Antagonist does nothing wrong

>antagonist does nothing wrong

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But he did everything wrong you dumb cunt.

Go away Griffith



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>antagonist is envy of the protagonist

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Betrayal is lowest circle of hell

Fuck off albino nigger I'll shove dragonslayer up your ass.

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Looks much better this way right guys haha

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>"antagonist" is actually best girl

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Guts betrayed him first though.

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Anyone who thinks Griffith is evil clearly only saw the anime

Anyone whose life dream is to become a king is pretty tyrannical in my opinion.

spoken like a true crab in a bucket

>It's tyrannical to create a safe haven for humanity after demons are shown to exist
>It's tyrannical to overthrow the actual corrupt government and instate your peace


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If he cared about any of that he wouldn't have activated the egg.

Oh hello anime-only

looks like thats where guts is going then


he is pretty u bitch

Thats how behelits work nigga

Nigga he gorgeous, no homo.

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>become an immortal demi-god, achieve greatness and bring peace to the world
>rot in a broken, useless body, needing someone to wipe your ass day and day out while listening to your gay crush fuck casca's brains out
real hard choice there

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he's not 100% evil but he made a very emotional and stupid decision after Guts left and made the dick move after that just from being butthurt at him.
The first couldn't have happened if he didn't became a God Hand member in the first place.

Don't forget "murder everyone who ever believed in you and send them all to hell".

how do i start reading this?
theres a vol1 chapter1 and theres a chapter a0 at the start too

A man who I would follow into hell

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Griffith is the fucking king of said demons, dumbass. In addition, he is also the reason for the overlap of the astral world and mortal world.

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You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

He only became a God Hand because he had all his muscles cut off. He did make an emotional decision, but he only suffered for it because of the incestuous king, not because he did anything bad
Are you the guy from /ffg/?

>safe haven for humanity after demons are shown to exist
And what exists now ever since he created the World Tree? Oh that’s right, a bunch of new monsters and mythical creatures that are making the world even more dangerous.

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if its starts with guts fucking a demon, you are at the beginning and read from there

Is chapter 0 the one where Guts has an eyepatch? Because that's completely unrelated and you can skip it if you want, it doesn't really matter.

>King of demons
No he isn't. Skull Knight fucking the world with his magic sword is the cause for Fantasia

No, I don't browse generals
But I know a leader when I see one

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first chapter starts with him sleeping with a "whore"

Fate pretty much forced him to activate the behelit.

>He created

If Guts would've just dicked Griffith none of this would have happened

Too bad Guts will never take it again haha

Casca enjoyed it.

>A year after casca got unmindfucked
>stuck watching griffith kill trolls + hiatus
Everything wrong.

>destroys the occurias control over the world
>scions are able to operate unopposed
>human corruption goes unchecked
>world is completely destroyed by corruption and the scions by the time of tactics
Vayne was an idiot, the occuria are the ones who were right.

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t. griffith

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>there are actual people who cannot distinguish between the morality of someone choosing to die for you versus you choosing them to die for you
Eyyyyyy, hiatus is back after thursday boyz

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Miura is the true villain of the series.

I never quite understood why Ganishka's death made the world tree.

And that's the attitude of a tyrant. I'm sure Mao and Stalin though the same thing.

Nigger he's part of the God Hand, pretty much existing already makes him king of the demons. And Skull Knight using his magic sword is because of God Hand fate bullshit, ie Griffith.

Guts betrayed him

yeah he really did

It was deserved though.

Nah, the choice was always his. Fate just forced him into a scenario where he couldn't envision his dream occurring without him saying yes. The behelit was the silver bullet, the one thing left that could have granted an otherwise completely impossible wish. Fate may have converged to bring that ultimatum, but it was always, ALWAYS Griffith who had to pull the trigger. Not even the crimson behelit can force it, because if it was inevitable anyway, then there's no point to it at all. If there was no agency, then it wouldn't serve it's purpose as a test. No. To say that is to imply that Griffith is blameless, which is completely false.

Anyone whose life dream is to become a king is pretty based in my opinion

>Griffith changed Skull Knights fate
Like, yikes scoob

>completely overlook the fact Griffith put himself into the shitty situation he was in, couldn't take self responsibility, so had to make other people's lives shit instead just like a seething incel does when he shoots up a womens sorority

The strongest form of deception is making the target think they have no other choice but to do exactly what you plan them to do.

Probably the mix of ripping a hole in space time + the impact of a dude who became a double apostle

Enjoy life as a bootlicker, cuck.

Only because he fucking died.
If he had been allowed to seize power, he would have bought in a golden age to make Raithwall's Era look like quaint.

And eventually that would have been lost after his death anyways too. The scions are immortal and humans being prone to corruption goes beyond the reach of a single generation.

It's fucking bad in medieval times, sneaking and fucking the king's daughter without permission, he would still have been punished, not as severe but still.
>he is also the reason for the overlap of the astral world and mortal world.
i hate to say this but Skull Knight is to blame in this, the swing of his sword caused it.

>Skull Knight tries to blindside Griffith with the Behelit sword
>Griffith sees it coming
>He turns the tables by taking the sword and using it with Ganishka
>World Tree appears

Whatever happened to the Scions of Light, anyway?
Why did nobody ever think to find them and get them to deal with their counterparts?

>make it very clear from the beginning you will do anything to achieve dream
>tell people they will die for your dream
Griffith literally did nothing wrong


>choose to help someone fully knowing you could possibly die
>purposely be sold out by said person who sentences you to a inescapable painful death
One of these things is not like the other

The thing that killed this child could be the cause of my selfish dream to create a pile of bodies so I can live like royalty.


Also when every chapter comes out a year from each others its hard to keep up.

There's a difference between dying in a war and being devoured by grotesque demons in a nightmarish land of giant faces

My guess is that they reside in the occuria's realm and couldn't be reached after the sun-cryst was destroyed.

Berserk is never going to be finished is it

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I like to think it was left open for potential future plotlines.

I use them in my Ivalice TTRPG, at least





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guts got off the boat. anything can happen.

Probably not.
Maybe additional artists will be hired to finish it at a later date if the fanbase proves still large enough to make it worthwhile.
Its not like you can fault miura though, he's done way more work than most people do in their lives so you can't hold it against him considering he's drawn 7000+ pages of the manga over the course of pretty muchbhis entire adult life.

It activates whether you want it to or not retard. It's fate.

unironically this, Griffith is so well-done that i actually hate him even if right now he's doing "good" things.

Well his thought process at that critical moment was more akin to “so many people have already died in the name of my dream, so stopping now would be like spitting on their graves”

He let his balls get cut off.
He let his secondary mook beat him in a sword fight.

Posting the glue that holds Guts' life together.

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Wait, he's 2 meters tall?


When was the last time that Puck wasn't comic relief? Conviction arc?

It activates, sure, but you don't have to say yes. You can give up on your dream, grow old as a cripple amongst good friends.

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>He didn't understand Puck
I bet you think the Black Swordsman arc was the best

Literally all he had to do was nicely ask Guts not to leave. Instead he spergs out and gets BTFO.

Man I still remember how borderline insane Guts was in those early chapters. Who knows how he would’ve ended up if it wasn’t for Puck

everyone knows golden age is the best part :]

I've heard this before but having seen the animes and read the overviews it seems like they weren't too different between the versions.

It's not the best, but it's damn good with how Guts' relationship with Puck is shown along with his interaction with Jane.

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>Read the overviews

>create a world where everyone but yourself can be happy
>get called evil and a demon

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How can he be so cute?

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have you seen the man

>Time loops constantly causing entropy to destroy the universe
>Did it for some pussy
What an omega

I miss pre witchshit puck

There it is. You also think anime has been too infested with moeshit right?

There's more nuance there than you give it credit for. Griffith's sin is pride, a ridiculous arrogance that forms the foundation of his personality. To ASK his subordinate to stay is putting that subordinate on the same level as him. It's admitting that he isn't good enough for Guts to stay purely out of submissive respect. That just doesn't truck with his personality at all. He could as much have asked Guts to stay as he could have hit him with a mind control psychic blast. For Griffith, there was no universe where it was possible for him to consider Guts his equal, no matter how much he valued him, no matter how much cognitive dissonance he was suffering from due to his growing feelings of friendship (a feeling which was, no doubt, completely alien to him)

Yes, Guts would have stayed had Griffith asked. But that's why it's a tragic scene: The simplest, most profoundly easy solution, the solution which would have prevented so much heartache and violence, was utterly impossible because of the personalities involved.

Griffith DID consider Guts his equal though, he even says it at point. That's why it hurt so much when Guts left and why Griffith went to Charlotte for comfort

>be talented royalty
>incompetent brother gets the throne
>you're forced to sacrifice your soul
>escape, plot to help your nephew skirt the same fate

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Subtext. If he had truly considered Guts his equal, then he would have been able to ask him to stay. He couldn't, therefore, he didn't. The words used are meaningless compared to actions taken.

>There are still people who think that Femto and humain Griffith is the same person
I hate speedreader so fucking much.

>mfw when I like it all and have no complaints whatsoever about anything at all

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>It's a speedreader

nice argument fagtron

You literally didn't understand the manga

Wouldn't the world go through the desertification if he did what he wanted to do? I don't remember much of the plot by the end.

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Well yeah, but a paradise built on literal human sacrifice doesn't deserve to exist at all.


Eh, it depends on the kind of paradise. In the game case only one person died per generation, which is pretty good. Although it wasn't really necessary since by the end of the game they fix the planet. Man I really liked the VA on the 3DS version, all were good.

It doesn't matter how many are killed, murder is still murder.

Worked better with a smaller group or just him and guts.
Nah, I watch moeshit myself.

>tfw even if it got picked up by a competent studio they'd have to start over because they left out critical plot threads
>tfw animated Guts/Zodd tag-team never ever
>tfw hellspawn Ganishka never ever

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>just wanted to make people read books and get strong and independent
>literal demon who even felt disgust for humans who strapped people to chairs and rip out their neurotransmitters for bargaining chips

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>someone has a better understanding than you of the characters' personalities and how those personalities affect their decisions and cause the plot to unfold in dramatic and interesting ways because of the conflicts between characters
>call him a speedreader
cmon user, you're making bersekfags look bad. doesn't matter whether or not it's bait: you're actively lowering the quality of discussion for everyone with your low-effort shitposting

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That's dangerous, what if you're served a plate of rotten food and you're too happy to complain about it and you die.

>Better understanding
>Is wrong

>alternate Griffith is a horse

griffith is what happens when twinks don't get properly dicked

That's complete bullshit.
Griffith threw away everything the Band of the Hawk had worked toward all because he was butthurt that Guts left. His imprisonment and torture were the natural result of his own foolish, childish behavior.

Yeah, whole bunch of them from several sources. None differ all that much and none point out how Griffith did anything right

>Everything the Band worked toward
Read the manga
You read the manga too

That's unlikely considering how long it is. Hoping someone can support their point instead of just insisting it's correct

>Read the manga
>That's unlikely
These are the kind of people infesting Yea Forums

>watch less than 5 minutes of Berserk 2016
>instantly dropped never see it again
>see all the videos complaining and making fun of Berserk 2016 and 2017 later
i really dodged a bullet
it really made me angry seeing how my favorite manga being disrespect like that, hopefully it's erased and forgotten in history

This isn't an anime board though. Makes sense that someone on a video game board with only a casual interest wouldn't want to read decades worth of manga.

Wait what the fuck I thought we were on Yea Forums

What you said is spot on. And I think it’s important to see why Griffith developed such a personality in the first place, and it all ties back to that scene where Griffith is kneeling over that dead kid’s body. He blames himself (and his dream) for that kid’s death and it completely tore him up the point where he sold himself to that old rich guy for funds needed to help ensure the survival of the people that followed him. So the care and devotion he had for his followers was the very reason he ended up developing such an arrogant and cold personality. He distances himself from them so that he won’t ever experience that pain again if they end up dying. Guts however was the only person that he could never distance himself from and was the only person that he could share his burdens with, which is why he was so devastated the moments Guts left.

he literally did nothing wrong

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he did at least one thing wrong
put on that retarded outfit

according to the oficial berserk guide book yeah

From my understanding Griffith also felt threatened by Guts surprassing him and he himself being dependant of him, that's why he hates him - he can't and doesn't want to accept this feeling - and does the raping to despite him and try to "prove" him he's above and doesn't need him.

but I'm only talking about Berserk
there is not one thing I don't like about it is what I meant, all characters, all arks etc

It was all Guts' fault
If he just let Griffith release all that pent up homolust none of this would have happened

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>measuring someone's height from his toes

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Can you tell me what exactly he did wrong? Because iirc, he said he was going to choose the place where the die. It would have been wrong of him NOT to choose it at that point.

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>antagonist does nothing wrong

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>tfw same height as Griffith and dick is half as big.
never gonna make it bros.

black demonica was aesthetic as fuck

Their video game equivalent did nothing wrong either

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>medieval world
>kids like Guts are raped by giganiggas like Donovan everyday
>kids go to war everyday
>rulers are insane incestuous retards
>complete shithole through and through
>dude with a dream decides to sacrifice a few mercenaries (with their previously given consent) to turn into giger batman
>uses his new powers to create a safe utopia for everyone
>only actual drawback is that he released some unga bunga magic monsters in the process
>which he's now actively hunting down in order to create a 100% perfect world of peace
Why is he a "villain" again?

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>antagonist does everything wrong and is delightfully evil

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Uhhhh he did a ton of shit wrong

>only actual drawback is that he released some unga bunga magic monsters in the process
There's your answer. Even defeating them won't stop the world and the astral world from merging unless he can stop that too.

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>dude with a dream decides to sacrifice a few mercenaries (with their previously given consent) to turn into giger batman and then proceed to sacrifice more humans to materialize himself in the mortal world once again
>only actual drawback is that he released some unga bunga magic monsters in the process and also demons that hate humans and once he's gone or they get tired of it they will go rogue
fixed it

He's a demon god, this is probably somewhere down his list of "fucked up shit to fix in this shitty world"

>with their previously given consent
Pretty sure none of the Hawk members signed up for be being eaten alive by nightmare fuel abominations in a dimension some would call hell on earth

>”antagonist” does nothing wrong

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reminder that Griffith is a NIGGEEEEEER

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Well, Yea Forums?

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>Team up with the first villain to defeat the new villain

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He fell for sunk cost fallacy, has to see it through to the end now

Remember that all those people were asshole mercenaries who slaughtered others for giggles and money. There are very few innocent characters in Berserk.


>almost achieves the impossible
>decides to fuck the princess early
>gets tortured for years

Hyper retard

Griffith is the biggest normalfaggot on Earth. He literally could've saved himself and the Band of Falcons by simply not being too horny. Like, imagine how this story would've played out if he didn't need to fuck that princess. He's the dumbest motherfucker alive.

you can aways make a deal with the devil to get a bigger dick
you going to become a hairy insect but your dick will be big