other thread is almost at bump limit. what do ya'll think of the new minecraft update?
Other thread is almost at bump limit. what do ya'll think of the new minecraft update?
can villagers actually defend themselves
redpill me on the new update
>add lanterns
>can't hold them in the offhand and have them produce light
is that server up?
IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (
Minecraft version: 1.14
Pirate friendly: Soon! We will let pirate users back in after a week or two when bukkit updates so that we can have a password plugin.
Difficulty: Hard
>WTF is this server
A vanilla minecraft server Yea Forums plays together on. This server is up 24/7 and has been up for months. Now we're in a brand new spawn so it's all fresh. We have a fuckload of players most of the day.
>How well does this server run
Very well, we have a premium host
>Is there any gay plugin bullshit
Nope, this is true vanilla.
>how long will the server be up
At least a few more months, it's up 24/7
- don't be a dipshit
- don't be a dipshit
19 players online already
villages are no longer shit
lots of comfy new building blocks + crafting methods
based panda and fox bros
new textures look like shit
Oh yeah, that server.
based sairix the hacker
Both but I think Java 1st because it's a Beta testground since Microsoft bought the license and Mojang.
I'm also waiting this update for Windows 10 because that Minecraft is far more stable and the render distance is amazing.
java, of course
By forcing zombie raids on any village, regardless of light/walls, they are ruining the comfy feel of a fortified village. They have assume that people want a raid to happen every few nights, but I for one don't. Not if it just spawns the zombies right inside the village, that really sucks.
Raids don't happen randomly. you have to go out into the world, get a debuff, and go into a village with the debuff for a raid to occur.
1.14 is a little unstable
it will be back up in a sec
Is this coming to the last gen editions?
Nice server you got there
100% vannila? I have to admit my autism building instincs are put off by all off you ebin pro level trolls.
Yeah, it's an anarchy server so you can grief as much as you want.
It was already released long ago for the Bedrock Edition (1.11) but the update it wasn't complete, not all function were available.
Now Mojang is testing the full update with the Java edition 1.14.
The they will launch the full update for the incomplete update released already for the Bedrock Edition.
I thought zombie raids did happen naturally
No it's not an anarchy server griefers can get btfo depending on how hard they grief
nope, just regular zombie spawns
Server is running a bit slow because of the new chunks being loaded on the new map, and there is a crash bug in 1.14 because moshit in incompetent,
but said it was anarchy, I believe him
new players who join explicitly to grief get banned, existing players won't bug you
Well that proof my point.
Java edition it's a testing playground.
minor briefing is allowed, but if you destroy large projects you'll be btfo. pretty laid back, 100% vanilla
What's a briefing?
alright, I feel better now then
sorry, meant griefing.
no, they get massacred
Java or Bedrock?
Java. 20/100 players online currently
based cap btfoing burgers
Everyone knows that.
Microsoft can't launch buggy/messy/unstable updates on W10 because the Bedrock Edition is their version.
So they test everything on the Java Edition.
Bedrock Edition (Windows 10) was FREE for everyone who already owned the Java Edition.
So this is not a case "my version is better than yours".
Bedrock Edition is best vanilla Minecraft and Java is a place for use mods but this version is unstable as fuck also I hate the poor render distance.
>I hate the poor render distance.
this is definitely the worst part of java. wish we could combine enhancements of bedrock + support of java
Still free I bought a key for the Java Ed 5 months ago and I also got the W10 Ed.
>this fucking lag
What the fuck are you hosting on and how few regulars do you have to deem this acceptable?
Read the thread retard
it's only lagging because the map is fresh and chunks are generated , after the chunks are loaded weve pulled 20tps with 35 people
It will go away in a few hours
The lag is because the map is brand new and everyone is going off and generating new chunks all at once. It'll get better once people settle down. The last map had virtually 0 lag.
yeah m8, i'm sure you're just ironing out the kinks, fucking embarrassing
>Pirate friendly: Soon!
Quickest way to send a server up in flames. Pirateniggers ALWAYS cheat and grief.
seething mojang nigger
yeah just need a bit for the server software to update so we can allow pirates safely, keep an eye out in a week or so
In the Bedrock Edition you can't even see where the render distance ends.
is anyone else getting horrid framerate after 1.14
Even the far far away terrain is render and cover with fog I think this is where the distant terrain began to load but isn't noticeable by the player.
Is the village generation improved?
>lagging so hard i'm easily duping items on accident
>crashing literally every 2 minutes
>advertise as vanilla while having multiple people with OP privs on a small server, talking about teleporting to eachother on a fresh map
>old players carried their entire inventory from the last map plus whatever they could fit in shulkers
>going to allow pirates later to top it all off
why would anyone outside of your circlejerk play here, why is every host in this game so retarded
mojang released an unstable release, nice
signifigantly, it's based on the biome it generates in now instead of being generic.
>he plays the java edition
>lagging so hard i'm easily duping items on accident
>crashing literally every 2 minutes
Mojangs fault, their release is fucked
>advertise as vanilla while having multiple people with OP privs on a small server, talking about teleporting to eachother on a fresh map
The ops are all online because its launch day, and nobody is teleporting anyone
>old players carried their entire inventory from the last map plus whatever they could fit in shulkers
Yes and?
>going to allow pirates later to top it all off
As always is done
Imagine being this mad
Yes, that's because I don't have optifine though. It's always been shit without it.
mega sperg, thanks for the bumps
The only problem with that is that everyone will sweep all of the stuff from the end before newfriends can get to it. We've had pirates here since fucking months ago and everything was fine. Calm down.
Once Bukkit/spigot/papermc/etc is released the world border in the end can be removed and everyone can have access to shulkers and elytras.
this shit sucks
fucking mojang
opinions on the new textures
they're good
I hated them at first but they're growing on me
damn Yea Forums has a server? I'll come check it out
pretty comfy desu, enjoy your stay
1.14 is so fucking unstable holy shit
Yes if you dont like the lag come back tomorrow, theres nothing that can be done about it until the map is loaded
optifine when
no but villages now have a guaranteed chance to spawn with an iron golem. Also villagers will stay inside houses at night time
Anyone else in here would smash stevette's ass like there was no tomorrow? No? Just me? Ok.
Cross bows or long bows?
I really don't think crossbows are worth it in actual combat
imagine actually playing minecraft in the year of our lord 2019
>Spend an hour looking for bamboo forests or anything interesting
>Just end up with endless plains, mountains, and forests
I'm starting to not like the separating biomes into groups based on temperature. I wouldn't mind finding a desert next to a snowy biome compared to this.
Are you 5 or do you just enjoy acting like it?
They're mostly fine, but the new stone texture is awful. What was wrong with the old one?
join! lag is getting better
There is some kind of memory leak in 1.14
nice server faggot
did the server die
>Steve nowhere to be seen
What did Mojang mean by this?
its back
There's some kind of memory issue with 1.14 so it crashes out for about 30 seconds every hour, hopefully it's patched soon
the bedrock edition is great.
mainly because you can just hop into a game with a friend right away and not have to do all the server setting up bullshit. why doesnt java mc have normal join system?
The pictures from Steve's perspective
How long until Microsoft axes the Java edition and introduces paid mods?
I wish that were the case.
>What are realms
>inb4 b-but $7 a month!
Unlike you I pay for electricity, not having to have a personal server up 24/7 is a godsend.
You know what it takes to get a job working for Microsoft?
Compare that with getting a job at Mojang.
There is your answer.
>having to pay just to play with a friend
lol fuck off
it's really not that hard to click a button in the menu or download and run a jar file
why can't I tame and ride one of the pillager mounts
mojang (microsoft) hates fun
Because Mojang are amateurs.
Microsoft needs to buy them out and start running this ship. Microsoft is being held back by Mojang's "artistic direction".
Look at what Bethesday or Rockstar can do in 8 years and look at what Mojang has done : Nothing. A good game studio could output what Mojang has done in 8 yerars in 6 months or so
We're close to this game being a decade old and they still haven't added dirt bricks.
Doesn't work on Windows 10 version, right?
correct, java only
god 1.14 has so many useful additions
>blast furnaces
>non-retarded villages
man floating islands back in indev was the shit
>another stack overflow
love how the server has split into the oldfag vs newfag camps
>playing minecraft
>playing NEW minecraft
holy shit that's a yikes from me.
>Already too late to join a Yea Forums server
>Already missed out on relaxing building with others
It hurts
why is it too late friend? server is up 24/7
What's the IP again?
IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address ( port 3724
>no optifine
I want to play, but
is there another 1.14 server the one i keep seeing keeps crashing and has some weird world generation
Unless you use redstone and other mechanics that are beyond break and place blocks. I like its smoothness but even for vanilla its lacking in to many areas if you have a beefy enough CPU to run Java fine.
I do wish it was as good because that rendering smoothness is nice.
it'll get better in the coming days
Dubs picks the seed for my singleplayer world
>dubs on Yea Forums
wait what?
thats fuckin stupid
also iron golem ai is still bad.. you think they would have fixed it
what one wtf
IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
If the domain doesn't work for some reason, try the IP address (
Why is Alex in the art and not Steve
whats the port number nig
whos steve?
My client keeps crashing soon as I join
works on my machine
i caNT even locate that shit i cant join i tried both server name and ip
We piratebros have to wait for the server to be pirate friendly
Unknown host for both
if you're on a cracked client, wait a week or so until the server software updates so we can safely allow pirate bros to join.
Because grrrrr N*tch bad
I didn't pirate though
>everyone shits on nu-Minecraft here 24/7
>new trailer for an update that won't change much comes out
>suddenly everyone likes it again
perhaps you accidentally added a space somewhere, plenty of other new people have been able to connect
this server has been up for a few months now
>Minecraft is 30 bucks now
because they need to make money off the people who haven't bought it already
some are good some are bad, but my god the wheat crop texture is atrocious
>memory issue with 1.14
fuckin kek, mojank never disappoints
wheat is one of the best improvements, faggot