I made the mistake of going to Mateus at first. Should I move to balmung to get away from the cancer? Also, do you lose anything when you switch servers?
I made the mistake of going to Mateus at first. Should I move to balmung to get away from the cancer? Also...
move out of crystal.
you lose nothing
Should I go to Ultros or Exodus?
Mateus is Balmungs containment server, so yes.
Moving away from both is probably the real ideal.
I doubt there's much difference, Mateus was sort of Balmung-lite for a while.
Mateus got the heft of the super weird erpers though, Balmung has always been a lot more social and game focused.
where do i go then bros?
Like I said, Balmung is fine really. We have a lot of tourists right now though.
Anyone on a primal server want to help me level up my black mage?
Which should I go with? I wish there was a more orange hair color.
Maybe the darker blue eyes with the right hair
If you're going to go ginger, go with green eyes. Right is better anyway. Left is what every shitter lala looks like.
I will go right then. I am not crazy and there isn't a better/brighter orange is there?
No, that's about the best you can do, sorry.
With world visit, specific worlds mean nothing. Just pick a DC and roll with it. Aether if you want more raid focused; Crystal for RP; Primal for more of a variety (Primal actually has decent raid scene, but more casual across the board than aether)
this could help you choose a server (or avoid it)
Jesus Christ Chocobo
Well I mostly want a community and FC to join and eventually do content at a semi-hardcore level.
not like the game is just raiding anyway
How are the Japanese so good?
I'm from louisoix
Not really. If you can't get a clear in a 1% server, do you think your odds suddenly skyrocket in a 2% server?
They have a different culture that makes them want to improve so they don't drag down their teammates, and that makes them create safe, reliable strategies instead of prioritizing fflogs autism.
I'm so sorry, I rarely meet decent people from there in DF.
I hope you're having a good day.
>Practically zero ping
>Cooperative mentality
>Practices in statics then plays in PF, opposite of NA/EU
>Uses the simplest strategies
>Doesn't focus on maximizing their parses, only concerned with getting clears
>Doesn't take stupid risks and forces people to play jobs they don't want to play to get a 1% higher parse
So they are the same as how I feel about doing content then. I don't want to drag anyone down so I just try to do the best I can.
Same, I'm planning on PF raiding this expansion because I want to learn. I've never done Savage before.
Is there no way to find a static or an FC that believes the same thing?
You can but its a cultural thing. NA people are competitive. They have a mentality that they want to be winners, even amongst their own groups. They insist on bringing only characters with optimal party buffs to pad their parses. If someone makes a mistake they'd sooner force a wipe than clear with a bad parse. They'd rather run risky strats to maximize uptime than lose DPS but have almost zero risk.
>safe, reliable strategies
>Uses the simplest strategies
I wouldn't call running directly through exaflare in 18min bahamut fight safe or reliable. I guess you can do that reliably when you have zero ping.
That sucks, it also sucks as someone who likes MCH.
People do that on NA datacenters too though.
Help me decide where to go.
Is that the only thing you guys can cite over and over?
>No Crystal
Doesnt really matter which city in Oklahoma you call home lmao
Clearly not, but it does show what servers tend to be more "raid" oriented than others.i.e. where the raid trannies are
do bright green eyes with the one on the right and pick the highest pitched voice
Go a Primal DC. Leviathan is the big one. Exodus and ultros are both pretty average for primal.
crystal sucks
it's alright
Plz reply
Ul'dah on Balmung is absolutely flooded right now, it's like every other server in Crystal came to visit.
Obviously, it's tourists wanting to see "erp central"
The obnoxious ones who come to say "lol erp" will be done in like 12 hours at least.
>rape Balmung marketboard
>transfer out
I guess you could say I brought some souvenirs with me.
Its open to transfer so theres people coming to stay too.
i thought balmung was okay? i want to be away from cancer. fuck
I don't RP so no Crystal.
The Balmongs fled and are massively visiting Mateus instead, too.
It's been a while since I've last seen the slutsand with this many people in it.
Its got more than just RP. Its basically best for everything except raiding, and even then not a big difference.
Which DC is better for pugging shit?
It is okay, what's your problem. An actual community is a bad thing?
>green eyed ginger
Blue eyed master race.
its a gay community
No one will know until next tier comes out, but it probably won't be Crystal.
Hope you've actually made your sales and aren't just prematurely counting your ducks, because a lot of people are going to lose massive gil over underestimating the market shifts.
I just made a character on every DC.
People really need to keep it in their pants
Is 2gb of vram going to hurt me in this game? My friend is offering me his gtx 960 and it would great upgrade for me. I'm just asking because will dx11 increase my vram usage?
not really
not particularly
Imagine getting triggered by that
>try to use random name generator
>all the names are already taken
I play on a 15-year-old laptop and get 60+ FPS with my ultra-low settings. It is not a demanding game.
Anyone use their free transfer yet?
How long did you have to wait?
Even with dx11?
Reports don't do anything in ffxiv, they're mostly just a placebo for all the upset trannies. The only times when they will do something is when you get reported in a ticket - which nobody does because you'd have to be retarded to waste your time doing that instead of blocking.
t. griefer and trash talker who hasn't been silenced or suspended in a year.
Look at the naming conventions thread on the OF and make your own name. It's easy.
dx11 doesn't necessarily mean it uses more juice. the difference between 9 and 11 is how it uses resources, so sometimes dx11 can actually be lighter
There's a lot of new rules regarding moderation, might as well have fun with it. Besides, fags can eat shit.
>using the random name generator as a male hyur midlander
Oh I had no idea I thought dx11 meant more energy because more resources are going to make the game prettier?
lol, you're wrong. i was banned for a day for making some faggot trannies upset over nothing.
Traditional Anglo names are top tier
Who /xivtrial/ here? Perhaps I'll sub to the game one day.
why would you screencap this
you know this does nothing but make you look like a retard, right?
it was a bot joke
You look like a really cool dude.
Twitch Prime (even its trial) nets you ARR for free, comes with one month
i'm sorry i made you upset that day you fucking retarded tranny.
well, just try booting up the two different clients yourself and see
>not expecting the problem-element in an online game to brag about being the problem on Yea Forums for teh winxxors
Post e-mail? I've never gotten anything desu
Yeah but I wanna make sure I get everything out of it first
God I hate fucking faggots like this. Was running a o9s logs run for fun with a friend and this autistic sch kept jumping off when HE had too rez or waste a aetherflow despite have over a 170 kills on Chaos.
I'll check it out when I get my 960. I just hope the 2vram isn't going to hurt me much.
>being this retarded
i just remembered. i actually wasn't banned from anyone in that pic, but it was in novice chat. everyone was talking about shitposting and i said last time i shitposted i made some tranny upset or something. and they all flipped out like the retards above
you sound like a fucking retard lmfao
so... now you've got a permanent ding on your account and some tranny gets to be all smug knowing they're responsible? whats the next step of your master plan?
I've been out of the loop, is there a free transfer now or what?
>being this upset i stole shit from his tranny club
>lmao retard
we got another one lads
You're right, I'm very silly for thinking otherwise.
Fucking hell I remember when trolling was an art in games. Now retards like this think "lol made people mad by doing something retarded, i'm based"
NA now has free transfers for a week or two because of the DC shakeup
there is nothing on my account. that day i made you so upset that you actually attempted to report me. i already won.
>continues to be retarded and upset
I hate to be that guy but what is the point in not raiding, even if it's semi-competitive?
>tranny tranny tranny tranny this tranny that
you sound like a fucking retard
>people still replying to the retard obsessed with trannies
lol, this fucking retard thinks i was "trolling". your self-awareness level, zero.
and you aren't? you're literally butthurt as fuck. you should definitely kill yourself
Theres plenty to do without raiding. Raiding is just a small extra thing to do to challenge yourself. And its not like you cant raid on Crystal. People are like "Oh shit theres DOUBLE the clears on Aether than Crystal!" but then you look up the numbers and its like comparing 2% to 4%. In other words, if you can't find a static in hundreds of thousands of people its a you problem, not a DC problem.
To do whatever you want, raiding is fine but it's not like it's the only thing the game has to offer.
Can you say tranny for me one more time son?
"I'm spiting someone, somewhere, by merely pretending to be retarded *dabs*" is how a lot of places operate now and it fucking sucks to see only a few people putting effort into messing with people on the internet nowadays
Why are you literally replying to low tier bait?
I need to figure out if it's bait or actual mental illness
To be fair, trannies do ruin everything.
Just look at what the trannies did to the recent City of Heroes private server to get it shut down.
Shouldnt you ignore people engaging in either?
Meant for
he posted a screencap, I dunno man.
You people have the brain the size of a hair follicle.
Seemed more incompetence to me
Yeah but I want to know which one I'm ignoring
What actually happened with that? From what I understand there was a secret private server that ran for years and people started noticing recently.
kill yourself tranny
True, that's why I want to talk about them every single thread and cannot make a single post without mentioning trannies
Get out of here pol tard. Just admit you want to fuck or be them already
>I moved to Mini-Balmung. Should I move to Balmung to get away from Balmung?
then where do i go brother
I've got no idea how any of that relates to the city of heroes private server.
>tranny faggot wants to feign ignorance
Kill yourself tranny
Stay and bring it up to send meme-spouting OF goblins into a blood-rage
>FC leader came out as a tranny a few days ago
>log in today and he’s having s meltdown in FC chat
Most of the mateus erpers moved to balmung, so I don't know what cancer you're trying to avoid.
Fuck off
Eh, I think i'll stay on Famfrit. There's only like 2 other people on the whole server, but i'm already settled in.
It's the guy who runs the server.
>10 people out of over 10k
How does this relate to the death of the server? All I see is someone denied for CM and nothing else.
What exactly are you looking for? If you want (e)RP then Balmung might be for you, but if you can't digest Mateus then there's fat chance you wont be able to digest Balmung. I'm not very knowledgeable about other RP worlds since I've been only on Bal/Mat.
fine, i just want to move to a fresh community.
why are you posting literal 5 year old drama from people who don't even play on balmung or at all anymore
I see. Makes me wonder why you need moderation for an extremely secretive private server though. I mean it's not like there was a whole lot of people to look after in the first place.
>tranny ruins another community
It doesn't. He's being silly. All it did was cause a bit of a stir, that Innocuous guy stepped down, reddit split off into their own server complete with pronouns, and the community is mostly just fed up because all they want to do is play the game.
i want a world where there is no roleplaying, erotic roleplaying, and the kind of people associated with that. i want good active players all the time, active chats, lots of people
>active chats, lots of people
you want balmung or mateus then
Just moved to Siren with a raiding group, what am I in for?
>have a crush on meowie
>can never be together because we stay in different countries
It hurts ;_; I just want to find love
you want to lick my ballsack?
I just want you to eat a bullet.
Ask this guy
a boring server with a hidden ERP community that meets in Gridania
>have a crush on meowie
>can never be together because we stay in different countries
It hurts ;_; I just want to find love
Get some new material.
anywhere with "good players" doesn't consider the game an mmo and plays queue simulator instead
Shouldn’t you be dilating you freaks of nature? That gaping wound of blood and puss isn’t gonna clean itself.
What server should I go to to make internet friends if I'm a max height femezen?
I literally dont give a shit what someone looks like irl. My interactions with them are strictly ingame or in character.
balmung is the best social server
yeah because you have no interactions with anyone irl, tranny.
based, who the fuck cares about shit like that? if i'm erping i'm erping with a character. I'm not looking for irl love or some gross shit.
>tranny instantly replies to fellow trannies
like clockwork
Is there any data released that shows the active % of players in the stages of eureka?
whats a active server for a new player?
You'll get a nice tell if you use face 3 or 4.
>those anons that call out the disgusting trannies every thread
doing gods work
The duality of man/posters
The more you overuse a buzzword the less power it has you know.
Oh, Life on the outside ain't what it used to be
Y'know, the world's gone crazy, and it ain't safe on the street
Oh, it's a drag I know, 'cause only one place to go-oh
Baby, back where I come from, I'm comin' home
Tried out world visit, Limsa Aetheryte Plaza is predictably the same shit everywhere on Chaos and likely on the other data centers as well. Strangely enough couldn't get into Ragnarok though, what with a 50+ queue of people trying to get there. All the other worlds on Chaos had instant queues.
Balmung and Mate-us are honey pots for sprout grooming, don't go to them
The what?
Attention all Crystal refugees, Primal has more than enough space for you and houses for most of you
what the hell are you talking about? I play a male character
uh what
So can I just farm orbonne for gear yet or no?
Yep, you can.
Why would someone want to go to Primal? It offers nothing. Crystal has RP, events and population. Aether has raiding focus. Primal is just boring as fuck.
Yeah they just unlocked it.
I'm playing on Omega say something nice to me
cute character, bro
Quel personnage terrible hon hon hon
It's comfy.
Something nice.
Fuck off attentionwhore
>Log in to Malb
>Queue for O2 normal as tank.
>No insta queue.
Reminder that you can disconnect and relog to force skip cutscenes in prae
spread the word
Why would someone be doing O2?
hahahahhahahahaaaa oh my goddddddd
Move away. Like I did.
You must be doing the same with that gaping hole in your ass from all the ass blasting.
Meant Alphascape 2.
>Just get 8 people to do this for every single cutscene.
Yeah I'm sure that's going to happen
I just tried it, didn't work.
You have to do that for every single cutscene and while the others are watching theirs would have to solo the bosses.
It's completely unfeasable to do for a quicker run unless you queue with 4 others or some shit.
That's O10 then. And most people who still need anything from alphascape normal avoid it and O 11 as well.
The only Alphascape normals anyone does nowadays are 1 and 4.
You only need one healer and one dps to significantly cut down time.
Fuck off, Primal is based and comfy, we aren't dead with no focus we are the best, shut the fuck up tranny
Come to Ultros and join ZR guys, there's no trannys like that faggot
>play on one of the preferred servers that got shuffled to Crystal
>stay because I have a housing plot that I really like
>all the trannies and attention whores transfer to or spend all their time as wanderers on Bal / Mat
>quiet suburban server all to myself, with access to big city marketboards when I need it
Absolutely comfortable. Just wish more people would come to my server so I could find more people to join my FC that aren't LGBTMPQ+ or Kirito Uchiha.
OP here. I still don't know what to do. Where do I go? Balmung sounds eh the more I read the thread.
I'm on ultros but already in an FC. What do?
Come back to Primal, we miss you guys. We mourn you being jailed in with the degenerates.
t. Levi chad
Comfy is what people say when they can't think of a real reason. Like saying a game is "fun" but doesnt explain how.
You'll be abducted by lizard trannies who will make you waste your story fanta to become one of them
Any BLM tips?
Do you even need to ask? Do the big damage and tell healers adjust, brother.
Use convert and MP potions to squeeze in more flares.
>Implying I don't force feed my victims fantasia to instead turn them into male Elezen or male Au Ra instead
Aether is full of raid trannies.
Crystal is full of ERP trannie.s
Primal is where there are people who are mentally stable.
hit fire iv
make healers adjust
user I’m be real with you, are you a retard ?
>this tranny cope
Fine, we don't need blue pilled trannys
Press your buttons and don't stop pressing your buttons
So Primal is full of deluded trannies?
So you should just not pick Crystal in general.
this shitposting is fucking wild, i just want to game, someone can be a tranny all they want, if it's their only character trait i won't really like talking to them though
it's that simple
So is Aether a better place?
Your primary concern is to throw out as many fire IVs as possible without dropping enochian. Your entire toolkit revolves around allowing you to do this, including movement skills like aetherial manipulation, between the lines, swiftcast, and triplecast. The healers adjust thing is a bit of a meme, you have what you need to avoid damage and keep casting without someone babysitting you.
Also wearing a big wizard hat increases your damage. It's proven.
People just need to stop replying to the tranny retard
Here's my favourite opening:
Precast Sharpcast
When the start timer starts counting down from 5, slowcast B3 to hit at 0 timer
B4, T3, T3 (proc), Leylines, F3, Triple Cast, F4, Swiftcast, F4, F4, F4, Convert, F1, F4, F4, F4, F4, B3, and start doing your standard rotation.
come to faerie
Cant have it both. Either active roleplayers or inactive raiders.
Here's a tip for you, user. When you ask in a public domain with anonymous users, not only will everyone shill their own home server/DC, you will have no way of gauging numbers due to said anonymity.
Yea Forums is the absolute worst fucking place to ask for advice on what server to pick. Yes, even reddit's better.
>all those innocent primal servers thrown in with the crystal trannies
why couldn’t they just give crystal eu servers. Why did they have to separate the primal chads.
i'm not asking for servers or anything, i'm happily on mine. i'm just trying to enjoy a thread, but it's fucking impossible with all this "raidtranny this" "erptranny that"
who the fuck cares
>Faerie - Known to be an LGBT-friendly server.
nice try tranny
>Also wearing a big wizard hat increases your damage.
As a BLM main, this is absolutely the most crucial thing to playing BLM.
If you see anyone casting big dick Fire IV explosions beside you and they are not wearing a hat (and worse, are either hiding their headwear or are wearing a gay circlet), they are no BLM.
Aether has always been the better place even when Balmung was around since you could just black list them and run shit with people you know instead of pugging everything
Primal is deader than dead and even more so now, why do you think the few people there are trying to convince people to join it all the time
It just won't stop for months, probably another year. By now, besides the group who legitimately believe in the tranny bogeyman, there are now people continuing to shitpost purely because they enjoy the fallout it causes and the word won't get filtered because it's contained to FFXIV threads.
I'd say it's more retard-friendly than lgbt
but it's a good place to start
people are nice and it's populated enough so the economy's fine and you could find a decent fc
>trannies still SEETHING that they’re called out for being freaks
People are way too sensitive there imo.
Lmao at Mateus getting a ton of hate on there.
Hahahahahahaha everyone report in, what does your server do according to this
T. Malboro, "History of Toxicity"
Because it's better and you're a liar? I have an alt on both and aether sucks, queues take twice as long and everyone is bad
I've seen it around in other threads, look at all the "40%" shitposts, so I think there's a chance for a filter. Oh well, we'll see.
They called Excalibur a hardcore raiding server. It’s not. What a bunch of liars.
Oi, fuck them for saying cactuar is cliquey and insular, we just don't like balmung and mateus like everyone else and make it known, if you're from any other server we dont care
>hop into hydatos
>not level capped, so don't have all aetherytes and can't use mount
>probably fine, plenty of level capped players with a four-seater
>NM pops
>wait next to a party member
>they summon their car
>drive away before I can get it
well fuck you too, friend.
for some reason everyone in that thread is ignoring my question. i just want to know, because i might make a second character now
shut up tranny
>All these crossworlders yelling about hunts
I just don't get it, sure, maybe you want the dumb tiger, but I don't see why anyone gives a shit about hunts.
While theyr'e correct about Adamantoise having a decent hunt scene, they absolutely wrong about the market board being "healthy". It fluctuates rapidly and wildly all the time.
There's also more tryhard on Adamantoise when it comes to progression than they give it credit for.
i will choose my server based on the server with the best marketboard. so which is it?
If you can make a trade then yeah
Balmung easily.
Balmung is about right, but they didn't mention our strict christian NN and the legacy server inflation
Primal sounds boring as shit. Glad I dodged their trickery.
Lamia is the purest server. No degenerates allowed.
What server?
Christian NN? Neo-nazi?
In what contexts do i use dissipation?
But you are there so there at least one degenerate.
The world's healthiest ghost town, Malboro. Come visit sometime.
this is absolutely wrong
Is this Crimea-chan? What's the story behind them gifting her a random anime shirt?
>What's the story behind them gifting her a random anime shirt?
Well it turns out someone sent her a random anime shirt.
>Russia - MP Poklonskaya receives anime-themed gifts from Japanese TV station-yriTofvhy5s.f248
When you plan on swapping fairies or in absolute emergencies when you need need to heal, have no aetherflow, and Eos isn't cutting it. It's pretty niche and totally useless 90% of the time.
That's your "oh shit" button as a sch, use it when things get fucked and you need some potency boosted lustrates right fucking now to save people
>get aids from the gays and goes to a graveyard to die
>he unironically believes everything /xivg/ says
Light or Chaos?
May as well not play
Frogs or Krauts?
Why did they do this to EU? Just why?
If they really are expecting such an increase of players for Shadowbringers (lol) why not implement it when it arrives instead of killing the servers 3 months prior.
lol I'm transferring to Leviathan right now. Apparently it's a good server for raiding.
>community of erping trannies
>not a bad thnig
>That's your "oh shit" button as a sch,
found the shitty scholar
I'm a kraut myself but I try to avoid both.
Chaos - Raiding and Baguettes
Light - PvP and Krauts
Take your pick.
Just asking everybody here, how bad is Diabolos from a scale of 1-10?
It's the same as any other place. You find all kinds of dummies in pugs on Levi. PvP is pretty balanced around GCs though compared to other DCs.
Visit and find out
it's fine
It's the second time I've read here that Chaos will be the "raiding" data center, is this true? Or is it just a few autists on Yea Forums?
I've always been on Sarg, and I restarted
good server?
>autists on Yea Forums
The diabolos fight in amdapor was honestly harder than the alliance raid.
Yeah, it's not bad
I don't want to be a sargantie...
Are cross server hunts a thing now?
shitter mode: when you need aetherflow asap cause you're fucking dumb and didn't plan your cooldowns right and the party is about to die imminently unless you indom/lustrate
easy mode: the end of the fight. essentially mandatory usage if you want to improve and push damage but aren't confident with more situational uses yet.
hard mode: there's about to be downtime in the fight and Embraces and Fey Union aren't required or necessary to keep the tank alive (i.e your cohealer's OGCDs can do the work)
big dick mode: some combination of hard mode + Dissipation heal buff allowing you to reduce GCD healing in the long run allowing you to do more damage over the course of the fight, even outweighing the cost of resummoning the fairy during uptime. you will gain essentially 3 energy drains worth of damage and mana regeneration in addition to accelerating the cooldown of the actual Aetherflow ability itself.
If you only use it for emergencies you're not using it to its fullest potential. That being said usage varies on a fight to fight basis so the easiest way to figure it out is to look at top logs and work backwards and figure out why that player decided to dissipate in a certain spot.
these measures are going into to prevent Raubhan EX happening again
>log in on ultros
>large crowd SFX starts playing
>chat is constantly moving
>there's so many players that not all of them are visible until you get closer
Just kidding. Remember to /throw at any members!
Why is Light PvP?
Probably due to Ragnarok and Ensemble.
Not pigeonholing the entirety of your playerbase into a single instance 30 minutes into the expac would achieve the same result.
Chaos has Cerberus and especially Ragnarok, which houses the World First clear group for Alphascape and UWU. If you look over the more recent World Race spreadsheets you will find that almost all top EU groups are from there, so naturally a lot of people looking for new groups also started migrating to Ragnarok.
Because that's what the EU PvP scene decided on. Keep in mind even then the queues probably won't be all that great.
>tfw get moved to Crystal
>Group of Friends I made are all still on Aether
>Account is 71 days old
>Can't transfer until my account is over 90 days old
This is pretty stupid
There will 100% be a solo Crystal Tower instance before you even hit 71.
awwww widdle baby gon cry? widdle babby boo gon piss his pants? bababboobobooo?
>Because that's what the EU PvP scene decided on
That's a shame. I like to dabble in PvP sometimes. On the bright side, it'll probably make getting top 100 ranking on Chaos pretty easy.
who Chadamantoise here
And the instance servers will still get overloaded and people will still get blocked from progressing until the EA period ends.
Primal has nothing going for it.
Right about Cactuar's MB and crafting bots. There's also a pretty sizeable RP scene on Cactuar it's just never spoken about and somewhat hush hush.
>free transfers only available for 14 days
You're fucked
RP datacenter
Raider datacenter
Cozy boy datacenter
Cozy means dead
Does the perfect world exist? The cities and lounging areas filled like Balmung with people interacting and having fun, with the hardcore raiding like Leviathan.
t. seething aether tranny
Hardcore raiders exist on Balmung
I'd rather take a few days of a crowded server over months of a dead one.
Nah, just telling the truth
Cope more buddy
Yeah but I heard a lot of the dedicated players are abandoning Balmung. It would kill me to transfer there and then a couple months later is starts dying off.
its significant but there's not that many gone. my static is still intact. And we upgraded our house. There will also be new blood on Balmung once the patch rush dies down and the server opens at 3 AM for a fewminutes a day
I don't think there are many of us.
>He doesn't know
What are you hopes for job changes to your main?
>Remove Gauss barrel
>Remove Wildfire
>Remove Hot Shot
>Add in a new ammo type, Split/Slug/Clean shots have new effects when used with the new ammo
>Add in a new Lv. 80 Turret, Knight Autoturret, which follows you around and does single target physical damage
>Heat Gauge is risen to 200 and brings a new OGCD skill that consumes 100 Heat, 325 potency
Do you have anything that isn't years out of date?
How come this game attracts the illiterate and delusional?
Really? Does no one speak english? Come on
Not him but I have, except you would not understand the data and misinterpret everything you see, given you have poor reading comprehension.
>One plot open in Kugane
>There's 20+ people clicking on the placards for hours
>Some guy comes in and relocate his house (it bypass the timer)
>/mdance in front of everyone
>our faces when
This whole debacle remind me that I will never be able to own any house in the ishgard housing area if it ever opens since people will just recolate there...
Might want to open your duty finder and check the names of the raid tiers, user.
>>Remove Hot Shot
Might as well remove bullets and any buff, making it passive and trigger automatically on crits.
lmao get cucked refugee
Based relocator dabbing on housing autists.
>I have recent population numbers b-but you wouldn't get it
Are you this user?
If so you are clearly either an esl or just autistic if you can't understand a little banter
From everything I've heard of EU players here never go frog. They sound like they are so bad you'd wish Hitler did in France what he did in Polan.
The timer bullshit has got to be the most retarded idea they have came up with in regards to housing. Before the invisible timer fiasco, I was actually able to get a small house on Gilgamesh, someone actually pointed out that there was a plot for sale in the NN of all chats. What they did in regards to just making houses one person one house was more than enough, if they wanted to improve on things and cut down on RMT for housing, this sure as shit wasn't the way to go. My FC has been trying to get a medium house for months but we all have better things to do then spend our days off from work sitting at a placard for God knows how long just so some jackoff can dab on us by relocating.
The French have been a cancer in every single MMO in the history of the genre. I vividly recall my dad raging about dealing with them in Everquest.
And it changes jackshit since people who own houses can sell their medium/large spot to people who already own small plots...
>My FC has been trying to get a medium house for months but we all have better things to do then spend our days off from work sitting at a placard for God knows how long just so some jackoff can dab on us by relocating.
Then buy a small and relocate to a medium to fucking dingus.
Has SE popped any Ixions on Primal yet? Wanna grab some horns but this random schedule has me worried I'm gonna miss them if I do other shit.
It's kind of curious that I don't think I've ever encountered them in games. Maybe once or twice. It is always US > UK > ANZACS > Canadians > Germany > anything else.
I think I've found more Belgians than I have Frogs.
Which server should I transfer to for raiding?
Gilgamesh (Aether) or Leviathan (Primal)???
Leviathan is nice
sup :^)
Why aren't they just adding a lottery kinda thing?
>moving TO Balmung to get away from cancer
user you're going to have to hang around the goblet and hope you get lucky with a timer and that a bot doesn't just steal the house from you, after that you can trade up to other plots
I got my house by logging out next to a plot right before a maintenence and logging in right as it ended and managed to snake it before the bots were back online
You really seem to be proud of that, this is the second time I've seen you post that image.
>Then buy a small
Good fucking luck when there's at least six people waiting at the placard checking every few seconds.
XIV, despite being p2p, has the absolute worst housing system I've ever seen in an MMO. I wanted Wildstar's or Rift's housing.
Then compete for it like everyone else? You aren't entitled to a house. The only difference is with the old system you would've never even known there was a plot for sale since someone would've sniped it 3 seconds after the servers went up.
Those are bots user, the only way an actual person gets a plot is by logging in right after a maintenence and being lucky enough for the timer to have expired during the maintenance and the house being available
Except people actually made it known when a plot went up for sale, hence how I got my cottage in the Goblet. The only competition was competing with anyone else looking for a house having to just happen to be in the chat racing you to the location. Far better odds than competing with a group of aspies who can camp at a spot and check every few seconds for hours on end. I'm not saying the previous system was perfect but it was far more fair than what we currently have.
not in particular. it's just to show how fucking butthurt mateus babies and trannies can get
>I'm not saying the previous system was perfect but it was far more fair than what we currently have.
It wasn't, you only think that because you weren't being aware of all the plots you lost out on because they were instantly sniped. If you have been truly trying for "months", then you're either playing on a heinously overpopulated server, or weren't actually trying that hard to get a house.
whats the compensation for transferring with a small plot?
>tfw don't have a tranny e-boyfriend to impress so I don't need to care about housing autism
hows the population on gilgamesh? is it high pop? if so how long are the queues to get in usually?
>World Visit has removed all of the upsides of High Pop servers and all of the downsides of Low Pop servers
>People still willingly transfer to the max pop servers in every cluster and bitch about housing instead of going to one of the smaller servers with free plots
Also Housing is extra fucked right now because of the lack of auto-demolition and the massive influx of new people, it'll stabilize once the first wave of demolitions go out.
Purchase price +3 mil.
For someone who runs a private group for another unrelated title, you wants mods primarily for timezone coverage so there's generally one person idle/alive 24hr.
>NO I WONT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN *insert incredibely specific plot in shirogane*
>Finally gets a house
>Decorates and then literally never touches it again because housing is actually useless in this game
Housing autism is a hell of a drug
>make Selene have some other utility so there's a reason to use her outside of optimized speed kills
>make Fey Union less janky
>make pet controls less janky in general
>probably should nerf collective unconscious
>remove Arrow cards so I don't cuck melee GCD speeds and fuck their rotation up and feel like shit every time I draw the card
>replace Synastry with something else
>remove potency cap on Essential Dignity
>give a GCD skill I can actually use to fucking weave literally anything what the fuck square enix
>raid utility
>rework lily system
>make Iaijutsu more flexible so I can choose when to use 2 vs 1 vs 3 sen so I don't have to cuck my shit if a group of adds spawn in the middle of the fight and I already have 3 sen.
>remove heavy thrust and just put the effect on some other main GCD
>make rotation less reliant on BiS skillspeed to not feel like complete shit
>remove piercing debuff
>block during holy spirit
>holy spirit instant instead of casted
>alternative way to proc shield swipe so it actually comes up when you're not actively tanking
>make onslaught viable for damage again
>remove unchained so there's actually opportunity cost involved with defiance
>make mudras weavable without bunny-ing between gcds
>ninki builds from GCDs instead of auto attacks
>make living dead not dogshit
>raid shield, homogenize the tanks fuck it why not
>make Army's Paeon not dogshit
>make it feel less shitty somehow when you JUST used barrage on empyreal arrow and then refulgent arrow procs the very next gcd
does it go up for having a larger plot?
>move to balmung to get away from the cancer
You want to avoid jumping into pools of radiation to contract cancer, user, not submerging yourself into it
Shivanigger here. I fucking hate germans. I thought they would throw eu together and i could visit spainlets and baguettes and practice my french or start learning la cucaracha but imstead i get to stay with these idiots. I swear to allah german humor is the worst
Made an easy 7 mill by selling off my worthless house and apartment.
have there been any ixion test fates yet?
who the fuck buys an apartment. Even on the busiest days Balmung had empty apartments in every housing area
I have the opposite issue. I'm learning german and got stuck on the French side.
Right hairdo, black hair with red or white iris.
Newboi here, I never hear anyone talk about Siren. Does that mean I did good or bad
None of their test ones. They'll probably wait until the weekend to get as many people as possible.
No reason usually But now you can
>buy apartment
>place one single piece of furniture inside
>transfer to another world
>gain a free 500k
I bought one put a chair in there and made an easy 500k.
oh, i thought someone paid you for your apartment
planning on transferring to gilgamesh to finally find people to help me do endgame stuff. Whats the best way to maximize profits from the transfer? buy a small plot and apartment? can you have more than one house? can you have a house without having an FC tied to it? literally never fucked with housing before
Does Dissipation actually boost Lustrate? I thought the buff was only for GCD spells like Largesse is.
Yes. Small plot will net you 3 million gil. An apartment will net you 500k gil.
Read the World Transfer Accommodations section.
No one on Gilgamesh is going to help you with anything.
Buy an apartment and/or house on every character you are transferring. Every apartment will net you 500k profit, every house 3mil.
Limsa is fucking packed on Balmung with folks from other Crystal servers raiding the MB.
better chances of finding people to play with there than sitting on lamia with fucking nobody.
is there such thing as an "empty" plot or just a plot that somebody is selling? quick check of an open plot in my server is 3.3 mil to purchase it. Is that normal? should I find something better?
Fordola is for _________
character development.
I don't know where to go bros...
You get whatever you paid for the plot back + 3mil compensation.
If there are plots you can buy before transfering do it, doesn't matter what they cost.
How much does a house or apartment cost anyway? Like usually
becoming my maid as a punishment.
This is why I say we swap to a modified Dutch auction system.
All people pay in, highest 3 remain and re-bid. The lowest 2 are knocked out, and the winner loses all the gil paid in. You never see another person's bid, and you never know who has bid the highest.
armpit fucking
That's dumb, all the people who have 500M+ gils will just buy them and resell them for real money
>this plot of land is not yet ready for purchase
what the nigger is this? every open plot says this, and they all have a dozen or so people crowding around it.
So basically, unless you already have a plot, you're not getting one.
500k for apartment
3 mil for Small
Arm and Leg for a Med
Your life for a Large
Housing should be a commitment. Make it so players cannot relinquish their plots manually for an entire year after acquiring it.
Do you mean lack thereof?
Yep, whenever a plot becomes vacant, an invisible random timer is applied before it's allowed to be purchased again. It's by far the dumbest thing SE has done to housing so far.
One house per account, dumbass. They would need to spend at least 70 bucks just to return the house to the market or sell the account, which would, again, require them to bid a blind amount, meaning they would have to make several million gil, or purchase it, in which case the account is tainted anyway. Christ, you're stupid.
so the 500k profit means you get 1mil after transferring?
ok guys, I've been playing on coeurl since it had the double exp buff but I'm noticing it got latched into the gay RP servers, will I get fucked in any way? (I really like raids)
if so, to what server can I go to. I'm not social at all so my only interest is in queue times
>even in an era of airplanes and amazon deliveries, people would rather live in nyc instead of bumfuck nowhere ohio
500k for lost furniture so just put a chair in there and you're good.
This is probably a good call, Cactaur also doesn't seem to have any obvious stereotypes which can only be a good thing.
That's a godawful analogy because
>Houses are of equal quality across every server
>Visiting more populous servers is free, can be performed at virtually any time, and has very little meaningful restrictions (about the only one that actually matters is only being able to join FCs from your homeworld)
so you also get a another apartment in the new world?
You guys ever meet the people you play the game with
>chatting with FC, someone mentions a local event
>turns out me, that person, and a few others all live in the same city and one of them suggests we all meet up for a couple drinks or whatever
>one of them says they can't because they are 18 and can't get into bars, plans get rearranged to get lunch at a bar and grill so the kid can come too
>day of meet up comes around, half the group cancels at the last minute, end up having lunch with this couple in their 30s who brought their kid with, and the 18 year old
>couple are your stereotypical fat nerds, the guy plays a roe and the girl plays a lala, their kid spends all its time screeching until the dad hands him a switch and then the kid shuts up
>18 year old has a cat girl character and only plays WHM and is a little twink, about 5'6 and had grown his hair long, spends most of the time staring down
>order a couple beers and a turkey club, make polite conversation but try to finish quickly and get out of there away from the couple and their autistic little monster
>as I'm getting up to leave the twink suddenly speaks up and asks me for a ride home, their mom had dropped them off and they don't have a car
>say fine, whatever, let's get going, we get in my car and leave, twink giving me directions
>cruising along, making jokes about the couple and getting along fairly well, twink guides us to a semi secluded area near a gold course and asks me to stop
>twink starts putting on lipstick, I ask what's going on, they say they want to thank me for being so nice and start rubbing my dick through my pants
>still a little buzzed from lunch, don't do anything to stop them, twink starts to undo my belt and pants and pulls my dick out
>kisses and starts suckling the head, slowly starts taking more of my dick in their mouth
>tired of being teased, grab the back of twinks head and push it down, forcing him to deep throat me
To be continued due to character limit
This makes me glad I'm in Elemental. Why do white people and trannies ruin everything?
I have never met another person in Hyperion who didn't just shitpost in Limsa.
Well this escalated quickly
go back to /vg/ with you fanfiction
Epic tranny larp
why dont you faggots put this effort into something more productive
I've been getting too much use out of this image in recent threads.
>Houses are of equal quality across every server
busier servers are more likely to have livelier housing wards, also being able to literally walk across the ward to your friend's house is a big qol upgrade over having to teleport 3-4 additional times just to get to their server's ward.
>Visiting more populous servers is free
You can't manage your retainers on other worlds, you can't talk in linkshells either, these two alone are pretty huge. Even if nothing else, it takes extra clicks and those add up over time.
Yeah the game is already pretty streamlined and standardized, but that only makes tiny qol differences like that even more valuable. Just like main ward houses command a premium over subdividision ones because they take one less click to access from the main city aetheryte.
>fucking twins mouth now, no gag reflex (would later tell me they practiced with dildos before)
>twink cupping and squeezing my balls, moaning into my cock, the vibration feels amazing
>getting close to cumming, shove my dick as far down twinks throat as possible
>can feel their throat squeezing me, start cumming, feels like my dick is getting milked
>finish cumming, cock slides out of their mouth with a gentle pop
>they swallowed everything, didn't waste a drop of cum
>twink kisses my cock one more time and looks up at me, lipstick smeared around their mouth, and says thank you
>clean up, take twink to their house, they still live with their mom
>twink gets out of my car, says they had fun and we should meet up again, notice twink is shaking their ass a lot as they walk into the house
>later get a message on discord
>it's the twink asking if I like cat ears and what kind of clothes do I like girls to wear
>tells me their mom is going out of town this weekend and that I should come over
>tells me they're really looking forward to it and they're so excited because they never had a boyfriend before
Guys, how do I get myself out of this
>finally got Seriyu weapon over the weekend
>scaevan weapon upgrade drops today
Oh. Okay... glad I spent time on that.
>did rabanastre
>did the lighthouse
>watching guide on orbonne
WOOOOW thats alot of shit to remember. this seems like a bit of difficulty leap after those last two raids.
Snake ex is a fun fight
I-is she a girl? You didn't give a gender.
someone post an autohotkey script for me to run so i can get this house while im out, the few ive made dont work in game for some reason
>busier servers are more likely to have livelier housing wards
isn't the exclusivity the point of getting it?
Don't worry your group will either get stuck on the 3rd boss and disband or clear it with no problems.
Keep up user
Don't worry, the healers will carry you
Regards, SCH who did a run a few hours ago and saw a record number of vuln stacks on the party without any actual wipes
They don't have to worry about dodging beaners/muslims and niggers on their way to work the next day.
I came to visit from Zalera. It's nice to see a world with so many active people.
Might hang around on Balmung regularly just for the banter.
>vanilla mateus
>just another unassuming server
>take two year hiatus
>packed to the gills with shitters
What the everloving fuck happened?
Oh man....
>Limsas across the board are 200% more faggy now
forget ala mhigo, gas pirate town instead
They closed balmung so everyone who couldn't get in to ERP there moved to your shitty server.
>balmung gets totally locked down, not even paid transfers can get you in
>some dumb fuck from mateus goes to the role play community forum and starts shilling how great mateus, how much room for growth there is since the population is low, and how many houses are available
>people that couldn't get into balmung and people already on balmung but want even more alts to role play with flood into mateus, forever changing the server with their cancer
>Guys, how do I get myself out of this
I don't see the problem? You're getting your nut off, they're willing to crossdress for you and probably more. You got it made. Go for the ride and wait for them to meet someone else on the internet and cheat on you. That's what they do. I've experienced it.
It'll be 2 or 3 months, tops. Then they'll get bored. So get yours and shrug when it's over.
mating press!
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
gassing alongside the other mhiggers
>buy shiver for 5m
But I don't want to be gay, and the whole "I sucked your cock so you're my boyfriend now" is also freaking me out
Famfrit was a mistake
Does anyone know anything about Siren, Sarg or Midgard?
I want to move and those are my main choices
How do I invade other servers now?
Prison rules. As long as you're not the one getting fucked its not gay.
I've been getting back into weekly crafting for the challenge log. What do you guys spend excess red and yellow scrips on? Just materia hoarding for next expac?
Dead, no identity
See above
Mr Happy and other cancerous streamers
>posting it this late
you can't even shitpost right.
u eu non steam?
Mr Happy is on Gilgamesh isn't he?
You know they increased its drop rate right? It will be less than 1m by the end of the week.
Now, he rose from Sarg though and is still representative of the community
>representative of the community
Mr Happy is a bitch. Meoni master race.
I just woke up, I'm sick...
I doubt it
you do know that if square introduces male viera that they're not going to be pedo shit right?
This is what I was talking about, Sarg is cancer
Thats real trash, are there any decent servers on fucking aether
Only thing I give Mr.Happy credit for is having experienced the miserable grind that is getting PUP to 75 in XI.
>faggot literally got pozzed
Oh no no no...
I hope its fatal.
My throat hurts and I feel like I'm going to throw up, I'll be better tomorrow probably.
>Nep's AFK Club moved to Crystal
it's not fair bros...
click on big aetheryte in a major city
one less attention whore is fine with me.
>I'll be better tomorrow
I hope you get worse
I hope you never recover
Yea I think just Gilgamesh. Aether is the streamer DC.
>braap* shut the fuck up
not really, aether is a shithole and I've been telling you niggas this for years now. either move to primal or fuck off from NA entirely
That's not very kind.
I hope you get better.
>Zalera is the only NA world without any data
It's lonely here.
I'm trying to deny how gay what I did was and get past it, pronouns are easier than saying him and he all the time
Help a crystal refugee decide.
Thank you user.
fuck their little boy pussy you faggot
Ultros is where the crystal shitters belong, we do want the waste from balmung and mateus to end up on any decent servers
depends on what you are looking for
raid over all?
some-what balanced server with a brothel?
troll-ish server with a ridiculous number of adults typing like toddlers?
> tags shitting up Coeurl
why the fuck are you here? this is the least interesting server in the game
Is this a good rotation for a brand new dragoon?
>Heavy Thrust > Jump > True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > BfB > Life Surge > Full Thrust
Excal if you want to play with adults and not manchildren. Hyperion if you want to play with ERPers and trannies. Ultros if you want to play with resetera manchildren.
Go to aether, find yourself unable to play content because the "hardcore raid groups" are all static and want you to play 15 hours a day. Go to primal, find it's empty entirely.
I'm on hyperion and the only tranny I've seen is some alleged "lala trap" who looks like a clown, never approached them but everyone make it seem they do it as a joke.
Thank you for your input.
resetera who? they barely exist anymore
Nigga u gay
>Heavy Thrust > Jump
Use BfB earlier, jump when in BfB
I'm a dumbass, totally forgot about some girl playing on a manqo'te, her character looks like a fucking trainwreck and she RPs as a "trap".
They're mostly in hiding, but sometimes surface. Be sure to let them know they're not wanted by using the /throw emote if you do see them!
That's what I had earlier (Heavy Thrust > BfB > True Thrust > Jump) but another guy told me it was better to get as much True Thrusts in as possible while under BfB.
>as much True Thrusts
Full Thrusts*, sorry
it's not gay if they look like a girl
>Meoni aka "I'm a shut in scared of Donald Trump"
>master race
True but not for long, you will change the rotation and pop BfB earlier after lvl a little anyway
better than Mr. Crybaby
Find them and tell them to castrate themselves. You want as much attacks in BfB as possible, not just one particular skill.
where is the Yea Forums meetup?
at the graveyard with your father
who cares about his politics he's a good guy.
Sharing Marketboards is the worse thing that has ever happend to my server. Niggers are buying up all of or cheap shit and skyrocketing our prices. Fuck this
>good people
>tfw made millions stealing from other servers
>people literally rushing Balmung markets in the first 5 mins to buy everything
>"Lol thanks for the prices"
Thanks SE for ruining our market
Works for me. I can crank this shit out indefinitely for a fraction of the price.
It will balance out. Let the money grubbers have their fun for now.
No wonder all my shit sold this morning. I was surprised to come back to around 6 mil sitting in my retainers.
>people that never talked in fc chat before leaving
>It will balance out
How? People aren't going to lower their prices, prices are just gonna match other, more expensive servers