Wins by using the same tricks everytime

>Wins by using the same tricks everytime
>somebody throws a fucking lobster at him
>gets out of chair for the first time in weeks
>*Audience fighting to stay alive, hes to stinky
>Mangos stench isnt helping either
>the audience full of nintentards snitches on the absolute madman
>stench is getting stronger now
>HBoxs mom starts a chant
>that whole room now mutters Hungrybox while fainting from the smell

Attached: stinky.jpg (1024x772, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread was made by a triggered ultikid who is pissed his game is dying.


okay Hungrybox

more like Melee needs to resort to Professional Wrestling antics like crab throwing so people still talk around their game


One of the worst greentexts I've ever seen. The only thing I find funny is that you actually thought the shit you wrote had any sort of humor in it.

okay Juan

Epic, now put these animals in their cage togheter with the mods.

ok Mango

melee needs to die already


Would have been funnier if a bucket of fish was thrown at him
He'd never forget the feeling of those slimy fish impacting his face and everyone in the crowd ridiculing him for the rest of his life

>80k people for grandfinals
melee aint going nowhere friend :^)
ppmd has returned to defeat the hbox menace and usher in a new golden age of melee

Attached: ppmd.png (501x567, 1.09M)

rent free

>Fucking Hbox gets a crab thrown at him
>Everyone is pro crab thrower
You know if this shit happened too basically anyone else the FGC as a whole would be up in arms about this shit. hell if this shit happened too mang0 or armada or say nairo the smashbros would be salty as almighty fuck. Hell this shit would be an absolute massive shitstorm if say someone threw a fucking crab at an SF tournament and aimed for say Daigo. This shits fucked.

>Comparing Daigo to Hbox
fuck off

>pp back
>mang0 revived
>leffen returning
>peak pound viewership
it's gonna be a good fucking summer for melee

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>comparing Daigo to a bunch Smelee subhumans


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no my point is if the crab was thrown at literally anyone else there would be absolute mad shitflinging and head hunting for the poor moron who did it. but since LOL HBOX this is apparently ok, and thats absolutely fucked. now i want him and his jiggs cancer too die in a fire, but that shits absolutely bugfuck retarded.

its been a long time coming

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Play like a bitch, get treated like a bitch.

good we needed him back too put Hbox down since mangos washed up, armada rage quit melee, M2K is a massive crapshoot every day of the year, leff will never be good, plup breaks at the slightest sign of pressure, and axe and aMSa keep offing each other mid tourney.

This was 80k people on Easter Sunday and during game of thrones... melee is far from dead if it can have those numbers at that time.

Fuck off Hungrybox, you fucking crustacean smelling faggot

>leff will never be good
he won EVO last year

leff was fucking lucky and everyone played like ass that EVO.

dareisay, fpbp?

Daigo isn't a prima donna shithead one trick pony.

Attached: hbox autism.webm (354x302, 678K)

>leffen returning

faggot my point was literally anyone else would have triggered the crowd too lynch him, hell even if fucking sonicfox had that happen shit would have gone bad for the crab thrower, but fuck that cause Hbox is somehow even more subhuman then the fucking gay furry bitch that somehow smells worse then an auditorium of smashcasuals. I'm primarily a soul caliberfag, but fucking christ.

>guy wins and gets a crab thrown at him
>marvel 3
>guy wins and the spirit of thuggery possesses a man and compels him to challenge him on stage after his greatest victory

what the fuck is OP on about?

link marvel clip

>faggot my point was literally anyone else would have triggered the crowd too lynch him
you do realize he got banned right dipshit? he didn't get away with it but don't act like hbox isn't a giant unlikable faggot.

>axe and aMSa keep offing each other mid tourney.
this is the reason why they never saved melee

hungrybox is basically one of the best players of smash bros, but he plays like an absolute cheap ass bitch. now he won a tournament a couple days ago and on the grand finals he had a fucking crab thrown at him mid match.

And their characters are lame as hell.

so what happens to melee when the top 8 of every tournament retires? they have to be close to their forties by now

oh i agree, and i know both of them have the ability too make god tier, but their rivalry and shit luck has totally screwed them, hell remember the summit M2K won because aMSa solo'd the ever living fuck out of Hbox by completely shutting his ass down with yoshi?

Attached: 1542507136391m.jpg (718x1024, 83K)
Funniest shit I've seen in a while

>amsa 300 iq egg games
fuck outta here

>ppmd streams for the first time in three fucking years
>peaks at 13k
this is both the dumbest and most awesome shit

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out with old and in with the new. you don't see ken, pc chris, and azen competing much nowadays, do you? they're always going to be newcomers that will rise to the top.


>[seething tr4sh babby still projecting]

You must have never played vs a Yoshi. Character is as lame as Falco niggers.

This is what happens when you play a party game competitively

>it's totally a competitive game guys I swear pls take us seriously
>wtf this guy is doing whatever it takes to win, how dare he not play the way we want

the current top 8 is
1. hbox
2. leffen
3. plup
4. mango
5. zain
6. axe
7. amsa
8. wizzrobe

of those players, only hbox and mango are from the older era and possibly close to retirement. the other 6 players will be playing for 5-10 more years

way better then seeing fox for the 100th time

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Killmonger confirmed for MVCIV?

OP btfo

Seething meleecuck still mad about evo I see. Take a shower faggot.

sounds stupid as fuck. OP and the rest of yall need to get laid.


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Does this mean Salem was right?

Leffen should be dropped out of the top 10. Just johns then drops out of every tournament.

>thinking he wasn't from the start

PP isnt coming back, he's only streaming now. Enjoy a summer of hbox domination and no evo. Maybe you can take some time in between autistically grinding tech to actually bathe yourselves.

yeah i didnt include m2k because hes basically retired at this point, if leffen skips another major im gonna stop including him too. i dont even remember the last major he actually competed in

>retard doesn't understand the importance of viewership in any sport
puff drags the entire game down her existence. fox meta exists because he's the only character that has a good matchup against puff.

Attached: not this shit again.jpg (600x500, 83K)

MJ is not for shitposting I will fucking kill you nigger

Yes melee lives in your head rent free indeed


bathing is a waste of time.

he's coming back and all you niggers ridiculed me for still believing after the cheese podcast

Attached: melee peak.webm (600x338, 1.23M)

Ultimate is going to be at Evo for about 3-4 years and then get dropped. How many times was melee at Evo?

Annie are you okay?

Agreed. Needs more effort and needs to not be written by an underaged

Honestly I care little for either "scene" but seeing how hard all of the redditors overreacted to this I'm kind of disappointed. I thought the Smelee community was cooler than that and would be memeing it hard, but everybody's out here virtue signaling for days on end over a tiny crab that came nowhere near hitting him. You'd think he had a giant rock thrown at him or something.

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PP aint coming back, and even if he does he's gonna be super washed up. He'll get 3-0'd by S2J
>but he said he was!!!!
He's been saying this since 2016. It's basically the Kevin who cried Wolf O'Donnell at this point

Insulting. It was a crab

Hbox will be the only one to allow Kevin to play friendlies with him and power him up back to God status.

In the end Hbox will have saved Melee after all.

ppl cant joke about it anymore because at this rate either hbox will get shot or shoot up a venue himself

but seriously, everyone hates hbox, every commentator and person of notice in the scene, but they have to keep up appearances

Mr Peterson would never stoop to physical violence to establish himself in the melee heirarchy

Hi Buckley... That's a shit load of words in your green text. Let me help you make it better

>dead ass fighting game
>faggot won using same strats as always
>frustrated loser throws crab
>everyone smells so shit no one can smell a dead crab
>melee fags

I have no idea what this thread is about, I don't fall Super Stinky Bros Melee drama.

Even the guy who threw it felt bad and turned himself in. Everyone in the community is a pussy trying to be e-sports friendly.

Just stop it Sean.

someone threw a literal crab at some melee cunt that's killing the game(?)

obviously noone noticed the seafood smell in a smash bros audience

I'm genuinely fucking scared of olimar in ultimate because he could end up being an overpowered character that is underused because he doesn't look cool but will later catch on and ruin the meta

Attached: 220px-Captain_Olimar.png (220x210, 62K)

>Mango takes over Melee's tournament scene
>Meleefags still want Melee to stay alive.

Meleefags, I want to play a game. Mango is now the most dominant player, but it won't stop there. Slowly, the best players in the scene start to feel discouraged, so they start to leave. The scene devolved into tournaments full of scrubs and newbies fighting for the right to lose to Mango from being timed out. Do you still want your scene to live now? Live or die, make your choice.

When is this guy gonna start losing? Tired of his bitch ass crying and rolling around on the ground every time he wins, I want some funny fuckers that look like they haven't come out of a basement in 3 months winning again

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yeah mang0s fox is sick. if he plays falco I'd want the game to die

>hbox gets a crab thrown at him
>he didn't powershield it to reflect it back
What a scrub, I always knew he got carried by Puff

He isn't winning. Other people are just crying instead of adapting and winning.

Hbox has literally said his fingers don't move fast enough for spacies. Which is weird considering he went even with a drunk Mang0 in Falco dittos.

>turned himself in

He probably could if he really wanted to but sees no reason to do so. I can't blame him for it either since he has a good thing going with puff which is a hell of a lot less demanding.

>dude just adapt to this character with only one bad matchup that hbox has played a million times and takes significantly more tech skill to play
>dude just adapt when hbox intentionally doesn't play friendlies and nobody else fucking plays puff because she's a boring braindead character

rent free

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I refuse to believe one grown-up man who has dropped off his previous job to dedicate his entire time at "training" to be good with some simple party game in order to rack up decisive bets and tournament money has said GENUINELY this exact statement.

Please, tell me this is false.

Attached: Снимок экрана.png (1437x1223, 1.8M)

Like your opinion matters. You're at home and he isn't.

He maintains a job while being #1 in Melee. With Puff but still.

Getting a crab thrown at him honestly did wonders for his career. Hundreds of thousands of people saw it. I didn't even watch the tournament and I saw it. Any publicity is good publicity.

>same tricks
Just adapt lol

Wait, did he recovered his job recently? I thought he dropped it forever.

But thats what pros say? What a dumbass post go suck more hbox cock

it lets him play the victim too, it's the only way people will show sympathy for him. He has milked this for so much publicity and money.

Something about this post stinks.

Attached: Brrraaaap!.webm (480x360, 392K)

Yup, his subscriber count on Twitch doubled in one day. Dude made literally thousands of dollars in donations for doing nothing.

So people hate him cause he's better?

hbox is such a hack it took the release of ultimate for him to realuze rest is great for edgeguards

This jesus christ I'm so sick of seeing mango shoot 2 lasers, have them hit, have hbox do nothing about it but eat damage, and then he just says fuck it I'm gonna rush him down now
Keep shooting lasers you fuck he's just sitting there spamming bair waiting for you to walk into one stop giving him what he wants fuck

Why doesn't he just embrace the hate

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Because he wants to play the victim.

So it's because he knows he's better.

oh dear
looks like someone's mad stinky day got cancelled

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He's a crybaby.
This is the same guy who fucking rolled around on the floor after a match.

*blocks your path*

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Holy shit kevin needs to put on some weight.

Like shiet nigga do some gomad or something fuck.

If HBox took on a Leffen persona and became the heel of melee he would be unironically based.

he's a douche, the fact that he wins a lot is secondary

Whatever disease he has really fucked him up. He still hasn't figured out what's causing it.

>Melee back at EVO next year after SFV finally dies.

I can't wait.

Attached: hbox.jpg (1500x1000, 146K)

melee was at evo a couple times but its not anymore LMAO

That will never happen but I like to imagine that if it did the seething and bitching would continue into the next century.

>Melee replacing a mainline Street Fighter title
>At a Capcom-funded fighting game event

coney took a video that had him in it and they were ready to search for him. he went up after the tourney and told the TOs that he did it and now he’s banned from several other tournaments for an unspecified amount of time.
they would have found him either way. i think the video is on youtube.

7 years at Evo, 6 years consecutively

>Hbox being choked out with his nametag by PS3 games


He was already getting up to leave and barely grazed his back lmao.

Melee had double the peak viewership this tournament than Ultimate did. Stay mad, zoomers.

and now they got rid of it because they realized it's the same stale shit over and over again.

Is PPMD coming back or just streaming?

Olimar is already meta but the thing is his options are too good which is a double edged sword.

When you know a character has really good options, and wants to use those options, its really easy to funnel the chaff into a gimmick pile because you kinda know there gameplan. It happened in smash 4 with cloud/bayo, 5 months before that game died the meta caught up and we saw characters like mewtwo and corrin taking more wins. Olimar will be dominant for like the next 2 months and then X character will follow up. Joker unironically looks like the best counter pick right now for so many reasons its like he was literally designed to fuck the olimar in the ass.

Its the top 10 X ranking here players you have to worry about but you really don't have too since I doubt no one in this thread actually attends tourneys.

Sure he's coming back to rake in some donos and twitch primes, but that's it.

Honestly idk how you don't laugh when that happens instead of getting mad. If someone pegs you with something and you turn to see what it is and there's a literal crab there then that's just funny

Melee is good but it has one of the worst fanbases of any video game, right up there with undertale and five nights at freddys

No, they got rid of it because Ultimate could be the designated smash game and make more money than sm4sh and melee combined. Melee wasn't going to be at Evo forever so what did you expect? I feel like if it was taken off because of it getting stale it would've happened at year 2016-2017 and not 2019. Not only that but the last year at Evo a new player won.


That's a pretty big claim.

thank you

I'd be annoyed but not try to seethe publically

He plays to win and it works. Blame the competition for being too weak to develop counter strategies to his style.

Similar things happened in Starcraft Brood War all the time. Terran completely dominated the game, all the best players were Terran. That is, until someone comes along and flips the game on it's head.

Attached: saviorstats.png (590x841, 84K)

yea but this is a party game for 8 year olds, you can't just "flip the game on its head" like starcraft


match fixing cunt

>The most successful strategy is very boring
>Win the competition as viewership dies and people lose interest

How? Its not even as bad as things like FE.

Why is FE so bad now

>the only player with a college degree and a wife also happens to be the best player in the world

absolutely based.
Not only is he smarter than them, but he's also getting laid and getting paid. He doesn't even need melee, he just dominates to dominate like an alpha.

Attached: hbox2.jpg (1600x1063, 406K)

>stinkies call scrims "friendlies"

Attached: 1526191637652.png (631x544, 442K)

Melee is irrelevant till global ban on Wobbles

All they have to do is study tape.
It's their fault for not understanding the matchup after repeatedly getting clobbered by one of the lower tier characters. If you lose to Puff honestly uninstall the game.

based reaction pic

this dude seems like a piece of shit

does jigglypuff have the best stall game in melee? it just seems like when puff is ahead there's a level of refusal to engage which just seems unlike any other character. Is there some kind of activity rule?


He cheated on his gf like 2 years ago lmao.

I meant the fanbase
Unless you're also going to say

>Melee players
>Using items
Why do you think they stink so bad, deodorant is an item.

>watch melee event
>it's nothing but Hbox taking top prize every event
This re-run is getting old when will the new shit start

What a chad

FE always a terrible fanbase. A bunch of ironic weebs who think the series is good

When Armada comes back. Armada won all the time but he is a cool guy and an interesting player. He also gave up more tournaments but beat HBox which means more chances at "upset" tournaments.

Screw the "unwritten community rules". If it wins, brings home the money, and isn't outright illegal, use it. It comes part and parcel with hanging onto a deprecated build of a two-decade-old game.

>lower tier characters
This is either bait or you haven't looked at a tier list since like 2005. Puff's been a top 6 character for over a decade, and recently is in contention for best character in the game along with fox and marth.

>not knowing stinky day was a smash 4 event
how fucking new

>meleefag seething that the joke turned on them
Holy shit LMAO

Armada was 5-1 against Hbox in 2018, he's just exhausted playing vs Puff.

>Mango can't win
>M2K is irrelevant
>PPMD and Armada retired
>Hungrybox wins everything
the absolute state of the gods

>not knowing that most geek communities obsessed with something have their share of smelly fucks

Nothing has changed. One good puff dominating the game doesn't make puff a good character LMAO. Mango and the other Foxdrones just suck.

Can someone explain this story?

fuck off

>Nobody can beat HBox

gomad is fucking stupid

I don't think that's what OP was referring to

Don't pretend like a conglomeration of nerds isn't going to stink, especially one surrounding a children's party game

Story? Link?

He grinded his Fox solely to beat Puff as that was his final goal before retirement, but despite his record against Hbox, Hbox still ended up the top ranked player. It will take multiple members of the community stepping up and taking sets over Hbox to knock him off his throne. Armada owns him, but he's just too consistent against everyone else.

Reading this just reminds me of how scrubby the pro scene of Melee is, they're all so caught up in each other's dramatic "rivalry" they can't even remember the pro history right, and can't agree on retard easy shit like tier lists and game rulings.

Unironically this.
You can't always blame everything in your community on one player who's winning with a good strategy by that logic start mirroring that strategy or playing around it. There's tons of gaming scenes that had teams or people with extreme advantages but it still stayed around or became entertaining cause other teams worked that into an underdog story or played directly against it.

>fox, shiek, falco, and marth dmoinate top play consistently for YEARS while puff is considered practically the worst on the game
>memes about how much no fun you melee faggots are with fox only FD etc
>you guys say that its balanced

>Hbox comes around and starts winning
>you guys bump his stupid character up to god tier bullshit and start screaming like children because you cant have your shitty spacies/swordsman/ninjabitch wank fest anymore
fuck off

I really want a link or the full story

but SMELEE is so much funnier. Get fucked smelee fag.

Just search ‘hungrybox crab’ on youtube

Well if you got to, and type in the words in this elaborate and specific order: "smash melee crab". No quotation marks now, thats the tricky part. And then, wala, you've succeeded.

Can someone explain to me what exactly makes Melee so enthralling to watch? I don’t get it. It feels like the same game of rock paper scissors going on every single match, I just can’t get excited the same way when I watch something like Tekken or Street Fighter.

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I thought quotes change search results when using Goolag


>somebody throws a fucking lobster at him

The fuck? Seriously? Someone threw a lobster at him? Need vid of that.

Because there is a certain subset of man children that believe everything from their formative years is the only thing that should exist. It's the case of man children, they want to fight and deny ever having to move on from when they were 13.

Looks like he was about to cry after trying to act tough with his mantitties exposed by that tight shirt.

And thanks man

>he thinks hbox is the first good puff
Also, nobody says melee's balanced, people like it because the good characters are fun to play as.

Autistic people like fast things. Sonic, speedrunning, trains, etc.

>fast gameplay is now a bad thing
I bet you think Brawl's the best smash game too.

People suddenly claiming Puff is the best character in the game because of one guy is such a fucking joke.

>P-people don't actually care about winning, that's why Hbox is the only top Puff!

Some people might believe this.

I didn’t say it was bad, just a reason why some people find it to be so fascinating.

>According to witnesses, Debiedma began to tear the crab apart and consume it completely raw, starting at the head.

Attached: 1537173896181.png (278x338, 203K)

There’s no good puffs to practice against

>lower tier characters
Retard confirmed


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