Are they right Yea Forums?
Greatest RPGs Ever Made
No because Persona 3 was far better
no, it's not a bad game but it does get a bit repetitive.
Give us the rest of the list
>Are they right Yea Forums?
Who are you talking about?
Pretty sure it's RPGFan
I like it but I don't think it's the best rpg, let alone SMT
It's the baby version of Nocturne. They took away the possibility of creating bad character build entirely.
>SMT does Final Fantasy
I actually haven't played it but its on my to-pirate list.
Its very hard for me to decide between P3FES and Nocturne though, I've played the former many times but only because its so fucking easy while the latter is just an amazing experience even in the early game.
Poor Serph. Imagine having to be fused with the most insufferable cunt in the games.
Why do people say you play as a girl in this game?
Gale best boy.
you play as one for a few hours in 2
3 is worse than the entire ps2 lineup.
> 1A. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
> 1B. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Final Fantasy VI
> 4. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
> 5. Final Fantasy IX
> 6. Planescape Torment
> 7. Phantasy Star IV: End of The Millennium
> 8. Persona 4 Golden
> 9. Final Fantasy X
> 10. Final Fantasy Tactics
> 11. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
> 12. Suikoden II
> 13. Chrono Cross
> 14. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
> 15. Skies of Arcadia
> 16. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
> 17. Final Fantasy VII
> 18. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
> 19. Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
> 20. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
> 21. Fallout 2
> 22. NieR: Automata
> 23. Fallout
> 24. Mass Effect (2007)
> 25. Lunar: Silver Star Complete
> 26. EarthBound
> 27. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 28. Kingdom Hearts
> 29. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
> 30. Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra
> 31. Shining Force II
> 32. The World Ends With You
> 33. ShadowRun
> 34. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
> 35. Xenogears
> 36. Final Fantasy IV
> 37. Valkyrie Profile
> 38. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
> 39. Langrissier: Dramatic Edition
> 40. Sakura Wars 2
Daily reminder that JRPGs are barely RPGs so that list is inherently wrong, also, who?
>NieR: Automata
Why the fuck is Phantasy Star IV on this list? Let alone in the top 10
DDS honestly has way more dumb melodrama within it's cast than even Persona 3 did
where the FUCK is Nocturne?
Why is Chrono Trigger always higher then FF6, when FF6 is superior in every way?
>Skies of Arcadia
I'm happy.
It's not
>sequel never ever
I'm sad
Since when is Automata a rpg? What retard put it on the list.
Not on here probably because it's a meme game that nobody unironically thinks is good
Define "JRPG"
It's more of a RPG then Planescape
No. It's a good game but not the best
What the fuck is wrong with your taste?
Your the one who has shit taste since nobody clearly cares about your piece of shit game, DDS2 is one of my absolute favorites & it's ranked right at the top alongside the almighty Chrono Trigger & FF6
I really liked the world and story in DDS1. DDS2 was just stupid to me.
The world was so interesting and it would have been better to not be told the truth about it, because it's so fucking lame.
Never go full retard user.
Planescape is literally a visual novel, the gameplay is so fucking horrible that it might as well not even be there.
>caring about lists
> No Bloodborne
> NieR: Automata is the highest RPG from this decade
> DDS2 higher then Persona
> Final Fantasy X in the top 10
> FF7 several spots below other FF games
Absolutely based
Notice how the top 10 are games that are linear go from point a to b games with zero build or decision making
Well, I like most of those, but the order's a bit silly on some of them.
Objectively wrong, you cocksucking mongrel.
I bet you think every Zelda game sans II is an jRPG too.
Yeah those are more enjoyable to play, nobody wants to play a poorly designed piece of shit game with maze like levels
>the gameplay is so fucking horrible
It the same engine as the lauded BG2 there is literally only one tweak to the whole gameplay(you can exit a screen without your whole team present at the exit point)
> Subjective Taste can somehow be wrong
COPE, Nocturne fags getting BTFO'd is absolutely glorious
>are more enjoyable to play
for low-IQ subhumans
COPE & go back to literal who games that nobody cares about Grandpa
t.a person that thinks FFXIII is a masterpiece due to it's simple and linear structure