I hope she or Byleth get in Smash so you Smashtard incels die from bile coming out of your nostrils

I hope she or Byleth get in Smash so you Smashtard incels die from bile coming out of your nostrils.

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sakyrai would not

I hope Edelgard gets in, I NEED a white haired anime girl that wields an axe.
>mfw she has a counter

Go big or go home.

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Didn’t Ninty say that already represented series weren’t getting dlc characters?

>blue hair
>not only a sword, but a sword that looks identical to marthcina's

So are they gonna have the child system in the new FE? Because that would be weird with teacher student relations

They said no such thing.
His sister pls or Anna since she's been in the most games

Imagine all the porn if she got in

Most likely dropped. It was negatively received in Fates.

They *implied* it, didn't outright say it

Reggie's PR bullshit was always just PR bullshit.

Don't take what he said as 100% word of truth. He was just a marketing guy, not someone with real authority.

I hope her game bombs

>Because that would be weird with teacher student relations
You can literally fuck your 13 years old sister in Fates and you think this is weird? Nips don't care and the west's opinion doesn't matter, children won't appear anyway because not even Japan liked them in Fates.

That's because hyperbolic time chambers a shit.
I'd never marry my people anyways, you gotta have options.

when will they drop romance altogether and make actual games again?

She's 18 and technically an adult according to TreeHouse

>You can literally fuck your 13 years old sister
you're not blood related so its fine

I want to say no but god knows that the majority of the consumer base just wants their shipping sim.

Awakening kids weren't very memorable either.
Fates was just the game that further cemented child units popularity because no one gave a fuck about them. Only like 2 of them are actually memorable.

>when she doesnt even have a FEH alt
user, the voice actress is done, she doesnt want to do it anymore

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And I hope you end yourself but we all can't have what we want

I want Zazz from Sonic Lost World in Smash brothers, but I don't want to harm others.

Not that user but I think that's a bad approach to take, all the other games had romance for specific character pairings, and I think that's the way to do it. Keep supports unique and put more thought into them. Not every support should be romance but I think some can be and that's cool.
Sadly, in the very best case, everyone has to be able to support the MyUnit, and probably be MyUnitsexual, as that's the crowd they have to pander to now. As long as the other supports are good it should be a fair compromise and one I'd be happy to make if it were up to me.

I dunno man, I'm playing NM right now and I want to FUCK Cecile

>voice actress
I don't give a shit about that and no one else does either.

>when will they drop romance altogether
Most likely no.
>and make actual games again?
Awakening and Fates are actual games too. If you think the romance shit is what makes them bad games or VNs, you're wrong.

IS does, and this is why you havent gotten an Anna alt.
Stop being so self centered, the world doesnt revolve around what you want

The only reason Karen Straussman isnt voicing Anna anymore is because shes working on Acting in TV shows and such

Never ever. This is what FE has become.

Anna was in FE before VA in the series even began

Sanaki got a different voice for her alt in Heroes
IS doesn't give a fuck about VA "loyalty"
They'll replace them if needed, specially no-name English VAs

They won´t, Nintendo doesn´t care about FE anymore, 3H looking like garbage is proof of this.

The dating sim aspect is a big selling point on FE, so logic tells us that it will be back.

However, IntSys is retarded enough to remove them, so who knows.

They don't specify her age, just that she's considered legal.

>IS doesnt give a fuck
They clearly do seeing as theres no Anna alt 2 years after her introduction into FEH

If those retards at IS hadn't split Anna yet once again in CYL3, she would have gotten 2nd place.

>no but muh Askr Anna is totally different from other games Annas!

I haven't played FEH in a long fucking time but are there alts for the sibling OCs?

yeah they only got alts last year and that was it.

Retard, it doesnt matter if shes in top 10, IS makes characters out of everyone in top 100 of CYL.
They skip Anna, every single time, they would skip her if she won CYL

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Yeah, and the OC villains got alts this year too

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I doubt there will be kids but I guarantee dating is in. This game looks like it's trying very hard to get the Persona audience based on the setting and artstyle alone. At the absolute bare minimum the MC will be able to date someone, guaranteed.

Because Persona is known for its monasteries and armor?

>Sanaki got a different voice for her alt in Heroes
Not in Japanese, the language that actually matters. Dubs are low effort budget shit and nobody will care if one of the actors gets shitcanned, in Japanese if a VA leaves the character leaves with them.

>academy setting is now Persona
Just fuck off with this dumbass meme.

This, I just want more porn of her

It's known for its school setting and life sim bullshit, do't be facetious.

That's why I said "specially no-name English VAs"

lol no they don't.

lol yes they do, retard

>make pathetically disingenuous comment
>tell others to be serious
ok hon

that's my real reason for wanting her in Smash desu

i hope you only get a jpeg, FEfag

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>two series with an extremely large amount of market crossover
>one suddenly looks a lot more like the other
>lol fuck off that similarity is bullshit, why would they even do that
grow a brain

Is there any feet art with her so far?

t. never watched an actual famous anime
Fucking Amuro's love interest's VA got sick after 0079 so they wrote her out of every sequel since.

And plenty of other characters have had their VAs replaced when they're no longer available. It's not some rule.

is that way

Didn't Gunter's VA die after doing Fates, who voiced him in Heroes for the Japanese version?

That doesn't make sense.

Neither does pretending FE3H doesn't look like a Persona 5 expy.

>in Japanese if a VA leaves the character leaves with them
Just like Bulma, right

VAs leaving through attrition don't count.



I kind of can't wait for all the DLC characters to finally be revealed, so that we'll be able to have Fire Emblem threads without Smashfags having aneurysms in every thread.

That still doesn't make sense. You don't tell someone to go to the gay board because they call someone a homo.

;D C=====8

Hon is a term for trannies by trannies.

user, it's an insult.

Pikachu's not going to die when the VA dies.

You say that as if Smashfags are even the worst thing to happen to FE threads nowadays. Let's see if I can get that guy's attention with one simple post.

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Why does he hate it so much, the game is so soulful

i don't think so

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Byleth would be dope because apparently he has time powers or something. Swordlords are always GOAT fuck the haters.

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>wanting a character because it would make others angry

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>desiring something to happen just because you enjoy partaking in the immense butthurt is causes another crowd
90% of existence is predicated upon this

I hope it's Claude

God, does Japan have some endlessly shit taste.

>time powers
>Great how can we use this? Another counter? Good idea!