>refuses to play bloodborne because it runs at 30 fps
Was he in the right?
Refuses to play bloodborne because it runs at 30 fps
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, 30fps is fucking awful
I think he just refused to play on console for that reason?
If you play anything with locked fps you're a faggot
>implying it even manages that half the time
wheres my fucking Pro patch
yes, he was right in trying to reinforce is persona, and in a way, combat shitty practices
He died without having played game of the decade all because of muh 60 fps. If there is an afterlife he must be seething right now
now he plays everything at 0fps so make of that what you will
Well he clearly paid for it, so no
If he's so right why is he dead?
he is in a coffin
60fps gives you rectal cancer
Of course he wasn't.
>dies of cancer
maybe it was all those extra frames?
oh ho ho ho ho
>refuses to play bloodborne because it runs at 30 fps
>Was he in the right?
Yeah, thank god he spent his dying days playing great games instead.
30 fps is pain in the ass to play
consoleniggers seething
literally who is this fat/bald/pale cumstain
still his life got locked at 30
It literally makes no difference once you're playing retard. Imagine being such a queer faggot that you care so much about that
>still his life got locked at 30
seething pc cunt projecting his own feelings onto others
keep seething, he dead
No, he is fucking retarded,
His videos are not that bad, why did he stop posting?
he ded lol
60fps is the bare minimum for anything that's not a literal movie game.
one reddit gold for you sire
>It literally makes no difference once you're playing
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft HAHAHHAHAHHA
he can't play it now LOL
I mean, maybe not to you, because you're used to it. I was used to 20 fps too when I was a little kid who couldn't afford a PC. Now that I own a good PC sometimes I try to play a game on my xbone because I gameshre with my brother-in-law and he pays for the game pass and playing at fps that low gives me an actual headache.
I've avoided upgrading from a 60hz display because I don't want the same thing to happen to me with 60 fps. Getting used to higher fps ruins lower fps for you forever.
Same desu.
Based Biscuit. Snoys will be forever seething that he refused to play their slideshow
oh boy, this one is fuming alright
>low gives me an actual headache.
I heard stopping slurping semen cures that
>It literally makes no difference once you're playing retard.
Bloodborne is sub 30fps. I know because I bought a ps4 just to play it and it gave me a massive headache just trying to.
So yes, he was in the right, and now he's in the ground.
pc guy actually, tb devolved into a nonce, was always low iq brit whitetrash whose arrogance was fueled by ignorance as opposed to justified by knowledge, but money and eceleb bubble just turned him into a big obnoxious pigeon
>refuses to have a civilized conversation and just posts generic insutls and "u mad"
why even post?
What do you gain from this?
You're not going to learn anything and neither is anyone else. No one's going to admit they were wrong because you've completely given up acting in good faith. All continuing this would result in nothing being accomplished and you feeling annoyed at the end.
Have sex, dude.
>I was used to 20 fps too when I was a little kid who couldn't afford a PC
Man, I remember playing Most Wanted not only Low FPS but for some reason also slowed down(probably because that PC had no reason to actually run that game). A friend came over and when he saw that said
>What have you done? how can you play this?
>always complain about 30 FPS frame cap
> you life has a 30 YPL [years per life] year cap
>consolepoors are ok with 30fps
>poor PC players are ok with 60fps
Any 144fps chads?
He wasn't in the right, he's in the grave where he's supposed to be, and the rest of you PC Niggers will be joining him soon when PS5 wipes your faggot asses off this great PlayStation nation, half you faggots will an hero when Bloodborne 2 and Demon's Souls remasted gets announced
Not that user but
>once you're playing
not watching, he said playing
Do you play video games, user-chan?
I played through bloodborne and it was miserable because of the framerate and muddy resolution. I was getting migraine headaches throughout it
who cares, he's dead.
But i miss him, lads ;-;
>bass in the back
what kind of music does he play?
yes, that's correct, that's what he said. you must have had a lot of fun quoting him for no purpose at all newfag.
>TotalIrrelevanI died in your lifetime
Post yfw
>Hardware loyalist
too obvious, pretty shit ironic fanboy mimicking, 2/20
>He wasn't in the right, he's in the grave where he's supposed to be
Jesus fuck that's brutal
LOL say the line about eyes and fps now please
Who cares. All I want to know is if his ragdoll animation played at 30 or 60 FPS.
>mfw he released his GOTY list
I have a 144Hz screen. I have two questions. Is there a capture program that can capture 144fps, and does webm support 144fps video? I'd like to make a 30-60-120-144 fps comparison video like that
>can't even interpret what I said
Obviously 60 fps is superior genius, but once you start playing you get used to 30 fps and it becomes secondary.
good post
>hurr durr i literally can't play because it's 30 fps
There's nothing to discuss with subhumans really.
another queer.
Ah yes demon souls remaster at 24fps in crystal clear 8k the way cinematic masterpieces should be
seething totalcasket fan
you're a part of the problem, slit your throat right now
>throws a shitstorm about 30 frames per second video games
>don't mind shitting out blood on a daily basis
pc-F A T everyone
>There's nothing to discuss.
Then why post?
Just to type out a downvote with no reasoning behind it at all?
>expecting a game to run with a framerate the hardware could never power
You tell me. The only thing I know is that he led a giant bunch of retards to believe 60 fps is the non plus ultra when it should really just the minimum.
*dabs on you*
>shits on America for not having universal healthcare
>comes to America to treat his ass cancer
ironic thing is, I bet he'd trade anything now for even 1 frame per second!
Based FuckingDoug got the last laugh.
What problem exactly?
To make fun of people like you. Like, 30 fps is objectively playable for everyone. Imagine not being able to enjoy a game because of that. Like, what the fuck is your problem.
No, FPS fags are either petty elitists or have genetic eye malfunctions that cause them to get vertigo or strain from low fps. 60 fps is buttery smooth but I don't consider games that run on 30 to be auto-bad.
How about this one instead:
No wonder you act like such a sperg when people talk about tolerating lower FPS than your brain demands -- you suffer from autism.
is universal healthcare really that good if it is used to keep people like this alive?
Rekt! How will dead man ever recover?
>>refuses to play bloodborne because it runs at 30 fps
based and redpilled
>Took 7 years to come up with an insult
>Couldn't do it when he was alive
Wasted opportunity.
>30 fps is objectively playable for everyone. Imagine not being able to enjoy a game because of that. Like, what the fuck is your problem.
their problem is, quite literally, autism. Sincerely and truthfully.
Fucking savage
you're still alive, like cancer that refuses to die, kinda ironic that we have this situation in a thread about ass cancer
>play game
>cover half of screen with blanket or someshit
>whoa what you can't play like that?! what the fuck is your problem imagine having problem with that
you fucking retard
i played this shit on ps live because im a fucking retard and the shit frame rate combined with the tiny increased input delay made the game an absolute shitfest
i beat it anyways because of autism
>To make fun
You're being disingenuous. You can't just type out angry posts and pretend they were all fun and games. And you do not know my situation, because you are poor. Don't try to speak about things you have no knowledge of, especially in absolutes. You're making a fool of yourself.
it's the bare minimum and the moment it drops everything goes to shit, cope faggot
>Bloodborne running at 30fps
lol it runs at like 15fps at best.
I still think he stressed himself to death. The cancer probably wouldn't have fucked him up as fast if he stopped fucking screaming whenever someone had a differing opinion.
He came to the US to be with his gold digger GF and help raise his wifes son. He got ass cancer years after moving here.
He was right until he announce Undertale as his goty
The community is a shit-stain, no games and all they do is complain about frames? Lame, they should refrain because they sound deranged
I have a good PC absolute mongoloid. I'm just not a subhuman that can't enjoy games just because they aren't le 60 fps
the absolute state of pctards.
He lived pretty long with the cancer he had man. Pretty sure it was past the usual life expectancy.
he barely played any games in his final years because of his autism and fallign for reddit circlejerks
> Imagine being this autistic.
And the tumor was not benign
It was still a great game, but god damn I wish it ran at 60fps. As someone that owns all the consoles and a good PC, If bloodborne had a PC version I would buy it in a heart beat on there just to experience it at a not shit frame rate.
Playing is even worse you fucking
retard. Stop trying to force your delusion on others just because you're a poor kid
Didn't he mention something about the US having the best treatment for his cancer?
No, it's fucking retarded.
The only games that require 60 fps minimum are multiplayer and MAYBE super fast high action packed games, and that's a big maybe.
Not your roll and dodge single player souls game.
In those games, it's simply a nice addition, not a necessity.
What, did he not played any game before 2006ish?
Does he refuses to play old games in their original console?
literary everyone named undertale as the goty
he'd be right if it actually ran at 30, instead of the 26+cinematic dips it does run at
No. Even though I don't play under 60 either, his job was to review games, so he had to soak it up and deal with it.
Boost mode
>anime reaction image pretending to be retarded
Classic bait, here is your welfare (You)
fuckingdoug won this argument, let this be a lesson to you incels
>being this much buttblasted by traps
Exactly, and PS5 will have an even better boost mode, PC faglords are running out of ammo
Different games have different performance bottlenecks. For Bloodborne, the entire system is the bottleneck, this game will N-E-V-E-R run at 60 fps in a PS4 Pro
I don't respect the double standard, Undertale was also 30 fps
Why not? He had only so much time left. One has to filter somehow.
Uhh, let me google that for you.
he just didn't want to play a shitty game the 30 fps was his excuse to everyone
The game would be fine if it ran at smooth 30fps but it doesn't. It drops frames constantly and on top of that it has framepacing issues.
Obviously 60fps would be ideal but marketing fast framerates to normies is almost impossible.
Bitch to maintain consistently.
It really isn't that much of a problem faglord. suck a billion dicks.
What I like to do sometimes is just hard limit a game to 30fps for a half hour or so and get used to it
Then I disable the limiter and experience up to 240 fps in all it's glory.
Even looking around and moving around your house afterwards looks "strange". Your eyes do get used to the limit after a while, but you have to go all in to get used to it.
Either way, he was a total faggot for citing 30fps as his reason for not playing when the input lag alone from the dual shock controller is a bigger problem than the frametime pacing he was going to experience.
Hope god doesn't give you a cancer bud
Still dougs magnum opus
>I've avoided upgrading from a 60hz display because I don't want the same thing to happen to me with 60 fps. Getting used to higher fps ruins lower fps for you forever.
I mean, it's kinda true. For years I was unhappy with 60hz after having 120hz on my CRT's and it's why I kept 'em around.
However 144/120 to 60hz isn't as jarring as you'd think because the frametime is lower. It's especially not as bad nowadays that gsync and freesync are a thing.
What does fuck you over is going from a high refresh rate to 60~fps. If you drop from say 165~ to 115 you'll definitely notice.
TLDR cap frames and you're golden.
Hahaha imagine being this fucking edgy and pathetic with that much loyalty to a corporation, eat shit and die motherfucker
My 36 year old brother died of cancer less than a month ago, I'm allowed to be as edgy as I want, we're all going to die anyway, boo-fucking whoo, don't say mean spirited things, the dead guy might hear you and you'll hurt his feelings
sony gave him asscancer for speaking the truth
Top 10 anime twists
>no games
PC has objectively more games than consoles doe
imagine being this much of a consolenigger that you don't care if games run at fucking 20 fps
Doesn't even make a noticeable difference.
you think hell runs in 30 fps as well?
Sad that the industry had to assassinate this man to keep making 22FPS video games.
He just wanted to raise the bar for the video game industry and time and time again it continues to drop the ball and cater to individuals who have never cared about video games to begin with while neglecting core audiences.
I will always respect TB for quitting WoW while people who literally cannot play the game anymore still continue to do so only because it makes money to continue cover it.
Why do you think he is in hell?
Cope, anything under 40 is unplayable to someone who isn't a subhuman monkey.
He didn't miss anything.
He was eligible for a type of treatment that was undergoing trials in the US that extended his life, had he lived anywhere else he would've died sooner.
Maybe the faggot should have played the game while he had the chance instead of bitching about it on the Internet and dying like a loser. And he had some notoriety, imagine wasting years of your life bitching about consoles on an anonymous imageboard, imagine missing out on The Last of Us and Death Stranding, these are once in a lifetime experiences, you've wasted your gaming life on PC, like the people who still defend Xbox, the longer you fight Sony, the more pain you feel, next gen is gonna be hard, your life is running out
Yes, he's a saint for bringing that up.
>refuses to go to doctor after shitting blood for years
Was he in the right?
BB is the worst Fromsoft game
But it's still great, so whatever.
I have a 144 Hz monitor and my gpu is powerful enough to get 144fps
Of course the higher the better but playing is definitely not worse
Go play more video games, brainlet-kun!
american gamers will listen to anyone who speaks in an english accent
>Sad that the industry had to assassinate this man to keep making 22FPS video games.
>He just wanted to raise the bar for the video game industry and time and time again it continues to drop the ball and cater to individuals who have never cared about video games to begin with while neglecting core audiences.
I'm kinda glad that DigitalFoundry and a few others have grown in his absence along with the attitude that
Playing on my brothers monster computer and then going back to my toaster was rough for some games.
The graphics change I don't mind much, it's quick to readjust.
The fps change though, it just feels sluggish in comparison.
are you a tranny and nigger lover like him too? what a saint
Cancer is hereditary right? I think two of of grandparents have had it now. So it's just a matter of time for me right?
Play Bloodborne and find out
Is it really that big of a deal though? Because at least it isn't like 10 fps or whatever but maybe because am use to it, it doesn't really matter what fps i have as long i can play the game smooth enough for it not to fuck me over. It's also sad how consoles norm isn't 60 fps despite all this time, also how PC isn't he norm despite all the upsides, even though i have a shitty one that can't run jack shit. It's also strange when developers whine about console limitations when they could be just develop it for PC, but obviously PC isn't as popular as consoles so whatever.
Okay bud, got a test for you here.
>Set your desktop refresh rate to 30hz.
>Open up RTSS and your favourite FPS title/aim trainer
>Now limit the game at 55hz and drop it in 5hz increments every 5 minutes.
>When you reach 30hz play for 15 minutes
>Do a series of 180's, flick shots and tracking tests under each refresh rate
Yeah, it'll feel off at first but you'll get used to it while playing very quickly. The only issue you'll have is with 180's and maybe flicks if you're a high sens retard.
Your brain will literally adapt to the lower FPS limit and as long as it's stable and consistent, you'll be fine.
Stability and consistent frametimes are fine, even at 30hz buddy. What's likely to fuck you over more is going from around 190 fps to 140 in a brief window.
Yeah it's jarring for all of like 5 minutes, then you get used to it. Unless, of course, you have crippling autism that prevents this so you cannot stop obsessing over the frame rate as you play
i really thought he'd be back this easter
>good game
>low fps
doesn't play
>shit game
Glorious PCmustard rice!!1
I'm just waiting for it, I hope the first symptoms is cough blood, I wanna go out like Arthur Morgan, most of my family has died of cancer the past decade, I have a poor diet of mainly processed and fast food and no health insurance and have been surrounded by second hand smoke since infancy
Yes. don't throw the baby out with the morbidly obese neckbeard.
They need a way to justify the purchases
Based. No shit games on his diet.
basically everyone who doesn't die from heart disease dies from cancer
if your grandparents smoked i wouldn't worry too much about it
Make changes, faggot. Cookings not hard.
Naeh I'm not a nigger lover because I hate you faggot.
It would actually be great if Bloodborne played at 30FPS. It's a choppy 20-25 at best. It's a 8/10 game that could be a 10/10 if it's performance wasn't such shit.
if it doesn't run at at least 60 its a shit game.
no good, with good gameplay, game runs below that
yes and no, depends
it increases your chance/risk in general
there's other factors at play like if you have a different diet to your grandparents your gut biome is likely completely different, things like that are going to have an effect,coming into contact with different mutagens and stuff
It's 30 most of the time. Play the game and stop sucking down Yea Forumstard shit. Do you think all console games cost $60, too?
>I was used to 20 fps too when I was a little kid who couldn't afford a PC.
I'm used to 20 fps because games just simply didn't have high framerate 90% of the time back in the day.
humans live so long now, that basically if you don't die from some sort of a disease, youll die from cancer.
to add to this, if you know you're higher risk just check more often. if you catch it soon you have a high chance to treat it
>It's a choppy 20-25 at best
liar faglord.
>play Dark souls remastered at 60fps
>switch to Bloodborne
it's fucking horrible but you get used to it after a while.
>if it doesn't run at at least 60 its a shit game.
how joyless does your life have to be to think like this?
post one (1) good game with low fps
protip: you can't
Yep, he was
He is allowed to have standards
Good riddance. Another racist anglo bites the dust.
Invalid argument since bloodborne can't even run at a stable 30fps
Nope. You get used to it if you aren't autistic. It's also less jarring playing with a controller from far away than being glued to the screen with m&k.
if you think that shit was 30 all the time you've never seen anything above it in your life.
life with standards
Shadow of the Colossus
Ocarina of Time
Metal Gear (any)
armored core
Dark Souls
any jrpg
Ocarina of Time
Most of the time != All of the time
only 1 good game on that list
wel thats what you asked for
what FPS does heaven run at
he posts while mouth breathing from a acne covered obese body...
It is 30 most of the time, it just has bad frame pacing
you don't have to project yourself onto others, you know
it only drops below 30fps sometimes, specifically when hair textures or particle effects are filling up the whole camera, when there is a lot of smoke around, or in specific parts of specific areas like Central Yharnam where the 20 guys are burning the werewolf
The human eye can only see 24fps.
...do you see what you just did?
No. Performance isn't that important.
t. PALfag who played Ocarina of Time at 17fps
>user on 4chin having standards
stay buttblasted pcpoor
It's more about responsiveness than looks.
fun should be the standard. Do PC-f-a-t-s actually play games or just run benchmarks all day Is the d-autism meme real?
Jesus fucking christ, did you see what this guy did to his teeth?
This motherfucker, besides eating like all that disgusting shit, didn't even bother to brush his teeth properly and had 18 fucking cavities
And then he has the audacity of talking about healthcare. Fuck this guy
that's not me though
ye keep trying
>"that's not me though"
>Going from below 30 fps on Monster Hunter World PS4 to 60+ fps on PC version
Wasn't the issue that bloodborne was capped at 30 fps when it didn't need to be? Stopping people with good hardware from playing at higher.
No, the issue is that it's on a platform that can't exceed or hit the 30 fps target. Unlocking it's framerate would do very little to help it considering it's still stuck on the PS4.
>refuses to play game on ps4
>dies from cancer
those fucking japs are on it
>The PS5 will have a better SSD than any PC
>the PS5 will have backwards compatibility and exclusive games
It's for the best that he's gone, it would break his heart to see the end of the PCmasterrace and his shit fabase and channel, because PC fucking sucks and everybody is buying a PS5, except a few stuipd assholes, there are still people who buy Xbox but the number keeps shrinking, there will definitely be less pc ports next gen, actually PC and Xbox may completely lose Japanese support
Will the PS5 allow me to run games at whatever framerate I choose, all low textures, 720p and use any input method I choose this gen without it's CPU & GPU hitting 80+c?
If not, I'm cool with them having a fast SSD, loading times are fast enough as is nowadays. There ain't shit on the PS4 worth playing outside of Digimon and most of the PS3 JRPG's have been ported now so it's cool. At least they're catching up to Microsoft!
game that runs like shit means the devs didnt prioritize gameplay, so it's shit
enjoy eye cancer and youtube games
>yea, but this time for real, trust me!
No. He's in the dead.
Sorry for your loss user. We all lose someone important to us as the years go on. It's ok to admit you're not ok. I know I'm still not. Don't take it out on others.
shill your channel somewhere else you tubby undead cunt
so you're admitting it goes below 30. you're admitting it cannot even hold a stable framerate
>boogie still alive
>narcissa back with parents
>dsp married
>manvsgame turning into meth mummy
>spoony ... spoony
>alabaster hog overshadowed in her srs attempt at career by second rate mtf tranny that won't cut his dick
>douge living from paycheck to paycheck
>totalbiscuit's legacy equals lul face on twitch until zoomers overhaul it
what did i forget
These half-gen consoles are proof we're never getting 60fps standard because devs simply do not care. Even wasting all that extra power going for a shitty upscaled "4k" meme resolution instead of trying to hit 60. Like, I could understand it with early 3d graphics, there was a substantial difference how good you could afford to make it look depending on your hardware. But trading in 60 for glorified fucking AA? Disgusting.
imagine defending sub 30 fps, this shit looks so ridiculous to me but it's happening, this is the worst timeline
Why did Bane take the time to respond to some faggot kid doing a shitty song about him?
BB didn't get a port, are you thinking of DaS?
>Angry Alejandro still gets btfo and needs your money
>Machinima channel got irrelevant and died before 2020
>Ross is still doing Freeman's mind, and is now at Half life 2
I wish the best for all humans, it's sad to die before you're 70 at least,everything I say on the Internet is just to piss people off, and honestly PCmasterrace needs to chill the fuck out about frames and just enjoy life and the games. Life is so much easier and fun with PlayStation, stop placing your misplaced sense of pride and arrogance into your gaming pc, youre not better because of frames, you're better because of games
There's nothing bad if most games run at 60 frames. Everyone wins.
life without 60 fps is no life at all
>The face of PC gaming was a literal cuckold who raised his wife's son
>7 years ago
>10 months ago
I agree, 60 frames looks smooth and fluid, but there's a certain appeal to 30 frames in somegames, shit I like it when games drop down to single digits, it's a cool effect, I just enjoy games, I accept consoles for what they are and the most important thing is always games , but I definitely can't accept shitty platforms with no games
>imagine needing 6 years to come up with a comeback
My console eyes think 60 fps looks weird. I dont like it.
Consoles exclusives, single players ones, should have a 60 fps option, or an options menu at least. Bloodborne could benefit from that, as i've played it.
Sony killed TB by causing him to get cancer because he was so anti-consoles
TB's wife killed TB to stop him from plunging her and her tard son further in debt
ps4 cant run bloodborne at 60 fps
Yeah, I had to force myself to finish it. I feel jealous of all the people who haven't experienced 60fps as the standard yet so it didn't feel off for them.
based dude but made bad health choices
should've fasted for a month, he would've lived
>Refuses to live because life doesn't have for slider
Was he right?
Low FPS directly impacts how well a game plays. It looks stuttery and the input lag is high because rendering every frame takes a long time. The problem isn't that games become literally unplayable or something, but there are plenty of games out there. If you're looking for something to play, why not choose something that is both good and also plays well? Nobody has time to play literally everything, so having a game play well at the technical level becomes another criterion to weed out shit which is unpleasant to play, because you WILL find better options.
Yeah, I bet he was glad he played Fortnite or some other turd that came out on PC instead of a literal masterpiece. Good job to him
You can't call a 30fps shitfest game a masterpiece
>Refuses to go to the doctor because of his ass pains
Was he in the right?
And I can't call a piece of shit such as yourself human.
That has nothing to do with the discussion so I guess that means you lose
No, healthcare is a privilege of the productive in society.
You spent the last 35 years smoking and eating fastfood while never contributing to society enough to pay for health insurance.
Now I'm forced to pay triple my healthcare costs, I'm still in my twenties.
Yes it has. Since you're a subhuman, you have no right to talk about games, which means you lost.
but that's where poop comes from, it's embarrassing
Where's your proof that I'm a subhuman? You don't even know who I am
Just accept defeat and commit sudoku
>imagine going to a doctor
if you get sick and die you were not strong enough
natural selection