been better than the one we got.

I’m not on that /pol/ train but even I can see how blizzard constantly plays this game where if their latest updates/events become too underwhelming to the point of reddit turning on them, they immediately pull shit like this for that immediate credit for being “diverse”.

I'm glad the MCU ended with Thanos winning.

>They make a hamster hero
>SJWs bitches their heart out because it wasn't a black woman despite just receiving both a massive nigger and a negress loli building robots

Attached: 1338981581978.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

Hamsters aren't annoying you faggot
i love hamsters :)

Congratulation on being legit racist, user. There are completely black people, and you just set yourself on the "Having that skin color is racist!" spotlight

No joke, whenever I'm sad about the state of the world, framing things in this regard makes me genuinely more at ease.

>the MCU is now about Girl Power
The fish rot from the head down. Disney is slowly killing media.

not gonna lie some internal defensive instincts kick in

im not racist no ree

Mama Hong is the best one, but I like that guy next to her with the little goggles over the white mask, kind of seems like he could be neat.

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I love black twitter

Four years for this? What the fuck? That's just downright sad. A non-retarded person could come up with a character in 2 minutes.

prove it

Attached: 03924D28-2AF4-40B4-90E6-7A6BAD41C737.jpg (265x239, 18K)

so this legit proves it costs devs shits tons of money to put in minority characters and people are acting like this is a victory?


its over
theyve finally killed racism
and we gamers cant do anything about it

Attached: 1382930546515.jpg (424x394, 12K)

Play any CC hero (which is like half the cast at this point) and shut him down easily. His ult is also super easy to avoid. How are you even having trouble with him?

God please never Mama Reddit, the hamster is more than enough meme hero for one game

>Praetor (heavy from the PVE mode?)

Are the right answers

Uhhh. Blue eyez are literally white peepoe feature. WTF Blizzard

damn. now THIS is epic.

Attached: 💯🔥😂👌.png (400x454, 117K)

I'm on board with that

I'll take Reaper :) Luc, just for something different

literally nobody in the original cast looks cool

You’re a dumb poltard

>Most African Americans are mixed so they have lighter skin.
Most Africans just aren't black, mixed or not. It's not as if 100% African means that they'll have to be black. Africa is fucking huge, and it depends on the region.

that´s still more then white male dlc characters since release