Dwarf Fortress on Steam

holy shit what's happening here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Nothing substantial is new or changed, under the hood. It’s still good old Dwarf Fortress, but with graphics support and music by default.

Trannies ruining yet another game

one of the devs has medial bills or some shit and donations aint cuttin it so a graphic version is coming to steam but the game will remain free

Same thing only now actually playable. Don't fall for the ASCII meme, it has zero aesthetics beyond making autists feel all matrix.

He's adding mouse support for the UI. I'd say that's pretty substantial even if it means little to people who are already used to the hot keys.

>release date: time is subjective
actually one of the better answers i've heard

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It's wierd but after a while ascii graphic (or cla) make sense. It's clean and after you know the letters your imagination goes wild.

There's nothing wrong with trannies in a sandbox video game where you can execute them in creative ways.

did he actually confirm that? as far as I know all he said was that they're thinking about it
full mouse support would be a dream

you get banned like those dudes in fo76

To clarify, I didn't mind ASCII style and understand its' purpose, however a clean and simple "minecraft-esq" art style would go a long way for Dwarf Fortress as it'd be far easier on the eyes long term and more immersive. I am sure though that there will be a switch between both styles.

Steam is a good way for games to get noticed and make money, but only as long as you can also buy the game in places other than steam, preferably its own website.

when the fuck will it actually be out though

i've played DF for 10+ years and have never used the ASCII. However I cannot change from the mayday tile set i've always used, even if it uses elves and shit as letters sometimes.

My only issue is that regular text always gets messed up from any texture pack forcing me to stick with ascii

What are they adding to the steam version?

>graphic tilesets are better than ascii tilesets

ascii tilesets is directly related to aesthetic, not the other way round. Graphics one are always god awful mishmashes of badly drawn tiles and boring/clashing color schemes across the map. A good, tidy and clean tilset with a good colour scheme looks delicious, easy to read and fun to play. People seem to think its Vanilla Ascii or pre-made graphics tilesets, not hundred options of Ascii tileset choices along with any number of pre-made color schemes or your own. Pic is the last /dfg/ community fortress

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this is extremely far from easy to read user. in the tileset i use i can see a barrel and know it is a barrel, same with 90% of objects on the screen. I don't need to memorize all of the characters

the game doesn't look good no matter how you play it

i kill faggots in rinworld all the time and nobody gives a shit

What color set is this?

>in a single player offline game

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or I can just look at an item and go "ok a % is a barrel" and remember that because im not a ADHD riddle pleb who forgets things 2 seconds after learning them. or do you have a problem with reading too? a vast majority of items and objects dont share the same tile unless its something as blanket as "armor" which either way will share the same tile in a graphics set too. so all youre doing is trading imagination and cleanness for a short hand because youre lazy and too stupid to remember that a [ is a piece of armor and the color denominates its material.

one of the Vherid ones, possibly dusk?

What is it trannies with you people of late? At least something like the jews or the gays have a sizable enough population to potentally fill this boggiemen you've created.

That was the impression I got from this interview

But Tarn also kind of talks like an autist so it's hard to say how much support he is confirming. I actually don't really understand part of what he's saying in his answer.

seething autist
people are having more fun than you and there's nothing you can do about it

Jesus imagine getting this defensive lol, i correctly stated that your "easy to read" argument was objectively incorrect, just deal with it. just statistically speaking i am almost definitely smarter than you, and i've also had sex before

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>you should have to study a game to be able to play it
imagine being an ASCIItard in 2019

>because youre lazy and too stupid

You're too lazy and stupid and seething to punctuate.

>or I can just look at an item and go "ok a % is a barrel" and remember that because im not a ADHD riddle pleb
It could also look like what it's supposed to look like so that all the visuals don't need to be decoded. Like shit man, do you not understand why 99 percent of games use custom art for graphics over ASCII? I play with an ASCII tileset because I'm used to it but holy shit user, calm down that doesn't appeal to most people.

>Tranny dorfs
>in a game where dorfs can be exterminated to the limit of creativity
I don’t really see an issue here

>Getting banned in a single player game
This is your brain on pol

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>faglords crying about trannies instead of talking about the game or its new UI features.

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>putting a content stealing autistic german and a tranny in-charge of the steam version of your lifes work

what a way to go, should just let his brother die

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Culture war retards don't play games, they only complain.

is that tileset supposed to be good or bad?

It's the fact its being injected into a game people dearly love and feel that not only is it not helpful to the actual game experience, that its irreverent and extremely unfitting within a fantasy medieval game. If you question it at all, whether from unbridled outrage to trying to have a reasonable dialogue, you are often lambasted by the community or even people working with the developers label you as a transphobe, you're blocked and often stopped at the gate of the community because you're questioning the rigid dogma with the implication that you are on the "wrong side of history". People basically don't controversial modern identify politics forcefully inserted into their game when it has little to no place while being told if you question or resist this, we will remove you from the community, so you better shut up and accept it or be removed for mentioning it. With this being made all the worst by the developers brothers wife pushing this and members of the community championing it while everyone nervously looks around wondering if they should stick their head up only for it to be cut off.

Well yeah you are right, it's always the fucking jews, discord trannies was JIDF's most splendid diversion tactic this far. Ta ta, I clap my cheerios for that bellygub jest.

US healthcare once again took its toll

>He's adding mouse support for the UI.


ohfuck no

this is too much at once dude

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>User was banned for this transphobic post

literally this

well, at least we'll be able to put the trannies into functional deathcamps

post your world

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I know that he uses libtcod for DF and under libtcod programming mouse input is really not hard.

I mean, DF has had mouse input for years. Try to draw out a dig designation. It's mostly that Toady is too busy working on new features to fix the UX, so it's nice that he can now outsource it.

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He actually kind of says as much in that interview I posted. He admitted the game is already tracking where your mouse is, he's just never been motivated enough to sit down for 3 weeks and commit to learning how to make proper support across the board. That's kind of the downside of a developer who just does what he wants on a whim.

>threetoe's wife(?) is an SJW
Well, here's hoping Tarn is too autistic for that shit. Like, accurately representing any sort of LGBBQ being less than 5% of the population. The usual ease of horribly murdering your dwarfs still exists too.

The library already has built in functions for properly checking for the mouse's position, clicks, wheel scrolls, etc that you can just call wherever you want and apply any logic you like to those detections.

The ORIENTATION tag is omitted by default, and in its absence the game uses the values [ORIENTATION:MALE:5:20:75] and [ORIENTATION:FEMALE:75:20:5] for the female caste, and the reverse for the male caste. It is believed that this makes 71.2% of dwarves strictly heterosexual, 23.8% bisexual, 3.8% aromantic/asexual, and 1.2% strictly homosexual, though this includes preferences that do not lead to marriage.

Bi dwarves seem oddly inflated, everything else matches well. Did he research those numbers or is it just a placeholder nears-good-enough like so many things?

At least it gives people like and something to do with their time

>a bunch of colored letters and numbers
is this supposed to represent something?

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Please, get out noobs

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Can't wait for mermaid factory 2: transsexual edition.

But trannies can't breed

>Trans people exist, despite any assertions to the contrary, and are deserving of safety, security, protection and a place in the world. One day they may find their place in fortress as well.

She's right, you know.

Of course they can.

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I mean user at some point, you need to accept you care a little too much about this. They are dwarves in a fantasy world, why should their rates of homosexuality be exactly the same as the real world? Being close makes sense since dwarves are similar to real humans in some ways but at some point it's a different race, in a different world with a very different culture.

They have all of those things already but aren't satisfied because others don't want to be told what to do

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You don't 'feel' all matrix. This pic itself is a joke but the roots are unironic. After a few hours of playing the game and double-checking each icon with the look option you get an innate feel for what everything is. The greatest issue with graphical sets is ambiguity: one character may be used multiple times for different entities. This is usually determined by context using ASCII, but a tileset will only 'guess' the most common one (like every anthill or ring looking like a well). It looks kind of wonky.
Now, this is the only problem with graphical sets. Make no mistake I have nothing against them and will start using one the moment every possible instance has its own tile. The issue is the current system has poor aesthetics and is no less ambiguous to a newb in these contexts.

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imagine pressing 4 keys you know by heart
now imagine clicking 4 words from a menu and three submenus
how long will the second scenario take compared to the first?
people who bitch about the ui don't play in the first place and the ui won't magically make the game's systems easier

Why do you guys never cite the higher 60 percent rate for pre transitioned trannys? Is it because you don't want to admit transitioning lowers it?

yeah a culture of pure terror and craftsdwarfship, they are constantly either covered in blood or sweat and don't have the time required for a mental disease like trannies to develop.

>morul, is that a scroll?
>no lazol it is a boulder
>it was inevitable

>It actually says "Time is subjective"
Well, there you have it, Valve. You can freely add HL3 to the store and put up shit like this for kicks.

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that is exactly right. It's the difference between doing your rotation in an mmo with hotkeys compared to clicking.

If the ui is your supposed #1 complaint on why you literally cannot understand the game, then you're lazy. You are lazy. You're Lazy.

It's hard to afford some rope or a gun when you're spending all your money on HRT

user, Dwarves literally have a specific word for when someone goes completely insane and starts crafting items that reflect the warped world they see.

>and don't have the time required for a mental disease
Dwarves mentally breaking is a key mechanic, nice flimsy justification. Also you were talking about bis in the post I responded to not trannys so bravo on also shifting the goal posts.

more like trans fortress

Don't give me that shitty cop-out. EVERYTHING in DF has been researched to be realistic, even the tensile strength of obscure types of wood. The things that are acknowledged to be fantastical are passed along the most reasonable stereotype for that race. Dwarves are a martial, aggressive race, their entire culture would be too alien as you say to simply model it with modern values of gay-bi-straight.
Roman sexuality mod when?

I mean you can make jokes but you didn't answer my question. Why don't you cite the 60 percent rate? Wouldn't it prove your point even more? The only reason I can think of is you fags don't want people to know it lowers when they transition. I am genuinely asking for another possible reason other than that because whenever I ask you fags you never answer and just deflect with jokes like this.

>Also you were talking about
way to assume stupid
Good to know you admit trannies are unfit for civilian life though

>not wanting more monsters in the game
user please

>Don't give me that shitty cop-out. EVERYTHING in DF has been researched to be realistic,
Stopped reading right there. None of the animals are remotely realistic. Hippos should be one of the most dangerous things in the game yet they are portrayed a as big lovable gentle giants. Many things are realistic but many things are pure fantasy, ya know like the dwarven race.

They'll find the same place in my fortress as any poorly skilled migrant wave.

But I never defended trannys user. How stupid of you to assume.

Fuck I play MUDs, I'm still baffled as to why people get so upset about the look. The only genuine gripe (for a fucking free game) is the menu system really does take work to learn and the base tileset can be deceptive.

Try a MUD sometime fuckers, imagine having to parse text in PVP combat that's scrolling by like a fucking Yea Forums stream chat and a black man has just walked by. I learned fucking LUA just so I could parse the important parts and send them to a different window.

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Based ResetERA or Discord Tranny, needlessly bringing up trannies.

I need to watch that show again.

Not for lack of trying, fag. There are actually projects run by the community to fill the blanks in the game's consistency. Toady is a mathematician, he admits that he knows fuck-all about the hundreds of animals he included and is slowly going back through them whenever big ticket items are off the menu. For that reason is why I suggested the loose 75-20-5 model was just a placeholder while the sensitive subject of dwarf sexuality was being shelved.

How is ascii unplayable? Have you even tried playing with ascii? It's not that hard to learn what things mean, and you can always check using the look command anyway

>pre op trannies just kill themselves then and there
>post op trannies delay the day that they join the 40%

It's all so laughable at this point.

This shit happened forever ago. Its cause his brother has ass cancer. Gotta afford those medical bills somehow

See you're still deflecting and not answering the question. You 40 percent fags never do and I genuinely don't see another answer other than you don't want people to know that transitioning lowers the percentage because that implies it's the best course of action to handle these people who genuinely are mentally ill since nothing else lowers the percentage that much.

Magic update when

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you know that he hasn't
I have never tried without it

>of dwarf sexuality
Exactly, not human sexuality so like I said, there's no need for it to be identical to human sexuality. Also don't get mad at me for calling you out on an objectively false statement, many things in Dwarf Fortress are entirely unrealistic so don't try to claim otherwise. Not everyone autistically follows everything Toady says. Show me where Toady said that about animals cause I'd actually be happy to see that, I have always hated how many animals act nothing like they should.

Nice try tranny but replacing your dick with a pus filled hairball collecting wound that you have to shove a dildo into isn't the answer

>Try a MUD sometime
Alright. Which one do you suggest?


>ha ha le forty per-

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>autism: the pic
>autism: the post
Imagine being mentally underdeveloped in 2019.
you literal disgusting autistic retard, kill yourself

>Not everyone autistically follows everything Toady says
then chill the fuck out nigger
there's an app on android that aggregates his forum posts and dev logs so if you're genuinely curious about current goings on you can get it right from the teat instead of freaking out on Yea Forums like the guy you're arguing with has any power over the game

I've always used the ascii because it makes it easier to see what's happening at a glance. Simple visuals that represent complex mechanics are much much easier to digest than complex visuals representing complex mechanics.

A yellow smiley face is either a woodcutter or a bowyer. A bright green smiley face is a gem cutter/setter. Anything more than that just adds unnecessary complexity.

Having said that, the steam graphics set is the first one that actually looks *good*. Not having to cram too much information in a too small space means the artists can actually make it look fucking clean and decent.


>Why do you guys never cite the higher 60 percent rate for pre transitioned trannys
Because there is no commonly referred to source for that statistic? In fact the only study I'm finding that deals with suicide ratios between the two groups are stating exactly the opposite of what you're saying, and that those who have received gender reassignment surgery face an increased likelihood of suicidal behavior immediately following reassignment.


Please post the source for the 60% suicide rate among pre-op transexuals.

Gender reassignment is not the same thing as transitioning.

Nice sources

>cutting your dick off isn't the same as growing breasts
They're both fucked up my dude

Stay mad tranny I hope death doesn't WHIRRRRRR you into his butthole soon

>needing to use Mudlet to cope with Iron Realms tier combat spam
>not using the superior MUSHclient and playing a real LPmud with tick-based combat so you don't have to rely on triggers for everything like a lazy nigger

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I play one of the IRE ones called Achaea, but it depends on personal taste. Aardwolf is probably one of the most popular ones that still works. The Discworld one is good too.

I'd honestly say check out (what is a pathetically 2000's website) topmudsites.com and just see which one's speel you like, most of the ones on there have at least 100 players and their own clients just to see if you can like them or not.

The honest truth is that I wouldn't actually recommend MUDs to most people on Yea Forums, there's a reason its a niche market. The only person I got legitimately playing them from nowhere is an ex.

Things being more efficient =/= accessible, which is the entire point of this update, to get new people to play it.

I am afraid it's been actual years since I browsed the forums so I tried briefly but couldn't find the link to the community project.
What I did find however is that the default orientation stats don't just apply to all dwarves in a civilization but every creature in the game.
That is to say a 20% incidence of bisexuality for every single living thing, including humans. This is beyond your excuse of the culture being too fantastic to be modeled but an actual placeholder with an oddly skewed numbers, possibly to actually be visible in gameplay.

The thing is I know you're playing me. But you're right.

ah the well known "well being indicator"

just admit no one will ever accept trannies. you will always be pushed to societies fringe

Yup, making the game more feature rich.

I would still like to see the source.

Personally, I don't give a fuck what other grown adults do with their bodies. That's why I ask these questions because I don't get why you fags do.

>I'm not a tranny
>but I defend trannies on the internet

>That is to say a 20% incidence of bisexuality for every single living thing, including humans.
So that just proves it probably was a hastily slapped together placeholder.

You don't care when your society you live in falls ill with social disarray such as self mutilation and it's paraded as a healthy way of living?
It's unsettling as all hell.

I just genuinely do not understand the anger they cause. Like you fags complain about how it;s because they are mentally ill and mutilate themselves but I never see you fags getting as angry over the fact that s cutters exist for example even though they are also mentally ill and also abusing their body. If you ever stopped to think about why you feel the way you do maybe you'd start to see the lack of internal logic. It all seems primarily motivated by emotion, not thinking and how angry you all get whenever I say this doesn't really help prove otherwise.

Does it have The Rapist by default? Because Dwarf Fortress is fucking unplayable without that shit.

>117 posts in
>1 fort
>1 world
>no stories
>just incessant whining
is this the worst dorf fort thread in the whole world?

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No I don't because it doesn't affect me. The same way I don't care that there are degenerates who jack off to a pony tv show for children. If you don't hurt anyone I don't care. I agree its fucked that people are encouraging children to take hormone blockers though, leave innocent kids out of it.

I hope dort hacker doesn't get torn in half over this shit, it's the only absolutely needed tool these days

Discworld is unironically the best.
Armageddon and HellMOO are good for RPfag drama and memes respectively.
Don't fall for Iron Realms shit, character skills are gated behind a paywall.

People who slit their wrists don't have large social movements claiming that slitting your wrist is absolutely normal and that children should be actively asked about if they want to slit their wrists and what the proper method of doing so is. If they did you'd probably hear more about them.


It does effect you though. Man isn't an island. Society as a whole effects the members within it.

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This is the future of dorf fort threads, my friend.

>retardera raiding 4chins

Go back

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>All work and no play makes jack rabbit a dull boy

We need a wordfilter for tranny to make them fuck off

Yeah have to agree with ya. Dwarf fortress always looked fun and when I tried it was a fucking nightmare. Fuck that chicken scratch.

Who gives a shit
As long as you have the freedom to be an edgelord put all bisexuals and gays in labour camps I don't see why it matters. Just another quirk.

Is the general like this? They've survived everything since /vg/ was made, but this might be the nail in their coffin.

What in that post caused you to spaz out like this?

Its just adding realism. Any dwarf that displays any indication of transgender illness is arrested by the sheriff and is dealt with by the hammerer. THIS IS CANONICAL DWARVEN LAW. DWARVES DO NOT TOLERATE THE TRANNY SCOURGE.

Dude your Game broke :|

It's affects, you illiterate sodomite.

I'm having trouble setting up a military.

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the general is slow and bait is typically recognized for what it is
if I ever have a question about anything in dorf fort, they are the most helpful people

>Obliterating homodwarfs in spectacular ways becomes the next big craze in the fandom
Is DF, dare I say it...

Say hi to Vadi for me.

>muh orthography

I had him for a course when he was a professor. It's not that he does things on a whim, I think he just doesn't like structure. Which is weird, for a math guy.

>X kicks Y in the BODY PART and the injured part explodes into gore
Always satisfying somehow.

I agree entirely
here's the execution of one of my commanders for throwing a tantrum
I've never seen anyone survive a hammerin

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>inb4 people joke about it and the developers wife gets so offended by it that she tells her husband to make it so trannies can't be executed/die

Both of these are false flags for those few zoomers that get brought home in the short bus

pretty much everything is moddable in the raws or memory accessible with DFhack

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>tfw playing the Japan overhaul from /dfg/
>tfw my executioner/sheriff can only arrest faggots instead of executing the same assholes that have been throwing tantrums and picking fights this whole time
It's all so tiring. Also, any idea on why I can't execute a faggot colonist for being a faggot?

So, to stop with the tranny crap...
I'm 100% sure I can convince my stepsister to give me a bj, we have talked about this stuff lately and she has been pretty open, it all started when I told her I had bathed with a girl before and she got really jealous because she never saw me naked and now she kind of wants too, well, we are really horny and I'm sure this will lead to bigger things but I don't want this experience to be something she might regret in the future so that or maybe it's best to just get away from each other for a while, what does Yea Forums think?

>>tfw my executioner/sheriff can only arrest faggots instead of executing the same assholes
are you making sure you convict them through the justice menu?
if not, doing so should get them rekt
desu if I feel like justice has failed me I conscript the little fucks and send them on suicide missions
>Japan overhaul from /dfg/
you got a link? I can look if not but that sounds cool

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No but it sure as fuck makes it more manageable in the beginning

Well if that is the number, then it make sense that the other 40% follows them later

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>play hellmoo, on and off, for a literal decade
>grow into probably one of the top 10 pvpers in the game's history
>have set up a bunch of triggers, highlights, timers and scripts for pvp
>essentially be more machine than man
>game dies off and have no one to fight because of admins banning anyone interesting and not fixing their broken ass pvp systems

an abstract form of hell

pretty good if she wants it
get a recording of her consenting though because years later she might try to fuck you over

>no dwarves
>both goblins and elves seem to be fucking your city
>that hydra next to the goblin and below the water stream
just fucking abandon.

I believe it's in the pastebin, or still in the general if that overhaul mod guy is still there. Also yeah, good idea sending them off to harass stupid pricks on 5 year suicide missions.

She isn't really that kind of girl but yeah I can probably get her to say that she agrees to it on camera, I'm still thinking it tho

call me a casual if you want but i ALWAYS completely disable aquifers. i just have no fucking patience to deal with that shit.

wait are you talking about the kenshi mod?

I think? To be fair, what it's supposed to be is a weird pastiche of
>Sengoku Era Japan
>Sengoku Era Japan and the other parts of Asia that were able to reach Japan
>Arabs? Mongols?
>White people, the Portuguese, and Merchants

you niggas better post forts before this thread dies

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You'd think dwarves, more than any race, would be very specific about what hole they pick it in.

dffd.bay12games.com/file (dot) php?id=648
is what I think you're talking about
I'll give it a try

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>those races
Kek, but that's not it. I believe it's called "Dwarf Fortress - Colonialism". Talks about Jomon or something like that.

found it, thanks!
the description sounds awesome with the new siege tools
have you played with adventure mode at all?
it talks about being nobunaga but unless the guy removed the check for how many party members will follow you that might be a pain getting a whole firing squad to raid and pillage

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I'm playing DF right now, I have in my fort right now 1 Queen, 6 counts, 7 barons, all of them passing mandates and nagging me. Also, there are mercs coming in wanting to stay, I literally have 40+ mercs patrolling the caverns and have so far stomped two forgotten beasts at the cost of 2 mercs.

My fort is crap too, I literally have zinc only and marble and I've somehow offended 4 fricken caravans due to trying to sell some caged wild cave monsters (for some reason they're released why you try to sell them).

Also I have a fort of 200 dwarfs, almost 20-50 kids, 40 mercs. Even with three still going full ball I somehow annoyingly run out of booze quickly. I think it's because the 200 dwarfs drink out of 1 barrel only at each time so all at once you run out of booze from half the barrels.

All I want is epic battles. Zinc sucks, the best is cages and chains.

Not yet, but I've been meaning to try and dedicate a playthrough palling around and murdering the local lords for the sake of taking over the kingdom, on demigod mode.

>make it so trannies can't be executed/die
I honestly don't think that'd even be possible in dwarf fortress

Toady's single, as is his brother.

I don't think most are claiming the surgery doesn't lower the suicide rates somewhat, but that it only helps the surface level by "fixing" the body and not the brain.
Transgenderism is a mental illness that is being enabled, not corrected.

>I've somehow offended 4 fricken caravans due to trying to sell some caged wild cave monsters (for some reason they're released why you try to sell them)
You actually are selling them the cage, not the animal within it. When ownership is transferred they dump the animal out since they don't own it. As is you can not sell tamed animals to caravans.

why not play a pen and paper game? I don't play video games because I want to use my imagination

>The Toad One

haha oh wow

>murdering the local lords for the sake of taking over the kingdom
noice. I'm thinking already of doing a himura kenshin wanderer fighting crime
I hope the mod author acts fast once toady puts out the villains this summer because that would pair with this setting fantastically
also the new torture feature would compliment lord murdering

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Fuck elves and cheesemakers too

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It's a blackjack probability chart

Why is there so much tranny discussion itt

is it supposed to hurt my eyes?

because there will be tranny dwarves in the game

So fucking what? Kill them if you dont want them in your fort. Like i do with cats

>tfw i cant into dorf cus fort planning/blueprinting is just not in my mindset
I lack proper autism to do this shit, but Adventure is still fun

No trannie dwarf is safe

some fags are obsessed with trannies and can't stop thinking about them all the time so they bring them up whenever they can.

99% of trans people today are victims of social engineering and will end up regretting their choices later in life, or resenting their parents for forcing this shit on them when they were too young to resist. the other 1% were trans before it was cool and are just wishing everyone would shut the fuck up about trans shit so they could go back to being ignored

Basically this. It's a deadly, damaging fad that is ruining lives and making the world objectively worse. All trannies are bad people for falling for this shit and trying to make it more popular, and all tranny supporters are bad people for condoning self mutilating and delusion.

He means from the Bay12 forums wojack poster.

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what's worse is that parents are trying to tell boys as young as 6 to become transgender

read a book troglodyte

said he, a nigger who did not post a fort in a dwarf fortress thread
thanks for the bump

why are all these retards getting caught in my Yea Forums quality improver?
Its like you hate yourselves and the board.

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