Will we ever geta game like this ever again?

Will we ever geta game like this ever again?
I'm still mad at how hard the devs fucked it

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>2011 was 18 years ago

yeah like 3 tribes clones came out after and all flopped


Yeah, here you go, br-

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And just imagine - even that PoS you love is a disappointingly neutered version of Tribes.

Tribes Ascend before the fuckening is objectively the best game in the series.

lolno not with those hitscan weapons and non-existent competitive scene, it's the third best of four games not including starsiege

Never played a single Tribes game here, which is the best one?


Go full boomer my friend and download Tribes 1. They are old and slow by now.

Why not Tribes 2?


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I have no clue.

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>competitive scene

to be fair i think that's more than tribes 1 and 2 have on a weekday

I just want to play Ascend, not T1/2 full of veterans who are going to one shot me across to map.

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t. someone who obviously never played the originals. Obviously.

Never again

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2 was the shit. It was so good that after Sierra tanked, the community revived the game with Sierra's blessing made new servers and distributed the game for free. Probably dead now though.

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Blood Eagles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>actual shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sandrakers

>reddit was so buttmad about getting destroyed they literally cheated in the next event we tried to get together, and we haven't bothered since given we know they'll cheat again and theres too many reddit niggers here now

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Chasing was unviable in this game, and the whole generator mechanic was shit

Don't mind me. Just dumping what memes I collected from those days.

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Sometimes I wonder how a TF2 or Quake match against Reddit would go

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but the game is dead because tribesniggers don't play games

Can you atleast play against bots in 2?

No, it's because midair sucks asshole

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I've played it a year or so ago. Google Tribes Next, maybe it still has servers. There was also crazy server with shit tons of added weapons like nukes and more nukes.
Still better than Midair BTW.
Also, Vengeance has singleplayer campaign and there's revival project Tribes ReVengeance, people play it sometimes, there is a Discord server.

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at no point was this close to being true

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vengeance has busted netcode, it's not playable and is by far the worst thing to happen to the franchise, worse than hi-rez