I wish they'd make a 3d rpg maker so I could develop the jrpg game I want

I wish they'd make a 3d rpg maker so I could develop the jrpg game I want.

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Well, what is the JRPG you want?

with that attitude even with a 3d rpg maker you wouldn't be able to make it because it's "too inaccessible"
you'll make a shit game because the word effort is too foreign. you can start on your game today, or begin to learn the skills and tools today
you're just a lazy fat fuck who will never get his dream rpg, because all it is a thought with no expression

Just make it a Doom .wad bro

I've played tons of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, and I've played lots of others types of jrpgs enough to visualize the type of jrpg game would be my ideal jrpg. And I actually have one of the rpg maker softwares. I've played around with it for a long time, but I'd rather make a 3d jrpg game with retro stylized playstation 1 graphics.

Attached: 1531957169249.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Wha'ts a Doom .wad?

>retro stylized playstation 1 graphics.
But user most PS1-level 3D work is ugly as hell

Mega Man Legends looked fine.

Attached: mega man legends.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

You should try to learn Unity or Unreal Engine. I know that's a big adjustment, going from a baby's program to the grown up engines, but you're a big boy, you can do it!

Tried doing unity. But in order to use it you still have to learn how to code somewhat. I'm shit at coding and will probably never learn how to do it.

You better start right now then.

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Merry Christmas

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there is one for ps2

I hope they don't

fantastic. When's the pc port?

Never ever. Just make a PS2 rpg that you distribute through memory cards. Ezpz

Then you can't make video games, sorry.
Maybe try a choose your own adventure book with nice drawings.

holy projection.

Why would I do that when I can have programs like rpg maker that allow me to make the game I want?

But those programs won't let you, which is the point. Put in some effort to your craft and you can make it. It's just a fact of life.

All I want to do is make a turn based rpg game. Lots of programs allow me to do that. Just not many 3d ones.

is the cat really crying?

Couldn't you do that with Game Engine?

If you think random chucklefucks are gonna be making legends tier artwork you're out of your damn mind.