Why can't the west make a good game?

Why can't the west make a good game?

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>Sticking KH3 in there like we wouldn't notce

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Metro Exodus is a good game, KH3 was garbage

KH3 is better than any of the games on the left.

The post wasn't "Why can't the west make a game better than at LEAST KH3", it was "Why can't the west make a good game?"
KH3 isn't a good game.

Their games are either cinematic garbage or haven't moved past ps1 tier gameplay.

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Lack of titties and sweet asses to motivate the developers on a daily basis to produce quality products.

Never go full retard user

Exodus is good though?

>Be absolute normie
>Be upset that normie games suck
>Shitpost as if anyone should give a shit what you think about game quality
And once again OP should just kill himself

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The west is controlled by triple bracket companies who fully control entertainment industries
There is no soul in games made purely for brand value or microtransactions

Epic shill going all out lol

I played both on PS4 dipshit

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nice try, nobody is retarded enough to play multiplatforms on the ps4

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It sticks out like a sore thumb there on the right side

Not that user, but I only have a Laptop since I bought into the college meme and have nowhere to really have a set-up.
That said, I haven't played Exodus and I don't care to. I played KH3 and it was bad.

Ah, much better

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i have devil may cry and mortal kombat 11 i dont fall for the us vs them bullshit like you weebs do


*has more fun watching other people play a game*


full of sjws, trannies, snowflakes
none of that gay shit

enjoy your sjw characters and mobile game

B(ace)d and red pilled.

Why are weebs so obsessed with insulting their own countries.

you sound like a retard are you mad about the non canon ending too

>Mortal Kombat 11
I hope you have fun, user. The pseudo-censorship sucks, but the game appears to have a tone that's enjoyable.

Metro exodus is actually good though. Kh3 isn't. Sekiro is OK. Resident evil is a remake, but a good one.

Honestly all regions make a lot of shitty games, Japan is no exception.

But to answer the question, Japan is filled with wagecucks that almost work as slaves. This means that they get more work done in a year, which keeps the investors happy. The West is plagued with rushed games, due to a lack of efficiency. This isn't a problem is Japan where the wagecucks are working free overtime every day.

All those Japanese games have around 20 hours of content, how can anyone consider a game good if it doesn't have at least 60 hours of content?

Out of all of the games I played this year
>Crackdown 3
MK11 is probably my favorite or second to RE2 (Still need more time with it and wanna know if I will have the same feeling a few months down the life ) and I honestly might put Crackdown 3 over KH3. KH3 was one of the biggest disappointing games I've ever played.

what are you talking about, I already have 60 hours in Sekiro and I'm halfway through the game
I'm also going to do a 2nd playthrough when I'm done for the different endings

the new anno is pretty good

Because the average western player has no concern for good gameplay, they just want presentation, to feel like a badass and endless multiplayer play.


What it really boils down to is Japan runs smaller studios on average than the west so the amount of moving parts is not only less complicated, but also much easier to motivate, and each individual piece can put more work into the machine. There's just less friction. And then there's the fact that creatives are apparently given far more praise and recognition, meaning they have more clout and thus more freedom to direct the game as they see fit. In the end you get this package with a high level of congruity where design elements and balance modalities are uniform which creates a better overall game.

This as opposed to a studio of 700 people divvied up into a dozen groups, subdivided even further. Lots of moving parts, lots of friction, very little individual input, more overall work to get it moving, but more work out of it at the cost of losses. Lots of the people at the bottom of the ladder are also subject to layoffs upon completion of the project instead of having a steady job. This creates another layer of bullshit.

Of course there are small western studios, and they generally have better work than your AAA shit like oh say Dice or those fags that developed The Division. And there are large studios in Japan that shit all over themselves. It's kind of ironic because they're using the same model as Ion Storm which was a catastrophic failure, but they can pump more money into both the studios and more importantly marketing than ever before. Publishers and their subsidiary developers are carried by hype alone.

Threw up in my mouth

Yes, it's not made in an eastern country.

>>>Crackdown 3

>lists exclusively AAA games like some kind of cuckold

The West makes great indie games which is something the Japanese are incapable of because most of them are bugmen devoid of any creativity.

What's a paladin?


tfw you realize Spoony will never recover

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are you dumb? this had to be bait

Indie game devs constantly shoveling out garbage walking simulators or stupid puzzle platformers is WHY the video game industry will crash again like back in the 1980s. Shitty indie games devalue good triple-A games.


Eastern Europe is still Europe.

>played KH3 and rushed through it on launch
>absolutely hated it
>replay it recently in anticipation for crit mode
>there’s a lot to explore and a lot of hidden details and quests
>combat is extremely customizable (I didn’t event realize you could turn off any of the flow motion attacks individually)
>can customize low tier spells to make them usable without being broken
>air stepping is sick
>all the cool keyblade transform moves like rain storm for guns if right above enemy

It’s not perfect but there’s some cool stuff that’s been bringing me back.

>a whole industry will crash because some sóybóys are making low effort cashgrab games that no one plays anyway
yes man i agree

ok user can you name some non-AAA western games released in 2019 that are good?

Our Devil May Cry 5 is better than your Sekiro you nip-nong piece of shit.

>poor and dumb
>calls others niggers

Really loved the first one, so I wanted to give 3 a try. I really enjoyed it.