Haven't played a single entry since 2

Haven't played a single entry since 2.

Can someone give me a ranking?

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1. Black Flag
2. Origins
3. II

Ignore the rest.

Black Flag is okay if you like piratey stuff
Rogue is okay if you have a boner for betrayal and dumb characters
Unity is good, great setting, customization, parkour and assasssinations
Syndicate is decent but a step back from Unity in some aspects
Origins is a Witcher 3 clone but in Egypt, whether that's good or bad is up to you

You're just going to get personal opinions ITT but:
Black Flag > Syndicate > Rogue > Brotherhood > II > III > I > Unity > Origins > Odyssey > Revelations > Liberation

>not the worst
Kill yourself.

>origins above 2

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I'm enjoying odyssey got it on sale on some key site a while ago I really enjoyed black flag though years ago

I really enjoyed Syndicate. What's your issue with it?

Exquisite taste my friend.

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I like Odyssey.
I like being a half naked, wild looking girl just going on an endless, non-sensical rampage across the world.

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Interesting, that's also how I would describe Odyssey. They threw out all pretense of trying to be historically authentic, and just made a fantasy game instead. Doesn't help that the game is super fucking grindy.

1. Black Flag
2. Rogue

(Odyssey is alright but it's not entirely out yet.)

That's why NG+ is so much more fun, there's no grind involved, no need to level up, you can play however you want.

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How's the optimization? Can I get 60FPS at 1080P on a 970 with i54690K?

No idea.
I get 30-40 FPS on a i3 6100 and GTX 960.
You can try pirating it, see how it runs.
AC Unity is free on uplay, you can try that one too, since it's more resource intensive than Odyssey.
If Unity runs fine, then so will Odyssey, and Origins too.

DESU they're all worth playing if you enjoy the setting. There's always nice backdrops for the mediocre gameplay.

However a few still stand out as better. Black Flag goes all in on the pirate gameplay. It's fun to sail around, get in battles, steal cargo, and so on. Edward Kenway also has a brilliant character arc.

Unity is probably the most "assassin" one, the stealth is really played up and your main focus is killing targets. Parkour is also good in this one. Story is bad though.

Origins is the best one for exploring, the open world is geniunely breathtaking and its hard to fathom how detailed and intricate it all is. Bayek also has a great voice actor and great character qualities despite a meh story.

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my man I can barely slog through this shit the first time around. The story is all over the place, Kassandra is bland and boring, and it's such a fucking grind. I'm basically in it for the sight seeing. I will not want to play it again.

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1. Brotherhood
2. Unity
3. Black Flag

Power gap

4. Origins
5. Syndicate

Power gap

6. Literal shit
7. The rest

>Edward Kenway also has a brilliant character arc.


Origins / Black Flag / Odyssey
Ezio games / Unity

My personal taste anyway. Syndicate was great. People hate it so much and I really don't understand other than it probably has to do with the fact that I never play the games at launch. I liked the protags, the music was like perfect Zimmeresque Downey Jr. Sherlock style - very atmospheric, and the time period and setting where perfect. And it being the most modern setting in the series just flies in the face of those devs claiming the more modern settings are less interesting.

Brotherhood is better in every way

He does, at first he's just a prick out for nobody but himself. He just wants to be rich and famous (like any good pirate) and keeps that mindset up the whole game. Then of course he burns all his bridges and it takes everyone around him either leaving or dying to make him finally realizes it's too late to fix it, he fucked up, so he does what he can to salvage himself. Even his wife who he set out on this path for died while he was off fucking around, and that's why it comes full circle at the end with him meeting his daughter.

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It's a pirate's life for me, mate

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Brotherhood>Black Flag>2>Revelations>Unity>rest
Don't @ me

1, 2, pirates, the rest are shit