

Attached: sunny.png (640x480, 586K)

Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/?f_search=bomber grape english touhou

The reddit game

Are you still mad at this game 6 years after people started playing it on Yea Forums?

better than the newer 2hu fighting games

Are they bad? Never played them.

Why didn't they port this to the Switch?

I can already tell this thread is going to go well.
reply for host

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>someone seems to be baiting others pretending to be me because it makes people mad as fuck
Nah. As someone who used to lurk /jp/, the guy I'm worried about is not baiting and legit having anger/mental issues for several years. He used to has plenty other things that will get him easily triggered.
Good thing you're not him.

You really believe that liar?

What is Tasofro's plan for the next fighting game, Yea Forums?

I actually could tell. Whatever.

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Doll Maker of Bucuresti>Grimoire of Alice

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It's not unheard of for two autists to be obsessing over the same thing.

But that pic is from SWR you nignog

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More like shitty lmao

shotty is based though

based on what?

based on the fact that he dabbed on you and the soku discord

Wasn’t their an interview about how they really wanted to perfect a flying fighting game and another where they wanted to get into EVO?

Not that user, but I could never get used to the movement system in the newer fighting game.

>flying fighting game

I don't think that's possible but if they are planning to polish the flying fightan to be competitive then I'm glad.
I won't put my hopes high, though.

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I'm gonna rape Jo'on until she can not longer stand

They'll announce it when Reimu gets in Smash

Sex with the Raccoon?

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If Taosofro made an actually good ground fightan, it definitely could get into EVO. Look at the fucking line-up.
>samurai showdown

You want to fuck a god of pestilence? well it's your penis I guess

>Tasogare-san makes a new game with hopes of making it to EVO
>when soku already held a spot twice
truly the melee of touhou fightans

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In your dreams

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Unist is legit good.
I don't know why people like that casual trash that is the new blazblue crossover kusoge

IaMP > Soku > AoCF > SWR > ULiL > HM

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Miku's not in the trash can? She must be a sure thing.

>when soku already held a spot twice

When did that happen?

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whats a retard-proof alice deck

Alice is not a character for retards.

2018 and 2019

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> IaMP over anything
I would literally prefer to play HM all day. IaMP has every clunky, frustrating thing from SWR and none of the good shit at all.

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Alright thread, question.

Is anyone here who used to be here for the old Yea Forums soku threads in 2014, who didn't eventually end up moving to the hisouten discord?

four seeker wires, four returning dolls, four tripwires, four return inanimates and four whatever suits your fancy
though Alice is a big brain character so your mileage may vary

EoSD is still the best Touhou game

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>Evo Japan
>side event

Wow, still impressive I guess.
That means the game is still alive over there.

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how good are you?

Phantasmagoria of Flower View

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IaMP has a separate button for punch and kick, so it's already more complex than one button mashing Soku had. Having no annoying weather mechanic is also a great plus.

Yeah. I mostly just check these threads for people wanting to play PoFV though.

What's up.

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I never went to any discord or IRC. I'm too xenophobic after years on this Gensokyo blacksmithing forum.

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>Soku as the OP
This is literally calling for the Discord shitposters to shit up the thread

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I hate discord and the IRC community.

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I just listened to the two side-by-side, and I'mma have to hard disagree.

Grimoire of Alice sounds like an actual fighting game battle theme, and has a kickass piano solo midway through.
Dollmaker of Bucuresti is decent jazz, sounds like it could be a cutscene theme or something, but the instrument playing the melody is kinda ass and the song is a bit repetitive with no cool solos, the only interesting part to me is the brief transition where it goes "pahpahapha KCHING!"

Why is Alice such a drooling retard?

Still has not been surpassed

Are they still exist? Yea Forums hasn't made Soku thread for years.

All of them are dead.

why don't you join and find out?

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Yes, but every punch and kick moved at the speed of slug, the sound design made me feel like I was listening through a tin can tied to a string at best, and the movement makes me feel like I'm swimming through a permeation of gravel in fucking molasses. IaMP might have an ounce or two more depth in the basic combat, but deckbuilding vs. "pick one card lol" makes up for that.

Alice in Wonderland is the best Alice theme

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The current hisouten discord is likely the most active the soku community has ever been.
There haven't been soku threads for years though, most likely from the combination of shotty and juaydevoid shitposting back then.

reporting in

>he doesn't like the sound of Alice's dolls going WOOP WOOP WOOP

What a PLEB

Shotty is still here and juayde is gone, but at least my biggest issue isn't here, hopefully.


Except IaMP also made basically every input have a close and far move with basically no rhyme or reason to it. SWR actually separating the inputs into different moves was a huge improvement and even then there are still issues with 5a and f.5a

what was your biggest issue?

I never touched discord and I dropped soku after realizing I'd only be playing with autistic third world shitposters.

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98 Arisu is such a lovely girl

It’s come a long way from the days when anime never made the main stage.

Soku good mechanics then they ruin it with the newer fighting games

One angry dude who is hellbent on badmouthing people who only slightly mentioned Soku and some other things.
The problem with him is he's not trolling, just a legitimate raging faggot.

Soku > AoCF > SWR > ULiL > HM > IaMP
games invalidated by a successor are automatically below the last and best of their gameplay type. HM above IaMP because IaMP looks, sounds, and plays like shit if you have enough sense of taste to determine whether you're eating shit or chocolate.

>IaMP has a separate button for punch and kick
What? No it doesn't. IaMP's control scheme was going for a light/strong/fierce setup, but it was completely retarded because both A and B could do both melee and bullet attacks. All SWR/Soku did was separate melee and bullet attacks to separate buttons which makes infinitely more sense.

If we do get a new game & not a revision with a new roster, I hope we get a balance of oldhus & newhus, with a majority of them still being new to the fighting game cast. Stuff like Yuuka, Wriggle, Yuugi, Seiga & Yoshika, Nemuno. Just something for everyone, not just protags + LoLK through WBaWC only.

How do you play Iku?

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>Actually thinking HM is better than anything
You must have not played it very much, and definitely not when it released. HM on release was bordering on unplayable simply because of bugs, crashes, horrible optimization, etc. Even IaMP and SWR's beta versions were more playable.

>trying to 1cc EoSD
>able to beat the first 3 stages and bosses without taking a single hit
>Patchouli fucks me so hard I start the next stage with only 2 lives
>Sakuya finishes me off

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ULiL and AoCF has balanced cast so I don't see why a brand new fighting game wouldn't be the same.

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ReimuA has the easiest patchy spellcards.

This character only exists to deny your 1cc

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I went in there once, playing just wasn't the same without the threads though.

Let me guess, it's the non-directional lasers, right?

Always found it underwhelming. HM was decent enough although quite commited, the revisions mostly brought newhus & veterans. Mokou is the exception, but it's not enough.

>pofvgrillz dead
>its discord is dead
>its irc channel is dead
>last PoFV tournament was years ago
>last Phantasmagoria game was 20 years ago

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Anyone want to play some PoFV?

Have you tried doing it in stage practice?

all the 2hu fighting games are bad. They're made by people who don't know anything about fighting game design.

Projectile spam

Choose your playstyle

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Button masher is the only way

me on the bottom right

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Stupid contrarian.
Old Taso were humongous fighting game fans. You can play EFZ for like 10 minutes and probably spot influence in their design from like 5 different fighting games.

This doujin is pretty hot to be quite honest family.

The biggest sore points about Hisouten and the flight fighters were the weather and the flight movement, which was probably insisted on by ZUN who indeed likely doesn't know anything about fighting game design

>Spider manipulating diseases
>Jealous freak
>Powerful Drunkard
>Mind Reader
>Corpse Carrying Cat in Hell
>Nuclear Raven
Man SA is a spooky game

weak slut.

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Pandemonium tho

Might get them to make a ground-based game again, if it’s true. This is all hearsay.

God I fucking love fishnets

You forgot the subconscious manipulator.

But the EX boss is very cute at least

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I love the game and my biggest sore point is the random decks. As much shit as HM deserves, one thing that was an absolute improvement was non-random customization.

At least tag-team is actually a decent mechanic this time.

>weeb mlp

I hope you aren't saying flight movement was bad In Soku, because flight is basically one of the biggest reasons why Soku is a good game. It not only makes it way more fun but it heavily increases the depth of the game.
Weather on the other hand is just awkward though, but at least you can get used to it in Soku. In HM it was just a complete mess.

>one thing that was an absolute improvement was non-random customization.

And then ULiL took it away along with original Last Words in favor of Urban Legend finisher despite the improved gameplay (though still with dumb Occult mechanic).
It's like they insist the game has to be flawed in some way.

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Drawing random cards isn't good from a competitive angle, but I think deck making was really fun. You could do a lot with the deck maker that you couldn't do in other fighting games in terms of creating an interesting strategy/fighting style or just outright sillyness.

Give me one good reason why Yea Forums turned their back on ULiL and stopped playing it in favor of janky and by then old Soku, leading to waning interest in Touhou fighting games and ultimately the death of netplay threads.

No roll no buy

The netplay.
That's kind of an important thing.

TH17 will blow it out of water.
After all it's in real hell.

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ULeL is a bad game.

Thanks for the games, dude.

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>Implying ULiL wasn't janky
>Implying Soku killed netplay threads when it was the entire reason for their existence in the first place

I don't remember ULiL has working netplay. Few people were struggling to play ULiL back then.
Netplay threads were littered by autists so it's a good thing that it ended.

I enjoyed deck building myself, it's just that there's some frustration with the system as well. It really sucks ass to not have what you want at your fingertips and gives an advantage to characters with good default skills.

Wasn't the guy behind Soku roll working on it until he decided that he's not going to do it and the game died because of that?

Haha, you have the cutest playstyle!
>always starts the match with a 66A
>2card blue barrier and 3card kick reversal deck
>always going for the cheeky charged 2A crushes
>always trusting your 6As and f5As in ground play
>never finishes the 5AAA 2C corner combo and never finishes any j5A air combos but tries
>perfect mix of tryhard and cheeky
Really fun games, I was afraid you'd be some super strong rando but we were around the perfect level of evenly matched to have decent games.
Sorry I can't stick around longer, I have to go write a 1500 word essay thing from scratch due by midnight, and I best get to that. GGs anonymous.

I'd love to play you again sometime, if I ever see you around.
Or perhaps you have a username on the discord server already?

I don't remember much but probably. Maybe it's one of these cases someone refused to work unless he's showered with attention and praise, or donations.

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Of course I do, but you type like an idiot

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They're touhou games first and fighting games second, dodging projectiles is the biggest part of it

What Touhou game do these guys play?

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Friends, how do I into soku? I want to learn to play the good fighting game.

Double Spoiler


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Don't, play a real fighting game or even smash.

>get the game
>learn the controls in practice mode
>beat story mode on normal
>beat story mode on lunatic
>join the hisouten discord
>join the soku beginner channel and practice against human opponents (you'll get bodied for ages even though it's called the beginner channel)
>join a beginner level tourney and win
>practice against the good players
>join DCs and sokusats
>continue getting bodied, practicing, studying, learning, watching replays, labbing
>you are now good at soku, and you spent over 1000 hours of your life in this game

Oh, wow that's kinda rude man, rip friendship. I don't think my typing is that bad.

What if his goal is to have fun and not smell bad?

If he wanted to have fun he wouldn't play fighting games.

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That's why he's playing a pseudo-fighting game instead.

Then he should stay the fuck away from soku and its tranny community

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Post her smug face

Then he should play PoDD instead

oh right, what is it with discord and trannies anyway? there was never any of that tranny shit the soku threads but the discord has about 10 """"females""""

Anyone I don't like is a Discord tranny aka the basics of arguing on Yea Forums

discordapp.com/invite/MbNzxpy come join if u wanna git gud

a Best

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Excessive shovels to the head.

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playable kanakp when

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Shouldn't Shadow be in the trash can himself since people thought he was a sure thing and ended up getting relegated to assist trophy like Shovel Knight, Krystal and Ashley who are already in the trash can?

She wants Marisa's master spark.

sshh don't tell him

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I think it was made when believe Shadow to be in the game when the Grinch leak came out.

I'm the kind of people who 100% soku in lunatic but never played any online match.
What did I missed?

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Avatarfaggots aren't very smart.

You missed being a part of history of Yea Forums culture.

>history of Yea Forums
Then I'm not missing anything.

alice mains that think they're smarter then they actually are and get bodied.

I dunno if I'd call it "Yea Forums culture", we were pretty separate from the rest of Yea Forums.
It really was a chill time though, the soku threads had active newbies, friendly regulars, active drawfags, miscellaneous touhou talk, actual POFV players, tough names to challenge, people giving advice, all that. It's really too bad it ended up going to shit in the end.

I mainly played Sakuya with some low level friends. Is she good in the tier list?

You missed some fun

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Why don't we revitalize soku threads

Sakuya was actually considered to be the strongest character in the game for a long while.
Her oki setups are ridiculous, her neutral tools are fast and versatile, she has good conversions and knockdowns which mesh really well with her okizeme playstyle, and she's got good speed too (and a really low crouch for no reason).

Nowadays though, I'm pretty sure people think Yuyuko is the best character in the game for many reasons, but Sakuya is still considered top tier.

The threads in nu-Yea Forums are ded when people try to play and there's also some fags that like to start shit with drama.
Just let it go my man

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>wanting the chileans to come back
no thank you

GGs anonymous.
Been such a long time since I last played, it was really good fun to play again.

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People already tried a year ago, but no one bothered to host/play so the threads died again.


Fiera are not that important in soku
The lowest tier won Evo last year and most matchups are always even

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W-whats the problem with Chileans?
Me and my mates used to play Soku all the time back in college, using the switches in the networking laboratory.
We can't have pings THAT bad, r-right?

Once i have this game done and downloaded i expect there to be scrubs for me to shit on.

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In reality it just became a some user stated samefagging and destroying the thread

Most of the old soku guys are around on the discords. If you wanted a good ol time with your soku thread buddies, you could just join there and find a lot of them.
That's also the main reason I don't think soku threads will ever be revitalized to the way they used to be. Why play here when you could play there?

On Yea Forums, you used to just sit around leaving the host open, needing to check every once in a while and filling up the thread with several posts you could have easily just had in a quick chat. Having a server means there's heavy self-moderation, so while Yea Forums gets shitted up by the shitposters, the discord troublemakers get warned and banned (and there's no "Anonymous" - you're identified and remembered by your actions); this also solves a lot of community drama problems. There's no need to make "waiting for drawfag" memes when you could just go into the art channels and talk to the drawfags and see if they're up for requests. There's no need to even check if the threads are there to see if you missed anything, cause the discord server is always around. If you liked joining the plugdj music rooms and playing touhou videos, just go to the music channels or request to hang out in a cytube group. You can even voicechat your friends if you want.

So really, what would new Yea Forums soku threads have over the already very-active discord community?

Crazy pole dancers!

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Phoneposter or retarded?

I love these crazy pole dancers!

Not him but, It was fun fighting random anons and calling each other retards while you wait for a host, all of that while being anonymous. and things like that.
Also, not becoming a circlejerk.

Good games Marisafag, I really liked your double laser thing.
I was just about to take a piss when you joined, so great timing there.

Thanks man, I try. From my point of view, you were the super strong rando crashing my asshole with no survivors but indeed some matches were pretty close. See you in another touhou thread.

Don't believe everything you read in a soku thread, dude.

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Phew that wasn't you, I'm kinda relieved haha. Thanks for being friendly and having a fun playstyle, hope to see ya around!

Shit game, see me in IAMP. Every game after that was made for basedboys

Am I still a secondary if I just want to play Soku only

But there's nothing wrong with that

That's what I was trying to tell them. I bet majority here started with Soku, have their rose tinted glasses on and haven't even played IaMP against another human being.

I'm here, I even still have my plug account back when we'd listen to music while playing Soku or PoFV matches. I entered the Discord just out of curiosity but the place is dead. Personally, I always prefered always having a thread up, even if the plug chat was all kinds of friendly and comfy all while watching Koishi's Adventures.

I mained Komachi but I also liked using Suika and Mei Ling.

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Game isn't fast in any way that counts, absolutely no depth compared to even SWR, shit cast size, shit design.
Grow up IaMP fags.

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>not becoming a circlejerk
I get what you mean, but I remember that and are one of the main reasons why those threads had to be so short-lived.
At first it's cool fighting a bunch of random anons, but over time, people start giving themselves names and revealing their personalities, "avatarfagging" and stuff. It's inevitable as friendships form.
Obscure anime fighting games also have a barrier of entry - you'll see your daily regular way more often than a new face who sticks around and gets bodied every match.

For example, you see this reimu guy? If he were to play regularly in soku threads, he'd become recognizable with his IP, character, manner of speech, playstyle, profile name, etc.
Once the thread is filled with a few people like that, I don't see any way to avoid the "circlejerk"ish /vg/ feel.

That, plus convenience, is why I think the soku community inevitably moved from Yea Forums to discord.

well then why don't you fuck off to discord and stop bugging us?

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Raiko is the best Extra Boss. Come at me Yea Forums Mokou is a close second

Hey man, I'm just trying to warn you guys not to get your hopes up.

good taste, but Heca is superior to both

Best theme at least

I agree that is really inevitable, but at least the first time when the soku threads were up It didn't devolve to shit until the shitposters and retards started after like 1 year or so, It was pretty good till that point.
btw discord kills any Yea Forums related community, just ask any /vg/ thread.
Also this You should really stop trying to shill the discorshit here just like. If it really that good stay there please. (Reminds me of those IRC shills that plagued the threads long ago)

so how powerful is Alice (Grimorio Abierto)?

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>old game good
>new game bad

If we're talking most fun to play through, I'd say Suwako even if she's on the easy side. Pure spectacle would go to Yukari, but Raiko's up there.

To each their own, though.

Who? No, sorry.

I really liked Suwako and Koishi's gimmicks. So...

>ur a faget

dammit, I was sure I could recognize anyone from the plug but it's been a while
is there even a plug group at all anymore?

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>It didn't devolve to shit until the shitposters and retards started after like 1 year or so, It was pretty good till that point.
I'm actually surprised it lasted a whole year with good quality threads on Yea Forums with almost daily games between many users. I don't really remember when it stopped, I think they simply disappeared, eventually everyone in plug also stopped connecting and the threads finally died, but it was really fun while it lasted.

Alright fine I get it, I'll leave it alone.


I host, only two people play. And even then it's pretty rare and I don't blame them. Gets old playing the same person over and over.

iirc plug dj was suffering a lot of technical problems like chat ghosting, site crashes, and frozen or skipped videos, so the group ended up moving to IRC

I guess the shitposters and memesters like Juayde scared a lot of posters/players, and it died slowly.

I used to POFV in the soku threads too, really fun crazy times but I ended up stopping because the netplay was way more spotty and inconvenient than soku's and I kinda sucked at dodging bullets

fucking Zun should stick to what he knows. We'll never get a decent toe hoes fighter unless it's done behind his back

Oh yes I remember now, plug dj actually shut down for a few years because they couldn't handle hosting costs or something. I think what makes me the most sad is looking at my still alive playlist and seeing all these deleted youtube videos, surely taken down because of copyright.

You still around?

Looks like every other game with an anime aesthetic.
By that I mean it is clearly made for and by pedophiles.

Speaking of, it was fun hosting fan games back then with everyone.
Granted it was a simple shitty diablo clone but it was pre fun to co-op it

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If he isn't, I can trying hosting it you want.

hosting again

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I want to fuck and creampie Zun's wife.

I'll fight you in iamp bitch

I thought it was odd that one day soku threads just stopped happening. I can't believe 5 years have already passed.

> anime is by and for pedophiles
cringe and bluepilled retard

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>soku threads were 5 years ago
I'm honestly even surprised there are even people from back then here in this random thread
I always thought we were a pretty small community (50 people at most?) and everyone just disappeared once the threads died out

Of course not all anime is by and for pedophiles.
Anime-aesthetic video games exclusively featuring 8 year old girls are.

Shit, I don't even browse the random touhou threads because they're garbage more often than not. I still want to play sometimes, though.

good thing Yukari is a 17 year old maiden and not a little girl

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I don't think it's that surprising, leaving Yea Forums is impossible after all.

I would say try & setup netplay for some of the lesser 2hu fangames that have multiplayer, like that 2hu party game, but then I remember Soku threads are filled with 3rd worlders.

Hey that's an unfalsiable statement! I browse Yea Forums much less frequently than I used to, but I can't just come here and say "that's not true, I left Yea Forums awhile ago".

I come back for potential news, new music, or new artists. I'm just as surprised.

I think you left out a few zeros at the end of "17" there, Yukari

She was a 5000 year old demon dragon hybrid, she just LOOKED like an 8 year old
t. pedo

If wonder if that yukari nightmare user ever beat yukari.

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I've been here since 2006-2007. I'm truly here forever.

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I only play the finest kusoge fighters.
Could you recomend some

I'd be up for a match or 2 in Puppets

Is this a bot?

No, just a drooling, harmless retard.

Jesus, imagine being so normalized to pedo anime shit that you assume someone mocking it is a bot of some kind.

Don't respond to the shitposter, they will just reply to themselves anyway

How rude. Alice might be a drooling retard but her powers are 3.5 times more powerful than Reimu's

Attached: 1547079795499.jpg (228x365, 35K)

Attached: This is the highest level AI in soku..webm (640x480, 2.73M)

damn, with posts like these, it almost feels like soku threads never left!
I wonder if there are any other comfy hidden 5-year-old Yea Forums communities out there for other games

>there are people that haven't played this masterpiece

Attached: ebin.jpg (268x384, 38K)


Attached: Aya loses 10000 HP in 23 seconds.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

>thinks someone pointing out a game with toddler upskirts is made for pedophiles is "shitposting"
A very astute post

>cirno 5Cing all the way on the right side of the screen nowhere near you
>does it again several frames after the player inputs a fullscreen bullet heading right towards her
>tries to 2B in the middle of getting hit by a dial a string
>not blocking ever
>not grazing or blocking while iku's 22 oki is already out
was this AI designed by actual cirno?

best 5card in the game, probably best of all spellcards

Just use the most broken card in the game and win every tiem.

Attached: Snake vs Fish.webm (960x540, 2.71M)

Thanks for reminding me to make a lil' comic to mock you PEDO-screeching retards.

I'm gonna play this cutey right here

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

How did you fall out of the snake hitstun like that?
That would actually be a sick spell comeback from the suwako if that didn't happen.

The fucking oarfish spellcard ate the motherfucking snake's hitbox for some reason.
Infinite penetration my ass

Attached: 1538518140830.jpg (233x288, 21K)

"lol this guy doesn't like pedophiles, I bet I can make a very funny comic about that"
t. guy who will be in jail in less than 5 years for sending dick pics to an underage girl

Choose your character bro

Attached: 2hu.png (807x780, 568K)

Attached: DdpgAth.jpg (1871x699, 409K)

Stop projecting yourself, laddie.

fucking exodia

That's not how projection works faggot

>can use skills without actually having the cards
this changes everything.

Attached: 1538582568786.gif (679x604, 36K)

am I doing something wrong or is there actually only 1 attack button in this game?
how do you play and do combos in it?
I've figured it a bit out when I was playing with a friend where your attacks change depending on your distance between each other but it feels so inconsistent
it seems combos come from a combination if your 1-button attacks and cards but is that really it?

You have melee attacks, weak bullet attacks and strong bullet attacks that do different things based on the direction you're pressing, and you can use command specials with both bullet attacks too.

ggggggssss dude, it's always a pleasure to play with you.
sorry I didnt reply during our last match I got banned mid-matched. Is Reimu your new main?

Attached: 1554769981673.jpg (800x600, 289K)

If your moves kept changing depending on distance, you were probably playing IaMP, not soku.

Whether it was soku or IaMP, you have 4 buttons, which are z x c and a on the keyboard by default. You have motions to do skills like qcf/236 like in other fighting games.

cmon dude, you gotta research a bit more

- there's A: melee, B: light bullet, C: heavy bullet
- different numpad directions change each attack: 5 (neutral), 6 (forward), 8 (up), 2 (down), 3 (forward down)
- then half-circle or Z inputs or down-down (so 22, 214, 421, 236, 623) inputs let you do skill attacks
- you can customize your deck to have different spell cards and different special-input skill attacks

honestly, there's so many different spell cards and especially skill cards you can put into your deck, that I have yet to see someone who has played with all of the alternate skills and weird spells over the past years; there's really a ton of variety and creativity possible with your attacks

Sounds lewd

Attached: 46dd6e8d142c2b5d97b36dbd4d41be14.jpg (1035x1440, 550K)

Both games are old you nigger

How do I use my fucking PS4 controller with this game? It accepts inputs, but it only reads the thumbstick of my D-Pad. Unless that's the optimal way to play.

is it not 12.3? That's the one I got

ggs man, long time no see
forgot to turn on sokuroll but I don't think it was an issue
could ask the same of you, I barely saw you playing Komachi before. Reimu has always been my main though

Attached: 1552158231794.png (850x1207, 1.8M)

Why is Suwako so perfect?

Attached: Mistakes into miracles.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

>thumbstick of my D-Pad
thumbstick instead of my D-Pad, I mean.

Xpadder to set up all the buttons to corresponding keyboard keys, then don't touch the controller until you're in character select. If you use it in the menus, it'll autodetect and switch.

Are those literal semen demons she summoned, or just white tadpoles?

You're definitely playing soku; the other dude probably just forgot about f5A.
So, f5A is a thing that only happens with 5A inputs (no-direction melee attacks).

- If you're very close to your opponent, you can hit the A button ("5A") repeatedly to start an auto-combo; usually 5A is a small, fast attack
- If you're not close to your opponent, you let out a slower, bigger attack we would call "f5A"

12.3 is soku, that's correct.
There's only one or two moves that change based on distance, depending on the character.

I always wanted to give Komachi a try, its only recently I actually started playing her as seriously as I can play this game. Still dont know what to do with my deck
Also yeah I kept trying to join until I tried without sokuroll, lmao.

Attached: 1545519543272.jpg (900x1000, 117K)

>she could've just 22A'd, probably the counterhit would've even confirmed that 2card she wanted to throw

helicopter suika

They are some old ass Scourge god

Attached: 1151150-mishaguji.jpg (286x640, 17K)

dude whats with smt demons and penis heads

They are the Mishaguji, curse gods native to the Suwa region

The Mishaguji have abilities as curse gods and as harvest gods. Grain sprouts in their wake, but their breath can render land barren

Am I mistaken, or is that the shady Chinese program? Am I thinking of something else?

Got me, I've used it for years and haven't had any issue. I just mean any sort of program where you can assign keyboard keys to controller buttons. Xpadder is just what I used, so that's the name I used. I know there's also like joy2key and motioninjoy or something.

Oh hey, suwako also has that one colorful fog skillcard that puts curses on people! It makes sense....

.....but I always wondered, how come suwako is never pictured using those wooden poles with roped-ornament things as her weapons? It's usually a kanako and sometimes sanae thing, even tenshi has boulders with those same roped-ornament things, but I don't see suwako ever using em in battle.

Oh yeah, it might've been Motioninjoy.
I'll give Xpadder a look. Thanks user.

I go there occasionally but it's not exactly a replacement for the old threads we used to have.

Moriya Shrine is based off the suwa-taisha shrine in japan which has the giant onbashira (wooden poles) and the giant rope which was said to seal gods. As for why Kanako uses it and not Suwako, wakarimasen lol. Could be because Kanako is the actual god of the shrine after she beat Suwako for it, and Suwako just bums there because Kanako lets her.

Attached: 1523112438526.jpg (495x700, 92K)

>However, the people of Moriya(洩矢) could not forget the fear of their native gods, Mishaguji, and were unable to accept their new god.

>Kanako thought she could not gain the faith of the people, and gave up on making the kingdom hers. Instead, she called forth a new god and combined it with Moriya's(洩矢) god. Within the kingdom, this new god was called Moriya(守矢), but was called by a different name outside of the kingdom. This way, it seemed as if it was ruling the kingdom. Moriya(守矢) is, of course, Moriya(洩矢). And thus Kanako borrowed Suwako's powers, and silently ruled as the God of Mountains.

>The new god that was said to have reigned over the kingdom was a god only in name, existing only to preserve the legend of Yamato. In reality, Suwako continued to rule over the kingdom. Although the gods of the modern world have mostly been replaced by the Yamato Legends, she is still in her original form discreetly gathering faith.

From MoF bios

Yeah, I remember a line from the game itself where one of them says that Kanako is basically just the sales department for the shrine

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It's simply being historically accurate

Suwako " Dashing in Neutral is a commitment " Moriya!

Attached: suwako.gif (120x152, 12K)

Suwako "Huge corner pressure" Moriya!

Attached: 47622303_p0.jpg (800x800, 219K)

goodnight Yea Forums
thanks for taking me back, if only for one thread

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Evens: Main Yuyuko
Odds: Main Meiling

I don't want Soku threads back because it would be a circlejerk magnet, but I don't mind if it's made once in a while. Y'know, like that one pure 2hu music thread that also reached bump limit or TPDP thread.

The important thing is to keep the shmup discussion dominant or at least balanced with other things on Yea Forums. I mean, me too, want to play 2hu fightans and other 2hu netplay games with anons someday, but I don't want to bring in autism.

Attached: cute goo.jpg (308x307, 46K)

There was a really nice thread a few days ago for old-ass 2hu and NND memes, it was one hell of a feels trip. I posted one track and got repaid with a song I hadn't heard in 9 years, damn near cried.

Attached: moLQQbd.png (612x561, 363K)

Oh yeah, that one started with Alice pic. That's the one I wanted to mention actually. It was surprisingly civil and great for a thread talking about memes.
It's a prove that talking about fandom can actually be nice as long people are not being annoying with it.

Attached: __alice_margatroid_kirisame_marisa_and_yatadera_narumi_touhou_drawn_by_meng_ziya__3a79874d75b76e3e44 (800x498, 76K)

It was a really warm and cozy in that thead, and it never got tainted, either. It also hit me that I should've linked the track I was talking about, too.
Legitimately hadn't heard it in years until then.

Attached: Gb4NcjE.png (340x291, 176K)

>Liz Triangle

I'm still sad that they have disbanded. The most recent LoLK album is great.

Attached: sad okina.png (287x278, 101K)

Somehow, oldfag threads are always very civil and fun because it's just people enjoying how simple and innocent old internet used to be and the shitposters are so easy to filter. Is also the first time I saw the whole Fear and Loathing in Gensokyo MMD and had a blast with it.

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Tell me about it, either in that thread or shortly after I found Suikakasen and it's chock full of that good shit. Joyfull knocked it out of the park.
Watch Suikakasen

Attached: nI0lgfi.png (595x488, 318K)

I heard there's too much yuri in it, but I enjoy watching Immortal Philosophy PV.
Also, we just have oni Kasen revealed recently. Are you sure the vids doesn't have anything that contradict the current lore by now? or would if more WaHH chapters are revealed?

Attached: full kasen.png (1024x724, 1.19M)

Every now and then I actually feel sad when a great comfy thread hits autosage

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who play

I didn't mind the yuri, in all honesty, since it felt appropriate to who the characters were. Anyways, the series takes a lot of care into following the mythology , the only bits that would likely be contradicted all come from the present-day timeskip in the last episode.

It's always when you finalize posting that you realize you missed something. I wanted to also say that Suikakasen is what pushed me to finally read WaHH, and I'd honestly say my experience was better for it.

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Basically they married

Attached: x9.png (853x1200, 394K)

Nice. I'll look it up later.

Attached: __sukuna_shinmyoumaru_hijiri_byakuren_hata_no_kokoro_kochiya_sanae_maribel_hearn_and_etc_touhou_draw (1280x1812, 2.86M)

Me if I can actually connect in this game

What makes you think that this is Okina?

Attached: Okuninushi2.jpg (329x800, 83K)

if you can host, sure

why is suwako so sexy

Post 2hus you want to see in ground fighting games.

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Attached: wriggleIN.png (221x416, 107K)

Both of them

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I'm inclined to agree but I have a huge bias towards jazz so it was a bit of a foregone conclusion.

I want creative, creepy, unique attack designs.

Attached: cac2a5a9e5339c82c18ae1c34aea3c502a436a92_00.jpg (369x512, 35K)

Slow powerhouse character with trap based projectiles that detonate over a certain amount of time, much like a flower takes time to grow

Attached: yuuka2.png (237x494, 88K)

Really makes me want to re-install so I can fuck around with Suika and Suwako again.

She would probably play like Alice with heads setup instead of dolls, but also with more long-reach attack.

Maybe she would play like Jack-O?

Attached: __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_gengoroumaru_ambidextrous__9c61b2aeb642600bde3002e13630450c.jpg (670x900, 127K)

i like iamp

Hah, pants.

Attached: letters to hakugyokurou.jpg (1227x3648, 1.64M)

Man I miss this vid.

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>Bomber Grape moved to Kancolle

What went wrong?

Attached: __sukuna_shinmyoumaru_and_toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_bomber_grape__5de95004efef6337450a4a5 (849x1224, 348K)

Touhou is reclining

Attached: killer taoism technique.jpg (1188x3444, 1.82M)

For all the artist who jumped ship there are plenty who still remains.

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_kawashiro_nitori_kirisame_marisa_and_snoop_dogg_touhou_drawn_by_alison_alison_ai (1015x1450, 2.67M)

What's that man gonna do to that little girl?

I hadn't seen these two, please post more.

Attached: 1395022157589.png (182x216, 64K)

translation wen

exhentai.org/?f_search=bomber grape english touhou

Attached: Byakuren men.jpg (1158x461, 181K)

We'll see about that.

Attached: reimbutt.png (1000x1364, 466K)

Speaking about doujin, what is the best 2hu non-H doujin have you read?

Attached: reverse ideology by uu uu zan.png (915x1280, 1.34M)

I'm a nichibros fan, I don't care if he does kancolle or touhou, I just think he's funny in general
I'm just sad he stopped making comics since 2016. When's new bomber grape stuff?

I thought he's still making KanColle stuff. Have you checked his pixiv?

Attached: Toughguy_16.png (1389x2000, 1014K)

I checked it just now, and there's not much action there either
I want more bomber grape animes ;_; nichibros s2 please

He stopped making nichibros because he couldn't come up with more highschool jokes, since his jokes is more leaning towards references now, I think.


Attached: Reclining.jpg (455x500, 41K)

Should I play this game keyboard, or set up a controller?

Subterranean Aneurysm horror game

keyboard all the way! it's really convenient to get used to

The state of eternal comfort, unbothered by fame and fortune. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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What do you think about Marisa in Soku?
Why I have never seen anyone maining or discussing her? Is she underwhelming for pro players and not appealing enough for newbies either?

Eh, nothing wrong with either.
I prefer controller myself.

Attached: trigger marisa.jpg (1536x2048, 477K)

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Attached: goodtime.gif (320x213, 898K)

I'll go with keyboard. I'm already laying down with my laptop. Might as well go maximum /comfy/. Should I start in Practice, vs. Com, Story, or Arcade?

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So what started this reclining meme? Was it a poor translation or a poor shitpost?

Attached: QoJJqZz.png (764x594, 361K)

Don't know about Yea Forums, but I think i've seen a few pro Marisa. She doesn't really stand out that much in general, I guess?

I say practice first just for a while to get familiar with the moveset then go to versus or Arcade.
Story mode has different gameplay, so you only play it if you want to know about the story.

Attached: hisoutensoku.png (640x640, 640K)

Poor shitpost ever since Touhou dropped in number of Comiket submission.

Attached: okina recline.png (448x244, 40K)

Alright. Who'd you say is better for beginners? Remi, Tenshi, or Reisen?

My corpse will get carried to fuel the heat of the Hell of Blazing Fires

Attached: orin2.jpg (850x661, 230K)

My favorite part is when Patchy died choking on space.

Attached: smug baku.jpg (246x221, 19K)

Shit that's good.

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>So what started this reclining meme?
look who's laughing now

Attached: wakasagi reclining.jpg (820x850, 131K)

>look who's laughing now

Among these three I say Tenshi, but I think it's better to start with Sakuya or Reimu. Also, Meiling or Youmu if you're more traditional fightan player.

newfags maybe
all the type moon oldfags hate nasu now

Attached: mokou reclining.jpg (500x360, 39K)

Do people really put SWR beneath IaMP? What awful taste.

Messed around a tiny bit as a few characters.
I've enjoyed Remilia, Yuyuko, and Marisa the most so far.

>mfw Touhou has its own convention that is held in the same place as Comiket also twice a year
>there is also Koroumu

Attached: dab cirno.png (433x433, 244K)

Attached: yatsuhashi reclining.png (430x471, 261K)

Why did you post a picture of a chair?

>mfw Touhou has its own convention that is held in the same place as Comiket also twice a year
Happening in under two weeks too!
But yeah, event being held at Big Sight isn't that uncommon, plenty of the nerdy ones happen there. Also unlike Comiket, it's not like they're using the whole avenue, just three of the halls as opposed to... I think there's twelve total now?

Great, but if you want to get into netplay, you might have trouble playing Remilia. You can destroy people online with Yuyuko, though.

Attached: pig yuyu.jpg (1440x810, 258K)

What's wrong with Remilia?

Oh, so Touhou is truly reclining?

Attached: 1515506935274.png (1400x1600, 699K)

She has unique dash. I think not many people can get used to her playstyle.

Her dash is part of what I enjoyed about her playstyle.

>best non-h doujin artists turn to idolshit and fateshit

truly these are dark times

Attached: marisa.jpg (826x826, 733K)

What are some good non nip content creators for 2hu? There's a whole world of Yukkuri LPs & shit of the kind but I can't understand moonrune ( yet )

Enjoying and mastering is different matter, but as long you have fun you're good.


Attached: tenshi thinkin.png (225x225, 67K)

So how exactly do Skill Cards work?

Because if you want to play rushdown Aya and Remi are better and if you want to play keepaway Yuyuko and Iku are better. And if you want big damage, Tenshi, Utsuho and Suika have easier combos.

Sorta, but not signifigantly. Gone are the days when Touhou would fill all of East Halls of Comiket by itself, but it still has tons of circle representation.
For the reference, about week before Reitaisai there's Comic1 and Character1 also being held at Big Sight, combined they make sort of a mini-Comiket, just focused on material for dudes. Then about week after that there's Comitia, which is only for original doujins. Both of those are large events, but have space just for 5000 circles, same as Reitaisai.
Touhou is still the only franchise with dedicated event of that scale.

Can you hear it?

Attached: caution.gif (403x403, 623K)

So basically:

- 22, 214, 421, 236, 623 are special inputs
- use a special input with either B (light bullet) or C (strong bullet) to use a skill, like remi's 22B (dash from the wall), 236B (jump forward dash), 623B (spinning upwards) as examples of default skills
- go to your profile menu in the main soku menu
- there, you can edit your deck: the grey cards are different skill cards
- these modify your skills beyond your default skill set
- equip your deck with new skill cards, and in battle, you can activate your skill cards by pressing B+C together (or assigning a command to card activation in the key config menu); each will cost a card
- you can continue activating multiple copies of the same skill card in battle to upgrade your skill

Attached: utsuho trauma.png (410x503, 84K)

MinusT makes cool Touhou 3D dogfights, does that count?

It improves your special attacks/skills and each card increase its level by 1. You can keep leveling it up to 4 times.
If you use different Skill card with the same input as the one you're currently using, it will replace said skill and reset its level to 1.

So, what happens if you have two skill cards that use the same command?

Oh, looks like I got my question answered already.

Who's the unga gorilla mash character of Soku

Yep, they're simply replaced.

That ends up meaning you should only have one type of skill card per input in your deck (though you can have multiple copies of the same skill for continued upgrades).
For example, Reimu's default 623B "DP" kick only gains full melee-invincibility when upgraded to level 4, and Marisa's default 214B broom ride doesn't let you cancel into air moves until upgraded once to level 1.
A shit ton of bullet moves become huge at level 4, some end up doing a lot of raw damage when upgraded.

Attached: yuyunigga.jpg (2048x1536, 542K)

Attached: soku smash.png (674x612, 28K)

Name and many other things, Matarajin is a god that doesn’t really have a defined ”end” and ”beginning” and mythological namibg + ZUN’s kanji serms to link her via the legend of the white hare.
So being Kanako’s mom is very likely.

I love Reisen!

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Note: Quite a few skills receive a sizable bonus at level 4, whether it be bigger hitboxes, more projectiles, etc.

Attached: UdM2r4d.jpg (1105x674, 126K)

the discord meme is that its yuyuko, but I think it depends on your definition of unga
yuyu is unga because her pressure and setups just steamroll over you once you've got your momentum going

this is the true answer if you mean just "unga bunga me dumb me mash buttons" sense, okuu can beat newbie players by mashing 4A and 3A (which is air unblockable and massive), big damage dial A combos, and giant damaging everything overall

if you mean someone who just goes in and mashes a bunch of buttons for pressure, probably youmu for dashing in, j5Aing, and then just scary corner pressuring you afterwards

Shut up

Attached: please die anon.png (600x402, 430K)

Why do Okinafags love to shill their favorite character in both powerlevel and lore importance more than any other character's fanbase?

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Attached: perfect cherry blossom stage 3, colorized.webm (640x480, 1.98M)

I love moon rabbits

Attached: touhou rabbits swimsuits.jpg (3444x1446, 647K)

Because that's pretty much all she has. She's just a massive lorefag magnet

Is someone still hosting, or up for a match?

Because they are the former Yukari powerlevel fags

If that's true she is also linked to Tewi and Shinmyoumaru's ancestor. I think that's too much for one character.

Well she is a sage and related to many figures based on her lore, so that's given.
Okinafags who engage in dick-waving competition with other sages are horrible, though.

Attached: Okina Eternity.jpg (1536x2048, 642K)

New character with undiscovered lore. It’s also somewhat in-character and I guess people who like to flex would be drawn to that kinda character.
For me though, it’s tongue-in-cheek.

Every time someone talks about how Okina is the most powerful god in Gensokyo because of an obscure fact about her inspiration, I get flashbacks to those shitty Dark Souls theories about Velka being fucking everything
Okina is a shit character from a shit game with a good theme

Attached: 1549498960668.png (302x302, 100K)

can you make a webm of this moment at 2:14 with the red alice getting bodied?
this to me is the single best marisa clip of soku ever

>If that's true she is also linked to Tewi and Shinmyoumaru's ancestor. I think that's too much for one character
Doesn’t seem too much, gods can be pretty old and all. In the end, Matarajin links back to Mahakala, who then links to Daikokuten/Ookuninushi. This is just how ZUN made her, nebulous.

I'm up for a match, but I can't host. Can you?

Fact: Hecatia is the most relevant, most beautiful, and most powerful 2hu.
Unlike other weak-shit goddesses, she still has many worshipers in the outside world, is extremely important (rules THREE Hells), and is so strong no one makes fun of her for wearing such fashionable, stylish, sexy clothing.

Attached: 1459124621465.png (737x721, 279K)

>100% soku in lunatic
never knew about these threads but used to play in soku lobby. I remember thinking I was ready- I didn't know shit. Never got gud, but I always had fun, especially when people would stick around to teach me stuff.

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>Most powerful

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Weird t-shirt

i wish this one came out for switch instead of the other garbage touhou games.

>lost to Marisa with no danmaku rules and got her move stolen

and here comes the trigger

As an Okuu player I feel she is a sluggish character.
Mashing buttons never works on people I've played against and I always need to time every attacks right to avoid punish. Maybe they are just good players.

The real Reisenfag doesn't post lewd shit

Attached: fcfa55b.jpg (850x586, 129K)

I meant the other garbage touhou games that have been released on the switch.

No bully. Hecatia's probably not behind the events of TH17, but she's probably got something to say about animal spirits from Hell trying to conquer the surface.

Attached: 1474933879949.jpg (826x826, 780K)

Whoa Skydrift is a good game dude except that Misty Lake track. It's pure cancer.

>all the type moon oldfags hate nasu now
Type moonfag here, I can confirm this statement.

Is Skydrift even out yet? I've been looking to get it but I know little of the game. Enlighten me

Still here all day every day

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>please don't bully my waifu even though she is a powerful character
Cringe post

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Its mario kart but touhou

I'm aware, I mean the number of tracks, if it has any form of online, shit like that.

PC-98 characters are going to make a return, right?

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Yes, Mima will return as the final boss of TH17.

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Yes, Konngara will be TH17’s Extra boss

It's my time to shine!

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Me, mainly because I don't use discord I like talking about Touhou in general.

I don't care what anyone says, Youmu is the best character in soku. She's also the dorkiest.

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Connection failed.

Honestly dude, I'm gonna go to sleep for tonight, I'm pretty pooped. Maybe someday we'll meet in touhou threads like these again and we can play.

That's a shame, but probably better. It's been ages since I played.

It changed my opinion on immortality. I'd rather fucking die than have to live through all that. Just imagine how much worse it'd be if they didn't develop immunities to shit and instead had to suffer suffocating and freezing in space for billions of years? I also really like Allison Airline in general too. Even bought a doujinshi from them at the last Comiket.

What item cards do you usually put in your deck?

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>being everything
That sounds retarded, even at that time I only thought she was someone who really liked to forgive everyone, chaos sisters theories were better

Catfish for the memes

I always put at least a couple bombs in. I always put Hakurouken in my Meiling decks because I learned how to play Meiling from a guy that used that. I know it's a meme, but I won't stop.

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Oh yeah, Chado.
I want to say there are still battlehus doujin authors around but Kakao also haven't released anything in years. Other than Imizu, I don't know anyone else.
At least 2hu lore and comedy doujin authors are still plenty.

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>moshi moshi ZUN-sama please let me in

Explain the though process you went through while coming up with this

so is there going to be a fourth character in the game or will the three of them have two different shot types

3 playable characters with 3 different shottypes, or maybe it's like HSiFS

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Zombie goast leave this thread.

things swr did right:

1) orb system to tell you exactly how much something was
2) can't self-drain your spirit bar
3) made spellcards more relevant to gameplay

things swr did wrong:

1) weather system was useless
2) card system was a bad way to implement multiple spellcards
3) both weather and card system relied on randomness, and random = bad
4) swr forced you to use doubletap and the d button instead of allowing you to use one or the other like iamp did
5) the multiple applications of bomb are gone and replaced with border escape, a single specific tool for a specific situation
6) guard crushing someone was a goal in iamp and meant more implied damage (but you still had to work for it). in swr it is guaranteed damage since the next hit after gc is unblockable, so if you burn a lv5 spellcard from your guard crush, guess what, lolz u can't block it, gg
7)motherfucking pushback on wrongblock, actually rewarding wrongblock which is retarded. Bellreisa mocked that shit to no end

iamp wins. It's a much more tense and skillful game


Do SWR and Soku share the same issues?

Why would you hold a needle like that when it's not useful except for stabbing

Don't question the ancient sword-fighting techniques of the Issun-Bosshi style, passed down from generation to generation in the art of giant-slaying with the miraculous, divine Shining Needle Sword.

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You use it like rapier
Do you even fencing?

Made for Poncle cock

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You don't hold a rapier like that either dumbass

It's not fair. Why can people find good games? People say Juay is gone, but last two times I hosted in a (fake / new) soku thread Juay joined and ESCed me in the middle of our set. I only realized they were both Juay because the second time I started writing a post with improvement suggestions and I realized I was writing the exact same thing as the last time I tried to play in soku threads.

A fencing rapier isn't actually designed to injure people, while shimmy presumably does want to be able to injure people. There's no other needle-wielding touhou to fence against.

I want to imagine Shimmy sometimes spars with Youmu, considering she's the only other swordswoman in Gensokyo.

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>Soku thread that isn't complete cancer
Good to see nice things still exist

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If you look at Shimmy's moveset in fighting games she can make very quick slashes with the needle somehow. It can also shoot needles.
It's danmaku duel so it doesn't need to explain shit.

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Still my favorite BGM of the series.


What did you say?
*unsheath Hisou*
Don't make me send earthquake to your home, bitch

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Suwako is the worst character according to the tier list

Tenshi doesn't deserve nice things.

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Iku's theme is severely underrated

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ULiL/AoCF has the best osts of all 2hu fighting games.
Having different music circles to arrange each characters' theme for the game is pretty based desu.

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I sincerely hope that next tasforo game will have the gameplay of floor fighting but graphics and music of the floater

What circle did Yukari's theme for AoCF? It's fucking GOAT.


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as long as it not HM!Alphes-tier sprites

the comments on that video put me on the brink of an aneurysm


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>yukarifags give people cancer
Makes sense.

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where the soku hosts at

nah those comments can't possibly be from gapfags, looks like it's some popular normie tumblr channel

That's a male.

but that's scarletflameflandre


Yeah it's a tumblr channel

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all the popular music osts are from tumblr channels anyway

don't expect much though, I just got up

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What if we get a new fighting game but all the artwork is by pedosaka

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>"Why yes, I like playing Hisoutensoku. How could you tell?"

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LoLK is a blessing

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I put max control rod, shield doll, and tengu fan in my steroids reisen deck with the self buff.

is this the same artist that does the touhoumon games and has a doujin of hecatia getting raped in her sleep by tentacles

What if it’s by Azmaya


Is there any more popular meme builds?

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>has a doujin of hecatia getting raped in her sleep by tentacles
I don't know and I'd rather not

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This artist looks familiar, unfortunately.

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>after years there's finally a competitive 2hu fighting game
>the game made it to western EVO

What will happen to Touhou thread?

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>evo japan

Touhou: Shut up and Jam when?

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you guys still playing?

How do you get around this?

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wicked hermit please go

In fact just Alt+F4 when you see Yuyuko

Be sure to drive defensively tonight, user.

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no one joined yet

some were fixed in soku like the pushback, but it's still a random ass game and the intensity of corner pressure in iamp, difficulty of oki, combos, bomb combos etc. is heads above the basic bitch blue ring combos and border escape of soku.

>someone used my shitty crop of Reimubutt
I'm a bit flattered

Reimu has a fat butt for a girl who barely eats. Must be all the alcohol she drinks.

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>chinese driver
she's gonna run over a kid and reverse into her

She'd do that even if she wasn't Chinese.

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She wouldn't even need the car.

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It's sad we only got her spotlight chapter in WaHH.
The alternate Reimu ending in TD was interesting

Imagine if she is in fighting game

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Shit hermit shit girl only good for pump and dump.

>Kasen: I follow the laws of Heaven
>Also Kasen: I miss the days where I was a human-eating oni

Seiga is the only true hermit now

Smelly dumb oni will get away with it too.

>A literal who figures out how to create a proper flying fighting game
>2hu can't even on it's 2nd attempt

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ggggs once again friend
My Remi was really rusty but I feel like this really helped

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