I thought Doraemon wasn't that popular in Europe/America outside of Spain. Are you getting the new Story of Seasons?

I thought Doraemon wasn't that popular in Europe/America outside of Spain. Are you getting the new Story of Seasons?

Attached: doraemon.jpg (820x461, 105K)

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Is this the Switch Story of Seasons they were talking about?

It isn't. Isn't it popular in Italy?

Yeah. Physical in Europe, digital in the USA.

>BTN/FoMT gameplay
Fucking conflicted, man. I couldn't give two shits about Doraemon and you play as a kid so marriage obviously won't be possible but dat classic HM gameplay though.

You'll stay for the Giant-Suneo hijinks, if they're there.

No, Marvelous said after announcing this that they're also making a regular Story of Seasons on it.


Based italians, best taste in japanese animation of them all.

So, the current Harvest Moon on the Switch is the shovelware one and this is the real deal, am I getting it right?

Yes, you might as well forget about any game coming out using the name Harvest Moon from now on, the real series is Story of Seasons.

>Nobita MC

So no waifus/husbandos? Dropped

As a spic i have a lot of nostalgia for Doraemon, surprised they didnt make a Moomin themed game instead tho

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>not liking Nobita
>not liking the Doraemon cast
Are you people even human?

Doraemon is vastly more popular internationally and locally than Moomin tho.

I'd play it.
my daughter Little My is so cute

Where the fuck can I find the full series with english subs? There used to be all episodes in german on YouTube which was fucking great, but they took most episodes down because of copyright.

doraemon is pretty popular in Italy actually
not Japan popular but sill pretty well known

I'm thinking about getting a 3DS. Is the Story of Seasons game on it any good?

Depends on the series you're looking for. The earliest is not translated.

Is it popular in France?

There's two on there. And that's not including the 3DS Harvest Moon games either.

But weren't the Harvest Moon games on the 3DS the Natsume developed ones?

There are some Natsume Moons on there. But there are Bokuju Monogatari's too, if that makes things any less confusing.

And are they any good?
I don't have a lot of stuff I'd like to play on the 3DS, the Harvest Moon games would help.

I hope there's spanish voices in the game. I saw the whole show in spanish, and it's pretty much the way I remember it. I'm not even spanish.

Holy fuck that would be great, didn't think of it. Catalan/galician too please.

Not really.
They all try and do different things so you might find one you like. Or just pick Trio of Towns.

Doraemon is still really famous. It's not like he's the laughing salesman.

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Together with France we basically imported a shit ton of anime for almost 50 years. Every genre was covered, my mother for example was a fan of Candy Candy and The rose of Versailles and my father had a soft spot for Lupin III.

>ywn watch Doraemon and other animes on Chilevision again
it hurts, i don't even know why, it just does

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Sure, but you weren't the first country in Europe to get Heidi, how does that feel h-huh?

Why did Doraemon bomb so hard in the West? It only got 2 seasons dubbed.

It bombed in North America, which is just one part of "the West". It did great in Latin Europe.

Then where's season 3

W-what the hell is up with the fucking manga? Aren't they supposed to be in elementary school still?

America put it on Disney XD which is where anime goes to die. If they wanted it to get popular they would have put it on adult swim.

>Not being able to marry Shizuka
Missed opportunity desu

lol, no need for competition, my spanish bro. We love you. Be happy to have been blessed by basically every animation style possible in your childhood.

I'd assume they're available dubbed in Spanish and Italian.

Nu-Doraemon was such a huge mistake. Fujimoto must be rolling in his grave.

>USA english dub season 3 never ever
It still hurts bros, at least it was fun while it lasted

I dont want to play as that fucking beta orbiter Nobita, I hope someone mods it so you can play as Doraemon instead

Hehe, love you too senpai, although I'm still a little jelly that the outright vast catalogue of manga in Italy didn't seep that much to my country.

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>outside of Spain
He's probably more popular in Portugal lol

>It only got 2 seasons dubbed.
>implying there are seasons in Doraemon and it's not just a constant of 2000+ episodes since the 70s only interrupted in 2005 to change staff


Who here nostalgic

Italian is not that hard for a Spanish speaker.

Sure, but importing was kind of a bitch until a few years ago.

>I thought Doraemon wasn't that popular in Europe/America outside of Spain.
Its not. This game wont sell well at all.

It's absolutely gonna bomb outside of Japan but i wonder if it will actually do well over there

>Nobita as MC
>No romance at all
I'll skip this one and wait for rune factory 5 or another Story of Seasons

Depends whether the people that are releasing the game will make a deal with Boing/the distributors of the show in Spain for publicity and contract a dub with the original voice actors or they take the path of least resistance and not make a translation at all. If they do the former it could be the best selling Harvest Moon game in Spain by a long shot imo

seems really strange to me that doraemon was never really localized for the US, i feel it could've done pretty well


What the fuck, this was the gallician opening?

I don't care about Doraemon either but the game looks downright beautiful so I'm on board. The only reason I can see to hold off is that the actual SoS game on Switch is on its way, as is RF5, so I don't want to accidentally burn out on life sim farm management if they come out sooner than expected.

That's actually pretty great, although a bit repetitive.

man i miss doraemon

What's with Japanese kids shows all having the same group of kids.
The average boy
The girl
The small kid
And the overgrown big boned kid.

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Nobita is by no means average.

Suneo is more of "The Douchebag" rather than "The small kid"

>es moix còsmic
>that doraemon voice
fuck that's funny, thought they used the same dub as we did in barcelona

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was very popular in portugal too faggot


Spanish intros of old animes are usually that good

Oh meu já disse isso nesta trede também.

I meant in size. But I don't really know about Doraemon. I'm going to guess that he's at least good at something. The main kid needs to be good at something.

He's small isn't he? He's the small kid then.

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anime always has character templates.

Cool by me, no need to insult

Yes. And it's odd. It's like they just take this template for granted.

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>I'm going to guess that he's at least good at something. The main kid needs to be good at something.

oddly familiar

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Sonic Boom wasn't made by japanese afaik

Oh... Well at least being useless is an interesting gimmick. I'll give them that.

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Right, but that's still the core friends. Even in their original depictions, Knuckles is the tough one. And tails is the young one. So it still fits the trope.

I wonder if this trope has already be noted on tvtropes

Baseado e Pilula Avermelhado

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The main plot revolves around him being such a god damn failure his descendant sends a robot through time travel to unfuck his life and see if the family's future fares better. The dude, of course, becomes completely dependant on the robot's machines and can't live a single episode without them. Fun show!

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Ah, I should have thought of that myself.
I had a few more in mind. It's something I've noticed a long time ago. But for whatever reason, I'm blanking.

story of seasons=harvest moon
"harvest moon"=fake garbage

this actually goes deeper, anime suffers from characters with similar personalities, not just the cast build.

Like the typical MC that doesnt give a fuck about shit but has untapped potential like Spike spiegel, Gintama, Mugen from champloo, Goku and to some extent young Joseph Joestar

Then the usual silent and serious character that can beat the shit out of everyone like Jin from champloo, Hajime Saito, Jotaro Kujo, Momotaro Tsurugi, Kenshiro

Theres also the dumb childish character of the group who is supposed to be used as comedic relief

God I miss the Rockman.EXE anime.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can sit here and point out every little cliche. But I just wanted to bring one to light, that I don't think gets enough attention. And it just so happened to be relevant to Doraemon

Don't forget the Detective Boys.

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Not exactly on point. But close enough.

Flirting and getting married is like the whole point.

It was localized for the US.

And...it didnt do well.

I hope the Doraemon game is a sign of what to look forward to for the next proper bokujou game that they are making.
What they're doing with the artstyle looks real good.

I'll probably pick this up on pc.

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