How to climb mmr in this shit game?

How to climb mmr in this shit game?

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Back in the day playing a strong midlaner was always a good idea.

doesnt work anymore

You cannot do it unless you have 4 like-minded people to join your party and play with them constantly. That's if you can get past the 20 min wait to get into a game (sometimes 40 mins of wait)

Play well.

step 1 get good
step 2 solo mid

You can't go over ancient rank by party mmr. And queue times range from 1 sec to 5 min at most

Now to answer op you have to watch and learn from better player and also from your mistakes, you'll never climb if you just play the game mindlessly and you blame your teammates for each loss.

playing solo? no the queue is devoid of talent
the only thing you can do to climb mmr is surpress your human emotions while manipulating the emotions of your team to make them get the objectives done, mobas are more of a social game than about game mechanic and skills

winning mid is the fastest way to crush the enemy team's spirits

t. 2k mmr shitter that thinks he is better than his teammates, yet he is the same mmr as them.

people who simply want to gain mmr will never be good. if you're afraid to lose, you'll never experiment enough to actually improve as a player. it's also why people plateau, they're afraid to get out of their comfort zone and just stick to doing shit that works just barely well enough to stay in their current mmr

not really, how mechanically impressed people are by one individual doesnt matter to your overall winrate
people share this dumb "just put your boots in the ground and play well"-mentality but it doesnt do anything from an analytical perspective and has been patched and worked on for so many years that even an impressive trilane skrim does not equate to your winrate

if you mean like the meme streamers do, all you need is to play during grave yard hours when all the kids are asleep/in school and you'll find its super easy to get good team mates.

it has nothing to do with my mmr, that's not how mobas work nowadays

believe me they'll be impressed by their mid going 0-3

Depends on mmr

1. Get better at Dota 2
2. Repeat 1. until you're top MMR

git gud teammates

How many years has it been, PSG?
How many will it take until you realize every opinion you've ever held is wrong?

stop playing this shit

already played the game for almost 8 years now, no reason to quit now

This hours of the day DO matter

Here's a thought experiment for you, why are all the god-tier zoomer midplayers nonames who don't shitstomp people in pubs all day?

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this is true and anyone who debates it is a retard
most teams will break down pretty fast if you crush a lane and protect against ganks
if one lane gets dominated it changes most peoples entire dynamic
don't let your team get cocky and don't fuck up your role, the games that simple

not sure what you're trying to say but I do remember Miracle winning a TI shortly before I quit

i played since the first, played 2 since beta in 2012, dropped it year ago, it's shit that only good as a background for your skype giggles with friends

Maybe one day Nyx assassin will be Meta again

Attached: Nyx!.jpg (401x334, 19K)

So you don't understand the shift in meta over the last 4 years or why Miracle's last pub game is over a month old now?
Internet time moves a lot quicker than you, sorry

You're a fool if you think competitive meta has anything to do with the psychology of pubs.
It doesn't matter if you're playing DotA in 2007, Dota 2 in 2017 or 2019, or even fucking League. The only difference in Dota 2 is you also have to farm behavior score.

So what are ideal hours in US East? Assuming you do this solo because I don't think asking for 4 jobless neets who can power through graveyard times without consequence is a reasonable thing to ask for.