THE ROAD SO FAR >Our story begins as a simple woman, an aspiring tactician joining up with a new mercenary, hoping to make a name for himself >After some runs of bad luck, Algimas, our hero, ends up being knighted after saving a snooty Lord >Word of their actions spreads, and Al ends up becoming part of a rebellion, helping a beautiful woman retake her throne >Upon taking the throne, however, the holy kingdom of Zentir attempts to conquer it >Promoted to general, Algimas helps repel the forces of Zentir, then ally with some other city-states >Eventually, they get help from another major kingdom, and Algimas finds himself promoted to a Lord >Leading the army, Algimas and Nignog deal with a ruthless inquisitor seeking the secrets of magic, whom had also learned Nignog's father's strategems >Nig needs to learn to adapt, and using the works of Ahriman, he defeats the inquisitor >Moving into Zentir, Al's army takes over the capital...only for the inquisitor to kill the emperor and ascend into a dark druid >It also allows a pirate warlord to start to conquer the land >facing off against the inquisitor, Al delivered the final blow >It all comes down to this: can we defeat the warlord Jormund?
What's going on? >I'm playing Fire emblem: Order of the crimson arm (AKA Tacthack), a fantastic ROMhack of FE7. >Who gets used and who gets boosters is up to you >No restartan for lost units >no boys allowed, except the lords Game Overs : 5 Dead Units: Aceline, Meila, Elaine
FAQs >Is this hack finally finished? All stages are complete, but for some bugfixing. Supports are determined, but conversations are not yet implemented. The team is still working on it. >Are there any other hacks worth playing? Most hacks are WIP in perpetuity. Those that aren't are largely just lazy art swaps(like Tales of the Emblem), or are hilariously bad rewrites(like MK404 emblem). Then there's horrible, HORRIBLE hacks that had potential(the last promise), or are just bad(gheb). I don't really recommend any other hacks that I've actually played >What's the best starting point for Fire Emblem? blazing sword(Fire Emblem) or the Sacred stones are both fantastic starting points. >What's next? An user was asking me to demo his hack. Also, The Last Promise has a sequel soon.
idk, his lackeys going around trying to get shit done shows how much his ARMY is a massive threat, not just him.
Nathaniel Parker
you have enough people who can at least do some off healing
Ryder Hill
A fair point.
I just love me some sympathetic villains, and every time Jormund showed up, he was great. I just wish there was more of him.
Jackson Campbell
There's actually a bunch of subtle hints involving Jormund over the course of the game. Like a certain one off conversation early on involving people who can use both martial arts and magic effectively.
I'd also suggest that anyone that plays this hack to get the Rorick and Dione conversations with Jormund.
Thomas Rivera
oh there's an idea. Should I break the no boys allowed rule and field Rorick?
Jonathan Peterson
No. Let someone else do it.
Daniel Gomez
The only problem I have with the final chapter is that Trisection isn't final chapter material. I was expecting something like Langrisser 2's final chapter music and got FFT music that plays in a ton of battles instead.
Josiah Harris
anyone who can kill easily, secure a kill, and/or can heal a ton. That's who you need. Also take out Ayrlyn for someone else.
Jacob Price
ayrlyn supports celia, but who should replace her, in that case?
Owen Kelly
>Take out Arylyn I disagree. She's one of the best choices in the game to take on Jormund.
Tacthack's story concept actually had three different routes. Ostreich, Bervinnia and Desert, Tact opted for the Ostreich route when making the hack. Dione was supposed to die at the end of Chapter 17 but after some discussion, we decided to make her a secret character. Her recruitment methods are lip service to the secret character requirements in SRW. Clara was a universally liked character among the staff and we really enjoyed doing dialogue for her. One of the writers also has a particular dislike for Celia.
There were a fair bit of arguments when it came to balancing the game. Particularly involving Celia vs Boleslav and figuring out what exactly we wanted to do with the mages. Gerwulf performing poorly was a running joke with the beta testers.
>Gerwulf performing poorly was a running joke with the beta testers. That's not really a running joke. More of a fact. You need some serious RNG mojo to get him even halfway decent.
>Light Brand no longer has the "Str/2" calculation >Not casts Shine instead of lightning >Can't crit and is locked to Mymidons, Swordmasters, Thieves, Assassins and Lyn
One important plot detail that I forgot to mention. Originally Al's second personal weapon wasn't supposed to be usable until the second part of the Roswell fight in 24.. But getting it to work was a pain so we didn't bother doing it.
reinforcement wave is clear. I'm assuming they keep sending more, so off we go to fight jormund. since they pulled shenanigans against roswell, I'mma monitor my HP closely.
Its the dragon's fire breath animation and canonically he's using actual magic at 2 range. Jormund is literally a once in a generation super human and out of the named characters, like in the top 5 for magical prowess.
Wyatt Bailey
what did she mean by this?
Adrian Rogers
>I'm about to give you a fierce poundlashing! >poundlashing
so between wayland and Al, I think I can beat him without too much trouble. The reinforcements aren't all that strong either without exploiting weaknesses.
I absolutely love his melee animation. It's fucking heavy.
not as big a fan of his ranged animation
Jace Young
I think I'm going to set a savestate and attack with clara to see his dialogue, then reload the state immediately. Any objections?
Aiden Smith
>But I don't work with wool I don't get it. Is he implying that his followers are sheep? The same followers that are an unending amount of meaty stat sticks with various weapon proficiencies? Also for people trash-talking my boy Gervulf early in the thread, you're right but it's never going to stop me.
there's a few references that braxis is a cold region and they wear heavy wool clothes to beat the elements.
Christopher Lopez
Cause earlier in the map he said if the braxians were cold they should just shear more sheep and has autistically been holding onto that for the whole map cause he's the coolest.
I guess the cold thing skipped my notice over the part where they mention they're strong because of monsters and shit. Then again, I also missed the joke with Adin Sallah's name, but only because everything else about him was screaming Arabian Nights at me.
The best part about this is that it's a total inverse of normal FE. Instead of bandits becoming totally irrelevant about two hours into the game in favor of the world-ending plot, the bandits ARE the world-ending plot and the wannabe god is the irrelevant side-plot.
I wanted to get the Clara/Algimas ending, clearly she had a thing for him all game, but my last chance to get the A-rank was Endgame, which is very good at just pushing your shit in. I'll do a third playthrough once more progress is made so I can recruit Tanya which I also haven't done, and maybe get a Algi/FeMU ending, if there is one.
And that's the end. The game kinda bugs out after that. no credits.
I gotta say, this is now my absolute favourite FE game. The maps were fantastic and challenging(even if the early game was harder than lategame). Characters were interesting, and the plot made sense without relying on too many tropes.
The gameplay changes were fucking incredible, and I love the spritework.
I'm open to ideas about other hacks. The hack I was going to demo is still being developed, and The Last Promise 2 isn't out yet.
I'm not doing gheb outside drunk streams.
Also, kinda disappointed I didn't unlock a soundtrack arena.