Muslim Developers Cover Up MK Girls

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Incel racist crybabies make a scene about nothing important

you can't be serious

you have to go back

don't start this shit
you know I'm right

Do do realize where you are, right? Don't expect much intelligence here.

woah now,
Armpits and side boob?
Absolutely not, inshallah

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It's not that it isn't important, it's that it's just not worth it.
The more bitches cry about this, the more Devs are gonna incite it to get free shills.
MK fans don't give a shit either way, and are happy getting on a soapbox, so appealing to them isn't worth it
Everyone crying about it looks bad right now. Whether it's something worth fighting or not, you can't cry about every instance of it or you look like a retard

It's one thing to give her a new costume and cover up all the skin. I know we live in a new age that is a weird bizarro Victorian sense of prudishness.

But did they have to give Skarlet a dyke hair cut and a butch face?
What was the purpose of that?

they made the outfits more realistic
play some anime big titty fighting game if you don't like it

I think putting pretty girls in video games was made illegal around 2015.
Japan still can put attractive women in games, but I think US companies get heavy fines for it.

well I tell you one thing. When I'm playing a game about outward reptiles, thunder gods, necromancers, and ninja ghosts, I also demand realistic outfits.

It takes place in a universe where those things exist AND they wear armor
crazy right?

>play some anime big titty fighting game if you don't like it

>Mortal Kombat pisses off the Christian right-wing in the 90s with it's ultra violence and gore
Yeah! so cool! Never change! I love how provocative this game is!

>Mortal Kombat pisses off the radical left wing with pretty girls
Dude, not cool, cover them up. Make it realistic.

I don't get how Mortal Kombat fans can so easily let go of the fact that every single female character has basically been ninja strippers, and are glad to see that go away.
I wonder how people would react if they also took out the blood and gore?

>AND they wear armor
Since when?

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remove all sex appeal from movies and video games, any revealing outfits are not allowed by law
respect women with every sideboob is a crying 8 year old daughter fearing for the future

become unwoke your brainwashed hypersensitive unmasculine fags

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Now now. Some of them were monster strippers with nary a hint of ninja about them.

Didnt mind scarlet redesign since mk9 is just her in a bikini but it could have been better.
Shes a cyborg in the second pic doofus

Go play Gran boob XIII gear
we play fighting games for combat not for tits
Or just watch porn, horny retard

>they made the outfits more realistic
>Mortal Kombat


Since now


I think her hair cut and ugly face makes me more upset than the "no skin" decree.
God she just looks so fucking terrible in 11

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Ya, why are all the dudes practically naked though? Miss me with that gay shit.

>we play fighting games for combat not for tits
Literally functions

>mortal kombat
this is your brain on söy

speak for yourself faggot, no one wants ugly burqa women. Now Mortal Kombat is even less likely to ever be relevant in the FGC.

Since when do cyborgs have human heads in MK?

speak for yourself
the girls kick ass in this game without being half naked while you're crying and whining in here
grow up

>we play fighting games for combat

>mortal kombat
>for the combat
It's always been the weakest franchise in terms of gameplay. Mortal Kombat's entire competitive edge was the fact that it was, well, edgy. Edgy, Campy, the "Cool" factor. Which involved lots of guns, macho hunky guys, robots, monsters and babes.

Fuck any and all of this "muh realism" bullshit. That's why everyone hates the new characters. Because all of their outfits are boring special ops grey bullshit.

Mortal Kombat was a big titty fighting game until they change it.

What the fuck? That can’t be real.
$100 says she was based off some left wing developer.





Do you even KNOW if that word actually exists on a fucking dictionary?

Show me the actual definition from an actual fucking thesaurus or SHUT THE FUCK UP!

>Which involved lots of guns,
lots of gore* not guns.

It's called past, Einstein

what in the flying fuck are you rambling about

Stop arguing with the obvious shills, you fucking retards

I've just about had it with all the incel complaining.

>naked females
>hulk like buff strong men
absolute state of NRS fags

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read this thread again
it's okay if you're a little bit dense bud don't worry

Fuck you.

Skarlet before

Skarlet After

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Riddle me this.

The shills say you’re an incel like it’s a bad thing. They tell you to go have sex. They also mock you for liking big tittied sexy girls in your video games. They subverted the company to not make them sexy anymore. So they’ve infiltrated your space and are trying to make you go elsewhere for your sex.

But the leftists doing this are primarily women, not their basedboy puppets. So who’s telling you to go have sexy with women? Women are. And they’re taking away your fap material. So it sounds to me like these left wing women are begging to be dicked. It sounds to me like the very same people who are calling you an incel are themselves crying out for sex.

This is what they themselves are saying they’ll deny it, of course, but it’s true.

>wants ugly burqa women
They kicked ass before, without being oppressed by islamic dress code.
>while you're crying and whining in here
grow up
Holy fuck, all I did was not buy it. You sound pretty fucking triggered.

>Capeshit bullshit design

So this is the true retardation of the WB shills

I dunno since now I suppose, all the cyborgs had some left over organs in them anyways and they were turned against their will so I guess frost told Kronika she wanted to keep her head when she turned probably to avoid being forced to do something she wouldnt like

Oh fuck this, I hate all of you

>nothing important
Yup that’s the MK franchise now
Good job Boon

Wait, I always thought Frost had ice hair.
Was it just ice-colored this whole time?

Would you get any STDs having unprotected creampie sex with Skarlet, or is she able to prevent that?

You're bringing race and religion in here for no reason
Either you're extremely racist or just mad

>Implying the casual faggots on Yea Forums actually play fightan enough for the outfits to matter


there's probably a hundred guys who look like pic related on the team, and you're surprised they took the feminist approach?

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I don't understand what people were expecting from fucking Netherrealm Studios of all people. They're notoriously known for ugly face models, which is why a majority of their characters usually wear masks. Skarlet would of looked like a total dude back in MK9 if she ever put her mask down.

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Blessed post

No one mentioned race until you just now, shill

literally nobody with a functioning brain plays MK for the combat. Pretty much every other major fighting game franchise is consistently better than MK in terms of gameplay. MK has always been about the spectacle.

I want to lick her cunt.

i dont have the pic of his tweet about something with polygon helping out with the lgbt and furry communities.

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Thanks for confirming that incels are mostly alt-right /pol/tards.

Uh yeah sweetie that's why you keep repeating burqas and Muslims like a broken record, right

are you retarded?

sounds like you need a hot dicking milady
i know a few lads who would be glad to oblige

Islam's not a race retard, obviously I'm being hyperbolic when I say islam and burqas. You must be extremely racist to think muslim = brown people, and extremely mad to be this upset by mere words.

Could you explain cyber Frost? I just assumed she was just a remnant of the cyber initiative.

>no u
Ah shucks, well no U

oops meant

but she's always bleeding

Are you retarded?

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that's your mindset, it's how you think

Muslim isn't a race. do you think Muslim = brown people or something? Talk about projecting.

These are 4 completely unrelated images according to NRS shills

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Yes most muslims are "brown people"
go pick some berries Grug

>Skarlet would of looked like a total dude back in MK9 if she ever put her mask down.
don't know why NRS went on a "de-masking" crusade.
in MKX, no one got to stay "masked" everyone got demasked. Except for Erron Black.
I didn't want to know what Scorpions human face looked like. Or Tremor's face, or any others

I want to impregnate the bottom left girl

Yea Forums : "She looks stupid! Why does she look like a stripper?! Shes fighting demon ninjas to the death!!!"

also Yea Forums: "Where are her tiddies!?! MYULIMS and ES-JAY-Dubyas are Ruining my life!!!!"

Yea Forumstards are literally inconsolable manchildren.

Anita Sarkeesian, believe it or not. She has a line referencing Feminist Frequency too.

You’re close. They don’t want to get fucked, they want their disgusting yeast infected roast beef cunts to have value. No one wants to fuck them because they’re hideous inside and out, so they can’t get shit easy with their pussies. Their sexual value is lower than 2D and CG girls.

Oh, I guess "basketball player" = black person then, right retard?
Meet more muslims, bigot.

>Yea Forums : "She looks stupid! Why does she look like a stripper?! Shes fighting demon ninjas to the death!!!"
>implying anyone said this

You're cooking sucks and you're not as great as you think you are. Also tattoos/dyed hair are not attractive and anything besides single pinholes for earrings are trashy. Enjoy your cats

Why can we no longer talk about stuff without the discord womanchildren brigading?

>Show me the actual definition from an actual fucking thesaurus

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>Yea Forums is one person
damn, you cracked the code boss

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Muslims are mostly brown people sorry if I offended your little heart in some way

>MK11 comes out.
>Most people still post about Smash.
Who actually gives a fuck about MK these days anyway.

>Meet more muslims, bigot.
Only ones that don't follow their religion too closely.

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Go to a smaller chan

>outfits more realistic
>shitty generic-looking outfits
>in MK world

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>muslims are mostly brown
Whoa, you can't just say that about muslims, what are you racist?

>realistic shit
thanks for the laugh retard

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what are you on about?

I think cyber frost happened when she switched sides to Kronika between games, her design and the fact she has a head separate her from the initiative ninja. I haven't played the game though, grinding loot system and shitty micro transactions wont get my money

>bringing race and religion in to this
You're either extremely mad or extremely racist

QAnon and other bullshit he was fed on /pol/

well you started it and continued it

>Only ones that don't follow their religion too closely.
those aren't real muslims, according to muslims

>plays fighting games unironically...

>Caring about realism
>In a series where characters can effortlessly rip the spine out of their opponent with only their bare hands

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You mean like neocons?

I'm pretty sure it is more about not making fat ugly girls feel bad for being fat and ugly.

Men see muscly men and think
>shit, I better work out

Women see good looking women and just get mad/sad


Go back to retardera

>Meet more muslims, bigot.
>telling someone to be tolerant of Islam right after the Sri Lanka terror attack with 310 at least dead
I'd rather not meet another muslim

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I was on here in 2011. And yes, a lot of people were bitching about it. You do know it not illegal for men you call other men manchildren, right? You seem kinda touchy about that. Do you need ketchup with those harshbrowns?

This is a brainlet example. Use jade instead. She’s a robot

>the thot cries out in pain as she strikes you
or similar, something about 1930s german fellows IIRC.

By that logic. most (anythings) aren't real (anythings).

HOLY FUCK. Are you guys seeing this? That's literally a cotton candy haired feminist wtf.

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Liking boobs makes you racist? Damn son I may as well go hang me a nigger because I love big fat tiddies.

this music is K I N O
thanks user

Anyone ever notice that guys who get laid don't go around bitching about es-jay-dubyas and feminists...

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>we can't model faces, they all end up ugly and mannish, what do we do?!
>I know, make all our women wear burkas and call it "progressive!"

she's cute

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But they always wore scarfs.

have sex

have sex

i had unprotected sex with a hooker I found on craigslist

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Having pink haired nightmares, user? I'm sure bitching about a videogame not having enought tits online will have you sleeping well tonight. Really have your priorities in line.

would if i could user, but those nasty feminist make it impossible. I mean, why wont ladies just fuck me, right user? but hey, if we keep tittygate going we'll have our fantasy harem any day now!

liking woman is bad? seriously you're a homosexual? do you like anthropomorphic beings?

how fucking lame is it that something that was so anti-establishment, something that used to really push the envelope of social sensibilities in the 90s,

Now is too chicken shit to put in hot babes in their games about ripping people in half
Swiftly removes easter eggs about Johnny Cage doing the circle-game gag.
And makes sure that it gives a smile and a wink to the dominant morally outraged factions of society by saying "hey we're one of you!" by having the bad guy of the series parody the ultimate bad guy of contemporary society.

It's just so shameful. What ever happened to the urge to be provocative? The urge to push the limits of acceptability?

Bitching about people not liking a video game isn't exactly making you look like the better person here, retard.
Then go outside and talk to girls faggot, normal ones not fat blue hairs. How do you think I have sex?

Do you not get sarcasm? Is it an autistism thing?

>He must have just not understood my sarcastic comment
fucking kek

A dev that used to make shocking games that pushed the envelope totally bowing down to the woke crowd is actually pretty important and a very good reason to not support them.

Do not financially support developers and creators of media who bow down to social justice warriors.

Do not financially support developers and creators of media who bow down to social justice warriors.

Refuse to buy their products, voice your opinion to them, and move on. This is all that is necessary to enact change..

the left is the establishment. They were too busy fooling you with smoke and mirrors and fibbing about being responsible for anti-establishment products while pointing at christian scalegoats and strawmen.
You allfell for the commie tricks.

I'll buy what I want, faggot.


americans are so weird