Skimpy females are haram

At which point was made it illegal to use attractive/sexy females on video games outside Japan?
This is not even about MK, this shit is the norm now
>here take your nonbinary chinknigga manfaced horrid character, will be 60 bucks plus the tip
How many companies need to lose billions or close down before this bullshit ends?
FGO made more money than the entire Zelda franchise due the power of boobs and its its not even a real game

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I'm gonna still be making sfms of Frost taking big horse cocks

It's odd. We have burgers censoring nudity and chinks censoring violence. Bunch of pussies.

>I'm a virgin

the mk women were never attractive. they did wear revealing clothes instead of burqas though

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Chinks produce no games

>At which point was made it illegal to use attractive/sexy females on video games outside Japan?
It isn't. Overwatch has sexy females. What you don't seem to be able to comprehend is that characters can be attractive without being skimpy
>>here take your nonbinary chinknigga manfaced horrid character, will be 60 bucks plus the tip
This applies to such a small minority of characters that it's a borderline strawman
>>FGO made more money than the entire Zelda franchise due the power of boobs and its its not even a real game
You say that like it's a GOOD thing

What's even more odd is the line "women wouldn't go into a fight in bikinis" is completely bullshit when women do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME in like pro wrestling and MMA. Are the devs saying those women aren't respectful to other women now?

the mk characters were not attractive before and they are not attractive now

they also made the breasts and butts smaller for every woman. stop pretending this game isn't pozzed. not like it would be good if the women didn't look like goblins, and also not like the women would look good even if they had big breasts and wore bikinis since the netherrealm "artists" are fucking hacks. but this game is pozzed as fuck, and the women are purposefully made even uglier and more covered up while their heads are being ripped off

>Chinks produce no games

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I thought that was weird too. Have they never seen MMA? Do they think the women fight in that wearing suits of armor?
Are they just retarded?

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2013/14. When the PS4 took over is when Western devs completely lost it. Coincidentally, a complete turnaround of the previous gen when the 360 was momentarily on top and Jap devs lost it.

BOOBIES! ( . )( . )

This has nothing to do with anything I said. Go back, electionigger

it all went tits up when women started thinking that femininity was a sin and they all had to be no-nonsense bull dykes who don't need no etcetera.

That's why so many white guys like asian chicks and such, because they're soaked in femininity. They're dainty, petite, soft-spoken, and hungry for family-making cock.

American women are like Brie Larson. Would YOU want to live with, not just fuck, live with pic related for the rest of your life? Didn't think so.

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>not like the women would look good even if they had big breasts and wore bikinis since the netherrealm "artists" are fucking hacks
I agree, but they changed most of modelling team after MKX. That's why there was a huge jump in fidelity. Money + new artists from NaughtyDog and Hollywood comicbook movies.

Still, the game would've sucked anyway.

She doesn't even have boobs, they look like pecs

It's impossible to say this character is female

>panda instead of gorilla


Except Frost looks great in MK11 and a Klassic skin for her seems to be requested quite a few times

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>At which point was made it illegal to use attractive/sexy females on video games outside Japan?
It all began when Hitler lost the war.
The West was doomed by feminism from that time on, they just needed time to implement feminism.
It just happens that this time has arrived, and we are unfortunate enough to be the ones responsible for fixing the mess, or watch as our civilization and our vydia die with it.

The sad thing is that I'm not even joking.

You guys aren't the fanbase, though. You're culture warriors.

whenever the "unrealistic body standards" meme started
I mean it was unrealistic because people like to imagine themselves as the absolute body builder hero in the game, or for the females that weren't too pretty or lacked self confidence like the males they too could imagine themselves as the hot sexy female fighter or even the tomb raider, hell even dudes could imagine they were tomb raider... now though we get some ugly nigga and are reminded of real life and how shitty immersing yourself in games has become

Hell even Japan feels this way too. A reckoning is coming perverts. You did this.

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To be fair, they only stick Jade with a hijab.

It’s because they don’t care about real life women. All of the YASSS DIVERSITY from these companies really just means middle class white guys deciding what everyone else thinks about themselves. Nobody in the twitter hugbox circles wants anything from beyond those circles.

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Actually Resetera is extremely Right wing. They're so far to the Right that they appear Left but they aren't.

This board doesn't even care about mk and is only using it to push a political agenda, what a shithole
