ITT: Post your recent activity, judge each other on hours- and games played
ITT: Post your recent activity, judge each other on hours- and games played
we dont talk about video games here
>140 hours past two weeks.
>Disgusting fucking neet.
>he thinks 140 hours over 2 weeks is a lot
This pretty much sums up what I play on Steam nowadays. ATKT took up so much of my weekend. I'd love to add people who enjoy playing any of these 3 games, as theyre my favorites at the moment.
forgot pic
>Stunden in den letzten 2 Wochen
I left running Memelands 2 on accident so it's half of that
Fuck off Pedro
That's portuguese you stupid
such a lovely language
Good taste in vidia user.
how is forager ?
We're on spring break
Finish Catherine
Pedro isn't exclusively Spanish, retard.
Cozy, fun, satisfying.
Finishing the main content is pretty easy to do, while getting the last large achievements to 100% the game includes a couple of hours of grinding.
Roadmap states that proper farming and supposedly animal taming is next, followed by a combat system overhaul, both "coming soon".
Online multiplayer and mod support has both been confirmed to being in development.
>140 hours in the past 2 weeks
jesus fucking christ
i def will!
not him but would you say it is worth the price at the moment or should i just wait for a good price?
Absolutely. 20€ is pocket money and even then it lasts for 20+ hours if you wanna 100% it, with much more content coming up. It feels really polished, lots of Terraria vibes but mixed with Zelda and Harvest Moon.
What do you even do in a nep game for 900 hours?
Not pictured: 3500 hours in path of exile
nice will give it a shot
The demo supposedly lasts for 3 hours, or you could just buy and refund before 120 minutes have passed.
Fuck me up lads
dota2 is auto chess only
There is the main dev shilling his shitty game all day long here and this thread is probably from him.
Casually cheese through NG+ multiple times
No I don't
>2 dark souls 2 in featured games
get seikiro faggot
Play more Catherine
I played Breath of Death because of the skeleton, but gave up after a couple of hours. It's not very good.
I tend to leave games running while I'm not on the computer, so.
Kiwami 2 soon, can't wai
i have it dipshit.
Same. Though I hear it's about the same length as Kiwami 1 which I'm guessing won't take as long to finish.
my nig
Working your way up to DMC5?
Come to think of it, I didn't play much this year at all until RoR2 came out
Casuals belong on reddit
Yes my friend, I just can't skip games
Did the same with Witcher and Ace Combat
Forza is the only game i've been playing lately.
what u mean with this?
ok, then make your featured games Ds1 > Ds2 > Ds3 > Seikiro. Featuring Ds2 twice triggers my autism.
no pic, but
>risk of rain 2
>EDF 4.1
>PUBG, babby
havent played anything on steam for a while
i usually pirate and emulate games a lot
i mean, you could try being less obvious that you blatantly cheat in shitty f2p fps games by posting this shit.
what do you mean user? I don't see forza in the picture?
My man
why is steam so bestest?
when did Yea Forums start playing video-games? lol, real gamers please reply to this post with your lack of playtime used instead to shitpost on Yea Forums
Should be DMCV over 4 but I wanted to give Vergil a try again.
Based as hell
Also been playing Sekiro.
other games not listed are Warhammer 2 and DMCV
are you reading the thread? most of these people don't even have 50 hours per game