Why did you stop playing League?
Why did you stop playing League?
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When I realized Heroes Of The Storm was better
Ruined urf, was the last straw for me. I can handle AURF, I can handle Snowdown AURF I can handle no ban list.
But I am not going to play a mode where if you don't get dragon you lose. That is not what makes urf fun, and it was not a good decision. Just shows how out of touch people are.
pretty much when I got Dota 2 beta key
I never started and I'm glad. Most of the people I knew who got either hooked with mmos, mobas or CS as teens grew up into mediocre human trash with no personality
fpbp, absolutely based
I got bored. Too many changes to the meta and my favorite champions.
When the first hero I bought with points I grinded for got nerfed a week later, then
Only ever played it once, played with a girl I'd known, mostly wanted to impress her despite never having played it before.
It didn't go well as she didn't want to play with me because I was so bad. Never played it since, never wanted to.
I realized that MOBAs are dog shit.
>he let that filth, let alone any ASSFAGGOT ever come close to being installed let alone play it
What kind of shit translation doesn't remove the honorifics? Those don't exist in the English language.
Dota 2 dabbing on the mass grave that is League of Legends!
felt like shit to play
When my reaction to champion releases was more of a "fuck off not a new one" instead of the excitement it used to be. Bloated kits, always a new gimmick because they ran out of ideas, mobility creep.
Also just the dumb balance shit they do. They make the same balance mistakes over and over again just for fun. Ex. Guinsoo's balancing was a fucking mess and they do something similar with Spear of whateverthefuck that came out recently. Boggles my mind (items that can only be used by a select few and kits use in unhealthy ways).
On other fronts, NA competitive feels like a bunch of random imported people with no personality (I think this feeling started cementing when all the old TSM people started retiring). Sneaky is like the last link between old and new pro scene for me. Anyways those are my thoughts from a person who played for like 7 years.
because of:
a. Ahri
b. Thresh
c. NU champions
I got bored.
Painful but accurate desu
Still play ARAM a lot. It's by far the best game mode. Fuck Summoner's rift
Because they took away URF and Dominion and those were more fun than everything else the game has ever done put together.
post Kindred
When I no longer had enough free time to actually enjoy the game instead of try to squeeze a game in.
I was done with assfaggots like 12 years ago
Because I never fell for the skinner box pseudogacha for morons meme in the first place.
I only played to spend time with a friend. After he turned over his account to his other friends, I never bothered with it again.
Sorry, can you give source? Image search isn't turning up anything, and I can't find it on eh
Take a step back and look at it from an outside prespective. Do you actually enjoy the game? Do you get more out of it than you put in? Are you HAVING FUN or do just BELIEVE you're having fun when playing?
Play a singleplayer game for a week, one that let's you put in a lot of hours into it. See if you're enjoyying yourself more.
Also what this negroid says. Started playing it again recently after a 3 season break. But all I do is ARAM. No stress. Only fun.
Community, all these sort of games suffer from the community even if the game itself is ok.
not op but a quick search found this
>[Sieyarelow] Fox Charm
People play more dota 2 autochess than dota 2 itself nowdays
I was muted for 30 something games, so there wasn't any fun left to have.
I still play but its a fucking shitty grind that kills my soul
not enough lewd ahri for me to continue
yeah this it. Bless you user, sorry I was incompetent
Dota 2 came out so there wasn't a reason to play the inferior casual nonsense copy.
I stopped because I'm too lazy to keep up with the meta
Ranked is too stressful
Couldn't climb out of silver (only played draven tho)
Because Ahri-san isn't staying in my house, idiot.
ASSFAGGOTS in general is a very time consuming gente and the commitment it requires is absurd.
Almost incredible this genre latched on to normalfags
Because it's determined by how many elo boosted shitters I have on on my team. Then I realized mobas are shit.
When i got into a game and the first message on the lobby was "mid or feed".
Katarina looks like THAT?! she doesn't though
what the fuck do you even grind
His small pp I assume
the lack of sona porn. there's plenty decent pieces, and some good doujins, but i need more. why haven't any porn studios made a good parody of league?
Switched to Dota 2 when I got a beta key, eventually got burned out of MOBAs entirely. I still have Dota 2 installed for custom maps but League hasn't been on my computer in years.
>why haven't any porn studios made a good parody of league?
Because most of the base models in League of Legends look like shit and creating new ones from the ground up is a lot of work.
i get that models are hard work, but i mean real life shit like bangbros. get a chick with bigass titties to play a submissive support sona, throw a wig on her, and have her get defeated by an adc with a big ol peepee that she then sucks and fucks. she doesn't have to speak, so she doesn't have to sound like sona or have to have any cringy lines. costumes wouldn't even be that hard, either.
Why do devs get pissy when people make porn of their obviously sexualized character?
Do they know what they're doing and just keeping face in front of the public and their female employees?
They know exactly what they're doing but you can't admit you're making fap bait in the West without backlash from social media.
tfw no artist friend who encourages you to jerk off to their art
It was kind of slow for me. They just changed all the champions I liked. First they got rid of jungle Alistar and I played less, they didn't actually change Maokai much, but I didn't like the jungle changes they made which affected him and I played less, then when they took away Gragas I quit altogether.
ARAM taught me more about the game and the champs than all of the years I spent playing SR, and made me immensely better whenever people would talk me into playing normals, that said I haven't played in almost two years, since right around the time they revamped the passives. That said I still love the characters and the lore. They need to make more one-shots like New Dawn and let the animators just go nuts since story didn't matter
tfw no artist friend who openly admits to fapping to their own art
Overwatch came out and I realized how much more I enjoyed playing a polished gameplay experience. That and matches take way too long.