Will this be the first unironically good vidya movie?

Will this be the first unironically good vidya movie?

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Mortal Kombat came out decades ago tho

looks like utter shit

Popularity doesn't equate to overall quality.

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yeah because the detective pikachu game was shit, they cant fuck up this movie

I find it hard to imagine a Pokemon live-action being actually good. But maybe I'll be proven wrong.

This is gonna be a cringe fest

Ryan "20 bucks is 20 bucks" Reynolds will try to save the movie but the plot and look of it will beade entirely by boomers who don't know anything about the franchise

The whole point of these mediums is popularity/sales. If those metrics are hit, then it is quality. You can disagree but your subjectivity doesn't change why these things exist; to sell and be popular.

Silent hill was a good movie
Prince of Persia wasn't bad either

Prince of Persia exists.

I remember renting this when I was a kid and thinking Knuckles was a completely different character because he was wearing a cowboy hat

No, it will be a very good looking movie, but nothing else besides that

Pssst, you wish kid. My totally tubular and radicool movie with blow your gnarly little film outta the water. Bodacious

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What the fuck was wrong with the first Pokemon movie exactly?

eat shit

Face blindness is a sign of autism user

>007 Goldeneye

There are already plenty of good vidya movies

There wasn't a SINGLE African-American or trans person in the story.

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It will be the first video game move to have a positive rotten tomatoes score since Time Warner wants this to be successful. Critical reception is a marketing tool like any other.

What the fuck is that picture? Is that shit real?

Hello Ching Chang.


Hell if I know. I don't have anyone to take to go see it. I spent 3 months just seeking anyone to come see Disaster Artist. To the point where I was trying to bribe people to come with.

Nice ad-populum faggot

Not enough quirky quips

Pikachu looks so cute I am so hyped

Sad to hear that, I have tons of friends who want to go see it.

the missing father is the pikachu, in red and blue bill turns himself into a pokemon but lacks the ability to turn himself back human. the father turned himself into a pikachu to avoid his pursuers and it also somehow gave him amnesia, or he turned himself in a pikachu to avoid his pursuers and he goes on an adventure with his kid so he can test his maturity

the father is the guy who keeps saying
before gyms in the first game

>Turns himself into a pokemon

You what in the fuck mate. Not that I am saying that I don't believe you but holy shit no way that is real. ARE ALL THOSE FETISH COMICS BASED ON REAL FUCKING LORE!

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you never played red and blue?

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Video Game movies will never be good

What have they done to my boy...

Why not see it by yourself?

I will see it because they’re using based Ludicolo as one of the main marketing points

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>pikachu says hell

Angry Birds already came out.

Is this Shad's work?
That movie was worse than Angry Birds

>Inexplicable white hands instead of just giving him gloves
Every time

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>le deadpool reddit man

oh yeah it's gonna be siiiiiiiiick bruh i'm hyped! XD

Yes, I actually expect a good fun movie. I won't be Kino, but will be Cinema.

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Angry Birds was redpilled


No singles policy, dude

Bill turning himself into a Pokemon was, in fact, in the first fucking game in the franchise yes

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What about Angry Birds 2?
Is it about jews?

Itll be good in the same way the emoji movie was good. It's just a lot of weird shit going on the screen with some semblance of a story hidden somewhere inside. I'm sure it will be an "interesting" movie at least. I know everyone here will at the very least pirate it. You dont love vidya if you dont watch it and I say that as a 30 year old boomer that hasnt played a pokemon game since silver.

I honestly don't get it - even when I watched it back as a kid it felt lackluster. I honestly enjoyed Street Fighter more

Holy shit. I haven't played the TCG in years, but this like an amazing support Pokémon.

Good thing those who watched it and critics claim it's a good film, at the very least something that will entertain you.

At the very least, the trailers (especially the last one) really sold the "pokemon living with you" aspect really well.

Can you imagine getting your food served by a Ludicolo? All the hair and shit will fall in your food by the time it gets to your table.

A really terrible morality plot even if you add the "removed" intro. The first time the pokemon animated movie became good was the third film.

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>Itll be good in the same way the emoji movie was good
>emoji movie

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>A really terrible morality plot

Because the movies are simply just extended episodes. You HAD to watch the series beforehand, and understand these characters.

Detective Pikachu is playing it safe by using a Pokemon game that has absolutely no expectations to hold.

Pretty sure it's grass-like feathers, user.

Is this a legal card?

>Bill turning himself into a Pokemon on accident was a gag in Gen I
>It resurfaces again and is considered a major breakthrough in Sun and Moon
>Then yet again in the movie
Bravo Gamefreak

generic clone angst

Technically in Detective Pikachu from what I remember it's Tim's dad's soul being transferred into his partner by Mewtwo, but it was more of an "ambiguous note" in the game's climax.

It's funny too since having pigs and birds team up is probably a reaction to criticisms the first movie was xenophobic.

The first movie sub was ok, 4kids just made it far worst by removing scenes, changing every character line and personality, music, tone, meaning of ending, adding stuff not present in the original (referring scientist working for Giovanni), adding a lame morale and etc.

Who the hell is this movie suppose to appeal to? I've been fan since Gen 1 and I think the designs and story is fucking garbage.

It can never hope to top the Resident Evil movies.

Not only a lame moral, a moral that makes no goddamn sense in the Pokemon universe where fighting is something pokemon like

The ‘NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN’ and general Pokémon audiences

The original movie was a fucking mess, if anything the 4kids dub salvaged it.

I'm unironacally going to go see it

It seems to be a stupid movie that knows its a stupid movie

The dub changed the motives of Mewtwo and the overall story. There was no "fighting is wrong" thing in the original.

>where fighting is something pokemon like
Not fighting to the goddamn death which was what Mewtwo was trying to do. You're practically equating sparring with bloodsports.

the original was still garbage though - really the only thing worth it are its visuals

nah, the original was equally lame "muh originals better than clones"

More like the fact that it understands that it takes place in the world of Pokemon and not "our world." It understands what it is based off of and utilizes it in background details. They're also not going full Genwunner.

Nope at all, it turned Mewtwo into a generic saturday morning villain when in the original version he just wanted to find who he is and what he is porpouse.

>implying the first pokemon movie was bad

Yeah yeah, I get that. But the moral is still pointless, everyone knew that forcing them to fight to the death was pointless, no one learned anything and nothing changed.

I honestly just want to watch it to see the world.


That Braviary scene is fucking ace.

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he's right dumbass

They should get Billy Zane to voice Mewtwo. Apparently according to early screenings, he's voiced by Bill Nighy.

That wasn't even in the original you dunce, that's in the "sequel". In the original he already had a purpose, it's just that it was a generic "I'm a superior than muh original" shitfest you always see in clone-related story.

Ash wasn't brown enough.

The final scene where the pokemon cries restores Ash was to meant give meaning to Amber words to Mewtwo, said scene was removed.

No matter how much you try to shill, this movie will still be a poorly disguised cashgrab in my eyes.

You are confusing things, i suggest you to rewatch them.

This is more soul than I ever expected.

I really need a webm of that braviary scene because damn I can't get over it.

So I'm assuming that Chris Chan will murder the man who did this?

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Looks like shit so I won't bother, not really the target demographic for it, but to be fair, I'm not for Pokémon either, but at least the battle system is fun.

Chris-chan apparently is going to have a cameo.

Silent Hill exists

>Goldeneye 007
>video game movie
I hope this is a joke.

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2D animated and not CGI. Thankfully they'll finally remake it the way it was meant to be viewed

>everyone knew that forcing them to fight to the death was pointless
MewTwo himself didn't know that though, that was the point. Everyone was basically his captive the whole movie and they had to convince him to change.

2 our of the 3 movies are actually awful, so I assume it is.

This. 2D animation is just fucking awful. So glad I grew up in the generation of Shrek and Pixar.

Nigga his whole plight was about showing superiority.

Ironically the last showing of Brosnan Bond was a video game only thing and was well-received.

>make Harry a side character, make mom take his place
Ok, whatever
>turn plot into one about witches
>adopt the bad ending but still have a sequel
The fuck.

>but still have a sequel
I don't consider the sequel canon and honestly just generally forget it exists.

Yeah, okay, I'm gonna be honest. I saw the trailer for the first time yesterday out of sheer curiosity. I'd ignored it until then, but I decided why the fuck not.

It actually looks fun.

Maybe Hollywood has finally figured out that just giving fans what they fucking want is far better than shoving some ideology down our throats.

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Anything with Raul Julia is kino.

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For you Street Fighter was the greatest vidya movie of all time. But for me? It was just a B-movie.

What's wrong with these renditions exactly? Were they supoosed to be cel shaded 3D models ripped right out of SuMo or some shit? Whether you think so or not a lot of effort is being put in to actually make a live action Pokemon setting here and at the very least give them credit for that much, you act like this is Super Mario Brothers movie levels of heresy for fuck's sake

Those instrumental bits of the first dub OP are doing things to my dick. Somehow I bet the full version sucks

methinks it won't be actually in the film

Honestly I would've preferred a Roger Rabbit sort of movie where it's cartoon animals interacting with live-action people, especially since it's going to be a Noir parody anyway. This is still fine, just not something I'd consider ideal.

Oh its absolutely going to be in the film. It's either the intro, ED, or crammed into some vital scene, but they WILL find a way to shoehorn it in.

Wouldn't really work if they're selling the "pokemon live with people" angle. In fact I bet that's part of why they went with Detective Pikachu.

I mean it'll probably be in the credits, but not in the film proper.

>made the protagonist black when he was white

netflix produce this garbage?

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i wanna steal that bike

>who is Brock
>Ash is literally gender fluid


Brock isn't black, he's actually Okinawan.

there's also that anime episode where ash turns into a Pikachu
I blame that episode for introducing people into TF

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>Edge of Tomorrow

but I don't want this ironic shit. I want a real Pokemon movie.

There's a massive amount of kids cartoons that introduce fetishes. It wasn't just Pokemon.

Kids these days.


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It's literally the fucking plot of the game ffs

how is this ironic shit

Helps that TPCi is very strict with their properties. Same with Godzilla in that regard after learning what happened with that Emmerich film.

>mfw always people in these threads who act like Tim was some deep nuanced character they had a personal connection to so they can bitch about "Duh Niggeeeeerrrrr Agenda" or some shit
Epic, simply epic

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no the dub is actually fun whereas the sub is soulless

You forgot about Postal?
Of course, Americans hate it because it makes fun of 9/11 (as it should)

It's not that good. Stalling in Pokemon TCG leads to losses almost every match.

Is in my case for sure but I can still find a girl's face beautiful

No he’s not retard.

Prince of Persia was one of the best vidya movies. As a movie by itself, it was still good. Just good

I know that silly I was just shitposting

>A movie adapting a spin off game is ironic because it has comedy to it and made realistic Pokemon and a world centered around Pokemon

Best vidya movie.

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>the first unironically good vidya movie
That would be pic related.

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What's your favorite Pokemon movie Yea Forums? I enjoyed Destiny Deoxys personally.

that was garbage too

Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
aka the OMP OMP OMP OMP movie

Is there a deadpool pikachu in the game too? How about the ridiculous scenes with mr mime?

>doesn't understand how logical fallacies work
Him explaining they a purely subjective form of entertainments quality is entirely quantifiable by how many people are entertained by it is not illogical, nor incorrect for that matter.

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That movie was pure kino.
You're garbage.

>deadpool pikachu
voice acting aside Detective Pikachu is a snarky bastard

>despite adding new elements the movie is still following the beats of the game
In fact it's a great way on how to measure if someone's bullshitting with fake leaks.

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>really terrible excuse on how to make Ash the chosen one
>that filler fluff at the opening about the villagers which were completely useless

>all that Pancham and Pangoro attention in the previews

not against it, just surprised

Wrong and shit taste

>He likes Mewtwo: I'm going to wipe out the planet to show i evil am or Misty please stop fighting, it's wrong stop being hurt please. Embarassing.

Nostalgia. It's decent now, Autism fuel for eons when it came out for kids. Movie 2000 and the Entei movies were the only good ones. Deoxy movie have potential, but fucked it up.

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>Movie 2000
Talk about nostalgia.


Did i stroke i nerve.

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The last two movies were pretty fun. One thing I liked about I Choose You was how it kinda took inspiration from some of the original series writer's ideas. I mean, they couldn't go all into the idea because, let's be honest, a lot of Shudo's ideas actually had some real potential to seriously hurt the brand's image, even if they were intriguing. But still, that scene where Ash was in a dream world where Pokemon didn't exist and he was just an ordinary elementary school student was clearly inspired from Shudo's playbook.

The last movie, Everyone's Story, was honestly one of the best Pokemon films by far. It had great pacing and had a fresh feel to it. More films should be like that. Makes it really disappointing how the next film is literally just a CG remake of the first film.

I "left" Pokémon shortly after Pokémon 2000.
Is the third one worth a watch?
Game-wise Entei is already after my time.

Won't deny that for me.
Was one of the last movies I actually watched at a cinema.
After that especially Hollywood went insane with "muh pirates" and tried to ruin everything for everyone.
I'm not supporting an industry like that.
Note: I'm not a pirate, but I'm making sure none of my money goes to anyone related to the MPAA. I'm simply not watching your garbage.

Entei movie was kino. The focus wasn't on Ash but the girl who was suffering from trauma after her dad vanished. Delia was also a key character.

>Won't deny that for me.
>Was one of the last movies I actually watched at a cinema.
>After that especially Hollywood went insane with "muh pirates" and tried to ruin everything for everyone.
>I'm not supporting an industry like that.
>Note: I'm not a pirate, but I'm making sure none of my money goes to anyone related to the MPAA. I'm simply not watching your garbage.
Fair enough. I agree that MPAA is garbage and anti-piracy is retarded. Rentals / used movie sales hurt the industry more.