>IV had a much more engaging story
>V had better driving
But which is the overall better package?
>IV had a much more engaging story
>V had better driving
But which is the overall better package?
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None of the GTA games are good.
gta 5 is better, anyone who claims otherwise is just seething because its one of the most successful games of all time. inb4 "zoomer"
5 is better because of the variety it adds. The setting isn't quite as noir and dark but as your picture points out most people bitched about that anyway.
find me a single negative review of vice city.
>It's pretty shit - Me
btfo faggot.
but i always liked GTA IV
I didn't like IV's story at all. it bored the shit out of me.
anyone who drives a car in real life understands that the driving was better in IV.
no it was not perfect, ferraris and lambos do not have that much body roll, or wheel travel... it was just better than V.
>V had better driving
the boat cars of IV were more fun to crash
Realism shouldnt exist.
3D games didnt have it and went well.
Fuck your shitty HD universe
V is beter. Recently went back to play tlotd and did not enjoy my time with it at all. Thought IV was ok when it came out but my opinion would most likely change for the worse if I were to replay it.
Vice City, San Andreas, and VCS were good.
I will always hate gta4. Gta5 is a step in the right direction. I couldn't stand that faggot nico.
the next GTA should really stay true to its origins (car chase / heist simulator) and make the driving more like IV, but with beam.ng type crash damage/bullet hole physics.
Wow thats a nice Wojak edit user, mind if I save it?
>you cant hate v if you hated iv
what kind of flawed logic is this anyway? how are you supposed to know v is going to be worse before it comes out?
Actually could you not?
I like that picture a lot, it perfectly sums up many of the attention-seeking contrarian morons you get on Yea Forums.
I'm not sure IV did have a more engaging story - honestly I can't really remember it. And yes I did complete the game. But I just don't even really remember what the fuck happens in that game. Apart from Roman pestering you to go bowling. And doing that bank robbery with the McRearys.
As for driving, IV's is perhaps more realistic, although perhaps a little too sluggish to be completely realistic. V's driving is definitely more enjoyable, in my view.
I agree with both of these. IV was amazing when it came out, but V improves on it in pretty much every single way.
You're right V is not noir and dark - I don't think it's meant to be that at all. IV was meant to be gritty, and V was meant to be sunny and bright and expansive.
I like all of the GTA games : ) fun and unique experiences
you could literally hijack a car, crash it and gtfo to let it explode, then walk up to a bus station and take out a rocket launcher and blow up a granny into pieces
You could do stunts with many cars, you could change color of the cars, you could unlock other places of the city to explore once you progress trough missions and unlock frigging boats and planes with short wings that count seconds of how much you managed to fly
you had gangs, different pedestrians, you could get carjacked yourself if in the wrong neighborhood, you could get chased by the cops, swat, fbi, the fucking ARMY and the best thing in the game, you could get into a TANK
imagine that, a fucking TANK
The game is so awesome there arent enough words
the atmosphere, the music on the radio stations, the music coming out of buildings, the general scenery, the great graphics and realism, its all there
>V had better driving
Nah. Boat memes aside, I liked how GTA IV cars actually handled differently. In V, all the cars feel like suped up sports cars that can go a million miles an hour and turn on a dime.
>better driving
please tell me you're just being a troll and not actually this retarded.
>hit a curb at 15mph
>do a 5 360s in the air
>land upside down
>hold button
>car flips back onto its tires
>better driving
no, driving in 3/4/5 were shit
The only gta games that had good driving were the 2D games and VC/San Andreas, since they all had actual fucking physics.
>2000lbs car flipping in the air
jesus fuck
GTA V sucked dick.
the almost zero crash damage from hitting a concrete wall at 150mph RUINED the whole game for me.
there is mods for IV that actually increase the car damage and it isn't bad (not quite beam.ng, but way better than V)
You either hate the boat or you love the boat
5 was more FUN, not more realistic
V is shit for retarded children
I liked the driving in GTAIV because it was the one game you could Race by driving like a normal human and still end up in first because the other drivers are crashing into each other with reckless abandon.
gtaIV is one of the best games ever made. Never touched 5.
Is this image true for the GTA series? If so as a Zelda fag, I feel for you guys. Recommend me a good starting point for GTA. It’s a series I’ve neglected to play for too long
Most people on Yea Forums can agree that 3, SA, and VC are really good. Start with those
V was arguably one of the least fun driving games ever released.
the only land vehicles i can tolerate driving in GTA V is the motorcycles, everything else just feels heavy, shitty, slow and on rails with no actual connection to the road surface.
i remember how shocked and disappointed i was when i first played V on release day.
>lose traction at highway speeds and spin out in real life
>car slides for over 100 meters, might even roll over
>lose traction at 150mph and spin out in GTA V
>car spins MAYBE once and slows down to 20mph within 1.5 seconds
Considering IV wasn't a 30+ hour tutorial for GTA:O, I'd say it was the better overall package.
they are all equally good and flawed except for 5 which is downright shit.
play the console ones in order, and the handheld ones last (3, VC, SA, 4, etc).
disregard that, I suck cocks
GTA Always sucked dick same with saints row
III,VC and SA are the essentials.
IV is a divisive game because it plays more like an immersive sim rather than being video gamey like the previous games. You’ll either love IV or hate it.
They are both terrible, might as well compare shit to piss
Driving in IV was more fun though.
Better damage on cars too
they're both crap but V is slightly more fun I guess
V is the best so you should probably start with that. Disregard attention-seeking contrarian morons who are blinded by nostalgia.
Neither, play SA or VC.
But if you have to insist V>IV, just because driving isn't a pain in the ass.
Piss > shit
Wrong, as a scat fetishest there is nothing better than your lover dropping a warm log down your throat.