Remake is an abomination

>remake is an abomination

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>remake is an abomination
>it reworks the lore in a fine way and makes the story more interesting

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they honestly look generic as fuck in the first shot. Humanity was bogging them down, so they decided to shed it and become something more. You gotta respect that.

How can i look lile them?


Attached: basedgirl.png (880x754, 519K)

Fear the old blood. Grant us Eyes

What's the rundown on these 4 guys?

isn't he dead?

delete this

What happened to her?

they took her

how did they evolve

Their minds can command their flesh

dump it

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That's pretty much most remakes except Halo and RE2.

>remake adds soul

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>Implying this isn’t Perfection
Embrace the Bogpill

Why did they do that

>More Soul