NPD March 2019 - Switch is the best selling console

Switch > PS4 > xbox 1

Software Rankings

Top 20 best selling titles (March 2019) - Includes Physical and Digital sales
1. Tom Clancy's The Division 2^
2. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice^
3. MLB 19: The Show
4. Devil May Cry 5
5. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*
6. Red Dead Redemption II
7. NBA 2K19
8. Grand Theft Auto V
9. Yoshi's Crafted World*
10. Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII^
11. Anthem^
12. Mario Kart 8*
13. Jump Force
14. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe*
15. Far Cry New Dawn
16. Minecraft#
17. Battlefield V^
18. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
19. Borderlands
20. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
* Digital sales not included
^ PC digital sales not included
# Minecraft digital sales on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One included

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I miss Switch dog art

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hitler seriously did nothing wrong.

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>11: Anthem

Papa EA's getting the 12 gauge in the back.

>Nintendo banning Trans, Gay shit due to ToS
>/pol/ see this
>Nintendo stocks, and purchases skyrocket

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>Crackdown 3 released at the end of last month
>nowhere to be seen in the top 20
i guess Crackdown is dead now


Oh fuck off. Nintendo haven't released jack shit all year, how are they first?

Totally undeserving

Smash Bros power can last a lifetime.

Americans are retarded and gay. It's only number 1 selling console in USA, not globally. PS4 wrecks it globally.

Lol, not even your fake vgchartz data agrees with you.

PS4 is just too old and this point

PS5 announcement in the next months

I thought NPD doesnt release statistics anymore.

PS4 is 6 years old and 90 million people already have one.

Nice streak they have

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PS5 already been announced slowpoke

>BotW still in the top 20
Where is Spiderman, GoW, or Horizon? Probably the discount racks

I want to fuck that horse (dog)

>BoTW still in the charts at full price and without digital sales.

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>Nintendo haven't released jack shit all year, how are they first?
Nintendo doesn't need to flood the market with low quality AAA garbage. Their titles are evergreen

>best selling
>dead month
>competitors winding down
You act as if this means a thing, wait for 2020 and watch as the Switch doesn't take a single month or week as the top seller.

A shame they did not made more pics like this

Finally something we both Agree with!

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>Americans are retarded and gay
Where are you from?

Just bought a basedtch and the only two good games it has (zelda and mario.) Can't wait desu. USA

Fat AMERICAN autistic faggot manchildren buy a children's game console by the bucket load. HERE IS MY SURPRISED FACE

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>Where is Spiderman, GoW, or Horizon?
living in your head apparently

Mario Kart you mean. The damn thing is still selling despite it being a port from a 2014 game.
Mario Kart DS, Wii, and 8 stayed on the best sellers chart for years.

The Unstoppable GotY Manlet

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lmao BTFO

user, allow me to explain this in simple terms for your benefit.

1 console has many great games to choose from.

The other console has BotW

That's why you see Zelda in the charts. There's literally fuck all else worth playing on Switch to dilute the sales.

Ultimate is still number 5 in the sales chart and it's already become the best-selling Smash Bros in a fraction of the time. Safe to say it's on track to do insane, Mario Kart-like numbers overall.

t-there's mario

>Where is Spiderman, GoW, or Horizon?

Not on the Switch

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>>dead month

Power of tits.

>1 console has many great games to choose from.

Movies are not games.

How does Switch keep doing it?

OK? Ps4 Gen is basically over. It's embarrassing if it isn't the highest selling

>samfagging seconds after the cooldown expires

The whole quarter is dead, there's no big Sony exclusive to smash Nintendo back like they always do, The Last of US 2 though, that's going to show Nintendo who the boss is, same as CTR, sure it's going to be multiplat, but it's going to sell overwhelmingly on Playstation, Crash Nsane already beat Odyssey at around 15 million units worldwide, most of which were from PS4, CTR is going to show Mario Kart who's boss now too.


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weak and predictable

>customers are confused and don't purchase goods that they desire
You have never taken any level of econ courses

>already running damage control over Persona5 NOT coming to the Switch

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>Thinks it's impressive to outsell a 6 year old console with the PS5 right near the corner

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Cool analysis

>13. Jump Force


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>customers are confused and don't purchase goods that they desire
From the chart, i see no one desires anything Nintendo that isnt BOTW or Smash

Already played it on my PS3

Seriously what 3rd party games are gonna run on Shitch when we get next gen consoles?
It barely runs PS4 games with heavy graphics downgrades and garbage FPS.

Right near the corner ? when ? Maybe at E3.... WAIT

>From the chart, i see no one desires anything Nintendo that isnt BOTW or Smash
You may want to have your eyes checked. 25% of that chart is nintendo exclusives

You should look at that list again, user.

Switch - 385,000
PS4 - 250,000
XB1 - 220,000

Fuck off, Eric.

I mean haha you're right but really

Switch has no relevant fighting games
Switch doesn't have Insomniac games (not even Spyro)
Switch couldnt even run something like Horizon

Also 720 and 30fps across every game??

Quality > Quantity

remember this

>it's been 2 years and MK8D is STILL on the top charts

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This chart wouldn't happen to be US only, right? Why would OP post a skewed list on purpose?

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>Switch has no relevant fighting games
Smash is the most relevant fighting game and populates the most fighting tournaments world wide
>Switch doesn't have Insomniac games (not even Spyro)
What is insomniac?
>Switch couldnt even run something like Horizon
played that on my Switch YouTube app

They're not confused you dumb cunt. They have more choice.

>thinks about him
>n-n-not thinking about you!

Mk8 being so high up is what gets me.
Like, Jesus Christ.

>Fighting game

>this entire response actually


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Mario Kart Wii sold 20 million units outside of it's launch year.

>They're not confused you dumb cunt. They have more choice and are confused because of that
Lol, ok. Take Econ 101 sweetie

crack down has always been a shit tier game

You'll need to update that with 100 mil sold soon

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>how is this console with Smash Bros, MK8D, NSMBUD, BotW, Spl2n, and a metric fuckton of other ports and indie titles making bank?
>why is this console that's already sold 100 million units and has already officially announced the PS5 release starting to slow down in sales?
Gee, I wonder why?


>>Fighting game
Correct. Now call me a nintendie or nincel because I like things you can't afford

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I emulated it on PC. It was okay, P4 is better.

>Minecraft, Smash, Blops4, Mario Kart 8, Battlefield V, 2K19, Asscreed, FUCKING BORDERLANDS in top 20
>RDR 2 nowhere in sight

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Sometimes you gotta feel bad for these """men"""
Four months into the year and they've already been left out of Resident Evil 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, Devil May Cry 5, Sekiro and countless others
And all they have to show for it is Smash, YIIK and Tetris 99

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it's number 6, user

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Hey we all do that sometimes. Feel sorry for the guy, I always carry extra undies in case it happens. Tough situation though, can't just get up and leave.

God damn DMC5 is so good

>Mein Kraft is TEN (10) years old fuck I'm getting old
>the fucking game is still on the fucking charts


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>switch owners only own Switches
Love this fallacy. Do you actually think they literally didn't own any other console or even PC prior to 2 years ago? Did qe all just suddenly sell our PS4s because we also bough switches? The irony of these kinds of posts is that it is 99% more likely that you are the one who only owns one console.

>derfing this hard

I bought MC 8 years ago.
Since then I've bought the pocket edition, ps3, ps4, vita, 3ds, xb1, a second pc edition as an alt, the fire tv version, switch, and wii u
Plus, the free code java got for the w10 version, but that was free

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>Resident Evil 2
Played it on PC
>Kingdom Hearts 3
Didn't like the first game
>Devil May Cry 5
Played it on PC
I don't like Dark Souls

The DOOM and Dragons Dogma threads disprove this. I cant imagine any valid excuse to wait years for an unannounced switch port of either of these titles.

it's a monthly chart kiddo

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>mfw I'm selling my switch because the only games I have exclusive to it are odyssey and botw
It was fun for a while and a cool gimmick system but what a dogshit selection of games.
Even if I wanna play a game exclusive to the system down the road I can just emulate it on my PC.
The PS4 has some good exclusives that keep me holding on to the system and who knows what microsoft might have next gen.

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>port will struggle to sell over 500k copies
>500k is most of 35 million
Please be baiting

Just hack it

>im selling my swith because none of the games appeal to me and thusly it has no games
Ok bye

You're too late on that, you should have sold that shit sooner rather than later.


I'm surprised Yoshi charted at all.

Are you possibly mad?

>gta v will in top 10
Seriously why

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I have a switch, I pirate so many games on it and enjoy the fuck out of it.
I used to have a ps4. I looked at the library and didnt find much I'd spend money on, so I sold it.
But I wouldnt go around saying the ps4 has no games, because I know its just no games I want.
Its brainlet tier response to act like because you dont find anything theres "no games"

in other words u mad

based BOTW still charting 2 years later

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