Mr. Boon, I don't feel so good

Mr. Boon, I don't feel so good.....

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Other urls found in this thread:

>let leftists make decisions on your popular series
>it collapses over night
every time

i need a quick rundown on what went wrong

is everyone mad because of the censoring?

Rightsoi is mad at Leftsoi because Boon gave Jax a woke ending.


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It's just fat nerds crying over the story mode being "liberal" in a fighting game. Pretty pathetic

SJW shit and F2P phone game tier microtransactions

End yourselves, most negative reviews aren't even complaining about political/sjw/censoring shit

Really? Because that's all I'm seeing on steam. How many pages do i have to go back to see an actual review that isn't politically motivated?

I don't understand the ''fans''. I thought they liked this 25 years old fighting game series for it's xtreme gorey violence, and not for how their pee pee got hard seeing ninja chicks showing some skin.


Why even try to convince people of this bullshit? One look at the reviews proved this otherwise. It’s mostly fucking butthurt incels like always

this is literal an angry incel downvote spam by the likes of Quarterpounder

OH NO NO NO, people still like tits in their vidya? What can we do, bros? I thought we reprogrammed them with all the onions?

You can go watch porn you fucking virgin

we're going to dismantle your precious clown industry little by little.

Aside from making Jade cover up and wear a hijab, the lootbox situation is atrocious.

isn't better to be covered than to dress like an literal do it. You guys wonder why western civilisation has turned so degenerate

Been playing the game and I like it. Why am I not angry like you guys? What did I miss?

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because you've had sex and can actually afford lootboxes, ignore these insufferable virgins.

I'm sorry that your violent fighting game isn't about fanservice anymore. Oh, well it never was, aniway.

>Yea Forums thinks MK will flop
As soon as my semester is over I'm grabbing a copy. Shame about no Mileena but unlike Yea Forums I like fighting games. Outside this microtransaction shit, the gameplay looks better than X.

You're a grown-up person. Enjoy the game and have a nice day, user.

>but unlike Yea Forums I like fighting games
Then why are you buying stiff Netherrealm shit?

Actual literal paid shills. A 5 second look at the reviews proves that the predatory monetization and shit performance comprise most if not all of the bad reviews.

I buy lots of fighting games, and I really enjoyed 9 and X. I'm not a pro by any means, but I played with friends and that's a blast. For competitive stuff I'm way more into GG and BB.

Every Netherrealm plays like shit but these negative reviews are likely just talking about how the girls aren't sexy enough as if MK9/MKX/either Injustice had particularly sexy women (I don't just mean showing skin, I mean actually hot). That or a non-canon ending where a man changes history to benefit him and his family.

It's a fucking shame that NRS is the only fighting game developer that gives a shit about single player content and competitive viability at the same time, even if their games aren't fun to play.

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fucking lmao, is there anything steambabies will not bitch and moan at

Full priced game with gacha-tier microtransactions and season passes

you can really see the shills before the games release, people sucked this games dick like it's the second coming of christ. but once it's out they vanish and we get stuck with a shitty product

I want /pol/ to die.

Shao Khan is based, who cares if he makes a Trump reference?

So this is the power of incels...

tiananmen square massacre of 1989

everyone is talking about this being a sjw wankfest, but the game is just a expensive phone game with the krypt bullshit

You need to kill off all the shills. Just kill them.

So if I go offline can I still use the stuff I unlocked?

I really, really hate incels. Anyone who's a virgin over the age of 18 should be forced to see a psychologist.

This, trannies and roasties need to be gassed.

Apparently it's Battlefront 2 on steroids

Nope. You need to be online to do literally anything.

thank god pc has hacks and mods, sucks for console where you can't do shit about it besides just not buying the game

At least the game is confirmed to be garbage as it was predicted. No amount of shilling was going to cover up this cancer.

But all of the gear doesnt affect the online play. Its just shitty lootboxes for cosmetics and single player stuff.

You still on that issue? That isn't the problem. Keep up. We already decided that issue was hyperbolic and fabricated months ago.

really bad story, disappointing roaster, phone game like unlock system aka extreme grind which to force you to buy boosters, feminist redesign of female character to no longer be sexy or show of skin while literally all the male character now run around half naked, "amazing" lines dialouge which features harry potter references and lines like Make Outworld great again

fuck off redd*t cuck

The SJW stuff either isn't in the game at all, or is easily ignored. The micro/boxes... jesus I thought we all knew to just ignore this shit.

Game is just another MK game. Like it or hate it for being MK.

Imagine paying a company to astroturf Yea Forums

Even worse, imagine doing it for free

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>jesus I thought we all knew to just ignore this shit.
Sorry, I'm not white enough to be a big enough cuck to accept shitty microtransactions in a $60 game.

Remember hyper universe? Nexon is sure as hell doesn't! They never fucking learn.

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The gameplay is really fun though.

I remember those retards fucked up and forgot to hide their usernames in the shill threads. Fuck those stupid trannies.

>It's not that bad guys, but I'm actually just a random person not invested in the argument
No one ever discusses things this way ever, you retarded fucks. Please print this post up and show it to your manager, tell him he is a feminine man whose wife would jump at the opportunity to pleasure anyone else.

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Confirmed for not owning a PC. It being on PC doesn't mean it's gonna magically get mods, especially with how WB is with pc ports.

>IGNORE everything and it's GOOD, the BRAND is important and DESERVE ALL SUPPORT
fuck off, literal fucking slave.

Called it. The controversy over the character design was going to be nothing compared to the port and monetization. Did people forget Shadow of War?

>Grind like a fucking MMO
>Random loot boxes
>Always online
It's like they wanted this game to fail

>that isn't politically motivated?
You would start by leaving the Mortal Kombat 11 game page, If politically motivated things bother you.

The funny part is the rest are pretty much like this.
Culture war fags and tiddynigs are seething lmao

I miss SFIV.

you see, they’ve built up a mindless defense force just to deflect

>no Ermac, Smoke, Rain, Reptile, or Chameleon

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Yeah straight out of EAs text book

Why would you lie?

>people ITT defending the game
Why? Why are there so many fuckers here that mindlessly defend these companies? The game is a fucking mess.

That's literally it.
Every single thread for a game that's on consoles has people defending it 100% for free.

Jesus Christ.
Pretty much all of this.

faggots here will tell you it's because netherrealm hurt everyone's feelings, but actually all the reviews are saying it's a bad port and the microtransactions are off the fucking rails in a full price game

Save up at least 40 shekels and they'll show up in the season 2 pass.

Notice how it's only Western AAA games? These are the same people criticizing Sekiro and saying the journalists who wanted an easy mode were right.

Defend your preorder more you faggot

>the extreme graphic violence is totally fine
>but the ending where a character goes back in time to prevent the slave trade is bad
you guys have become a parody of yourselves

Oh, that goes without saying.
Westernfag consoleniggers are literally a cancer on society.

God, i wish i get paid for shitposting in this shithole.

>these negative reviews are likely just talking about how the girls aren't sexy enough
i expected that but you'd be surprised, mostly talking about microtransactions and shitty port

game has denuvo you dumb fuck

I'm just going to wait till I can buy the Deluxe edition that comes with all the DLC characters.

Why didn’t he go back in time to stop Hitler?

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the last few NRS games have been free on PSN+ with in like a year of release so I'll just wait till its free.

No cute loli Jew is worth 60 million pounds of quality lampshades and soap.

why shouldnt he go back in time and stop slavery?

Like the top reviews on the first page you bloody asshat.

lol the absolute state of this reddit fag
you probably defended this game for MONTHS and look at you now

Was Maximillian Dood stream the game last night, even he was shitting on this games microtransactions. He outright called them bullshit.

>You bought product x, well done you're now a grown up
Literally marketing 101.

i had to scroll 3 pages before i started seeing ones that even mentioned "political correctness" as a side note.
i'm not sure how far you need to go to find full on incel shrieking

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Why didn't he go back in time and save Jesus?

was watching

Return from whence thou cam'st. r/gaming surely awaits thee.


Because then the Jews would have nothing to bitch about non stop forever.

GOOD! A keen eye was suspicious of NRS ever since MKX. That's when they went from "We're really just trying to make a good game" to "We're the biggest! Fuck the fans. We don't need your respect lol!" You would've never, ever caught 2011 NRS acting like that. Ever. They were just happy to be back. 16Bit wasn't on the team. Tyler fatass Landsdown wasn't on the team. Derek wasn't allowed to be speak in public. Now look at them. Greedy, arrogant motherfuckers, and the game deserves to flop.

None of the usual bitches have come out against it publically, either. Look at Maximilian. "It ruined my stream. I don't even wanna play it anymore!" on Twitch, but where's the YT video on it? NOWHERE. He's scared NRS will come after him. Same with Jim Sterling, who's always calling out EA. They are fags.

Paranoia is an effect of prolonged loneliness. Find someone to talk to IRL.

8.3? Shit I better get it.

Imagine thinking user scores from autists who haven't even played it matter

It's too bad it's gonna sell Millions Yea Forums.

How will Ed Boon ever recover from that?

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i think that if Jax wanted to end the Slave trade he should have ended the whole tribal warfare in africa that was the main cause of the transatlantic slavery and is still the main cause of a lot of problems in Africa until today. actually selling war prisoners as slaves was a common practice among africans especially by the kings of Dahomey, ironically i think that finishing the tribal conflicts in Africa would do more good than just ending the transatlantic slave trade.

Actually i think that the africans sold as slaves had a better future in America that the one the should have if they remained in Africa as war prisoners just to die from hunger or torture, in America at least they had a future and could have family and even after some years of work they could own their liberty.

There's so much wrong with this. Imagine watching twitch. Imagine caring about that dudes opinion. Imagine basing your opinion off of that. Imagine caring this much. I just bought the game because of this thread. Probably won't even play it. Seethe.

No they haven't.

What are you gonna do with all those copies?

After shit talking online for months, sometimes even years, they are emotionally invested in seeing Mortal Kombat win. That's why on testyourmight you see words like "depressing" "demoralized" and "disheartening" when talking about their feelings on the game. One faggot even said something like "this isn't the way I wanted this game to be received!" His entire enjoyment hinges on public opinion of the game.

NRS fanboys are up there with the worst of all time.

LMAO sucks for you then

On Yea Forums most of shitposting revolves about it. Irl tho is about microtransactions, boring roster and it feeling like Injustice 2

>make a controversy off incels screaming about tiddies
>use it as a smokescreen to release a predatory microtransaction system in a game that costs full price and then another 80% on top for season pass
>cant criticize it without being taken for an incel
they planned this, thanks as always capitalism

I don't give a fuck about you lol. I still care about the games beyond "fuck videogames! I got my quick fix!" like you. Greedy devs and publishers need to go. End of story.


Hey buddy I think you have the wrong tab open, this isn't ResetEra. It's generally agreed upon here that the devs being SJWs as well as Jews is the problem

NRS doesn't care about you either. Especially because I just bought you a ps4 switch and xbo copy, so your REEEEEEEEEing is worthless :) feelsgoodman

>Greedy devs and publishers need to go

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i got both injustice games and MXL for free so i dont know what you're talking about

The latest victim of Californian cucks being afraid of showing anything sexual because it's "sexist" combined with a million terrible attempts at woke references, including but not limited too Jax being rewritten to being obsessed with BLM and Kahn wanting to "Make Outworld Great Again". Normalfags are also shitting on the game too for being Battlefront II tiers of micro-transaction mobile grind garbage.

>that critic score
yet another prove how much gaming """journalists""" are a joke.
Also after today they will surely jump on "hate MK" bandwagon.
And Japanese government banned this game. Absolutely beautiful

Man this was really half assed. What happened to all the fire, the massive wall of text? Don't tell me we won already

>disliking microtransactions in 60$ game makes you a normalfag
kill yourself 360 in a mirror

we nothing you fucking redditor shit, speak for yourself and no one else, go kys

>people get mad at character redesigns
>turns out the gameplay and story is garbage and gets bad user score for it

who wants to bet that they'll blame gamers for this?
>"another good game boycotted by angry gaymers!"

Krypt happened. Microtransactions are a fucking nightmare in this game.

you made your bed, incel

>Also after today they will surely jump on "hate MK" bandwagon
You've seen this movie, too! Just like SFV.

I was just explaining why people outside of here who barely bother to follow anything related to the game have been shitting on it. Everyone hates the microtransactions, even paid shills like Fagimillion have been criticizing the game

Shouldn’t have made those threads huh

That and the grind.

Unironically based

It's almost as if literally no one who actually plays videogames asked for this type of stuff to be in the game

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>thinks politics in video games are a new thing

Identity politics is a new thing and so is leftists being deranged and obsessed with incels.

But my post wasn't even about that. I'm just telling you what the consumers are asking for in most cases. It really doesn't matter whether you think it's fair or not user, it's what people want. Don't want shitty reviews, then don't add garbage people don't want in your games

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Come back from where you came from, please. And take your effeminate friends together.

>Identity politics is a new thing
extremely underage



What's your favorite pre-2010 tranny simulator user

You NEET incels don't have anything to do beside spamming the site with low score or anything?

actually based

Cuz dat wold help the whities

You racists are just mad Jax ended slavery.

Why do SJWs keep REEEEing about Quaterpounder whenever they get the chance? No one in the alt right actually likes this soi faggot. He hates "nazis" just as much as you fags do. He's just some obese centrist who larps as an anti sjw for views

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>Most of the bad reviews are about micro transactions and always online Krypt.
Nothing liberal about big business being a cock user.

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>every single female wears a burqa
>every single male is half-naked.
>99% of the playerbase is straight male.

The left likes to eat itself out user. Its like a dumb digital version of masturbation.

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>That or a non-canon ending where a man changes history to benefit literally no one related to him


that's the cool thing about centrists, everyone hates them

hm, i hit the wrong board button, but it appears that Yea Forums is just /pol/ with a different name

>every single female wears a burqa
does any character at all actually do this because you seem full of shit

don't worry that was a mistake I made the first time I came to Yea Forums as well, you'll get a hang of it eventually user-san

Everyone is trying to politicize the answer they gave you. "STUPID ALT RIGHT INCELS buzzword buzzword etc"

The truth is the game did put in a few questionable political shit but that probably only accounts for like 30% of the outrage. The rest is for how much RNG grinding is in the game. Think mobile games but 10x worse.

Most of the negative reviews are about MTX you politics obsessed redditor

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Is this captain marvel all over again?

>get triggered by popular thing
>review bomb popular thing
>Look it has a negative review after we review bombed! That means it failed
>thing becomes an overwhelming success
>/pol/fag cries themselves to sleep
>wake up and is triggered by popular thing

I'm not involved in this and don't really care

But this thread is actually infested with paid shills.
I don't think I've ever seen it this bad

Pretty much.

real answer is that campaign was a shitshow, new characters are uncreative and there is a large hole where all the fan favourite old characters went that hasn't been filled. Not to mention a smaller roster as well. It feels like it was a step back from MKX

I want trannies to leave

You guys realize you're doing the marketing for them, right? MK 1 explicitly publicized itself based on the reaction of conservative parents to the level of violence, now MK 11 is coming full circle and getting a publicity boost from a totally new type of conservatives

>is everyone mad because of the censoring?
A good portion yeah but the even bigger problem is microtransactions and grinding. Maximilian dood who defended MvC:I to death is shitting on it.

>Game is too shit for normalfags to shill it
>Game is too shit for steam drones to shill it
>Game is too shit for Reddit to shill it
>Game is too shit for journalists to shill it
>Game is too shit for paid streamers like Shillmillion to shill it
>But it's not too shit for Yea Forums to shill it

And people say we're not invaded with faggots

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>reminder that they don't care what Yea Forums thinks they're just looking for posts to screenshot to put on Reddit and get some material for Kotaku to write an article

Max is a fucking retard tho

i should see if i can get a job writing for kotaku
im here all the time, i can write bullshit, and have no morals when it comes to lying

I've been a big fan of MK since the beginning.
I even saw the film in the cinema on release.
The only thing holding it back in my eyes was the scantly clad women and agenda that individual might makes right instead of people working together for an inclusive and common good.
I'm so happy that this has been fixed for the latest release.

On the subject of microtransactions; everything can be obtained in game and it isn't even that hard.

You'd have to cut your dick off bro.
Consider whether it's worth it

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Is this a troll or a paid shill? I can't tell anymore.

i already dont have one so that's in my favour too

bad bait

>Now when the game bombs people can use the game as an excuse to shit on SJWs for free

Not a tactic I asked for, but I appreciate it regardless

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Im fine with the newer costumes tbqh but those reviews are pretty based anyway

>captain marvel

quality bait


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Honestly it's kinda sad how groupthink fucks people up. All these NPCs literally just going with hate-trains because they can't process their own ideas so they just latch onto internet personalities to lead them down a dark and narrow path like a cult.

If you don't like the game, don't buy it. You are more than free to just step away from it and buy whatever fits your agenda or whatever. That's all it is. If it fails, then it's on them. This whole epic Yea Forums raiding shit is stale as fuck. I was down with it back when it was like gamergate but I did some growing and I still cringe about how invested I was into something that literally had nothing to do with me. It's the same shit. They'll accomplish nothing or they'll keep up with their prophecies until it finally comes true.

At the end of the day, the people who actually play the game will not care. They are gonna make up their own minds about it. More often than not, it's probably going to do just fine without their business and with all their droning. 99% of the time, it does. And when it fails, they're just gonna latch straight onto the political aspect of it and not any of the other major flaws with the game that basically crippled sales.

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>captain marlel

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The fucking Krypt, towers, and gear system is a mess but the game is actually fun to play
Elaborate please. Oh wait you can't cause that's a blatant lie

>the last 5 games with retarded MTX didn't lose a lot of money because of outrage
Fuck off depressoid, there's a reason you're a a loser.

You get banned for it now

Now that T&A are gone, finally people are realizing that MK has shit mechanics, good riddance

I'm sick of women on the internet.
Why is the fact you have a vagina the first thing you ever fucking mention

Stop watching porn

Axe wounds are way better lol

The corporations that leftists worship the most, provide the shittiest products.

Take the chinkpill.

based honkler, fuck leftists

Do not financially support developers and creators of media who bow down to social justice warriors.

Do not financially support developers and creators of media who bow down to social justice warriors.

Refuse to buy their products, voice your opinion to them, and move on. This is literally all that is necessary to enact change.


actually the first thing i mentioned was that im here all the time. the fact that i have a vagina was the 4th thing i mentioned

>review bombing
In the end sales numbers is what matters. Next week we will find out how much it sold its first week. My guess is around 2 million copies.

I just messing with you girl

And people should take these reviews seriously? At least make a legit review attempt.

There hasn't been a legit video game review since 1996

>has turned so degenerate
It has been degenerate since Ancient Greece, and shall continue to be until the end of time. People go on and on about degeneracy, yet continue to post here, or indulge in "degeneracy" themselves. Better yet, aren't even aware of "degeneracy" being prevalent across all cultural, societal, and civilizational groups. You simply cannot separate humans from "degeneracy". Yup, even subjective "non-degenerate" civilizations were "degenerate" in their own ways. It's apart of our nature. East or West, you can guarantee degeneracy. You can't remove it or lessen it, people will simply find substitutes. We're animals, and we're always going to want to fuck something, or tear something apart, or tamper around with something that shouldn't be tampered with, and so on.

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I wish mods did their job



hey buddy I think you've got the wrong site, resetranny is two doors down

Nah people used to have families and kids and shit instead of prolapsed anuses

>implying 10/10 BEST GAME EVAR is a good review

Who exactly is "we", reddit?

>in a fighting game


Didn't the last game let you buy fatalities?

Its the same thing as that Ghostbusters remake a few years ago.

The game is objectively shit thanks to super jewish microtransactions, but the devs and the media pretend every criticism is because of "muh sexist perverts".

I hate the fat fuck but I give him a pass because he makes lefties cry constantly for whatever reason, He's also better than the other fat fuck that's a communist

People still do. Families sizes are decreasing here or there, but children are being born, and families are just as common as they always were, if not more common. We can actually support larger families or children, at least in the West. But, can some families afford more than one or two children? That's the question. Moreover, I recall major cities becoming more and more cramped due to overpopulation. Those millions, if not billions of people don't come from thin air. You can guarantee a large portion of those millions, possibly billions, are going to produce children, and begin families. This idea of declining birth-rates across Europe and North America is just rhetoric to push for immigration, that's all. Even in Japan, it'll sort it self out overtime. And if our population is slowly decreasing, then it'll benefit us too. Either way, we're fine, and degeneracy shall continue to exist in some shape or form.

Oh really?

Ouchie Ouch

This and a dozen characters that are fucking finished being left out for future DLC

ff Jax stopped the slave trade then how did he end up in America to begin with? Doesn't that create a paradox?

83 is a pretty abysmal average score from critics considering WB can afford to buy them all off

My main gripe is that the women are all intentionally unattractive and heavily-clothed, while women/gays get to ogle Johnny and Kang's chiseled abs.

Why do some people get mad about such stupid things?

said popular not good. learn to read fag.

>Honestly it's kinda sad how groupthink fucks people up. All these NPCs literally just going with hate-trains because they can't process their own ideas so they just latch onto internet personalities to lead them down a dark and narrow path like a cult.

So, if you say something bad you are sheep and if you buy you are just a free mind? Really?

You are a fool if you think that someone can't come with something simple like "Microtransations are bad" on their own, or if you think that what you call "groupthink" is not a reason why a lot of people are buying this particular product in the first place, just look at some streamers and other marketing tools.

You are also deluded if you think these people want the game to fail, if anything, review bombing is made by people who care about the product.

>Being straight
Come on dude, sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is gay these days. Just enjoy the abs.

>On disc dlc
>SJW garbage
Any more?

Still probably going to outsell every fighter that's coming out this year sadly.

yeah only ex-slaves are in america
that is the entire demographic of america

less than 2% of people are gay

>yeah only ex-slaves are in america
True, I don't know why you think it's not true. Africans couldn't even into ships

How the fuck do people still like MK anyways? The super violence thing is old, and the gameplay has always been clunky and mediocre at best.

>whites are ex-slaves
>jews are ex-slaves in the american context
>mexicans are ex-slaves
>every immigrant is an ex-slave

>less than 2% of people are gay
If this is true then how are video game companies making money by making everything so gay?
Why does every major company bother making homosexuality such a big deal in their marketing campaigns?
How does every city in the western world have such a large and booming gay quarter?

You're a liar

Games like MK survive on their name alone. Maybe this has been overdone so now they're hoping to live off of MTX for another decade or two.

If someone is afraid to criticize a video game because someone might call him an incel he needs professional help.

Because people want to feel good about exploiting minorities. You know, the thing that's been happening since the dawn of time?

>mexicans are ex slaves
True, Mexicans are crossbreeds between african slaves and indians

Doesn't explain how they make money from it

i should have worded it a little better, the problem is the ease with which they will now dismiss all criticism as incel shrieking rather than actual problems

what's the quick rundown on the microtransaction issue? what can you actually purchase with real money

Makes sense, I wish brand loyalty wasn't so fucking compelling to people.

>Doesn't explain how they make money from it
They don't, look at the comic book industry. The only reason shit AAA games are surviving is due to MTX. With MTX games can be absolute dogshit and call you a faggot for 10 hours and they will still break even. Look at how much money Ea was making off of MTX before their share prices crashed. (I'll give you a hint, it was the exact percentage that their share prices crashed)

dude, i dont give a fuck what else he tries to do, he went back and ended the slave trade meaning less blacks in my country

if you humor this alternate reality, its actually pretty redpilled

Not sure, GF has been playing it all day I havent noticed any glaring forced MTX.

>just ignore the horse armor bro

>this is the average intelligence of a shitposter


You can probably buy fatalities like the last game.

You weren’t alive when games were complete products

>t. 12 year old

>if you want to, you can spend $6 for the character Frost. It's a bit shady, because the in-game store doesn't mention that you can also unlock Frost for free
>the $6 option is for players who don't want to touch the story at all, but want to jump into online play immediately with Frost.
>You can also buy Time Krystals in the store ($5 for 500, enough for a skin), which is one of a few currencies in MK11.
>Koins, which are earned frequently through playing, can be spent to open up or restock those loot chests
>Soul Fragments are another thing to collect, and they open new areas of the Krypt.
>Finally, Hearts are earned by performing Brutalities and Fatalities
There's like 5 currencies and lootcrates, that's the problem

Games used to have to ship complete or bankrupt the developer, you're an idiot.

You forgot to add that all of it is optional.

Good lord, this reminds me of the time Capcom thought it was a good idea to let Combo-fiend help design SFV. Who idea was it to let 16genders be the voice of the MK community and give important feedback to NRS on some of the designs?

Have you not played old games? There are literal games that have launched that were unbeatable because of glitches and they didnt bankrupt a company.

doesn't seem that bad compared to other recent games, sounds like the only use for premium currency is to directly unlock cosmetic gear that you can otherwise unlock through grinding

Yes, it's optional to buy characters that you can get from playing the story mode. *Whispers* (But they wont tell you that)

>Doesn't seem that bad
Until you realize they lied when they said there were no lootcrates a month ago.

Friendly reminder that Tomoe is commentary on women ruining civilization

well if ed boon said that then people were foolish to believe him, almost everything he says is a lie

Wtf. There was a Kombat Kast where those fags literally looked right into the camera and said this game wouldn't have microtransactions.

This. The lead designer himself said you couldn't advance progress through MTX.
>"We try to make it so it's never pay-to-win and it's never pay-to-progress," said Paulo Garcia of NRS via . "It's just those extra cosmetics as far as like gear and characters. We try to make it where the gameplay stuff is the stuff you play and earn and use it like that."

Leftists are making people racist and/or fascist. Miniscule things like forced politics in videogames are motivating young, angry white males to organize and become militant. If the left was smart they'd keep their mouths shut and slowly take over. But as the bible says, pride comes before destruction.


>83 is bad
I still can't understand it.

>"There are no loot crates in Mortal Kombat 11," said the co-creator of the long-running series.

Grindy shit to push micro transactions.

Retards will tell you its because it's because of Jax's ending being him making slavery never exist or the female ninjas being covered up
Actual reason is its a shitty port and theres fucking microtransactions and grinding

>Shitty port
Every fighting game is grinding...

You're looking at the wrong number, my friend.

Oldfag here.
Haven't played MK since 3. Between then and this abomination, which is the best? Keep in mind I want good gameplay and scantly clad ninja chicks. 9?

Yes, 9.

You tried, but you didn't try hard enough.

go back

It was during the QA of this reveal a month ago. I can't find it and am wondering if it was removed from the video.

Because it's only wrong when the people you don't like complain. I don't even think the stuff in the game is even all that bad, but a lot of the people defending it sound like fags in my opinion.

Most buyer's remorse I've felt from a video game in a long, long time. I doubt I'll even start it more than a few times. Last one with this effect was Yooka-Laylee.

This is a new release, not a port. And every game nowadays has MTX and Grinding.

Turning Jax into a collectivist 'woke' libtard and a "muh skincolor" racist is a bigger issue than that shit.

MK9 is like the MK Trilogy of modern times. Just play it and pretend X and 11 don't exist. I wish I could refund this shit but I bought it on another site.

Sure. Let's go back to MK9 where everyone including grandma had the same body type. Seriously, Sonia looked like a man and the only difference between Kitana and Jade was their skin color
Here you go 35:30 "There are no lootcrates in MK11." Even though the question had to do with MTX in general. So they lied about MTX and Lootcrates.

They look like Jax. So they owe it to him.

Did he go back to, say, 2,000 BC Egypt to put a stop to all of it, or did he just go back to the 1,800's to stop it in America like a bad cliche?

What do you think.

No it isn't. Stories of people going back in time to stop atrocities are common in science fiction. How many times have you heard the story of people killing Hitler as a child?

No he just ended the US slave trade even the the US only had 3% of the slaves sent to the americas.

Go dilate

You guys are special kind of morons, the selling point of MK11 was character customization yet it's blocked by a fucking grind wall

Whether or not it's good is immaterial because the reasons morons were screaming about it had nothing to do with its quality and everything to do with them being butthurt about politics.

It's the same with this.

For crying out loud, it's Mortal Kombat, it's always going to be trash. Even the ending these idiots are crying about is stupid and is basically on the "lol let's kill hitler with time travel" hackery.

Nobody talks about the slave trade unless they're trying to call Americans racist. That's just a fact.

Spoiler alert Americans are racist and we just have to deal with it

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Glad I cancelled my preorder in time.
SJW can have this game.

So what's the deal? I'm neither of them but I want to know what makes this grind so bad considering how standard the grind is in AAA games.

Sorry not every one is disgusting degenerate like you

>Fighting games on PC
Most people buy their fighting games on console bro.

Spoiler alert every one is racist becaus human are tribal animals.

Considering only 5% of families had a slave I think you're full of shit.

Not true. Humans are actually quite altruistic compared to most animals on the planet. We're taught bigotry by a society set up by a small portion of greedy sociopaths.

>Humans are actually quite altruistic
White ones, that is.

>Considering only 5% of families had a slave
Irrelevant when they lived in a racist society.

It's pretty obvious the people who are butthurt about the girls wearing more clothing are review bombing Steam. You won't fool me retards.

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Is an eskimo that knows nothing of jesus christ living in sin?

Haven't you heard that faggot Jim Sterling? Everything is political.

I don't know why...
Unless you have an arcade stick, playing fighting games with joysticks is shit.

And here we see an example of somebody brainwashed by the greedy sociopaths to be racist so they don't stand with their Black, Asian, Jewish, Native, etc, brothers and sisters against the real parasites onto the world, the rich.

Yes altruistic for their own percieved tribe. The ones being brainwashed are acting against their group interest.


Lol that's been true long before Sterling made a video on the issue.

I'd be totally with you if half the population wasn't trying to take my guns away because niggers can't stop killing eachother.

Do a brother a solid and explain with words. I'm at work atm. Can't watch twitch clips

No you need your penis substitutes taken away because children keep dying.

If we are taking things away because of children dying let’s start with the US government

>penis substitutes
You mean the quickest and most humane way to hunt animals and be self sufficient? Oh of course you wouldn't know about that.

Swiss have more guns per person and almost no gun crime. Really makes my head tickle.

Figures. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that a woke writer also turned out to be a fucking hack.

(((The rich)))

Ok Mr. Goldenstein, lets go with that.

You need to use prem currency to find ”secrets” in the clip it’s an empty room btw they had to use real money on.

1) lol like you have ever gone hunting in your life
2) Nobody's "self sufficent"
3) You don't need a military grade semi-auto to do that. A low powered rifle will do.

Swiss people also keep their guns locked away and are only used for military practice.

Eat nigger shit you liberal cuckold soichugging faggot

Terrible bait, my dude.

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The real enemy of every race is the bourgeoisie, yes, which really just means Jews.
Fuck Jews and fuck the rich.

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No. The Rich. The Billionaires.

Not "the jews" because antisemitism is yet another trick made up by them.

By you acting like there's some jewish cabal controlling the world you completely ignore the real evil.

which characters are confirmed as future dlc

The point is they still have them, but still have more common sense gun laws to keep them out of wrong hands. Muricans allways argue muh guns or no guns when tou could go swiss.

Facts are often the best bait for morons in denial.

>Not "the jews" because antisemitism is yet another trick made up by them.

>"You see! It's the jews who have robbed you of your wealth!"
>"Pay no attention to the massive piles of money I'm swimming in. Go blame the jews."

>"critics" praise a game no matter what bullshit is pushed by it
>the audience hate it

It's all so tiresome. It's not even a pattern at this point. Just a constant thing no matter the medium.


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not exactly pay2win but brutalities are 100% random to earn as is everything generated.

You forgot the third step

>it's a massive commercial success.

The person saying this is LITERALLY fucking Jewish though

>"What? Me Jewish? No, silly goy, I'm an atheist."
Gentile billionaires are almost universally spiritually Jewish and I can name the ones that aren't on one hand
Hang the rich, hang their anti-nationalist and anti-socialist servants in the lower classes too, which includes (You)

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Based and humanpilled

No he isn't. He's a rich white man who's daddy was also rich because his daddy was rich. He then turns your anger onto the jewish small business owner all the while screwing you over.

Racism is a tool of the rich to control the poor.


Switch "white" and "jewish" in this post and it becomes correct

This is different, you idiot. He didn't save everyone, he saved Africans only making him a racist. AND he only did so because they are, and I quote, "people who look like me", making him a collectivist/marxist. This goes completely against his character and is blatant ham-fisted propaganda. NRS is pushing an agenda with this poorly thought-out storyline. And they fucked Jax's character to do so. No one would care if he made world piece for everyone or something corny like that. But what he did is racist, collectivist, 'I'm so woke' bullshit only Marxists think is okay. That's the issue.

It's amazing how brainwashed you are.

The entire concept of "Race" was invented by rich people to turn the poor against each other.

Because he’s the big bad. So of course the cucks at Netherrealm would find it fitting to have Khan make the reference of “the real world big bad”

No the entire concept of race was invented by 50,000+ years of population separation and adaptation you dunce

okay LITERAL servant of the Jewish bourgeoisie

Literally the opposite. Communism is jewish ploy to get people hate on the bussines owners and take ower country for them to control behind the drapes. Like ussr, guess who didn’t like the tzar?

absolutely based and incredibly redpilled

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Hey guess what.
It's a bad game and worse than previous games.
Wow, who would've thought.

>thinks race is only something that is pushed by the rich
>calls others brainwashed

Do you not know what basic tribalism is? It's not something that needs to be taught to people. It's an inherent instinct to stick to your own kind.

Communism and capitalism are both Jewish
Fascism or barbarism

who the fuck even plays mortal kombat these days?

No it wasn't.

Like, Romans had no concept of Race. You were either a Roman Citizen or not. There were black Romans, white Romans,etc.

The concept of "Race" as we know it to day emerged in the 1700s as European colonizers needed to justify keeping African slaves in perpetual slavery. Rather than older concepts of slavery which, frankly, gave slaves more rights and often allowed them freedom after a set time.

So they decided to declare that Africans were, as a whole, inherently "lesser" compared to the white skinned man. This, incidentally stopped African slaves from teaming up with poor white farmers who were often only in slightly better conditions than them.

He’s unironically obeying his basic tribal instict by classifying ”us and them” by good poor people and evil rich people, but too blind to see bigger pictures.

Why shouldn't they just make this type of thing free to play?

Then I could forgive the bullshit to a large extent.

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Next you're going to tell me masturbation was decriminalized in Rome, therefore everybody and their brother were buying 9 year old slaves and sucking that morning's porridge out of their ass.

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This is the kind of narrative that you can only believe when you're a bourgeois faggot who's never interacted with a dark-skinned human who wasn't part of the talented tenth. Average blacks are dumb. Like, really dumb. That's not a knock on them morally, it's just the facts. The quadroons in your African studies classes don't change the reality.

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You also either are usa citizen or not but people can still call you a nigger. Thinking people didnt recognize tribe by basic visual ques is childish.


If a Jew goes back and kills the Hitler, that wouldn't make him racist. Jax is helping his people, the people he relates to. I mean, if I went back in time, I wouldn't even think about the Rape of Nanjing. Does that make me racist against Chinese? Jax wanting to help African slaves is fine. He is also African. Calling him racist for that makes no sense, especially when he and Sonia were fucking on and off pre Cage marriage.

Its one of the problems of the many that plaque this game

>less characters than previous game
>finish characters aka fan favorites locked behind dlc
>strong references to WB owned movies, meaning WB ha a strong hand in the development of this game
>ridiculous Micro transactions, more ridiculous than the last game
>MMO tier grinding for the stuff you actually want instead of unlocking it like a normal person
>MMO tier grinding the encourages spending more money on micro transactions
>Krypt is a giant loot box itself so you wouldn't think there actually are lootboxes
>Paying to use or play certain towers
>Game plays more like injustice instead of MK (WB obvious involvement again)
>unnecessarily ugly female designs, that makes it look like they came from a modern superhero movie(WB obvious involvement again)
>passive aggressive lead designer virtue signaling; is glad to push away previous fans of previous designs in favor of sjw brownie points
>Bad story writing
>Single player modes are locked to always online
>Denuvo, fucking up the game as well, bloating the memory and slowing or altering the game-play

Its just nonstop ridiculous shit going on in this game. I can't see anybody spending money on this without being fully aware at whats going on.

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This is the kind of post that you can only believe when you're a nazi moron who's never interacted with a dark skinned human being period.

Kill yourself you pathetic fascist.

I actually just don't believe you when you say shit like this. I can believe "I don't think Jews are the problem." I can even believe "I think we can work together as one species and work past race." Maybe a little naive but hey.

I simply do not believe you when you say you don't believe race exists. Prove to me that you think so, and then prove to me that you're correct.

>good poor people and evil rich people
I mean that’s still basically true, because the rich are bad and Jewish

When i want to help my people im racist so it goes both ways.

I live in South Texas and I lived in a Florida city for a year and a half.
I know what non-white people are like.


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How can you be so stupid.


Seems like I touched a nerve, too.
No, you kill yourself, radlib.

t. mexican

He’s being a hypocrite thats all


Who is “the rich”. It is.



Protip living in super segregated neighborhoods and only seeing minorities in gas stations does not tell you what they're like.

Also you're a racist jackass and they treat you like such I imagine.

White-presenting Cuban. I'm wignat Nick Fuentes.
lol okay, keep repeating elite narratives that you think are edgy. You'll make a good Google HR rep.

But I’m specifically focusing on the rich, they all just ”happen” to be jewish.

>Lefties will defend this shitty monetization system just to argue against anti-sjws

Why should I when I can make the world a better place by stopping nazis

>No Mileena

So you admit you're a stupid shitskin?

Thank God I'm getting into DnD, this board is getting too fucking lame for me. You fags shitposted RE2, DMC5 and Sekiro to death until like a week after release. Its just not worth it to talk about games here anymore.

No they are not you morons.

Either stop being a brainwashed little bigot or kill yourself.

>conspiracy theory
The ethnic makeup of the upper echelon of societies, specifically those involved in international corporations and banking institutions, isn’t a conspiracy. It isn’t hidden. They are Jewish. They don’t have to hide it because of the real anti-semitism conspiracy: merely pointing out the truth is anti-Semitic and you can’t talk about it.

I dont hate jews, but if they show any support for israel ethno state and love muticulturalism then I know they support (((them))). Outliers are possible.

Stopping me by pushing the narratives and justifying the material conditions that caused me and people like me to become radicalized in the first place?
>muhhh segregation ;-;
Says the bourgeois kike-enabler who's never ventured out of his socioethnic enclave. You'd be afraid around working class whites, let alone poor blacks.

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So MK is now worse than gachashit. At least gacha games sexualize the girls. Hilarious.

All those games suck though, maybe you're just a faggot.

No one wants to hate jews, they are forced to. If you truly hate the rich you’ll come around, especially since you’ll hate them for the embarrassment looking back on posts like these

Who controls banks. They control the world. They have USA by the balls. There you have it.

God, why are shitskins the most annoying posters on this website?

Okay, big baby. See you again tomorrow.

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What state was it that recently had a law get taken to court? Something about a teacher not wanting to swear allegiance to Israel

What are three games that came out this year that you like more than those three, user? Baba is You is pretty nice but too much for this board.

That's (You)

Texas i think.

Oh you know. All those times when the white man was suffering from social injustice. Like that one time when a French man kicked an English man out of the country for being British.

No no he’s a white boi allright, can’t be this stupid without all that guilt.

Do you even into the gaming industry right now? Does buying stuff make you feel good?

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Such a shame about the tranny and microtransaction stuff, the gameplay actually looks solid.

Yeah, you'd hate me for being white, so I hate you back. Seems simple.

At least gacha games have the decency to be free to play. Games like this have a $60 price tag before asking for more money.
I can play Granblue Fantasy entirely for free and never spending a dollar if I wanted to. With MK and these other gacha-fied AAA games you have to pay before you can even start playing.
What's next an energy counter to limit how many times you can play online?

Oh so you're just here to shitpost, gotcha. Sorry dude, I like playing video games. Way to pussy out of sharing your own tastes.

>No one could discuss the topic of microtranscations plaguing the game BECAUSE THE TOPIC OF NAUGHTY SEX APPEAL WAS FUCKING DEAFENING

That had to be their tactic all along.

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>identity politics are a new thing
Are you legitimately retarded?

I haven't bought a game that was complete at release in a decade user. You're the one with no taste.

Sounds like you're just a pleb or poor, sorry.


Or you're a fat complacent faggot

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My countrymen have been basically working slaves for other white countries and suffered opression for greater part of its history. Now I get called a nazi racist by commies like you when I want I raise concern of immigration and rising problems and dont want to be ethnically be replaced by muslim believers who would in the end replace our society with sharia law. All one has to do is look at europen countries and read the knews you dont see at front pages and it’s clear as day what is happening. But a black man fighting for his tribe is a good thing ok.

The left can't meme

>read the knews
Fucking kill yourself, retard

>when the your ethnicity is so synonymous being enslaved that it’s literally the same fucking word

>goes back in time to end the slave trade
>suddenly doesn't exist because his ancestors never met and fucked
>actually thinks tribal Africans would have the tech know-how to reach Wakanda levels when there are literally spear chuckers even right now in africa

Attached: sheeit.png (1024x764, 496K)

You know it my dude.

Am I the only one NOT buying it the due to the shity microtranations?

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How long has france been rioting and it STILL hasn't been reported? Half a year?


>he's too stupid to get it
user, what is the knews today?

No. The game is that retarded.

EA is devious, they've realized SJWs won't buy games but are still useful idiots in regards to shilling and viciously defending a product they haven't touched.

>Mfw watching from the side lines and the people, who were actually brave enough to buy this, play the game.

Maybe next time NRS, Ill buy when the game isn't such a shit show.

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>im regurgitating retarded shit on the board that nobody knows about and acting superior
Oh I see

English isn't your first language.


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You dont like fighting games, you like saying you play them

Remember that time austria exported some imams and shut down mosques that were funded by turkis organisations made to spread islam around europe, and your lord and savior erdogan called them racist and threatened with war. Ofcourse you don’t.

I thought not shaving was feminist?

user news=/=knews, you inbred moron. Learn English you filthy animal.

Apparently it isn't yours. Unless I missed some big knews today!

No that only applies to women

>goes back to actually end slaverybof his people.
>has to fight off other black tribes in da jungle
>muslims show up
>”uhh lets just go with american slave trade”

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>using the word incel.
c'mon baiters in my day used to have standards. This is just pathetic

>hehe I was just pretending to be retarded
Big knews, user!

>Resetard trying to shame people for having guns
Absolute state of your retarded self

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>has no argument so ”ill make fun of his spelling error”
>”first language xD”
>is an actual slang term people use
Wow how retarded can you be.

Wow user you're losing weight, that is good knews!

>can't even quote
Back to your shithole country with you, retard.


Is that what your country exports? Straws? Big knews!

How fucking new are you?

Jax is American, not African. Saying he's racist might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the fact that he suddenly got 'woke' and wants to 'save' Africa based on NOTHING but the color of his skin is out of character bullshit. It's blatant left-wing identity politics shoehorned into the game because the developers think they're brave and breaking new and interesting ground, when they're actually just out of touch morons pandering to all the twitter mob at the expense of their story and characters.

>load into an area with lootcrates on the ground and get powerups for the campaign and cosmetics by paying real money or 1,000 hour grind

Racist much

Were you this upset when Nightwolf helped his people against Whitey?

If he's american why do niggers insist on being called african americans?

I'm white, I can't be racist against white trash. Or wait, are Slavs even white? You guys are like bugs, honestly.

Thats what you get for listening to sjw crowd who would never have bought your game anyway

Tribalism. So racism, they don’t want to be part of the white devils tribe no sir.

Why is idris elba there

The intelligent ones don't. My doctor is African-American, and he's white.
I don't remember him doing that, but if he said some stupid shit like "woke" or "they look like me" I would have been.

Because he ruined the Dark Tower movie (a movie about clint eastwood fighting a warlock)

Not even slav, you should know that but mutt education so I forgive you. still have different genes than you anglo mutt. Race isnt skin color its deeper.

Probably because you don't play Mortal Kombat

No one gives a shit about nightwolf. Jax has been a liked character forever because he didn't directly embody his stereotype to the T and his gimmick was interesting enough. He was just a patriot and happened to be black. He and nightwolf are nothing comparable at all

Wow that's big knews user, keep at it! You may live in a real country someday, and not a dump.

>My doctor is African-American, and he's white.

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>being racist is ok when the huey of our skin is the same
Based commie retard.

The worst thing is that WB just learned this fucking lesson with LOTR Shadow of War - they eventually stripped all the microtransaction shit out of it and the Definitive Edition is actually a pretty great game in its genre!

I can't believe they'd let this happen and/or that NRS would do so. The worst thing is by all accounts the game itself is actually pretty great - good modes, single player etc... there are some rough edges (ie equipment may nor may not be able tyo be used in local play) that need to be updated but they'll be fixed. However, its almost entirely the currency shit that fucks this up - the huge grind for lots of stupid stuff that basically seems made for users to pay to speed it up.

If they removed and rebalanced that so that say.. those random heart chests only took 5 hearts each instead of 250, then things would be fine! You'd play the game, unlock stuff etc... and the really impatient would pay to do it immediately but it wouldn't be a grind.


They don't. Only the MSM and sheltered whites who are afraid to offend use "African-American".

>whites playing the race card against whites
lmao conservatives are such clowns

I've played every one except Special Forces, Starting with MK1 back in 1992. MK2, MK9 and Shaolin Monks are some of my favorite games of all time.

> he doesnt know
Poor mutt maybe someday you’ll have acceptable living conditions without making 7 figures yearly.

Real "niggas" call themselves "niggas" because we're not allowed to call them "niggers" anymore. Niggers have the average intelligence of a teenage, after all.

It just show how much of a hypocrite you are.

The only shit thing are the microtransactions and the Krypt. Fix those and you're golden. So tired of having microtransactions in a 60$ game.

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>Bernie Sanders just fucking said convicted felons should be able to vote

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Nah, you're a fag roleplaying. Imagine a MK fan being this assblasted about Jax freeing the slaves in a fucking arcade ending.

>still can only bring mk9

They already can in some states.

Projecting again

What's funny? He was born and raised in Africa, but he's caucasian. He has an African accent and everything. He moved here to America and got his dual citizenship a few years ago. He's literally African-American, and he's not black.


>t-t-they only c-complain about the girls o-or the endings
>nrs goooodddd!!!

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>jewish small business owner

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>i buyed it lol
Good for you?

Fuckin Roll sold all my games

I'm a huge fan of Mortal Kombat and I wouldn't even play it for free. Fuck NetherRealm. The injusticey character designs are shit, most of the fatalities suck. (And I hate how they end on the slow mo shot. It's so anti climactic.), small roster (25 including the day 1 shao kahn dlc. Pathetic in X, same here.), brutalities AGAIN (With MK9 having babalities and MKX having brutalities, you'd think they'd continue with that pattern and do animalities or something new, but nope.), no tag team, no challenge tower (yeah i'm aware they have towers of time, but it's basically the same thing as living towers, which were no where near as enjoyable.), only 21 stages (vs. 24 in MK9), no stage fatalities, and to top it all off you have all the progressive bullshit crammed in there.

Uhh yeah this isn't going to be a yikes from me

So how will Yea Forums deal with this selling well?

As some one whos been playing all day and competent at fighters I think its really fun and much better then X. The krypt grind and "yas queen slay/woke" shit is very real. However i'm actually kinda glad to see the MK babes kick some ass finally

Literally jade but as allways the same fag will appear with a pic where she isnt wearing it. And that doesnt take away the fact that girls are fully covered except in skins that you more that likely have to buy

Anyone who thinks X plays better than 11 hasn't played it. This is a step up in gameplay.

They still have the same body type in MK11. Except they are all built like a brick.

The real question here is what will you do when the game dies after 2 weeks and the sudden realization that you spent 100+ on this game kicks in?

Why would I spend that much on it? I dont buy lootboxes.

This, sam full body suits with same fridge physique while males go shirtless and make he-man look like she-man

The ending is stupid, dude. It ruins Jax's character. It's blatant Marxist propaganda, and Jax is a military man and American patriot. He would never say and do this bullshit. It's because I am such a fan that it bothers me.
Oh, you're a fucking /pol/tard. I should have known. Nevermind then. Yes, yes, everything is a conspiracy by the jews.Of course.

FG in general are shit and they pulled a BFV on this one ontop of that.

You do realize the Krypt itself is a giant lootbox right? Why do you think its required you to be online when trying to browse the Krypt?

>people don't like something
>they express it in the only real way available to them
>this is problematic

You sound like a total fag, bro. Be honest - are you white?

What do you think makes this game different than all the other dead FGs that have come and gone before it?

>dude its crazy to blame the jews
>its the marxists, man

>abloobloo people don't like my video game they need to be put on therapy

That's what you took from those reviews? Wew lad.

What was the last MK game to flop?

>It ruins Jax's character.
No it doesn't. He wants Africa to not be a third world country and to thrive like America.

They've been bitching about their muh 6 millions since before WW2, they would have just found something else instead.

THIS but extremely unironically

Capitalism is the direct reason for lootboxes

Why would an American not want to free the slaves?

>convicted felons should be able to vote
A lot of these "felons" were wrongly convicted. If felons serve their time in jail there should be no reason for them not voting

>parts of the MOVES LIST are locked behind loot boxes
Jesus fuck

the retard you're responding to doesnt have the mental capacity to remember that the white man ended slavery. HOW IS IT BAD THAT A BLACK MAN DID IT TOO?

Nigger, are you retarded?

It’s also the direct reason why a video game market that panders to man children like you exists

Communist/Marxist regimes have destroyed countries and killed billions throughout human history. And I don't think Marxists are behind everything like /pol/tards and the Jews, I just think collectivist thinking is stupid. It's a bad idea, as evidenced throughout history.

>Even in Japan, it'll sort it self out overtime
Agreed except for this. It's a serious epidemic in Japan. Not even saying immigration is the solution, but if they don't do SOMETHING, they'll be at the point of no return in a couple decades. I'd say the best bet aside from immigration(Which is the easiest/most direct fix, but not necessarily desirable), is for them to fix their fucking work culture. It's the "Work 200 hours a week" shit that means no one has any free time to date, especially because half the time they are all but required to draw out their work so they can look busy, because "looking busy and working long hours" is valued more by the bosses than "Completed work efficiently".

bro fuck off and stop defending capitalism. Go open some lootboxes you cuck

You're a retard for getting this triggered.

Why? Since when? And why not turn ALL third world countries into utopias?
He's black, for one thing. A change that drastic to his ancestors history would likely result in him no longer existing. Which of course it doesn't because the writters didn't think much past 'whoa, that's so woke, bro'.

Go suck corporate cock you retard incel

When is Tim Sweeney launching a better metacritic without user scores?

Just mad incels ineffectually reviewbombing

They tried this on Captain Marvel and Disney utterly BTFO them and the film grossed a $1 billion

I just watched a cutscene of this "game".
>Guy is driving big-ass tank
>Aims tank directly at robot man
>Doesn't switch seats or even attempt to fire, just sits there for a solid few seconds of dramatic bullshots
>VTOL plane emerges behind robot man
>Guy in tank still doesn't fire or even attempt to fire, despite the main gun pointing directly at the plane
>Robot jumps on top of plane
>Plane shoots missiles at tank
>Guy turns tank to the side?????? and missiles hit the side and don't do much apart from making the tank tip??????????? but it doesn't even flip over or anything
>Guy jumps out of tank which is now broken apparently, despite no signs of visible penetration, it's just a little blackened on the side
>Plane flies towards tank while firing cannon
>Guy runs away from tank and hits a button and the tank explodes??????
>Plane was flying over tank and plane goes down for some reason?
What the FUCK did I just watch? What was that entire fucking sequence? Why did he rig his own tank to explode? Why did he not fire? Why did the VTOL plane fly towards and over the tank while firing at it? Why did the guy not die when a pair of missiles hit his tank in the (typically weaker) side armor?

Attached: anime-girl-questionmark.jpg (1280x1024, 171K)

All men are created equal. Seems the American thing to do bro.

That means a lot coming from a /pol/tard ...

>muh j00z
have sex

>what is tower consumables?

>A game so bad it gets a price slash day one.

Attached: Day one sale.jpg (576x768, 84K)

You're talking to more than one user, and I don't go on /pol/.

>captain marvel

Lmao no.

MKX sold over 10 million copies, dude

Holy fuck my sides
I'm so happy I cancelled my preorder