Why is Yea Forums so butthurt about Mortal Kombat 11?

Why is Yea Forums so butthurt about Mortal Kombat 11?
I thought you guys liked offensive games.

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Other urls found in this thread:


we like good offensive games
this is the shittiest port they've ever done which is impressive
also all the micro transactions

most of the pol vs sjw shit are shills trying to generate hype on Yea Forums

there are people retarded enough to buy the game and all its dlc because it makes right wingers mad

>there is not such thing as bad publicity

Mortal Kombat has never been good. The gameplay is slow and clunky and all around just sucks, the only reason why it caught on was because of the over the top violence. Nowadays that means nothing and people only latch onto the series because of nostalgic connection or they're edgy since the game holds no substance.

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Not offensive enough

Look around at all the threads, plenty of people seem quite offended for one reason or another.

Sorry i don't play games made by wussy devs who love censorship


>offensive games
MK11 is tryharding it though. It feels like a parody of itself at this point.

Were offended it’s a bad game.

>most of the pol vs sjw shit are shills trying to generate hype on Yea Forums
Yeah it's almost like both sides play video games, you fucking retarded faggot.

the only thing offensive about this game is the shit odor it gives off. There is literally 0 elements to MK 11 that justify spending money on it

SJWs don't play video games, they just complain about them

It made fun of Trump and had a nigger so Yea Forums has to spaz out

I've seen several posts and at least one thread crying about the game being too violent.

Because the devs are hypocritical sellouts pandering to sjw instead of their fan base

>I thought you guys liked offensive games.
they removed things and changed designs to avoid being offensive though

If you think this game is offensive you are a delicate little flower.

I've been shitposting about this game for 12 hours and haven't seen 1. Only comparison that's been made is that ripping out organs = good sexism boobies = bad

If it's not offensive (to fascists) then why is Yea Forums crying about it so much?


just waiting for injustice 3

The game's storymode is legit a rom com family drama you gay boy


this person is literally talking about games in general and used MK as an example you retarded dick sucking faggot

>uses game as an example of video games being to violent
>this isn't complaining about game being too violent

you failed jeremy

so like dmc 5

>i heard people hate this game because its too violent
>post an example of some fag who thinks "all" games are too violent

Way to go nigger

4pbp. Liking MK is a pleb filter. Only normalfag cultural leaches pretend to like it because of its previous cultural impact. See Zelda.

they really dicked with the identity of the series with this installment

on one hand they're adding these ever gorier over the top finishing moves

but on the other hand, let's cover all the women up so we don't risk offending the wahman, let's be respectful, let's tone it down, let's completely forget what game we're making here

Didnt that OK gesture, changed into a middle finger gesture because NRS fell for a /pol/ meme?

in dmc 5 how much time passes in the story mode before people start literally crying. In Mk 11 it's the first 15 minutes

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That faggot isn't me. I'm Jeremy.

But he doesn't think "all" games are too violent. He literally specifies MK11 as being too much, and even said he enjoyed previous games. There's countless posts in that thread too agreeing with him about the game.

yeah and they aren't the only ones

if this game was true to itself, this should have been the game trying to push the boundaries with next gen boob/butt physics

it's for other games to be respectful and serious


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Didn't they remove that?

This is based though

>Is anyone else starting to feel that the violence in video games is extremely offputting?

He mentions ALL games in the subject and just highlights the most recent game utilizing that element, You are objectively a terminal retard

>NRS wanted to push agendas
>Jax is the only black guy in the game
>Give him a totally out of nowhere/character ending were he goes back in time to stop slavery

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Nah you can disagree with me but that doesn't mean I'll change my opinion and do what you want

>Jax is the only black guy in the game
Forget Geras

So what about this
>you wouldnt fight for a life naked so we wont make revealing costumes
Why this only apply to a women?

>recent games is ALL games
>implying his offense at other recent violent games invalidates his offense at MK11
>ignoring the posts in that thread that mention MK11 specifically
It's okay to be wrong retard

that's the intention. Big difference between women and wahman.

are you retarded or something

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>OP proves Yea Forumss point by posting something that was removed from the game for being to problematic


Fuck off shill

>Jax is the only black guy in the game

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Should have giving him an ending were he moves to Earthrealm and becomes the leader of the Black Panthers

you need to be older than 18 to post on this website, user.

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Why is that you can't criticize games or the companies that make them on here anymore? Same thing on Yea Forums with criticizing Marvel movies.

and noob saibot

Isnt that what you're doing shill?

What is? Tattoos? Shades? The name "Johnny"?

>say "ive seen multiple posts of people not buying MK 11 because its too violent
>posts a poster complaining about all current games being violent

It's okay to act like a woman when youre pumping yourself full of hormones gay boy

like i said, intentional

hasnt every mortal kombat in the past 10 years been absolute dogcrap?
anyway the paid shills hyped Yea Forums up as usual and then we get this, completely unexpected, disappointment of a game.
watch them lower the grindyness a little bit and people arguing its fixed or 'better'

dont bother replying to me, I already left I dont care about this game

>game offends the sensibilities of delicate 'men' on Yea Forums
I'm into it.

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My biggest complaint about those criticisms about SJWs and women fully dressed up is that they never bring up the fact that men are hyper-ly sexualized. It would be a legitimate complaint if they all mentioned how men are extremely sexualized, while the fucking MK devs had this agenda about how unrealistic it would be if women were not completely dressed up in a fighting game.

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You're not getting it, are you

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What the fuck are you talking about? What's stopping you? The majority opinion here is that this shitty game is shit and the faggot developers are faggots.

what do you buy in the game if i may ask

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this but unironically

it's literally costumes.

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I hate Klassic Johnny's outfit. It's like they tried to make him "wow so nineties" when in the original game he was never that.
I don't know anything about the game anyway.

Ok, why can't you criticize things without being called a Nazi, incel, virgin, etc.?

you may'n't, faggot.

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yues i am also mad about the jax arcade ending

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The men aren't sexualized. It's a power fantasy.

They removed the "ball stare" in the webm because lefty loonies think the "ok" hand sign is an alt right symbol

>The white race is superior

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The problem with that is what the fuck does slavery have to do with Mortal Kombat?

In a world were there are multiple Realms that constantly interact with each other. Magic powers are pretty common, and there are savage spiky monsters. I don't think the evils of the white man would be that big of a concern

yeah they went a bit overboard. just had to give him high tops and rad macho man randy savage shades

>it's literally costumes
this guy

no tell me what do you buy

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You're fucking retarded if you think it's power fantasy and not extreme sexualization.
Stop making up excuses for something that's pretty awful when you try to defend about women being hyper sexualizated.


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The circle game isn't offensive

Literally everyone on this website who posts those in response to anything are baiting and you're an actual retard for thinking they're serious and biting directly into their bait.

>implying natives and blacks could ever get their shit together without british intervention.

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>the "ok" hand sign is an alt right symbol
It is tyvm

woopsies poopsies i made an oopsies

yeah its fucking retarded. women love lookin at muscle bound meh and same as women like playing attractive characters.

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Oh, I'm the retard. Not the people whose lives are so fucking pathetic that they crave (You)s on an anonymous imageboard.

Jesus Christ, nu/v/ is insecure.

Can we actually talk important stuff, like wtf was up with that canon ending?

tits or not, who the fuck plays mortal kombat anyway

is your franken vagina bleeding you disgusting tranny?
it's garbage with MTs and shoehorned left wing political talking points. In other words, literally everything wrong with modern gaming. Not even worth pirating.

Women ARE gonna fap to the MK male designs and probably do fanart too.

but what do WE men have? NOTHING!

this is the hypocrisy, they are doing this censorship so 'people focus on the game and not fap', and yeah, it is a noble goal, but when you are giving another group a way to fap instead of their original loyal fanbase, that is completely wrong.

Ok lefty loonie

>You're fucking retarded if you think it's power fantasy and not extreme sexualization.
Yeah man, MK is known for its gay and female fans especially

no they are mad about a fucking arcade ending

>Jax stops slavery
>Suddenly the future is Wakanda with advanced tech and everyone wearing African robes

Can't make this shit up

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you got a few working for them now user

>"The men aren't sexualized. It's a power fantasy."
>"The men aren't sexualized. It's a power fantasy."
>"The men aren't sexualized. It's a power fantasy."
>"The men aren't sexualized. It's a power fantasy."

I literally know girls who were going to see Aquaman because of the Abs and openly stated as such, stop repeating this NPC bullshit meme about it being a male fantasy to see ripped men.

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Putting it on a bit thick there

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its cool the women will get the attention by making a slutty version of the characters anyway to cosplay. even if its just a bikini with a mask.

>it's garbage with MTs
like i asked another retard here what do you buy in the game

fuck the politics but there's a deep fightan game here so I'm cucked into staying.

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Yes user
So stop being retarded and rise above those pathetic (you) whoring faggots.

MK had stupid endings before, its clear the people complaining about JAx's ending are actual Racists.

the problem is the obvious censorship. its not fair for women to just being the only ones to fap.

You're seriously fascinating. Have you played, at least, MK Trilogy? You probably didn't. The entire game is entirely based on unrealistic tropes, such as, skimpy clothes while fighting, over-the-top gore, etc.
MK11 clashes against that reality of the game, and pushes an agenda for women to be dressed up while men have tits out, and are completely sexualized to shit. I mean, Shao Kahn has a fucking armor crotch and nothing else. And all of this is during that 'We think skimpy women in a fighting game is unrealistic.'
Fuck off.

not to mention the women are still wearing high heels. its hypocritical of them to want "realism" and still have them fight in heels

So is that gesture gone or not?

I posted an entire 500+ post thread full of crying about it you disingenuous nigger. Literally scroll down

Sorry it hurt your feelings.

jade and others have there asscheaks out and cleavage how is that censorship

I'm not anger. I find it hilarious that Jax's priority was dealing with the white devil instead of the other realms full of violent monsters looking to slaughter all of EarthRealm

Was Jax always woke? Was Shao Khan always based and redpilled?

dilate, faggot
stop talking like a teenage girl. it's everything that is on the krypt. Funny how a 60 dollar game with a $40 dlc pass still has the nerve to charge you for shit that 15 years ago you could unlock through cheat codes.

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>deep fightan game
good fucking joke m8 i love my dial-a-combos and broken fucking hitboxes
cant wait until the game dies until injustice 3 is announced like the past 5 NRS releases

You're seriously fascinating. Have you read, at least, my post? You probably didn't. Your entire reply is entirely based on unrealistic strawmen, such as, all this bullshit I never said anything about, etc.
Your post clashes against that reality of the argument, and pushes an agenda for incels to have something to cry about.
Fuck off.

why did he punch me? :(

So? Kano's motivation is to make a big buck in the same context.

Has never been a problem before.

>Laugh at something
>"sry about ur hurt feefees"

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you have already heard the interviews and their contradictions.

they could AT LEAST add the sexy costumes easily as secret unlockables, but NOPE! its wrong to give bikinis.

What about that is offensive? Back when I was in school like 15 years ago all that did was get you punched on the shoulder.

MK was always campy as hell though.

Gay/10 - grind walls - Battle pass -MXT - Pre-order bonus Shao khan. Is like they look at BFV and think to themselves - Hmmm , i can do worse then that.

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because making the ok hand is a right-wing supremacist symbol of hatred and it offends me along with breasts and wh*te men

Fucking retard. I'm able to come to my conclusion because I'm older than 18. Stop pretending to like games.

ok now tell me what you buy or are you retards making shit up again

Kano is a scumbag criminal.

Jax has never once in the history of MK brought up the plight of the black man.

and look at this retard

I fixed Sheeva

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He is a black man.

>Jax has never once in the history of MK brought up the plight of the black man.
But it was based and redpilled when Johnny Cage took up the plight of the white race.

Can't you fucking read? Does the estrogen make you blind or terminally retarded? Take everything that was unlockable in MKX and 9, now make it 100 times harder to unlock it unless you pay for it like some mobile game.

My problem with Sheeva and their race in MK11 is they looked so tiny.

They should have been towering over the humans. They just looked like 4 armed humans in 11

>be fan of jax entire life
>wtf why did jax go from being a cigar smoking badass his entire arc to now recently, a depressed beta bitch family drama actor in a comic book movie who suddenly is savior of racism?


Literally, have no stakes riding on this Mortal Kuckbat 11. The female and fag devs that remove cheesecake but keeps the buff cake can go fuck themselves.

Hope this game bombs hard.

Johnny Cage is a serious joke character. He can do anything.

Sheeva didn't even have a face of a shokan, they literally just a black human mans face and put a few horns on it


I too loved when Johnny curb stomped a nigger

>i can come to garbage conclusions so i am older than 18

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Mk11 has slipped in a ton of microtransactions and grinding to encourage people to buy them but /vpol/ is so fucking mad that black people exist that they're screaming over it while we get fucked

You dumb faggots are the worst. Corporations can rile you people up so easily and you will always take the bait

someone is watching the aris stream

ok now tell me what do you but in the game

In this game New Johnny Cage lectures Old Johnny Cage about how being funny and cool is bad and how being super serious is good for about 20 minutes

I'll complain about the violence in MK11 because it has gotten nonsensically over the top. They have made Fatalities into bread and butter attacks. Fighters suffer catastrophic injuries throughout matches and keep on fighting without missing a beat.

you're supposed to enjoy the sequence. adhdlgbtqnb+ generation I swear to fuck

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>Mk11 has slipped in a ton of microtransactions
what do you buy in the game you retards keep saying this

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speak fucking English properly you fat pile of shit

dang stoners you know its true though

NRS games

For once the alt right dislikes something that actually sucks, even though its still for the stupidest reasons

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He didn't bring up SC6 supers which is wack cause its the same problem

ok tell me what do you buy in the game


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if not worse. the sleep calibur 6 is real

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oh ok you are retarded then. Just watch literally any video and dilate you dumb, dumb faggot tranny.

>those fucking subtitles

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>Mortal Kombat has never been good. The gameplay is slow and clunky and all around just sucks, the only reason why it caught on was because of the over the top violence. Nowadays that means nothing and people only latch onto the series because of nostalgic connection or they're edgy since the game holds no substance.

It also had amazing sprite work and cool backgrounds. It had good graphics back in the day but now it's just average.

What do you lads think of Jax not wanting Jacqui and Takeda to be together?

Time Krystals. Getting titles and outfits and shit take forever and are extremely difficult. The game tries to frustrate you into giving them money for shit that is already in the game. It's the worst.


yeah but nobody plays that

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blacks can't be racis user

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Out of all the people posting here, what percentage actually touch fighting games, never mind NRS games?
Why would you touch a NRS game? Why would you do that? To yourself?

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"My daughter better not bring that dirty fucking Ninja into this house of I swear to fucking God"

Jesus Jax settle down

still not telling me what you buy in the game

Reddit is mad about the grindiness of unlocking cosmetics, so Yea Forums is mad about the grindiness of unlocking cosmetics.

Bullshit. They are definitely sexualized, you can create a character that is manly and appeals to guys without him being shirtless. Pic related is covered in cloth yet still gives off manly power for example.

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>Time Krystals
ok thats it ?

I'd play Mortal Kombat if it didn't have a fucking block button
>but injustice
IP is trash, capeshit is awful

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Aris is about to flush it already lmao. Talk about ebil nazis, you blind fucks.


I miss the comfy MK threads. Now its another series ruined by "muh politics"

It's designed so you either spend 15 hours trying to unlock an outfit or intro or whatever or you spend irl money to get that content. It's fucked.

>Kill off good Scorpion
>Instantly replace him with Classic Scorpion

They did it just because they hated his new design didn't they?

what's your basis for this? mortal kombat has always lagged behind its contemporaries in terms of presentation.

are you retarded?

What utter garbage taste

>Circle game emote removed because MUH NAZI SYMBOL
>Jax turned into a WE WUZ
>Shao Khan makes a Trump reference that will age like milk
>Women have plastic faces and man jaws
>NR employees are faggots with rainbow hair and painted nails
>Everyone's shitting on it for being a garbage game loaded with microtransactions
If you mean "Mortal Kombat is offensively bad as a game"

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how is mediocre game politics?

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They're well aware of this. It's just that men don't care, so there's no money in pushing the "sexualizing men is bad too" cause. They're inadvertently demonstrating that men are more mentally secure/the insecurity is total bullshit, but everyone riding that SJW clickbait rage train doesn't think enough to make that connection.

NRS should have known better given their history but it just shows no series is safe.

And none of what he posted was wrong.

>same images every thread
The sad thing is at least as a shill you had a reason for this, but the game is out now meaning you can't be a shill. You're worse. You're doing it for free.

Then NRS shouldnt have put dumb shit in the game.

you didn't tell me anything retard

Yup we're gonna have to wait a few weeks for retards to go to other AAA drama. Probably after sales figures come out since there seem to be retards who think they killed it.

>mortal kombat has always lagged behind its contemporaries in terms of presentation.

Not really. Mortal Kombat just had a different look because of their more life-like sprites derived from digitized, green screen photography. The characters looked great and quite different from the cartoony, hand drawn ones in other games.

This is the same feeling I had when mass effect 3 came out

I feel utterly betrayed and kicked around

yes im mad about the jax ending too

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Imagine sucking this much corporate dick. They don't give a fuck about you.

I play the same old fightan games I play since I don't have that much time to dedicate to multiple fighting games, i'd rather try & be good at like, 2 at most.
I was dragged into playing MK9 a while back and all I remember is that it felt slow & painfully unsatisfying: It's as if NRS thinks all the gore makes up for the abysmal sound & visual design to convey any kind of rightful meat to your move.

They do pay him though

I'm pissed off about the microtransactions.
The armor looks cool but most of it is locked behind a loot box system.


Because MK is a pretty fun series. 9 was great, X was decent and this looks better than X.

And in said new game, oldcage was mourning for her dead wife, while youngcage was doing inappropiate flirting with the younger timeshocked version of said dead wife, in the middle of a temporal clusterfuck war.

Oldcage had all the right to call youngcage off for that, and certainly that is not a reason to complain.


>I'm pissed off about the microtransactions.
The armor looks cool but most of it is locked behind a loot box system.
Allow me to translate from incelese:

yes the jax ending will tank the game

Aren't the microtransactions really limited? And isn't the loot-box progression not able to be paid through?

No the bad press, failure to monetize on Youtube, and refunds will do that.

>gameplay looks better
>animations look better, more impactful
>don't care about dykes since I don't play them anyway
>but NRS just had to add that fucking WE WUZ shit

I'm conflicted.

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>force a massive piece of stone through someone's torso and head
>they're still standing and can actually take the same thing happening again and still be fine
uhhh I know it's mortal kombat and meant to be stupid af but isn't this stuff meant to be the fatalities
it's like if mileena was still in, did that eating fatality and they just reassembled back to their pre-eaten shape and kept fighting

Should I get this or the newest Blazblue?

The facial animation for the cutscenes are so fucking ugly. How did they make it so bad?

>but NRS just had to add that fucking WE WUZ shit
its a non canon arcade ending just dont do it

Explain to me why you are actually upset.

Everyone in the game is undead.

I unironically like Shao Kahn even more now that they made him Outworld Trump

you cheeky little cunt

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Everything you get is random drops from the lootbox system and you need to GRIND to get anything decent. Everything from fatalities, brutalities, moves, costumes, art, soundtracks and random gear is randomized.
It really wants you to spend that money. EA would blush at this shit.

you sound like me. I like the game because the gameplay is solid. Plus you can eviscerate the diversity picks.

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>Yea Forums liking a $60 game with loot boxes and denuvo
It's strange that there so many people defending it.. its almost like every thread is made by a shill.

i don't normally like Offensively bad games

X-Rays were a fucking stupid decision of them turning the series from "violent fighting with fatal finishing moves" to "constant gore porn: the video game"

>EA would blush at this shit
look its bad but nbot that bad and thay already said that are changing things

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Only if it's dabbing on the libs and not me

Because it's the lowest level of basic bitch retard pandering and I don't want to support it financially.


After people complained hard. They don't want another Battlefront 2 crisis.

>EA would blush at this shit.
except they wouldn't because they were selling actual gameplay changes. (you are on the left of pic related)

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They did a lot of stupid shit. The characters and power levels make no sense in MK story modes.
>old scorpion dying and young scorpion giving up so easily and doing new scorpions final wishes after 1 fight
>Raiden freaking out on the young scorpion and liu then going all "i-i dont know what came over me!"
>Old Kano being able to feel just little fucking punches done on young kano
>Jax being swayed into being evil so fucking ridiculously easy, wtf were they thinking
>"the sea of blood is bottomless, you'll drown forever!" Then why the hell are there anchors on the ship
>Kano has a knife to Johnny's stomach but he just let's Sonya pull out her gun, aim, and shoot his younger self
>Cetrion and Kronika being all powerful 1 second then getting bitchslapped by cassie or needing a ridiculously convoluted scheme to do literally anything
>Jade and Kotal fighting over the dumbest reason and getting them both captured
>Baraka and shokans being easily persuaded into betraying Shao
>none if the events of the two timelines colliding altering the older characters in any way outside of their younger versions dying

The one with the middle finger makes more sense.
its alot edgier than a random ok sign as well.

Doesn't that seem really pathetic to you that you're so assblasted about this? How did you feel about Nightwolf doing the same thing?

>It's strange that there so many people defending it.. its almost like every thread is made by a shill.

For real, people act like the sjw bullshit is the worst part of the game. Even if this pos had sexy females it would still be trash nrs fighters suck.

Ok so are you contesting the fact that you can't pay your way through the grind? I keep seeing conflicting statements about it.

>Changing shit after getting caught redhanded
>look guys they are still on our side
You're pathetic

they got tekken 7

>doesn't know what the OK symbol means

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The difference is most people agree with me. Most people would like to punch you.

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>The one with the middle finger makes more sense.
Imagine living a life this sheltered.

this shit is nothing like Battlefront 2

so given how we now have fatal blows that aren't actually fatal, will MK12 have the following scene
>Scorpion throws his hook, lands directly in Sub-Zero's head
>wrenches Sub-Zero's head right off his body, bits of spine shards go flying everywhere, as does blood
>Scorpion rips Sub-Zero's torn-off head in half, gouging out the still-moving eyes for good measure
>gigantic streams of blood spurting out of Sub Zero's headless body
>Sub-Zero takes 5% of his health in damage and continues fighting as though nothing happened

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The scene where Kabal flew off in the not-Pelican and Sektor blew up made no fucking sense. They had everyone at gunpoint and they just peaced out, like what the fuck

I also hated the jade/kotal shit, especially kotal jobbing like a bitch AGAIN

you sound like a fucking retard

No it doesn't, it's the circle game. You look at the circle and Johnny punches you.

So what is so bad about this game anyway? Shit doesn't look any worse than any of the previous games, if anything it looks better.

You sound pretty assblasted to me. Why shouldn't I hesitate to give money to people who shove shit I don't want in my game?

It's a video game deal with it incel

Yeah it's almost like both sides should fuck off to their respective containment shitholes
nudge nudge wink wink faggot

how's that fetal alcohol syndrome treating ya little buddy?

Attached: index (4).jpg (260x194, 15K)

why you such and emtionaly lame and projecting gaylord my man?

>bad press
The game is getting pretty good reviews with just a caveat about the grind, and for every article about the grind there's another one about Boon saying they're fixing it. The only bad press I'm seeing is about how fucking retarded you insecure white bois are.

You aren't helping your dumb cause by raging about this shit.

>game devs go out of there way to be political
>most people don't like this

Attached: 1502236915131.gif (300x403, 1.88M)

delete this user holy fuck

Attached: 1508480761852.jpg (640x360, 97K)

Then why cant you point out anything wrong with my post :)

Nine of the covers in that book make me feel powerful, but beating the shit out of people with liu kang does, somehow.
I don't understand why, but i think its about how the muscular dude is represented.

wahman detected

Attached: 1539763754122.jpg (259x194, 5K)

They tryna take my tiddy games so i wanna take their violence gam

>/pol/cuck playing the victim
you misunderstand retard I'm telling both sides to fuck off that includes your retarded ass but obviously that hint went over you head dipshit


I'm boiling a little over gacha shit because every game going forward is going to have it. The jax ending was lol as shit and probably the highlight for me.

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You should care about white genocide. It affects you too, basedboy cuck

> we

Impliying Yea Forums Incels butthurt on /v are the only people on this board and that there taste are law.

Fuck you bitch kek

BTW, shitting on port when the PC version is even not out... nobody care about the Switch, what you except? Is a fucking Nvidia Shield boosted with a old Tegra, deal with it.

t. seething Discord tranny

> even the stoner hates it
its over dudes

>i just want to be alone
No you don't, you're posting on here crying for attention.

That's what you idiots gets for popularising it as a white supremacist symbol. If it didn't happen to be in the news right now they would've kept it.

>The game is getting pretty good reviews
All lower than Injustice 2
>with just a caveat about the grind
An incredible issue that for example has seen the rating on Steam plummet because of it
>The only bad press I'm seeing is about how fucking retarded you insecure white bois are.
I didn't realize NRS hired racists

I love it so far, doing the Sonya mission on PS4, and i noticed my move was bugged out. Im doing another mission with her and my energy rings move and triangle move works now. In the previous mission I did the move and the animation played out but nothing happened for either move.

Attached: 2421324555434.jpg (2520x1391, 146K)

It effects everyone. It's a war being waged by the international corporate elite against all folk culture

>repeating mainstream sjw talking points, catering to any far-left looney ideal from the slightest pressure, and parroting cringey bullshit pushed by the likes of Disney and netfilx
ya, imma pass on this one dog.

>muh white genocide
You're not even white you larping faggot

what's the point of a god damn containment board if r/the_donald just fucking leaks into other boards and shits them up

So you don't give a shit if the mob is wrong?

MKX ruined VRAM in some graphics cards, is it that bad this time?

Same boat. I just want games to be games. Feel bad to support this

no one cares lol

ohhhh it's about trump of course it is. You need to calm down.

no one cares that no one cares.
The game is really fun so far, money well spent.

But your shitty devs invited us here! We are Netherrealm's guests!

If you are unironically a fascist (yes you are LITERALLY a fascist) just get the fuck off Yea Forums.

Attached: good night anime right.jpg (960x960, 133K)

> rating on Steam
Like I said, that's doing more harm than good. Review bombing is already taboo and when so many of them for MK11 mention SJWs, that will be painted as the main cause of it all.
>I didn't realize NRS hired racists
I'm just telling you what the journos are saying. Which is that the game is good and that angry incels are pissed about 5 minutes of optional, non-canon custcene. This outrage is making the offended look worse than the offender.

Trumptards are the biggest snowflakes on earth.

Go back to


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Kano looks like a Calvin Klein model.

You should be less vulgar, this is a Christian imageboard.

It was always this. who fucking had a seizure seeing this and demanded it be changed

MK11 is not offensive though. Thats the problem it tries to be politically correct. Tons of games are violent these days and MK was never really a good fighting game. The only thing going for MK was its style and cheesecake. Take away the style and cheesecake and you have a below average game. User reviews are just reflecting the ture reality of Mortal Kombat. It was never good to begin with,

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>Review bombing is already taboo and when so many of them for MK11 mention SJWs, that will be painted as the main cause of it all
So why would a corporation not do this?

>literally crying
wew, snowflake

Which nine?

>there taste are law

Just stop. You're clearly a fucking retard. The game is woke garbage. Betas like you may like propaganda and microtransactions, but most sane people don't.

It's a canary, it's useful now. Banning the symbol makes it easy to tell who is politically motivated these days.

i don't think anyone is complaining about or saying slavery wasn't bad. i think people are laughing and pointing out how fucking hamfisted the writing is and makes it look like blatant virtue signalling that is kind of out of character given the fucking universe it's set in not really there to focus on that kind of thing

I want to suck those nipples


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>It's a canary
All the canaries died in 2014, now we're just riding out the storm.

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What's your point m8? Yes I agree SJW journos and WB are all retarded jews. That doesn't make the bad press any less pointed towards the people calling them out rather than the game's issues.

It's not a containment board faggot. We're welcome here, deal with it. This behavior is why you have no meaningful friendship in your life.

Because it draws out the /pol/tards?

looking different does not mean it automatically looks good. character designs were hamstrung because of digitization, animation was hamstrung because of digitization, keyframes were hamstrung because of digitization, and stages looked cheap because of digitization. there is almost no redeeminy qualities in the visuals of the first few MK games.

>durrr trumptards biggest snowflakes on earth

Meanwhile leftists endlessly dox and harass ppl that arent far leftist scum, all day, every day.

You dont live in reality, and the world would be better without retards like you in it. Kys faggot.

My point is these complaints will never go away because of the power they grant corporation

They will never go away.

You should be more mad about the always online and microtransactions. It's the same shit from Shadow of War but worse.

Don't be so angry, snowflake. Being professionally offended is kinda faggy.

>And in said new game, oldcage was mourning for her dead wife, while youngcage was doing inappropiate flirting with the younger timeshocked version of said dead wife, in the middle of a temporal clusterfuck war.


Kill yourself immediately homo

Oh no, the hubris

>male power fantasy

That is something i would like to honestly discuss.
Like what is a sexualized male character and how much it overlaps with the male power fantasy, or reversely how much the women's fantasies of being desired overlap with sexualization of women.

The handsome, muscular dude is present in both the sexualization and the power fantasy, but it feels like there is the line between one and another, and its pretty hard do point out exactly where it starts to please more to women and to men.

lmfao another /pol/ thread

>SJWs are just elaborate trolls
Somebody should tell them before 2020

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>Shea, a six-term legislator and military veteran, came to international attention in 2018 after a document he authored surfaced laying out a “biblical basis for war”, which appeared to be a plan for an apocalyptic battle with people who practiced “same sex marriage” and “abortion”, and instructed: “If they do not yield, kill all males.”

>Meanwhile leftists endlessly dox and harass ppl that arent far leftist scum, all day, every day.
Right, which reality would this be you're living in?

>mortal kombat is a serious game about serious politics like getting intouch with your feelings anddiversity solving evul

Sock a glock fagggot

Oh no, we do. But only when it offends others.

i think i just hate mortal kombat because the fucking fatalities are pissing me off. i just want to get into the next game not fight some faggot wasting my time

heh feet

Stop losing.

>jade gets made and Kotal for being mean to Tarkatans that are literally living inside of a human genocide camp... after devising a plan to sneak in to disrupt Shao Khan
>purposefully get yourself caught
>sell out Kotal Khan

I seriously think this game had a team of different writers for each 1/3 of this game, it is so fucking convoluted and makes no sense


I don't care about cosmetic microtransactions. Always online isn't a dealbreaker for me.

>>Kano has a knife to Johnny's stomach but he just let's Sonya pull out her gun, aim, and shoot his younger self

In this sequence alone Sonya Blade beats up Kabal, Johnny Cage (who was injured), and then TWO KANOS at once within 5 minutes

>Kotal gets crippled and relinquishes control of Outworld
Unironically would have preferred him dying.

i agree with this

if you hate people always bringing up identity politics, you should hate /pol/ as well


Equating people who want better immigration control with Spencer the crypto sjw is a gross generalization.

I bet this joke offends you faggot.

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what was the fucking point of even creating a character like Kotal as a boss in the first place? He literally gets his monkey ass whipped by EVERYONE in the story with ease.

based lucas has spoken the truth once again

Pretty much this. Also, I thought the new character designs look better and less like hookers. It's not like anyone plays MK for the tits anyways.

Old Yea Forums:
>The difference between us and the SJWs is that we think it's fucking retarded to get emotional about the race of a video game character
New Yea Forums:
>The difference between us and the SJWs is that they get emotional about the wrong race


The gameplay is more dumbed down than ever, even for MK standards.
Unlocking brutalities and cosmetics is at an absurdly slow speed.
You can only do "arcade" and storymode offline.
Common time outs and crashes

It's a complete fucking mess.

You should be angry at the fact at the fact that right wingers don't make games. Or you could be angry at capitalism since dressing up the women more like ninjas is meant to appease a broader market.

And no I don't mean women, I mean people that don't play games based on tits but on how cool the characters look.

That circle shit made me chuckle. made me think "hey this new MK at least seems to have a good sense of humor, maybe it won't be that bad after all." Took about 2 days for them to change it.

>Equating people who want better immigration control with Spencer the crypto sjw is a gross generalization.
Who gives a fuck, you're all shit

Patched: youtu.be/1r5CbdQBFGA

It's okay to equate anyone who isn't a fascist to Stalin (a fascist) tough.

Old Yea Forums:
>I just want good games for good prices that distract me from whatever else I got going on in my life

New Yea Forums transsexuals
>OH WHO CARES, get over the fact that you're favorite character through a few series has been written into be a cock sucking gay man who dates a multicultural gender neutral women, fuck offf /pol/ incel

I really liked the story mode interactions between past and future Johnny.

Cassie should have been more of a bimbo, though.

The Democratic Party. /pol/ lead a bunch of pranks during the 2016 election to see how many common, harmless things they could convince the Democratic party, as well as anyone leaning politically left, is secretly racist. Well it was a huge success. At the time the fact that these people fell for it was fucking hilarious. The SPLC gave a detailed report about how deeply seated racist it is, using pictures provided to them by /pol/. The Anti Defamation League dedicated a lot of resources to it. But now that it's still called that and you have shit like Blizzard banning it because they're convinced it's racist, it's just annoying.

>before: Cage is a cheeky cunt that plays the circle game
>after: Cage is a jackass who hates people and is fine with punching the fuck out of anyone for no reason

You are a tremendous faggot and probably enjoy comic book movies and Netflix gay shit. lastgen Johnny letting nugen Johnny lecture him like a child because "MUH MK 1 IS A FAMILY ROM COM DRAMA" was fucking weak


Last week the plans were set for pol to pull the same thing with the rainbow flag

Yeah ok but the circle game isn’t even the ok sign

Cause no one gives the ok upside down.

>EA would blush at this shit

Attached: Yuka once happy now disgusted.jpg (396x1346, 161K)

>acts super racist
>pretends to be retarded
>gets angry when people say stop being racist and retarded

t. Discord tranny

You want fascism? This is how you get fascism.

I see no contradiction, fucking /pol/cel, your attempts at turning the tables are always such stretches, just play the fucking game lmao

>offensive games
>dev make non-offensive game now
well, i guess thats just a retard move from dev and it shows

Attached: Forced laugh.gif (500x340, 980K)


Attached: discord tranny.png (589x939, 923K)

Cage is supposed to be the stereotypical American douche.

I thought there was an odd amount if shirtless men in MK this time around.

>put something bad that shouldn't be in game at all
>b-but we w-will fix it, guys! dont worry
every time

Attached: WOW.gif (245x150, 892K)

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>gets tricked by a prank because you are naive
>Turns out what you are totally scared and upset about was a figment of imagination
>double down on being a retard because your favorite subreddit told you to

You didn't "convince people it was secretly racist," you made it racist. Everyone saw you do it. You're not a fucking 4d chess mastermind. You're a stupid kid who thought he could get away with saying "fluck you" to the teacher's face because it's technically not a swear. You don't even understand yourself how you fucking did it because you don't get context.


wow it was reallllly easy to bring out your tranny rage lmao

Maybe inferior races should stop bitching. If they weren't inferior they would be in control right now.,

No one was tricked.
If thousands and thousands of you post the same thing day in and day out every moment of the day for years on end, dont be surprised when people get fed up with that thing.

I don't think people who are this mad will ever get close to doing a single thing.

>he conflates leftoid subhumans with authority figures
holy cannoli imagine being this mentally cucked

>i dont want black people to succeed in fiction
Imagine thinking a game looks good but you wont play it cause it has black people in it
also imagine thinking MK has good gameplay

>set out to do something
>accomplish it
>you guys didn’t accomplish it

It doesn't matter to them, it's the same difference. Anyone who grew up going to public schools in the early 90's/late 80's knows what the circle game is. Unfortunately political parties pander to the more extremist elements of their parties because they make the most noise. You think moderates, left leaning conservatives, and liberal republicans give a shit about the circle game or the Alt-Right boogeyman? No, they really don't, they're level headed and don't react purely based on their emotions. Unfortunately the social media savvy snowflakes and trumptards give a shit about these little things and push our politicians into these zero sum games where the only winning move is to agree with the screeching retards.

who are you quoting?

>get angry because you accomplished it
fucking retards

you are genuienly upset that straight normal people do not want to date mentally ill transsexuals, are are very upset because transsexuals will never be looked at as the actual gender they are imitating

>hey guys what if we convince retards the okay sign is racist

>oh wait the source for this being a secret nazi salute is Yea Forums?

You retards should just dedicate your dumb fucking brains to serve as electricity to save the world from global warming, i could actually probably convince you to willingly accept that fate


No him, but Goblin King certainly makes me feel powerful.
Nice cloak and sword, though the sword does look a bit unwieldy.

I'm a male, snowflake.

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Nah they were tricked, and because they were tricked some e-celeb alt righters picked it up unironically, and therefore their delusion became real.

I don't disagree with them changing the cage hand into a middle finger + circle, Yea Forums has no power compared to resetera so companies need to protect themselves from twitter campaigns from there.

>I didn't say it to the teacher I said it to my friend, this is unfaaiiiiirrrr

You set out to accomplish something else using different methods, fucked it up, and called it a victory.

I think the most annoying thing about you alt-right scum is your obstinate denial of reality for the pure sake of it.

>jax goes from being a funny badass cigar smoking mother fucker to a pussy ass wakanda "not waitin for folk to get woke"

Youre like those faggy white liberals who tell black people to "act more black" but arent racist somehow

>i dont want black people to succeed in fiction
Imagine interpreting what I said as this and expecting to be taken seriously.

I think you are not understanding what’s happening here. Independent parties (normalfags) are upset to see you ban something for really stupid reasons, /pol/ is happy because they goy exactly what they wanted, and you are upset because you will have to run damage control for the rest of your life

Ugly women in 50 layers of clothing is pretty gay

Maybe you should you go walk around Harlem with a sign saying "fuck niggers" and when you get fucking shanked you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you totally pranked them because you're not even racist lmao

Why are the fatal blows in black and white? Was this game censored? I remember them being in color in the trailers

>No one was tricked

*that dates women with a penis

the alt-right doesn't exist, your fighting a bottomless war. People who cry like you motivate people like me to invent something new for you to cry at some more. Grow up, the world is indifferent, not gay and faggy like netflix and reddit

Im not upset, Im playing MK, while you are the ones upset that MK11 exists and Blizzard banned your maymay

>and because they were tricked some e-celeb alt righters picked it up unironically
Actually this part just happened right away and then people just noticed that and only THEN did you people go "lol tricked"

>the okay sign is literally like saying fuck niggers

hahahahahahahahha whats up r/chaponigger

>If thousands and thousands of you post the same thing day in and day out
you mean post the trick over and over again until you fall for it?

I like how the other user put it, saying fluck isnt tricking anybody. But if you keep saying it, someones gonna ban you from saying fluck even though it means nothing. No one was tricked.

This is the "Alt-Right"

Attached: 155981829361.jpg (1800x1800, 1.65M)

just remember those suicide rates tranney scum

Attached: 1545294461853.gif (480x270, 2.56M)

>leftists still contributing to /pol/ propaganda

When you fuck up, you aren't supposed to draw attention to it. EVERY single time you go on these long tirades about how you weren't actually tricked, you are only adding fuel to the fire

>the alt-right doesn't exist
It does, and you're it. You fucking psychopath. Go shoot up a mosque or something, but make sure to do it ironically, just to make me cry, that way you'll have plausible deniability.

Made snot come our of my nose in public. Fuck.

Mortal kombat 3 was arguably the best cabinet release of all time. When that shit came out in arcade it was absolutely amazing

And here we see the suicidal, self-defeating nature of the left. What has this cretin done here but create another enemy for himself?

You are the absolute best propaganda for /pol/

>Set house on fire
>"Hey your house is on fire, lol j/k it's a prank"
>"What the fuck, my house is actually on fire"
>"lol gotcha"

I don't make friends with fluoridated faggots who would get genuinely upset at the circle game/ok sign. Nigger.

you have a pretty low-down and racist concept of black people if you automatically assume they will just murder anyone that says something offensive.
kill yourself bigot.

Attached: Just.png (650x480, 245K)

How am I both a racist mastermind but also just a stupid kid? Look it's not my fault you fall for this shit, especially since I didn't partake in any of it. I just can appreciate a good prank when I see one. Even if I lament what it has become.

I mean, how can you not look shit at the Starbucks pranks and laugh? Once anons found out Starbucks will bend over backwards to not appear racist, a black user printed out fake coupons (that Starbucks stated they will honor) complete with custom bar codes that made the register read NIGGER when scanned. That shit is hilarious.

lol dumb fuck you should have known there are people who light shit on fire you wouldn't go near a nig would yoU?

You will not silence the truth no matter how often you deny it.

What the fuck are you talking about. All you do is spread /pol/ propaganda

Yeah, sure, when you do shoot up that mosque, make sure to quote me in your manifesto. After all, I made you do it. Fucking hell, I didn't even bring my politics into it, I just think you're a spiteful retard. Would you have been any less of a spiteful retard if I hadn't pointed that out?

Muslim Kombat sucks dick. It's gratifying how quickly fags flip flopped.
>n-no it's not woke why do you hate offensive games!!
Enjoy your microtransactions and bad humor

>roster only has 25 characters
>of those 25 there are 15 characters from the older games.

I have only seen some videos on the game today but I knew even before it came out that it was going to be bad. Is it really as bad as I thought it was going to be?

For anyone who has played it, do the established characters have their established move sets and fatalities?

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>No one was tricked
Yeah, ok

On the contrary, I support any comrade who will curbstomp a Nazi

What are they tricked about? A mass shooter using the sign kind of implies something. She wasnt tricked.

Getting real worn out huh champ

suck my cock, faggot

>How am I both a racist mastermind but also just a stupid kid?
You're explicitly just a stupid kid, retard.

>the sign
The OK sign isnt the punch game you braindead moron

Im not 6 year old kid who plays the punch game. The mass shooter in the very first photo is not playing the punch game.

One ending, not even on the main story, like, c'mon man, you act like is the whole point fo the game.

>It does, and you're it. You fucking psychopath.

Attached: 2017 in a wrap.jpg (582x569, 178K)

>Based Shao Kahn saying based Orange Man classic slogan
>Based Jax puting all niggers in África as It should bd
>Its a bad thing
Kek the Dumb shit is the brinde and the lack of female sexy bodies

It is an observable fact that the ok hand sign is used by white supremacists to signal white supremacy no matter how much you insist it's "just a joke brah". It doesn't matter that it started as a joke. And it also doesn't mean any instance of it is automatically racist. You people seriously just don't get context, do you?

based and breadpilled

>It does

Attached: 1530328846064.png (900x360, 106K)

>he is not playing the punch game
Upside OK isnt a sign that means anything, it's the punch game

I really dont know if you are alt right tards are pretending to be retarded or not.

>And it also doesn't mean any instance of it is automatically racist
So why did they remove it for Johnny? Is Johnny Cage a white nationalist?

You are the absolute best propaganda /pol/ has to offer

What kind of retarded-ass excuse for political analysis is this? "They have no banner, thus they cannot be attacked as a group"? You just labelled them far right/reactionary/fascist in the previous fucking line. You people are so obviously a group with all your shared memes and shared talking points and shared ideology it's not even subtle.

Because people like the ones ITT would spam it non stop ingame after beating black characters

How are you today? I'm only trying to advocate for what I think is best for our people and our way of life.

From Brownsville,TX to San Diego CA. The infrastructure for traffic, Power, Water, schools, healthcare, social services and the social safety net are being overwhelmed because 15 Million Illegals have a birthrate that created 45 million unplanned for citizens.

You wanted free college? Too bad, you want free health care... oh well, your future was used to subsidize a permanent underclass of exploitable people for the wealthy....

And you're a faggot for being so Naive.

You advocate for the spread of out of control third world birthrates, you want to bring human misery upon your fellow country men because you let emotionally unstable female teachers guilt trip you into a self loathing spiral.

Attached: 1551873767378.jpg (187x250, 4K)

>What are they tricked about
That the OK gesture is a symbol of white supremacy. It's not. Just like how ADL updated their website, it's simply meant to "trigger the libs" because of how overboard they went into hating Trump. At first it was just people mimicking Trump's hand gestures when he speaks since he made the OK signal a lot (even though it's most popular use was just to signify a "Ok" or "don't worry") and "the libs" would lose their shit. Then /pol/ decided to feed into that insecurity and hatred and convinced everyone it was secretly racist and it worked. Fast forward to today, and the people who became convinced of it being a symbol of hate now conflate it with the circle game.

Are there legit white supremacists and alt-righters who use it as a signal? Yeah. But a few dipshits appropriating it for their dumbass clubs doesn't change it's overall common meaning. Just like Hitler enjoying a glass of milk doesn't change that Milk is an apolitical drink with health benefits and not a symbol of white supremacy based on false science that black people are lactose intolerant.


You don't know much of anything because you are so stupid you think pretending that the upside OK means anything.

No one fucking gives an upside down OK

>So why did they remove it for Johnny?
Because you cretins spammed it until it became newsworthy and they decided to be tactful and avoid any unintentional associations.

>That the OK gesture is a symbol of white supremacy. It's not.
Literally, LITERALLY IN THE PICTURE HE LINKED is a white supremacist who murdered 50 people using the symbol.

>How are you today? I'm only trying to advocate for what I think is best for our people and our way of life.
I think it's best if you kys

>jax goes from being a funny badass cigar smoking mother fucker to a pussy ass wakanda "not waitin for folk to get woke"
How is fixing your own problems not badass?
How is fixing your own problems being pussy?
Oh my bad, I forgot that your actually point was that having a black character build there own success is
>basic bitch retard pandering

That point was actually god tier, sorry for not taking your retarded bullshit seriously enough for you

How is it tactful when they are only spreading /pol/ propaganda, like you're doing right now

>if i keep repeating it i'll trick him into thinking im retarded

>You're explicitly just a stupid kid, retard
Says the guy who fell for a dumb Yea Forums prank.

He's doing it to fuck with retards like you

go give a child hormone blockers and pat yourself on the back
>being an alcoholic wreck because your wife died and decide to turncoat on your friends


>I murdered 50 people as a prank

Bro, you think the upside down OK represents anything other than the punch game

You are the perfect /pol/ propaganda piece

>put index and thumb together
>curl the rest of your fingers together
>hold below waist
>voila, you have a fucking circle game that isn't a """"""""""""""""""""white supremacist""""""'""""" symbol
This is just pure retardation. Anyone defending this change is a legitimate retard.

>>roster only has 25 characters
>>of those 25 there are 15 characters from the older games.

>most of the DLC are guest characters

Attached: 1555187380804.jpg (250x225, 6K)

>you labeled them as three broad terms with very different ideas
Retard. Read the rest of the post. Grouping them as one causes infighting, while using a term like "alt-right" makes some of them adopt it since it wasn't as stigmatic as "fascist."

hol up why do all the shitposters bring up jax and his daughter and never that sand golem time nigga

he seems aight

>Ha ha we'll trigger the libs by "pretending" to be white nationalists
>Ha ha we'll trigger the libs by shooting Muslims
>Ha ha they are so triggered, they actually think we're serious!

There's a point where this excuse just doesn't fly any more and we've clearly passed it. You can say that a few dipshits appropriating it doesn't change its meaning but in the context of those dipshits doing that exact thing it obviously does and pretending otherwise is just wilful ignorance.

>Literally, LITERALLY IN THE PICTURE HE LINKED is a white supremacist who murdered 50 people using the symbol.

It's not even the same one. He did it upside down which is the punch game.

Literally LITERALLY that "white supremacist" wrote a manifesto citing that he was doing it to fuck with the media and was LITERALLY listening to initial D before the shooting


Attached: hey lois look im real.jpg (1750x2500, 317K)

Dude what are you doing posting on Yea Forums? Don't you know that A LITERAL RACIST and A LITERAL MURDERER has posted on Yea Forums before? That makes you a racist and murderer as well.

He actually murdered 50 people to further zionist agenda

Not a single argument besides an appeal to emotion.

Typical leftist, fluoridated, brainwashed, and lobotomized into advocating for the globalist shadow banking cartels.

Enjoy your 5G city fag.

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Did you even read his manifesto? He's trolling you and living rent free in your head

I bet the white supremacist also breathes oxygen. Clearly a far right gesture. I guess you should stop breathing.

What's funny is you keep using the chirstchurch strawman over and over because thats the only single shred of argument that you have, which gets disproved by his own manifesto

Obviously, you don't remember what MK3's release was actually like.
>Why can't I play as Scorpion or Raiden wtf?
>The new fatalities all suck, this is dumb
>It's fucking 1995, why is this game still 2D? Virtua Fighter 2 and Killer Instinct look loads better.
>Fuck the run button

It took you until MK11 to figure out the writing is hamfisted?

It's your dishonesty that gets me, really. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos. But you dipshits stand for nothing except "triggering the libs".

Was he gonna punch the judge or the cops, or everyone in the room?

You hate yourself user.


I agree with you. But NuJax is still shit and his ending is patronizing trash. It turns Jax into a sensitive little bitch.

>get a detailed breakdown of the history behind an event

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say what you want but when MK 3 ultimate came out I literally obsessed with that game until I could use noob saibot to beat everyone on hardest and longest tower without looking at the screen

>most of the DLC are guest characters

What a whacky world we live in *honk*.

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you cannot reason with an 18 year old pot head faggot who takes bong rips inbetween masturbating for the 20th time that day and complaining that someone said nigger on Yea Forums

they bring up the christchurch strawman because it's not even related, and they are trying to gaslight you into thinking it is.

Christchurch was the work of a zionist. It was professional.

>you labeled them as three broad terms with very different ideas
Right, because "far right" isn't an umbrella term that covers "reactionary" which in turn covers "fascist" (which in turn cover "Nazi").

>using a term like "alt-right" makes some of them adopt it since it wasn't as stigmatic as "fascist."
Yeah, incidentally that's also the reason the fascists literally fucking coined the term in the first place you ignorant git. It's only after "alt-right" become associated with running people over in cars that all you fuckers suddenly started repeating the mantra that the "alt-right" doesn't exist and is a liberal media invention.


>He shot 100 people as a prank bro! You fell for it!
At a certain point the distinction between irony and sincerity becomes irrelevant.

But one of you linked it. user linked it to prove it was a trick... Insane.

Ok cool, so why are you even replying then if you're going to ignore factual explanations backed up with links? Screaming at someone won't change their mind.

The prank is that he's a white nationalist, and you did fall for it

Clearly you are being deliberately disingenuous and are nothing but a mk11 shill

>Liu Kang returned good
>kept Erron Black
>killed off Kenshi

Attached: 018.jpg (720x696, 57K)

We keep pointing to it because it's not a strawman but a very relevant and recent example of how this shit is serious

Ahh, someone who remembers. People were pissed as fuck. Maskless Sub-Zero, Cyborgs, and on and on. People played MK, but it started to become a joke right when MKIII hit. And remained that way all the way up to MK9. Now it's a joke again.

You will never be smart enough to know what a fact is. Never in your entire life.

Attached: MK11 is not fun.png (1186x814, 306K)

>killed off Kenshi
wait, what? When?

Fascists don't identify as alt-right you fucking buffoon. Fascism isn't right or left wing, it's a third movement. Your ignorance just exposes your asspull revisionism. The pictured post is accurate.


>so why are you even replying then if you're going to ignore factual explanations backed up with links?
I know you can't possibly be referring to any post in this thread.

Imagine being this dishonest. Holy shit. Anyone can scroll up and see how the conversation developed.

The upside down ok has never meant anything other than t he punch game. You dont give an upside down ok while diving, you dont give the upside down ok after you fall and want to say you're OK, you dont give the upside down ok when youre italian and the pasta is magnifico

So he’s a republican?


Hehe arrow to the knee

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>I don't
So since you finally realized this point was completely fucking retarded and flat out incorrect, you've put yourself in a new dead end.

He is basically a treasure chest disguised as a dried out corpse in the krypt. The disrespect for a fan favourite is un-fucking-real.

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miss me with that woke shit

>Thinks punch game is far right.

Bitch, I'm acutely aware of the history behind this. I'm also far more aware of the social dynamics at work here. Listen. You wanted to pretend to be SJWs and convince people that an innocuous symbol was racist. That didn't work. Everyone saw right through you. They saw you plan it, even. It never caught on. THEN you started using it as a racist symbol. That means you RECONTEXTUALISED it. In its new context it acquired a new meaning. And people merely noticed you doing it. That is something entirely different than what you claim you did or what you think the reality is like. You can repeat "it's just a prank" until you're blue in the face but the demonstrable fact is it's gone beyond a prank and you are wilfully ignorant, either in denial or just trying to rile people up intentionally. Those are the facts.

Why are you ok with being exactly what /pol/ wants?

You need to get laid user.

Attached: eyes.jpg (480x279, 20K)

>It didn't work
>but it did
Nigga learn to shitpost better

Attached: pity.gif (480x238, 430K)

Don't enter conversations if you're not following them.
>Fascists don't identify as alt-right you fucking buffoon.
Of course, no one on the alt-right does. They all deny it even exists.
>Fascism isn't right or left wing, it's a third movement.
Fuck off, fascist cunt

I actually enjoyed the dumb story movie rather than the fucking game.


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>The prank is that he's a white nationalist
Good one!

>all the women are flat butterfaces with 10 layers of clothing

Imagine being a male feminist at this point, lol.

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Yeah, it is, you can blatantly support the interests of israel but as long as you use memes everyone ignores efficient, professional killings

Fucking bitch ass nigger at least read the rest of the fucking line I am still 100% correct about every single thing
Sure, let's just make up complete strawmen for people, that way you can claim to have pranked just about everyone you want

Ending was retarded tho. It was never detailed why she kept restarting things.

Attached: Hitler and Trump both drank water.jpg (845x681, 38K)

You're only desperately claiming that because you got caught.

>I don't

That means you support banning every single thing the shooter did, because you've admitted the punch game is not the ok sign and has no relation.

False equivalence. You /pol/ autists really don't understand context.


This entire conversation is happening because I am trying to prevent you from doing exactly what the people you hate want. I didn't do shit to you, or anyone other than this. I doubt /pol/ accounted for your lunacy though, what with telling people to shoot places up and all.

I wanna see young jax fuck his daughter

>You /pol/ autists really don't understand context.

Look who's talking, lol. You're clown world in action.

you retards literally think the ok sign is racist.
You belong in padded cells.

Okay, you have to be actively trying to have reading comprehension this bad and reasoning so illogical.

I want to fuck Jax’s young daughter

when the fuck did Yea Forums get full of anti-racist moralfags

oh noooooo they hate niggers!

who fucking cares

Remember: /pol/tards dont play videogames

>This entire conversation is happening because I am trying to prevent you from doing exactly what the people you hate want.
No, it's not, it's happening because I am dropping facts and you're a disingenuous wilfully ignorant shitposter trying to gaslight me.

It is. In CONTEXT. Whoa! Imagine that!

You people don't even understand what you actually accomplished or how.

Enslavement of blacks wouldn't be possible without raiding parties sacking other tribes and selling their conquests to the white man.
Many of these raiders were muslims and the vast majority were other blacks.

>never was too much into fighting games because i turn into a brainlet when it comes to it
>but have fond memories with MK playing with friends
so how high is the learning curve

The shilling is real

anyone can flash the ok sign its a regular part of life you literally think its coded language.
You are mentally insane.

If only i had a Carlos saved

You actually believe this.

>you people
why do you redditors hover our dicks all day
just kys famalam ok? good job +1 gold star 4 u

this site is dead its full of shills trying to force board culture to be like reddit

We accomplished making you retards fall for bait. The objective was to keep making more mundane and common things "racist" in order to make the authoritarian left/Jews look bad, and you fell for it.

>do input for string
>do it too fast so game doesn’t register all my inputs
>get hit by fatal blow
I’m going back to my dead as fuck guilty gear. It’s dead af but at least I know it functions properly

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take the tekkenpill

How often can I repeat the word "context" before you give in and look it up in a dictionary? I swear, a whole new world of nuance and understanding will open up to you.
You've done nothing to convince me otherwise.

No one is trying to stop you from saying nigger on Yea Forums. You can still say nigger just like we can call you racist snowflakes that throw tantrums over every game ever made now.

Did you try turning off release check?

>The objective was to keep making more mundane and common things "racist" in order to make the authoritarian left/Jews look bad
False, that's a complete retcon. The objective was to get innocent people falsely accused so they'd think the left was paranoid. No innocent people have been falsely accused and the left is perfectly capable of distinguishing between obvious dog whistles and innocuous ok signs.

I hate this. What kind of retard developer punishes you for pushing buttons too fast?

Blizzard Corporation isn't, lol. Pretty sure you accidentally redpilled a huge portion of the Overwatch base with that one.

Also I see Jews/catladies on Twitter freak out over anything remotely pro-white all the time. You have a coalition of literally mentally unstable people and various tribes that hate each-other. Their only common trait is being envious of white males.

your argument you lying spastic is its coded language context has nothing to do with it.
Any use of the ok sign is bad according to you.

This has to be bait. I can't believe I share a board with people like you.

You don't actually care about videogames. Give me one motive to not tell you to go back to /pol/.

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The reason why you feel the way you do is because you are used to further the goals of people you hate

You do not have to do this, you do not have to think everyone is some weird psychopath trying to "dogwhistle" or "gaslight". It's your choice though, live how you want.

No, you're just a retard with zero comprehension of any sort of language, whether coded or not.

i liked it when the mods actually banned you people.

>The reason why you feel the way you do is because you are used to further the goals of people you hate
No, the reason I feel the way I do is because smarmy weasels like yourself are lying to my face and thinking I won't notice.

no user you are the retard and a liar. Everyone can see that.
There are literally people lile you that go on radio and tv and say the ok sign is white supremacy now.
You are an insane stupid racist lying faggot and everyone hates you.

rent free

You don't seem like you're dropping facts. You just seem very upset and desperate, babes

project projection

Again, your choice to live like this.

>no user you are the retard and a liar. Everyone can see that.
user, for fuck's sake, I literally repeated the word context to you like five times, and you were like
>So you're saying it always means the same thing regardless of context???!?!?!?!

How fucking retarded can you even pretend to be, you dishonest little scumfuck?

That's literally abuser's logic. I am not to blame for your choice to be a lying piece of shit.

Hey remember when Ant Man used to post on /k/ with similar rhetoric? But instead of racists and murderers it was doctors and HK? Man those were good times