How do I get good at action games?
How do I get good at action games?
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Being good at an action game doesn't magically make you good at all of them.
Mash attack and dodge
play a good game
Bayonetta's score depends VERY highly on 3 main things
Damage taken/Dying
Items used
Verses completed
Then it's combos/time/halos.
The first two, sure, can be argued that's fine but the verses are complete bullshit.
Literally missing a verse, which you might not even you exists since some only appear in certain circumstances and you need to backtrack for a lot of them, nets you an automatic Stone reward for it
I love the games but that's so ridiculous it's insane.
You get good at any game the same exact way. You play it, you try to make the right decisions and if you die or lose ask yourself "What could I have done differently to prevent this from happening?" Also never blame the game, someone else has beaten it no matter how unfair you think it is so don't make excuses.
Imagine if you had to do the secret missions every time you played a DMC game for the S rank. It was bad enough that the pre-5 games included shit like red orbs collected in your score.
Every single ranking system in every single action game is retarded and pointless. Especially when it involves time trial shit, just let me play the fucking game at my pace. That's why i like Ninja Gaiden's ranking system the best. Beat every enemy encounter in the level and don't run from it, bam, highest rank, done. I'll let autists worry about Karma scores.
ITT: Autism Incarnate.
IF you want to get good at an action game, just practice. This especially goes if the game has a training arena/area.
First learn how to not get hit, then learn how to hit things, finally learn how to hit things more efficiently without getting hit.
>missing verses
so that's what the blank spots at the end are
yeah sounds fucking retarded and if I understand right you'd have to repeat alfheim challenges if you went back for a better chapter trophy? that's some serious bullshit
Watch game is different. The way you get good is to 1) practice and 2) to learn to play the game the way it wants you to play it. Learn it's mechanics and use them. With Bayonetta it's about dodge offset, sustaining your combo and getting good at activating witch time.
I firmly believe there are no awards higher then this it's or i would have seen it by now
>don't get hit
>kill things quickly
>don't spam one combo
Get good at these three things and you will start seeing yours ranks get higher.
Also never use items, just pretend they don't exist.
Playing DMC1 right now on Normal and currently getting Cs and Ds for ranks though I'm still enjoying myself. Anyone know how to continue combo when switching from melee to guns?
Also, I'm sure once it clicks you'll be pulling off silver and copper ranks in Bayo easy.
Nah those alone won't get you Plats
No but its the basics, once he starts figuring them out he will climb away from stone awards pretty easily.
>Skill is pointless
Let me guess, you don't play shmups or fighting games
you must test your might
Are you the fucking troglodyte that keeps trying to push this fighting games meme in every single action game thread? Also who in the fuck are you even quoting?
I'm quoting the guy I replied to you retard
>I'm quoting the guy I replied to you retard
>ctr+F "skill"
>1 result
Are you now? You worthless shithead.
Really my biggest gripe with Bayonetta, otherwise I think Bayo 1 is a legitimate masterpiece of a video game.
>Every ranking system is retarded
He said this, look at his post. Anyone who thinks this doesn't want to be challenged. I thought Yea Forums was all about skill? Oh but wait Yea Forums also cries about how there's no cheats anymore lmao
For bayonetta, learn dodge offset. Watch the first 10 minutes:
It's as easy as holding down the attack button, just try to dodge while holding down the attack button with pistols.
You can only really extend combos with guns if the enemy is airborne. Also don't worry too much about S Ranks in any DMC game if you're just starting. In DMC1 it mostly counts your Orbs, Time, and Damage Taken for it's S Ranks.
Also hit R3 to switch between Alastor/Ifrit instead of the menu.
>t. zoomer that's never played a game that had cheats
imagine being this retarded and thinking cheats only ever existed to make things piss easy
>Wanting cheats
>Also complaning about game reviewers using cheats
Is there anywhere to discuss games that doesn't have retards like you?
Also forgot to mention, the airborne thing only applies if you're not in ST. If you are DT'd using E&I is an easy Stylish I'm some enemies. Also you can use Charged Shots in DMC1 for a quick damage boost. Shoot and hold the button until Dante's arms glow.
you're strawmanning hard there, buddy
not to mention what you're saying is completely non sequitur
how ironic of you calling other people retards
So quoting what you said is a strawman now? Interesting
>DMC 1 charge shots
Wasn't this only implemented in 3?
For Bayonetta specifically:
The time requirements in Bayo are pretty easy because torture attacks take so long.
Don't get hit. React to enemy attacks and dodge-offset mid combo, then carry on your combo after dodging.
Your combo's start getting worth less and less points the longer you carry them on, until you use a wicked weave which is when they reset. This is another reason why dodge-offset is so important. Try to actually make contact with your punches/kicks, don't just use guns and wicked weaves. Also try to not to drop your for the whole verse, guns and taunts help with this.
If you don't know what dodge-offset is, look it up. Also if you don't like how a verse is going, you can quit to the main menu and start that specific verse again.
Look at this absolute fucking brianlet. I bet you're the kind of faggot that demands photo evidence of rank charts in DMC threads.
There isn't a single ranking system in any action game that directly correlates to "skill", none. In fact many of them promote the opposite of skill and just exploiting the most simple, most effective and most replicable solution to check some arbitrary boxes. You're exactly the kind of dumbass these things appeal to.
Lol no. Charged Shots are in DMC1. You have shoot first and it takes a bit longer to charge than the 3 counterpart.
>I bet you're the kind of faggot that demands proof of skill in a skill based game
Yes I am
Has anyone stone awarded every chapter
were in the thread did anyone mention game reviewers in any capacity? neither I nor anyone else
all I said was that you're fucking stupid for hating on cheats
>he's a 3 baby
lol what a surprise. Classic.
>This thread
Maybe check the board once in a while? Yea Forums complains about game reviewers using cheats, yet decries skill and wants cheats back in games
>Played all the DMC games since release
Really makes me think
Oh i know for a fact you are now You're literally a stereotype.
>played since release
>doesn't know about charged shots in 1
Sure you did zoomer
Head back to you know where
Now that you've said it I guess I didn't play it. Tell me about these reality bending powers
>Yea Forums is one person
you really are a mental midget
>cringe games general
>Yea Forums complains about that guy playing Sekiro with cheats
>Yea Forums also regularly doesn't play skill based games, downplays skill, laments cheats are gone
The board is retarded
just b yourself
>that image.
Did...did you actually think i was trying to quote you? Are you a complete imbecile? That's my own reply. Jesus you're dumb.
Don't even sweat it man, just explore and have fun. DMC1 has a lot of Secret Missions tucked away. It's also pretty short compared to the later games, so once you git gud you can blow through an S Rank playthrough in about 3 or 4 hours. Your guns can only really keep your combo if the enemy is in the air unless you have DT on, and even then really only E&I are good for extending your combos while in DT as everything else shoots to slowly.
I'd also recommend to at least do one playthrough in LDK mode, since a lot of people don't even know Yamato was in DMC1.
>Redditfag literally can't comprehend the site
>That syntax
Ok seriously fuck off back to plebbit. Here's your last (You)
>thread's going fine
>a wild DMC sperg appears
Par for the course.
Didn't know you could switch main weapons mid combat, neat. Charged shots sound like something that could've helped me get through a much easier moose skull scissors fight in the scissors.
I'll try all these tips out, thanks!
Play and practice and don't get mad, getting mad clouds your enjoyment, experimentation is the key to enjoying action games especially when they have tons of options.
I wish Cereza was my mom
But also my gf
Learn Dodge Offset OP, unlike most action game Bayonetta relies on this central mechanic for you to get the most out of its gameplay. Once you master Dodge Offset you can replace the Dodge with Taunt, Accessory, and Panther Offset. Also buy Umbran Spear, it's basically Air Trick from DMC3.
You can change them in real time but don't think it's like the sequels, you have to go through an animation so you can't combo both of them toegether or anything. It just saves you a trip to the menu.
I'm at prudence boss and besides dodge offset I understood literally nothing in your post
In bayo, as soon as you fight Jeanne on Hard you are pretty much forced to learn dodge offset. As soon as you learn dodge offset, all your stone rewards turn into Silver and Gold.
Or if you somehow eek your way to Infinite Climax where there is no Witch Time.
what's so great about offset, doesn't it just allow you to continue your combo after dodging?
also can you even dodge offset with anything other than scarborough?
Hold LB to taunt, it restores health, angers enemies and is styling
You should have some by now, check your equipment. These are the things on the right hand side. Personally I think Moon is so good it should never be unequipped
>Umbran Spear
A move you can buy from Roland, double tap RB to instantly fly to an enemy
>Panther Offset
You get to turn into a panther by double tapping dodge. Panther offset is the same as dodge offset
I wish bayo had a tutorial on dodge offset. Sekiro is not at all shy with its tutorial pop-ups, and people still manage to miss important tech like holding block to recover posture.
Yes, that is essentially what it is does, you can use the Offset mechanic with any weapon. Without Dodge Offset you'd get a sequence like this
P->K->Dodge->Restart PKP combo
With Dodge Offset you get
P->K->Dodge->P Wicked Weave (your combo is finished)
Yes you can dodge offset with any weapon.
Dodge offset is vital at higher levels because of the amount of shit enemies throw at you, plus spacing and positioning, It also retains your position in the combo, while letting you dodge
It's actually explained in the game, it's just buried and not presented as the central mechanic it is.
I'm pretty sure they patched it in though. I played it on PS3 and swear there was no dodge offset tutorial
>fuck off back to plebbit
Don’t need to, already there my fellow redditor
Did you look in the Menu under like the "Tutorial" section? All it got was a small snippet in the menus, no in-game tutorial for it.
You want to finish combos because Wicked Weaves, the combo finishers, give you the most points and damage. Also, it allows you to combine offense and defense, which is a big deal in a game where enemies constantly attack you.
You can do it with any weapon in the game, all weapons include difference charge properties. Difference being, while you are holding down the attack button, some weapons like scarborough will give you immediate damage, other weapons like the claws won't.
Yeah that's the """tutorial"""" they give you for it. I guess they want people to learn about the intricacies on their own, but it's pretty poor for such a vital mechanic. Matthewmatosis and Yoshesque have good videos on Bayo though
The description is in the game, but I don't think it's enough.
you mean those things that cost 100000 halos? haven't bought a single one yet cause I spent all of it on extra HP, MP and moves
also feels like getting many halos is a bitch
>umbran spear
I can't buy that yet I guess
>panther offset
so transforming into the panther retains your combo status as well?
>Getting that many halos is a bitch
Go to chapter 1, the train station. Destroy all the benches in the first area then hop on top of the train. Repeat for mad halo cash
Umbran Spear you have to buy, but yeah Panther is an ability given to you in the game and allows you to do the same thing as dodge offset but run around as a panther
>so transforming into the panther retains your combo status as well?
Yup, the only difference is that you have to double tap dodge to go into the panther. Don't forget to hold the attack button.
Here's how to farm halos easily.
The game is over once you get these bad boys.
>Determined to get at least platinum on the Witch trials in Bayo 2
>It’s been almost half a year since
>I’m only on trial 4
It's not really worth getting that good at Bayo 2.
>Bayo 2
Like, yoinks scoob
Best part about Bayonetta 1 PC is having Bayonetta 2 hair with Bayonetta 1 outfit in the best Bayonetta game.
every time user,every fucking time
me,i'm not proud of it tho
It's actually way easier to get S ranks on subsequent playthroughs on higher difficulties in DMC1. A big factor in rank is red orbs, and the harder enemy spawns on hard+ make it much more doable to get enough orbs. Time is also super important, and knowing where to go and not taking time to explore on subsequent playthroughs will boost your rank a ton.
Guns only extend combos when juggling an enemy, except for the grenade launcher which will keep up the combo as long as you roll cancel well. The handguns are the most fun guns IMO. You can high time an enemy and then spam the shoot button to keep them suspended. If you follow them into the air, you can shoot a bunch of times and then finish with a helm breaker. Also, if you keep charging the guns up with near perfect timing, you can extend a combo forever with charged shots as long as the enemy is within medium range. With the shotgun, you can use a technique called jump canceling, which is hard to explain, but really fun to do, so I'd recommend you just watch a video on it.
Yeah, DMC1 is pretty good in that regard. You may find your DMD playthrough getting more Ss than your Normal playthrough just because you cut out all the fat of exploration.
DMC1's Handguns feel so fucking good to use. I love how DT turns every shot into a projectile with travel time.
If practice doesn't get you anywhere
It's a sign
You have no talent for these kinds of games
Play FFXV and pretend it's an action game
It was hard as fuck, but I finally S-ranked all of DMC1 on DMD. Fucked up with saving once, so the final file has one mission w/ an A rank, but I completed it with an S rank as you can see in the 2nd pic.
Congrats user. How did you deal with Nelo 3?
Play good action games.
Watching this vid helped a lot with learning his patterns and when it's safe to attack him
You're meager accomplishments are hereby revoked.
Is he an e-celeb or something? I've only seen this video of his
He's a SoulsShit e-celeb of the most pretentious kind. Just hearing him drone on about banalities and armchair deving in that fight made me angry but then again i have a strong dislike for him.
I wasn't being serious of course.