ITT: Post your recent activity, judge each other on hours- and games played

ITT: Post your recent activity, judge each other on hours- and games played

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we dont talk about video games here

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>140 hours past two weeks.
>Disgusting fucking neet.

>he thinks 140 hours over 2 weeks is a lot

This pretty much sums up what I play on Steam nowadays. ATKT took up so much of my weekend. I'd love to add people who enjoy playing any of these 3 games, as theyre my favorites at the moment.

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forgot pic

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>Stunden in den letzten 2 Wochen

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I left running Memelands 2 on accident so it's half of that

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Fuck off Pedro

That's portuguese you stupid

such a lovely language

Good taste in vidia user.

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how is forager ?

We're on spring break

Finish Catherine

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Pedro isn't exclusively Spanish, retard.

Cozy, fun, satisfying.
Finishing the main content is pretty easy to do, while getting the last large achievements to 100% the game includes a couple of hours of grinding.
Roadmap states that proper farming and supposedly animal taming is next, followed by a combat system overhaul, both "coming soon".
Online multiplayer and mod support has both been confirmed to being in development.

>140 hours in the past 2 weeks
jesus fucking christ

i def will!

not him but would you say it is worth the price at the moment or should i just wait for a good price?

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Absolutely. 20€ is pocket money and even then it lasts for 20+ hours if you wanna 100% it, with much more content coming up. It feels really polished, lots of Terraria vibes but mixed with Zelda and Harvest Moon.

What do you even do in a nep game for 900 hours?

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Not pictured: 3500 hours in path of exile

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nice will give it a shot

The demo supposedly lasts for 3 hours, or you could just buy and refund before 120 minutes have passed.

Fuck me up lads

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dota2 is auto chess only

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There is the main dev shilling his shitty game all day long here and this thread is probably from him.

Casually cheese through NG+ multiple times

No I don't

>2 dark souls 2 in featured games
get seikiro faggot

Play more Catherine

I played Breath of Death because of the skeleton, but gave up after a couple of hours. It's not very good.

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I tend to leave games running while I'm not on the computer, so.

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Kiwami 2 soon, can't wai

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i have it dipshit.

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Same. Though I hear it's about the same length as Kiwami 1 which I'm guessing won't take as long to finish.

my nig

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Working your way up to DMC5?

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Come to think of it, I didn't play much this year at all until RoR2 came out

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Casuals belong on reddit

Yes my friend, I just can't skip games
Did the same with Witcher and Ace Combat


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Forza is the only game i've been playing lately.

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what u mean with this?

ok, then make your featured games Ds1 > Ds2 > Ds3 > Seikiro. Featuring Ds2 twice triggers my autism.

no pic, but
>risk of rain 2
>EDF 4.1
>PUBG, babby

Attached: Steam_2019-04-23_17-12-24.png (630x514, 180K)

havent played anything on steam for a while
i usually pirate and emulate games a lot

i mean, you could try being less obvious that you blatantly cheat in shitty f2p fps games by posting this shit.

what do you mean user? I don't see forza in the picture?

My man

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why is steam so bestest?

when did Yea Forums start playing video-games? lol, real gamers please reply to this post with your lack of playtime used instead to shitpost on Yea Forums

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Should be DMCV over 4 but I wanted to give Vergil a try again.

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Based as hell

Also been playing Sekiro.

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other games not listed are Warhammer 2 and DMCV

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are you reading the thread? most of these people don't even have 50 hours per game