Pathtraced Minecraft got an update
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I7 6700k
Nvidia GTX 1080Ti
good luck getting frame rates above 22fps if you don't have something at least this powerful
this is before this month's drivers too lmao
too bright desu, hurts my eyes
that is the old version
post the new version pic then.
what said
vanilla minecraft looks better. cute tech demo though.
and to think itll only be 40 years before game devs actually use this technology
all this video made me think about is how incredible minecraft's soundtrack is.
Looks like shit
Left - Soul
Right - soulless
Looks more realistic.
It's pleasant, but that's hardly "incredible" user
does the filename make you think it's my screenshot? the video in the OP is a comparison of both
I want to see that Touhou map with these mods
>this game made of cubes looks SO REEL
I cannot stop laughing
If it doesn't run on MC 1.13 I don't give a fuck.
>runs on java minecraft
>made everything duller and flat
>locked behind patreon
it's shit
this is literally what IP vs TN feels like for all the people who still unironically use TN panels in 2019
I don't get it, is it playable? Why not video of people playing it?
actually just realized you need a ips panel just to be able to tell the difference with these images anyway
a site called mirrors patreon stuff, try there
Definitely an improvement, looks softer, was too harsh and bright, esspecially outside.
>java minecraft
16gb isn't that much for RAM
Because it's a comparison showcase? I'm sure there's plenty of videos of people using it in gameplay.
Not him, but in every way other than mods, bedrock is the superior minecraft.
literally the only enthusiast thing on that list is a 1080ti.
>W10 only
1070 runs it at 50Fps tho
Imagine having so little soul that you try and make Minecraft of all fucking games look like AAA bullshit.
It even looks like that garbage mockoff exclusive to the Xbox 360 too, hopefully people know what I'm talking about.
>still using Win7
1070 runs it at 720p 30fps though.
>having a user account tied to your w10
bedrock is just a stripped down version of the java edition (featurwise), is missing even small stuff like optifine and good resourcepacks and doesnt have an easy builtin profile/version manager for going back to when things where good
>Wants sand and wood to be as shiny as being covered in plastic wrap
So this is full minecraft just with new graphics?
Or is it some old creative mode version? How do you even modify the code to do this? Just a full rewrite?
>stripped down
When it comes to the game itself it actually has more stuff than java. But no version manager, yes, because no mods outside of the marketplace.
Have you ever walked outside? The sun is pretty bright.
wheezing mate
Why does your screenshot not match all the awful pixel shit shown in the rest of the video? How is any of that "Ultra Realistic Graphics?"
Look at this. It's literally just the ugly base game.
because that "awful pixel shit" is what happens when your viewpoint moves during a ray traced scene. denoisers fix it but minecrap doesn't have it yet.
Because it's a texture pack you fucking mong.
Seeing this really makes me want to jump back in again. Haven't played since 2012. But I ain't paying for that shit again
Then why does your shitty ass texture pack look like the vanilla game you blind fuck?
Are you really this fucking retarded? OP's pic is using a texture pack, most of the video isn't, this isn't a complex matter.
java comfy
>Ultra Realistic Graphics!
>Most of the video isn't using them though.
What fucking anal seepage made that video?
Here's a couple I took for the E5 thread we had. imo a level of subtelety is the best for actually playing the game but getting just a bit more eye candy out of it.
Do you understand the difference between a texture and a shader? Do I need to draw you a picture?
Nvidia released the source code and a demo for Quake 2 raytraced, which can be used for the entire single player campaign
Nah man, I got you from the texture pack post. It was fun carrying it on though, so thanks for being a sport.
I dont get it, it's still just a bunch of blocky cubes..
>just pretending
You can spot the tech illiterate when they they don't state the ram frequency.
No, those trees are from a resource pack, cocricot (requires optifine, as does the SEUS Renewed shaders I'm running on x2 quality, still looks good for a 2 year old shaderpack)
looks cool i guess
I used regular non-raytraced shaders with Minecraft before and they looked exactly the same as this
>don't you dare run this thing with a mid-tier consumer PC!
I thought minecraft was coded in java.
they haven't released anything since january, don't use that screenshot dickhead
You're either lying or blind as fuck then
what are some toaster friendly (gtx 750ti) graphics mods?
Post an actual screenshot that looks like this instead of the devs' bullshots
Java is just a language, user. Same as C++ or LUA.
look into lightweight shaders
This is a screenshot of the video in the OP you colossal retard.
what's the fucking point if they're picking and choosing what textures to update?
that sort of brick with the hideous tree blocks is shite. moving on.
>it's another poorfag jealousy thread
>they haven't released anything since january I say
>post github link proving my point
I want them to release the one shown off at GDC
How are there this many fucking retards in one thread. THIS IS A SHADER. He didn't update the textures, he updated the game to use path tracing global illumination.
that's the Path-traced version my cool dude
here are some of my screenshots where you actually can see the pathtracing
Good lighting makes anything look real. At minimum it all starts to look like toys or some shoebox diorama. Lighting is the most important graphical asset and makes literally anything look leagues better.
I know that dickhead. But you can't make video game with good performance in Java, hence why nobody uses it.
portal knights looks much better even on switch lol
very nice
Try R3D Craft Default Realism. Hasn't been updated in a while though.
No it isn't.
Nope, it doesn’t. The dev of the path tracing shit used a 1070 and said himself it runs 50 FPS
>meanwhile digital foundry showed it off and it could only do 720p 30fps on the 1070
Who do you trust more? The developer or digital foundry?
And here's one of the comparisons I took, it looks comfy indoors and in some lighting but daytime outside looks pretty bad in actual play, hopefully thats sorted out this time.
>need to donate to some faggots patreon to get it
v6 has been out since like 2 weeks ago
Fucking retarded. Whoever made this mod should be jailed.
So the biggest thing I'm noticing is that the denoiser is far more effective this time around.
>6 years ago Yea Forums would be shitting its pants wishing they could play like this
>now everyone is busy pretending it doesn't look good because showing an inch of happiness goes against the blackpill philosophy they are deeply entrenched in willingly or not
Oh just kill yourselves en masse. It would be so much healthier.
I thought it looked good enough outdoors even without raytracing.
fucking retarded, whoever made this post should be jailed and shot
>tech demo bad
The sun is actually about 1000 brighter than a light bulb
Soul | Souless
Try to make something that looks like Mirrors Edge 1.
>I-It looks like Shit anyways!!!!
Top: Soulless
Bottom: Soul
There are quasars with trillions of times the luminosity of that of our sun. Relatively speaking, the sun isn't that bright.
What do you mean?
welcome to modern Yea Forums
outcasts always came here but outcasts have changed from "nerds and weird hobbyists" to "the bottom filth of society"
dev actually has a level that looks like Mirrors edge and he tests the shader on it
Is it on the same channel as the video in OP?
I'm talking about the sunlight that hits the earth, the sun itself is 3800000000000000000000000000 watts.
>Jew tuber
>can’t get shit done
>about 1000
you fucking moron that's literally how light bulbs are defined
1 bulb = 1 millisun
You said that the sun is pretty bright, I refuted your claim by bringing up that there are objects in our universe with trillions of times the brightness of our sun. Checkmate.
no. author is Sonic Ether and I think it's in one of his videos about the PTGI shader on his twitch
fuckin poorfags with there non solar anomly lighting
Retard, the scientific term for a lightbulb isn't a "bulb", it's a sunlet.
1 sunlet = 1 millisun
Tfw can't run any shaders anymore on 1060 6gb thanks to the mc java shitty coding, even forcing myself to play some survival with cocricot on 1.10 with shaders it runs like ass but in older versions of mc it runs just fine (i only can use BSL and chocapic now because they're the one that looks fine)
You completely ignored his argument and had a sperg fit.
>I have nothing to contribute to the argument so I will throw out insults like a child
*adjusts glasses*
Nice try kiddo.
That makes no sense in the context of the discussion at hand, the point is that the sun is extremely bright but our eyes do a good job at adjusting to different brightness scales and the actual actual point is that the updated shader looks less realistic, a sunny day really should look bright and saturated.
I have 1060 3GB let's see what I can run
checked it now at it looks like he's deleted his older streams so it's not there anymore..nevermind
user I took that on a 1060 6gb, on linux too
Have all the mc settings at maximum and leave the shaders settings on default and use any preset on the shaders menu and anything that isn't below 12 chunks
>t. talking out his ass
The only issue really is garbage collection and that's not even that big of a problem. Java is a pain in the ass to program imo but there are plenty of performant games in Java including the Blood source port that's in the works.
>mid tier
fuck off shill We don't want your shitty rtx cards
OK hold on I haven't touched this in a while.
I'll use 1.13.2 and update optifine for it.
Honestly i was honestly kinda happy about seeing Minecraft looking so good, not everyone on this board has to be overly negative about everything.
>More realistic = better
Fuck off, grafix-fags
OG Minecraft looked perfect
fUcKiNg rEtArDeD, wHoEvEr mAdE ThIs pOsT ShOuLd bE JaIlEd aNd sHoT
>TeCh dEmO BaD
Why does a cool tech demo piss you off so much? You know your original game is still there on your computer, right?
Thanks m8!
It's a 3 years old card and not even in the top 10 anymore.
Cocricot doesn't support 1.13.2 though
This is an anonymous imageboard. It's a bit different from the social media you're used to, and attaching selfies isn't required. Nice argument though.
Why come in purely to shit up a thread, I'm confused?
show me this "top 10" please
I think I had a shaderpack installed.
Wow Stroggos sure is humid
Like it didn't run badly enough as it was.
My point is what you said was completely fucking irrelevant to the argument at hand, not to mention that you're some sort of dipshit who unironically believes the shit you spout out.
A multi-millionaire is still pretty rich, even if billionaires exist in the same world. There being something brighter doesn't immediately invalidate it, you autistic fuck.
it's a custom texture pack also there's many different types of shaders so use one that is actually isn't shit or the ones that offer low-ultra jar files
I've been staring at this image since you've posted it. Is this a real person? Because holy fuck, he looks like he got the shittiest rolls in the genetic lottery.
>6 titans and a quadro
found the vid
Coloured glass looks the same. Where's the light filtration from vanilla SEUS?
where can I download this from
I want to see if my 2080Ti meme works
I think you're missing the overarching discussion at hand.
you forgot to refute his statement
Is there a mod/modpack that will make exploring and progressing through armor tiers fun again?
How do I play vanilla Minecraft?
I have Minecraft for W10, but it's just not the same.
Holy fuck.
Get the java edition you shit.
If my game is modded to have this dogshit in it then the original game isn't there until I redownload it or disable the mods.
OK I tried with this pack, all default settings, render distance 16.
PC gaming is chea-
But does any of this work for beta versions of the game where it wasn't shit?
Just because there's a bunch of enthusiast cards that barely anyone owns in the big leagues doesn't mean the 1080ti is some shit midrange card.
No hobby is cheap if your strategy is to throw away as much money as possible.
I get about 64 fps usually
You're in a empty area go where there's some trees and npcs and stay there for a while to let the chunks load
is this with, or without global illumination path tracing?
Hold on I'll go make a new world, this one is just snow.
Any seed you want me to use?
idk is that an option in that shader I picked?
A swamp or a forest would be a good
i don't know about any seeds i haven't used them since mc beta
for a costumer you would be right, but it's only proving how obsolete the 1080Ti is about to become in just a few months.
No, but the subject of the thread. No worries. I thought you were testing the PTGI.
I'll try that out later.
If it even works at all that is. No idea if it uses some unsupported API.
That's a workstation card anyway.
so does anyone have a link for this seus ptgi E6 ?
why is starting a new world in minecraft so boring
It looks like you need to use it on 1.12 and have a fairly beefy GPU, the digifoundry vid was 30fps on a GTX1070. RTXGPU's fair better obvs
Yeah, because regular customers stop buying things when there's a new cad workstation card on the market.
Fuck off, retard.
Weird that it doesn't support 1.13
Or does it work anyway?
No idea, just the vid listed the dependency as 1.12.Something
So looking into it; it seems that the requirements are:
Minecraft 1.12.2 (no 1.13 support yet)
OptiFine 1.12.2 HD U E2 or newer
Options > Video Settings > Details > Alternate Blocks: OFF
Options > Video Settings > Details > Trees: Fancy or Fast (Smart may break lighting)
Options > Video Settings > Quality > Natural Textures: OFF
Options > Video Settings > Shaders > Shadow Quality: 1x
Options > Video Settings > Shaders > Old Lighting : DEFAULT
Resource packs with custom block models may cause issues
>No 1.13 support
>Weeks/months before 1.14 gets released
This is why I hate Minecraft and Mojang. If they stopped being a bunch of jews and gave the Java version of the game a modding API this wouldn't be a problem.
OK tested some packs on a 1060 3GB
SEUS PTGI doesn't seem to work. No reflections.
Here's Sildur's v1.20
BSL v7.1
SEUS PTGI E6 posted above but the raytracing thing doesn't seem to work.
All default except GI path tracing.
>$10 a month for this
>when you realize that ray tracing is really just a skyrim enb
Someone probably leaked it already, at least I hope.
i read the thread, it's here
>SEUS PTGI E6 posted above but the raytracing thing doesn't seem to work
Did u install OptiFine ?
have sex
RAM frequency is overrated. Anything more than 2400MHz is overkill unless you're working in a professional setting.
It just doesn't work on 1.13
I don't think any SEUS pack support 1.13
Replace 2400 with 3200 and you're right.
Or if you have ryzen
Most of the titans are far more "obsolete".
Does the update actually use the Tensor cores in the RTX graphics cards, or is it still just using traditional rendering?
Yeah you need 1.12.2 are you broken you retard
I fucking want it.
Traditional rendering.
>using fucking minecraft for testing and showing off super-beefed up shading
loving it
maybe for ddr3, most modern CPUs using DDR4 scale pretty effectively with freq
OK tried memetracing but it appears broken as fuck.
Not even sure if it's actually doing any ray tracing.
>below the light shaft is better lit than above it
neat, what's this called? I'm guessing they've a much more efficient way of doing that bit than fucking raytracing.
What I meant by broken
>Tfw struggling to hit 60fps at 720p low on a 1070
Game surprisingly looks gorgeous, I love the lighting reflection on shiny blocks. In 3+ years when more games are supported and better optimised RTX might be worth upgrading for.
How much FPS do you guys get on the latest version of the mod with a 2080Ti/9900k/9700k?
yeah I can't see any rays wtf
And it still looks like glaucoma world.
It's actually pretty crazy that tech has advanced as far as it has for vidya. I remember 10 years ago being on threads where people were arguing if graphics would ever be as good looking as real life, and a lot of people said ray tracing would be one of the big milestones. I know we're already at a point where graphics increases are much smaller going gen to gen, but I wonder how good shit's going to look in another decade.
>People are still wasting lots of time making minecraft look GREAT
It's like putting an elevator in an outhouse. That's enough Yea Forums for today. Release me, mods.
How are you hitting 60fps? I'm stuck at 30fps, but I am using stock clocks on my 1070 and i5 6600k.
cant some user just share the shader? i aint giving a modder money
Ultra realistic Minecraft never looked right to me. Ovo's and Conquest are better.
>cant use the raytracing with a 980ti
>I have a CRT Monitor so I couldve lowered it to 480p
>being this new
read the thread you spoonfed retard
That's a big village.
oega boega me no anglas gif gif shiny
Retard here
I have a 1070 (+4790k) and I hit between 35-45 fps
You need
Forge 1.12.2
Optifine 1.12.2 latest in your mods folder
The Path tracing zip in your shader folder
Start and be amazed, or not. Looks good mind
You will also need to select the zshaders to use from the in game shaders menu, under video settings. The optifine should also auto apply, but not show under the mods menu item.
Yes, this is what the industry truly needs at this juncture. Lighting becoming more lighty for high end graphic humper cards.
Yes? Ray-tracing has always been the holy grail of graphics and it wasn't viable for real-time rendering until very recently.
Wait what do you mean that's not a photo?
and now they can't even play 4k 144
now neck yourself bye
won this argument
it's a fucking pet project for graphic nerds nothing more