Anthem's biggest upcoming features are all being delayed until god knows when

>Anthem received a major 1.1.0 update today that, in addition to adding a new Stronghold to play, lets you finally access your inventory during missions. But, as players had suspected for weeks, this update also brought news that Anthem's planned April roadmap (and potentially well beyond) is being delayed for an indeterminate amount of time as BioWare struggles to fix more of Anthem's fundamental problems.

All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

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No one cares. No one plays this garbage.

>no romances
Shoulda had romances BioWare. This is what you deserve for beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer. Worst BioWare main character.

>Hey Everyone, It’s been 10 weeks since the early access release of Anthem.

Eh? Wasn't Anthem early access for a couple days at most? This reads like a parody

This is actually a good thing. In Bioware we trust.

I agree, Bioware should just stop. I'm tired at laughing at the same retard who keeps tripping over the first hurdle over and over.

Did anyone see their live stream? Fucking embarrasing.

This t.b.h.

The title should've been
>being delayed until who fucking cares when


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Is there any reason your posting this here

kys shill

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:C just asking a question no need to be mean

>ha ha le porn dump xD

Can't wait until your posts get deleted but the thread stays up.

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Came here to say this. If a tree falls in a forest and no one gives a fuck, does anyone give a fuck?

Watching their stream was hilarious.

>OK, going to take some questions from chat now.
>Uhhh, looks like a lot of questions we aren't going to talk about today... So anyway-
>Guys if you want answers to those questions please read our Reddit thread!

>straight up saying on stream they had a more ambitious design for the boss but couldn't figure out how to implement it in time so he's just a tank and spank with an invulnerability phase, then talking about how creative they are

>people bpught this crap
you deserve every shitty thing in your life

andromeda all over again
Can't believe there are retards out there that paid full price for this shit

Have the fixed the game literally crashing consoles yet? Because that seems like the place to start sorting shit out if they haven't.

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why doesn't EA have anybody that can handle a project there? with Andromeda and Anthem it appears they gave them plenty of time and money to develop a game but they just shit around forever blowing money out their ass then slapped something together at the last second

i think the management are just there to embezzle funds

I'd really say it's a toss up between Defiance 2050 and Anthem on the worst game to come out in recent memory

i care to see them burn