Why haven't you played Guitar Hero recently Yea Forums?

Why haven't you played Guitar Hero recently Yea Forums?

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cause I play real guitar in a real band

Not as good as playing in one on a screen.

and I fight actual wars and shoot actual guns

Been playing DJ Max. A real rythme game.

Never played the Rock Band/Guitar Hero that came out this gen, are they worth picking up for cheap?
The Rock Band my family had last gen was on Wii so we didn't buy any DLC

I have eczema outbreaks on my fingers that have been healing up since the previous december. I have like 6 guitars underneath my bed.

Because Guitar Hero is a shit rhythm game. I rather spend my time playing IIDX or DJMax

>playing instruments
>plays in a band
Why don't you just kill urself fucking boomer

I fucking wish I could. I miss playing it but all of my instruments don't work and for some reason buying a used one is stupid expensive for what it is.

Clone Hero is based

>Go on Amazon to check prices of RB4/GHL
>They are expensive as shit
I honestly thought they sold decently enough that there was tons of cheap instruments

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From what I heard from a friend, the expanded setlist on Guitar Hero Live rotated through songs and you couldn't play them when they weren't on the concurrent rotation. So that probably was a crappy idea.

Rock Band 4 bombed and killed MadCatz and wasn't even launched with all the modes available until patched in.


Reminder Warriors of Rock was the best one.

I still hate the new ones. RB2 is the best of RB's and GH1 has the best setlist but the worst play ability

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They still make those?

I got burnt out playing GH1 and 2 a few years ago. They're pretty god tier, but the formula does get stale.

Also Rock Band 4's setlist was trash from what I recall during pre-release advertisement.

It was.

Because Gitadora is where it's at and it's a much better game

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Does Beat Saber count? Been grinding for 2 months and can now play everything on expert+, except those autistic 300apm 200cc songs that requires more trial and error than actually playing the song.

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Because I moved onto real rhythm games
GH/RB is fun for what it is but the lack of accuracy scoring makes it really just not a rhythm game

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>I have eczema outbreaks on my fingers that have been healing up since the previous december.
Caused by real guitar or by other factors? A lot of people are allergic to nickel in strings and never get over it, the solution is to wear gloves, try coated strings (which work for a while) or avoid strings that have your allergen in 'em at all.

>The Protomen
>Judas Priest
the setlist was pretty good honestly. The only problem was the size of the setlist, should of been bigger.

That's fucking insane

What's your opinion on the track for Devourer of Gods?

My crt died and the lag on the hd set is too much. Should probably set aside a weekend to fix it, but its been tough to find time with the kids.

I started playing real guitar and now find the controller insufferable.

This kid is a prodigy.

how do you even practice for that parts he has to use both hands? I can only imagine you did have to pause a video at that timestamp and try to figure out at what position you would have to put your hands on


oh wow youre so special


>tfw I can't find used plastic guitars to buy on my 3rd world shithole

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I somehow lost the wireless dongle thing that you plug into your console to play Guitar Hero Live with, which I bought on clearance last year.
Honestly not that bad of a game, I liked the change in the buttons. The coin system was retarded, and just watching the music videos was lame, but it wasn't all in all bad.

DJ Hero was the best peripheral rhythm game. You know I'm right.

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God I wish there was a IIDX cab anywhere near me

Because I prefer Rock Band but I don't actually own either. I used to always play those at my sister's house back in the day.

This, DJ Hero didn't deserve to go down with Guitar Hero.

With only 5 notes, there really isn't much your muscle memory can't learn

Kids great! The song is a fucking abomination of guitar hero syndrome where you just add notes everywhere where they aren't. Also pretty sure it's using the forgiving sloppy system of guitar hero 2 to cut you some slack on the fast parts

it seems like you pulled a lot of strings

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I play a real guitar, but not in a band or anything.
>tfw you'll forever be a casual room player
>no one will ever hear you play

Is your band called bundle of sticks cause you're all faggots? haha

what the fuck

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What caused guitar hero to die out?

an image you can hear

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>>tfw you'll forever be a casual room player
>>no one will ever hear you play

I was like that untill i just met a guy one day who instantly drafted me into his band after hearing me play. Band's dead now but you should try playing with a bro now and then

I have no bros.

why did my parents ever buy me this shit. it costs as much as a real guitar. boomers are so fucking stupid

Controller was shoddily made and broke,, as such I don't trust used and like hell am I dropping 100 dollars for a new plastic guitar controller.
I really would like to play again, though.

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knights of cydonia is actually harder than TTFaF

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All my guitar controllers are broken and they cost too much on eBay

I hate you, you fucking spic

GH live is already dead so 90% of songs aren't playable

Because it's normalfag casual shit

Oversaturation of the market combined with a disdain for peripheral gaming overtime, along with the newer games just having shittier tracks in general.

Muse is also trash, so nobody fucking cares

Cause Rock Band 2 is leagues better

is guitar hero arcade as bad as I hear?

I have. Still play rock band on the weekly and keep up with the new DLC.
It's mostly white noise but sometimes they release good shit like last week where it was La Bamba and 500 Miles.

too lazy to get batteries for the wireless guitar

Zero profit

Not really, no. TTFAF has much more variety in patterns than knights. The only part of knights I mess up on is ironically when it slows down towards the end.

gay faggot detected

TTFAF actually requires skill to play, Knights is just a product of jerking off your whole life.

TTFatF is Dragonforce's only good song. Every single other track they have sounds like the same song but it doesn't work as well. The band is like a bot that takes various elements of power metal and puts them in a random order for every song and it only got a good one once, although that one success is still a guilty pleasure of mine.

Muse has had 2-3 decently catchy songs but nothing amazing. That's still more decent songs than Dragonforce.

Imagine if this guy spent the same amount of time getting this good at something actually productive instead of a useless distraction

Each GH game was worse than the last after 3, especially when it came to song selection. My theory is that the selection got worse because as the games sold less they couldn't license the pricier stuff and also wanted more to sell as dlc.

because my Xplorer is doing random inputs constantly and I gotta figure out how to fix it

>Also pretty sure it's using the forgiving sloppy system of guitar hero 2 to cut you some slack on the fast parts
Clone hero is built off the GH3 engine, which has some of the most forgiving hit windows. GH2 on the other hand actually has the smallest hit windows in the series.

here's a decent explanation and comparison of them youtu.be/XYdZ9VE7ook?t=41

t. pleb that didn't actually listen to the soundtracks
5 has the most patrician setlist in the series and WoR has a fantastic selection of metal along with serviceable picks everywhere else.

Not to mention World Tour had an even bigger budget than fuckin 3. That game had MJ, the Eagles, Bob Seger, Mars Volta, Jimi Hendrix and Steely Dan among many others.

cause its a shit tier rhythm game and the hit window is so large its a fucking joke. you dont even have a penalty for hitting too early or late, it just counts the same as if you hit it perfectly

Best guitar hero: metallica edition
Fight me

I imagine that all the licensing for it was an absolute nightmare that cost a shit ton of money


Warriors of Rock was cool since it had Dethklok

What guitar should I get for Clone Hero? Haven't touched GH since 3 and I don't have my old guitars anymore

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>Origin of Symmetry

Stop being a faggot. It's embarrasing.

Setlist wise, it's 5
Gameplay wise and SOUL wise, it's 2

Best Rock Band is without a doubt 2 btw

youtu.be/DCkueDzKkoQ How'd you react when you saw this pop up?

I’ll bet you any money you suck shit and your band is generic as fuck

So did 2 and that was back when Metalocalypse was brand new


My nigga

Because I'm alone and Rockband 3 is where these kinds of games peaked.



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>local 2nd and Charles has tons of loose GH instruments.
>guy tells me they have a big box of loose dongles in the back that can't be sold because they apparently just don't want to match them up.

Fucking angry.

Bitch, I play every instrument in my band and I still don't go more than a few weeks without putting on Rock Band 2.

all it was missing was a mode with two turntables to please the uber autists

rock band 4 is goat only if you have all the previous set lists ported into it, and if you play the drums. i missed out on rock band 3's export period and i'm still mad. there is luckily a ton of decent store DLC.

you can also use your drums as sort of an improvised controller for project diva arcade, i guess.

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i'd call it bs due to the song being impossible to fc on NTSC versions of the game, which was what i had at the time

What a cute kittie!

>play guitar for over a 4 years thanks to rocksmith 2014
>know tons of songs by heart
>friend plays bass
>we cant find a drummer
it hurts lads

>says the faggot nigger who likes a band that puts out wonders like madness

Literally me, why are drummers so hard to come by?

Because Witcher 3 and Fire Pro Wrestling have taken over my life.

doesn't rock band 1 have the tightest timing windows. AFAIK, green grass and high tides has never been FC'd in the original RB1.

it also had Trogdor

might be tied with gh2

Because I play real guitar instead.

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Literally nothing you said here is true
You have 0 idea what you're talking about holy shit

>He thinks this bait will work on Yea Forums

Is this game okay on ds, guys? I wanna buy the grip for my ds. I remember wanting it pretty bad.

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Because we’re already playing in 6 bands trying to keep you string players in line

unless this is a typo, you can still export rb3. I missed rb1+rb2 which sucks, but I got rb3 imported luckily.

does clone hero have drum/keyboard support or do i have to use phase shift

I play clone hero and stepmania everyday

okay this is pathetic to read, fucking jealous seething retards

Dunno where to get a good guitar.

That reminds me of a buddy who used to screech about Guitar Hero like it was the most pathetic thing in the world when it's really just a fun little game. It was actually when GH released that he eventually quit video games entirely since he decided that all of them were a waste of time rather than a leisure activity akin to TV or something.

I played bass for a while, but I ultimately switched to the piano/keyboard because I can't manipulate the strings on a guitar that quickly, be it a real one or a plastic toy. I'm trying to figure out how to hook up my keyboard to my computer to work as input for FFXIV's bard class, but I think I need one specifically made for it to work. Figured I'd play shit at the Aetherlyte plaza for shits and giggles.

I used to play iidx every day but guitar hero is just so much more fun
It also doesn't help that the bemani community is full of furries and trannies

>when he just rams the buttons without failing

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Is it me or is every single board filled with them? You can't say ANYTHING and these fags are gonna seethe.

>Clone Hero
I just got it but it randomly skips :(
Works with my rb4 guitar.

insecure retards who think they're perfect so they have to flame everyone

Guitar Hero plays much better on m+kb than the stupid gimmick controller

Any 360 guitar or a Wii guitar with the adapter from raphnet

Just play StepMania at that point

>user took the time to develop a real skill and uses it to interact with people and express himself creatively
>lurkers here shit on him for it
god I fucking hate this place

It's because every fucking thread there's some snarky ass who comes in and goes
>You could have spent all that time learning a REAL instrument
as if the amount of effort needed to learn an actual guitar is at all comparable to having a controller with 5 buttons on it.

So do I. You're still a faggot. Guitar Hero skill requires a different skill and isn't the same at all.

new game was fucking shit

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I intended to but then played Rocksmith instead. It can be just as fun.

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Because my guitar broke and its impossible to find a good one these days without paying a retarded amount

is rocksmith any good?
I have a guitar and I'm still learning
also I acquired bad habits in the left hand and now I have to start over

I love rocksmith. It's no magic bullet though. You still need to put the work in. It just takes most of the arduous/irritating parts of practising out

>you can still export rb3
literally HOW? my export code won't redeem, it's the wrong length. harmonix support has big bold FAQ documents saying "no you can't fuck off" i've even called EA support and they couldn't give me an export key. there's nothing on the PSN store to do it either.

>I play a real guitar therefore i cant play an arcade game

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any ibanez over $200 are decent guitars
it is comparable
it's not snarky at all to tell anons that they can enrich their lives by developing a real skill by learning an actual musical instrument
I'm not trying to be an asshole but I am a music teacher irl

playing a real guitar is way more enjoyable than playing an arcade guitar game


Are you retarded enough to not be able to do both?

Ibanez makes guitar hero controllers?

are you too retarded to understand I didn't say you can't do both?
I was talking about what is more enjoyable
fucking braindead retard how do you manage to breathe

Hey music man
Whenever I practice guitar, I play a portion of a song until I get bored with it, then I give up. You got any advice on how to find the spark of joy?

>are you too retarded to understand I didn't say you can't do both?
>Being retarded enough thats not what the post you replied to was implying to begin with
kill yourself nigger

I've had the urge recently, but don't have the equipment and I remember the pc versions being ass to run.

>it is comparable
It is not. It's like saying instead of playing ace combat, you could have joined the Air Force to learn how to fly a real fighter jet. RIP the user who grew up on the AC games and enlisted, just to learn that the Chair Force is a meme rooted in reality and that drones are the future now.
It takes a completely different attitude, mentality, skill, and time commitment to learn how to play an actual guitar rather than playing guitar hero.
I will admit that user up there wasn't being an ass, but so many people play the holier than thou card on this. I don't want to play a real guitar and slave away in a practice room, I have my horn for that, guitar hero is just something for fun.

did you have a stroke while writing lmao
it was never implied you can't do both
kill yourself stupid faggot and don't reply because I'm not going to bother with you

I actually imported RB4 to Japan.
I played it once.

alright my nigga
Depends on how often you are practicing, I recommend practicing something for only 15-30 minutes every day. This helps a lot with burning out.
The other problem might be the songs you are working are too difficult for your skill level right now. So try practicing something easier or working on scale patterns. I always recommend learning the blues because harmonically the chord progressions are very simple; as well as, the lead lines are derived from either the six note minor blues scale/major blues scale or the pentatonic scale, all of which are very easy to learn and practice.
hope this helps

yeah but can you 100% psycho billy freakout chump

Hey music man, do you know what's wrong with my guitar?
The intonation is great open and at 12, but it's sharp from 13 up. It sounds like shit! I haven't bothered to check between 1 and 11, but I think it's okay.

Rock music isn't popular anymore.


There is no code for RB3, you just have to play it on your account and it should let you buy the export in RB4.

I would say it's not comparable not because of the time or skill investment, but because GH/RB is ultimately to be a fun distraction or leisure activity, while an actual hobby or skill like an instrument is something beyond that. It's like people who play EVE could probably go and crunch numbers and efficiency algorithms all day and get something accomplished in reality, but no one outside of myself finds that entertaining.

Games as a practiced skill are popular compared to their real counterparts because the skill ceiling is so low in most games that one can still participate at any skill level and they can be quickly picked up and put down by any neophyte. Most hobbies don't have that luxury, and furthermore can be difficult climbs for the solo practitioner who's just beginning their journey.

honestly any works fine
personally i use the old classic white gibson from gh2

>i don't play fighting games because i do martial arts in real life
>i don't play sports games because i play football in real life
>i don't play fps because i shoot people in real life

based, my favorites next to santanas

well I agree to disagree with you
while I don't necessarily think a video game should directly inspire you to actively particapate in the real life equivalent of it. I do however feel that a good game should inspire the player to have more of an expanded interesting in it's subject matter.

it has

>thinking I would give up my wizardly powers by wasting my seed in the belly of a whore
is it all strings?
if it's all strings your neck may be bowing a bit in which case you're going to have to have a professional repair it, shouldn't cost more than $50 bucks
if it's just one string you probably need to just screw the saddle back away the fretboard

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de-tune the string before you start messing with the saddle otherwise all that tension will snap the string

>you're going to have to have a professional repair it
He shouldn't pay someone just to turn a screw in the headstock.

Have sex.

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it's not like user could easily over screw it himself and cause the wood in the neck to chip and crack and permanently fuck it to the point he either has to buy a completely new neck or buy a completely new guitar
10 years later still bitter about this

Well shit, I didn't think action would affect my intonation. It's one of those shitty bridges that're completely fixed. I fucked around raising and lowering it.

Yeah fuck it I'll just buy a different guitar.

It's an Epiphone SG Junior. Bought it from a friend in highschool for $50. I'll throw it away for all I care.

well not necessarily
your pick ups do effect intonation as well
you can try lowering those too

>your pick ups do effect intonation as well
Bullshit. What?? How?

they are magnets user
strings are made out of metal

This wasn't the best GH at all but it's such an ingenious little device that worked pretty well once you got the hang of it. Songlist for the first one was pretty solid too.

Hey rockman
This is a based post

you could also try using heavier gauge strings
since they inherently have higher tension they may work out better for you
and it's only a $5 investment

No bro's to play with anymore.

Oh, that makes sense.

Haven't experimented with string gauges yet. Eventually I'll try them.

Because I've been playing Rock Band 3 instead. Customs are fun.

I never played with the guitar controller

hand cramps and carpal tunnel: the game

you're right... I need to play again

Does your real band sound exactly like the fully mixed studio master tapes of Welcome to the Jungle?

Didn't think so, bud.

I preordered the first one on DS back in the day.
It was fun for literally a weekend. 3 days max. Once you cleared every song on expert, you realize the game is piss easy with only 4 buttons. If the game allowed you to hack in custom songs I can see it being worth it to bring on like a roadtrip if you really love Guitar Hero, but once you five starred the whole setlist its pointless