I'll have one week off. I want to play a long (J)RPG, that I can actually finish.
Any recommendations?
My picks so far:
1) Replay Xenoblade Chronicles on Dolphin
2) FF7 on Switch
3) Digital Devil Saga
JRPG thread I guess.
I'll have one week off. I want to play a long (J)RPG, that I can actually finish
play Ar Tonelico
I say DDS, you planning to play both parts or just one?
Not possible to finish in a week.
My first Xenoblade run took like 80 hours. Even if you skip side quests and play underlevelled I can't imagine you beating it in a week unless you play non-stop like some madman.
Won't be my first run tho.
If you can beat Xenoblade in a week, you can surely beat AT in a week.
How is Arc Rise Fantasia guys? VA aside.
FF7 may not be finishable in a week but then again I haven't played it in a long fuckin' time.
Pretty average but still fun, think Tales of series but as a turn based rpg.
I'm currently playing Persona 3. I'm twenty-one hours into it. It's a long ass game. I liked it for the first fifteen hours or so, but it's slowing down a little. Howlongtobeat.com says average play time is 80 hours. Fuck me... I don't know if I'll make it. FF7 is apparently much shorter at thirty-eight hours.
What do you guys think about the most underrated and underappreciated JRPG ever, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter?
I think I finished P3P right at 60 hours but I wasted a shit ton of time Tartarus
Just play DDS since you've already finished XB1.
I am setsuna. It is not oh my god good or anything. kinda basic and and does not do much to innovate or keep you hooked. But it does not outstay its welcome and can be beaten in like 20 hours.
Interesting. I'm just after the trip to Yakushima. I need a break
I'm buying and playing through all of the classic games on the Playstation 3 classics section of the store. Which games are essentials? I already have:
Persona 3 fes
I'm really close to being "caught up" on the old Playstation games worth playing so I can better appreciate hype for new games!
Fuck wrong page
Go for something new.