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>less revealing clothes = BAD design!!
Fuck off incel, she looks infinitely cooler now.

have sex

pozzed game. go watch got reddit fags.


>Duurrrr. Me no like game now theres no color coded titty ninjas.

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But mk9 scarlet is disgusting and manly and not like what you're comparing her to at all. 11 looks better

Mortal Kombat has been consumed by neo-morality.

It was always competitive not because it had good or complex fighting gameplay, but because it was edgy.
Lots of gore, lots of babes, lots of muscly men
MK lost all of the babes. All of the female characters are dressed to muslim/amish standards.
I wonder how NRS shills would react if all the blood/gore was gone too?

I don't care either way, but you can't make this shit up, this board is mostly comprised of underage or barely 18 teenagers who cannot possibly think without the influence of their dicks. I blame porn.

Begone gaycope

I want to marry and impregnate the bottom left.

gore on wymyn ok
tits bad

Rember when goys used to by playboy and look at all the pretty women and it wasn't considered a sign of virginity? I remember. I guess liking attractive, scantily clad women makes you abnormal now. What a world we live in.

MK died when it lost it's 90's camp

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Holy shit what a typo

>this kills the kuckold

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>uhh a woman isn't going to dress in a bikini to a fight, uhhh lncels????
>VA for the main heroine does exactly that
How much of a socio/psychopath is Ed Boon really?

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how do I leave this website

>And we are research than you.

>and we are research than you
What did he mean by this?

killing trannies should be a sport

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There are plenty of guys without shirts on so his argument is retarded/

What the fuck is the retard thinking? Does he think he's going to sacrifice a good chunk of the original fanbase to gain much more mass appeal? With the fucking gore, which includes women getting fucked in the skull by males? Seriously what is the logic? Holy shit the hubris from selling a bunch of games.

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I love how all the actual complaints about how dogshit a game this is that's designed to get millions of dollars out of whales are just washed away because there are a lot more incels complaining about the girls having clothes so anything negative is just responded to with "hurr have sex that's the only reason you don't like it"

It's almost like this was all planned.


>we are research than you

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by migrating to reddit since you can't go back to neocuck

I didn't know they did it to Kitana too
god damn
what a fucking travesty. Why did they even keep the gore then? Why not just rip everything cool out about the MK series? Why only stop here?

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>Nah, We
>And we are research than you.

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That's skarlets desert attire, while it is an ugly mess it is an improvement over her mk9 design
She cute

I don't like Reddit

That is literally a man with long hair KEK this really is a tranny game now how do the memes keep becoming real

>And we are research than you.
Damn!! Got 'em!
You don't. You're here forever.

>while it is an ugly mess it is an improvement over her mk9 design
I'm afraid that's simply not true.

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Fuck off, she's mine. Redheads are best heads.
This is true. The cheesy B-movie feel was always the best part of the series, it was an 80's Saturday cartoon with ultraviolence. Now it feels like grimdark capeshit and it's not the same thing at all.

Why the fuck did this faggot have to get the license to make DC stuff, what a damn waste

>Now it feels like grimdark capeshit and it's not the same thing at all.

It follows that faggoty trend of capeshit movies to take all the cool campy things of comic books and convert them into "YEAH BUT WHAT IF IT WAS REAL!" shit. And everyone ends up in full grey/black leather body suits because reasons

>our design is much more respectful and mature in this game where people rip each other in half
why even care at that point? I’m baffled there aren’t any hit pieces on hitting women.

Capitalist using identity politics as a shield again.
Now they can deflect any criticism by just saying "you are sexist", and because there are actual people who make a big deal online about not having tits in the game, their deflection seems even more valid. And fans will even join in to defend this company in an effort to make themselves feel like they are acting in a righteous way.

What was stopping the MK devs from just strapping on all of Skarlet's tactical gear onto her sexy body?

ed boon tweeting like Harada or Ono lol.

...why the fuck does a magic blood ninja fucking need tacticool gear in the first place?!

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>that pic
Fair enough

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>I’m baffled there aren’t any hit pieces on hitting women.
It's okay
They have "realistic" standards for female beauty (read: ugly). The violence doesn't matter, changing people's perception of beauty counts for more than slicing women in half.

>Nah we
>And we are research than you
This is your mind on nigger slang.

what a fucking travesty

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>Beheading women is respectful

Is this official?

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>taking off the mask in mk
Nrs has always had ugly females

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>One eye is higher up on her than the other.
>One side of her lips is longer than the other.
>Her head is a fucking square.
Now I understand why Shao Khan covered her up.....

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why are some people born with wide faces? it seems like god shouldn't allow such a thing to happen.


It's a shame. I think the actual costume is cool, but that headpiece looks stupid. That and the face under the mask is a disaster, too.
Why couldn't they just make old Skarlet an alt?

They can dress her in whatever they want because there is no real magic blood ninja to use as a reference. And by that logic the bikini outfit would make much less sense for a ninja.

Don't be silly user, real Muslims are far more brutal than anything you find in MK

>They can dress her in whatever they want
they sure can.
and I can choose to not give them my money.
And I'm bought every mortal kombat


kek, this really is a muslim game. behead enemies, women are covered up, holy shit

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seething incel legbeards

Who is that tiddy girl and does she get naked?

haram as fuck yo
get that bitch a burqa

>Playable Bin Laden is the MK12 pre order bonus.

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You can't even tell these are the same character. Ed Boon can't design characters worth shit.

>incel legbeards
kek, that's good user

>more mature and respectful
>in a game about literally butchering people and desecrating the recently deceased
this is some next level bullshit

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>And we are research than you
how do you respond to this without sounding mad

you can't

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>not maining B A S E D Bashar "The Lion of Syria" al-Assad

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They're called Anglos and their triangular heads are God's punishment for destroying Rome.

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>LEGO head

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and that is fair

who buys video games the most?
Is it still boys? I thought boys liked hot girls?

Based and redpilled.

I'm not afraid of women in burka, but every time I see such near me I have fantasies of murdering them in increasingly sadistic methods. Slitting their throat open and then crushing their hand bones while they still feel pain as they are bleeding dry. Things like that. Now that is scary.

It would be weird if you didn't

Do not financially support developers and creators of media who bow down to social justice warriors.

Do not financially support developers and creators of media who bow down to social justice warriors.

Refuse to buy their products, voice your opinion to them, and move on. This is all that is necessary to enact change.

I think fanservice in general is pretty fucking stupid and I'd personally go about it a different way myself. However, the primary problem I have with this is because these decisions are being done to appeal to a bunch of mentally ill trannies, hambeasts, and soibois who get assblasted that a bunch of white cis males enjoy looking at sexy females. It's not that the majority of us pissed off want to fap that much, we're responding to the SJW forces that are driving these types of changes.

If it was genuinely a design change with zero input from a bunch of faggots then there wouldn't really be such controversy.

Then MK11 is the game for you

>In an alternate timeline, this would be a DLC character.

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liberals have to be the most circular logic hypocritical retards ever.

do they have a chinese man in charge of his twitter, wtf?

Its like back in my high school days where the kids would make fun of anyone who masterbated. "Oh, you masterbate? What, can't get any pussy? Are you gay, touching your dick?"

Its like I'm living in lala land again where everyone lies about the most basic human shit.

Exactly this. They'll have literal hundred page discussions on ResetEra about the harmful effects of sexualizing females in games, yet not a single bit of that same concern is used to argue against the existence of overly violent games like MK.

Tits and ass is a problem, but ripping a woman in half is totally fucking fine. Yeah, ok.

How the fuck would they know if you masturbated?

He's tweeting like an Asian game dev. Is that even him on the account?

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can you link one of those hundred page discussions? I haven't ever seen that thanks

>not having a hijab fetish

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If MK11 was released in 1999 and I was a feminist gamer journalist, this would be the article.

"One again, Mortal Kombat uses imagery to paint female characters as possessions: We Got our first look at MK today and right off the bat we have a serious of women wearing clothing that looks like they are a sheik's wife in Saudi Arabia. While other females of the past entries have had flashier and more "girly" clothing, the only females with a darker complexion are covered head to toe in modest clothing depicting what some could construe as a traditional Muslim's wife garb. On the other hand, the Men like the misogynistic Johnny Cage are allowed to be bare chested, because as we all know male pecks out in society isn't sexist but female breasts are. All in all this is another step towards problematic depictions of women as if they are not equal and actually property to men."

Liberals are all mentally fucking retarded

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>And we are research than you

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why would you need a link? Theres been plenty of those faggots over here complaining about "boner culture"

like i said, haven't noticed it so was wondering what the fuss is. If theres nothing to back it up thats fine :^)

Not him but it sounds like one of those stupid catch-22 things that kids do to one another

>"Oh you don't masturbate? So you don't find girls sexy then haha faggot"
>Oh you do masturbate? So you like touching your dick then haha faggot"

hi resettera


I stand corrected, it's 183 pages of this bullshit.

SJWs want women to be allowed to whore themselves out, but God forbid a bunch of cis white males have sexy females in games they enjoy looking at. It's about attacking the cis white male gamers.


I was wrong, it's fucking 183 pages of mentally ill trannies, hambeasts, and soiboi faggots sperging out.

>SJWs want women to be allowed to whore themselves out
>when women whore themselves out they just say it's because white men create a culture where they feel forced to dress slutty out of fear of assault

Man if you ever come across one of these people just don't engage. They're honestly pretty rare but you'll never 'win' an argument. If you don't engage they have no idea what to do

I'm a homosexual male and I enjoy the slutty costumes more than the burka-clad designs. What does that mean?

Feminists now LITERALLY, *LITERALLY* don't want to be "sexualized" in media, but will advocate for prostitution "so a woman can have the freedom of her body."

Because you're likely imagining yourself wearing it and taking it up the ass, faggot.


Figures Yea Forums would have an incel cryfest because NRS decided to not to rely on sexist tropes for once.
I bet you think Jax deciding to end slavery was "woke" and "uppity" too
So glad your grandkids are going to be brown

Just means you appreciate good design like the most of us. All of the female outfits in MK11 are ugly af

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still, nobody likes you

You're trying way too hard.

Would you fuck me if I shaved my asshole and dressed like MK3 Kitana?

>that little bit of chub on kitana

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If you got a nice pair of tits maybe. I'm not into traps though, so fuck off.

Discord and dilatepilled

id laugh at you, tell you that you look ridiculous, then offer a revolver for a quick self-exit. probably

To do what exactly? How many fascists are on Yea Forums right now complaining a game dare have a black person end slavery or not oversexualize women? What are you even talking about?
